Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon

LITERATURA UN MUNDO MÁGICO - The religion of the intelligent


A religion born in Antioquia, the largest in Colombia, the birthplace of one of the most evolved races in the world, the paisas.


I want to thank my mother, Mélida Builes Mendoza, for all her love and Dr. Ignacio Duque Sucerquia for her collaboration and for being the greatest sorcerer that humanity has given.

"The only fruitful reality is that which brings a significant change and development to your consciousness."

Jorge León Soto Builes



I hope and wish, with all the love of my heart, that the religion of intelligent paisas will lead them to create the kind of life they want, so that they will be very happy, healthy and prosperous. By a wonderful evolution in the brains of our people, we have discovered the absolute truth that the human species always sought, a truth that leads us to the happiness of eternal life, a truth that leads us to dominate the material world and achieve everything what we want
At last we have consciously managed to separate our spirit from the material body and realize that there is an eternal unity in perfect balance, that is constantly renewed and that we are an integral part of that renewal.
I was always very curious and dedicated my life to studying applied mathematics, molecular chemistry, quantum physics, at the University of Antioquia and the National University of Colombia, which are some of the best universities in the country, and at the same time , I studied and mastered all the knowledge of witches and witches from Antioquia, who always flew wrapped in balls of fire in the middle of the nights of our mountains. I also dedicated myself to the spiritual search, deepening in the teachings of Jesus Christ, of Muhammad, of Buddha and of Krishna, in a great effort to discover the meaning of our lives in this beautiful experiment called earth, until we reach the discovery of the great truth . I am a person who likes to share valuable knowledge and today I am willing to share that knowledge that will change the lives of humans forever. It occurred to me, then, to write the postulates of the new religion that the most intelligent were desperately longing for.
We all already felt tired of those people who lived in costumes from other lands, who converted the teachings of Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and Krishna into a business and a refuge for moral and social terrorists.
To all who read and understand, this humble book, which is the summary and the guide of our new religion, I wish you an eternal and happy future, so that you can create everything your heart and soul desire.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely, Jorge León Soto Builes.

Our existence is so fantastic that the vast majority has not yet been able to perceive the magic and absolute perfection that lies behind what our limited senses perceive as reality. Reality? ... What does that word mean for living beings, when the most intelligent of scientists, Albert Einstein, has shown us with simple formulas, that time and space are relative. What is the reality in which we must believe, when the elect of eternity as Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Krisna, Ghandi, Einstein and all those masters, broke the paradigms, doing miracles before our eyes? ... Our physical limitations do not allow us to discover that there is a fantastic universe, beyond this material world that we perceive.
We must break all pre-established parameters, we must concentrate on the study of the evolution of thought, we must concentrate on being and not on owning. What use is the possession of material things as a final goal, if we have not been able to discover why and why our consciousness has manifested in eternity? ... We will have to look beyond what we perceive and, above all, be open to new perceptions, that is, to start from the new discoveries of the great scientists, who have opened a window towards the fifth dimension. We must consciously march in search of that fifth dimension in which Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna and Jesus Christ were inspired, to fill humanity with love.
We men have not been mistaken in our process of reaching eternity, because we have been discovering, slowly, our virtues that march at the same pace of the evolution of our brains.
In our civilization there have existed men with more intelligence and more brain and mental development than the great majority of us, but our wisdom has been so great that we have marched, humbly, through those paths of love that those celestial prophets pointed out to us in the past; prophets who suffered the miraculous mutation of their brains to be inspired by the great universal intelligence, which is the source of eternity and of all wisdom. All the men of the earth, those from the east, those from the west, those from the north and those from the south, supposed a divine origin of those sacred books such as The Bible, the Vedas, the Talmut, the Bhagavadgita, the Qur'an, the Tripitaka, the sutras and confusionist books, which always guided us on paths of love, reconciliation and understanding. Now, in the discovery of a new era, has mutated the brain of a privileged few to give rise to "THE RELIGION OF INTELLIGENT MEN" This new religion, at heart, is the normal evolution of intelligence and science, that is freed from the gods of mud and certain skin color. Gods that sharpened the racial differences of the societies, in which there were never black or yellow angels. Human evolution that has not only occurred in the technological field, but rather in everything that science can scrutinize, both outside and inside ourselves, without rejecting the paranormal, without excluding what seems to escape what we normally know. It is very difficult to foresee exactly what the technological development will be in the future, because very possibly, we will rely on concepts that space research is giving us and, with black holes and with wormholes, we will be able to travel in relativity of time and that we all go, finally, to understand and that will make us consciously eternal. One of our main objectives is to try to open up the intelligence to the maximum, in order to tear down dogmas and mistaken beliefs, which have remained unchanged for decades and decades, especially in the fields of the human sciences, where the conspiracy is strongest. Freeing ourselves from these supposed truths, dictated by our limited material senses, we find ourselves in a world as wonderful, malleable and unlimited as the astronomer's. There is an eternal unity that is continuous. It is wonderful.
Man has finally discovered that his past, his present and his future, are the way to happy eternity, which we can call heaven if we wish.
When we all understand the theory of relativity that our beloved Albert Einstein taught us, everyone will speak to us of infinity, of eternity and at last we will be able to listen to the music of the countless spheres of the unlimited universe. When we all understand the essence of this new religion, no one is going to be depressed, no one can get bored and nobody is going to despair, because we are going to be submerged in so many sublime challenges and so many glittering enigmas that can modify the supposed material reality. What will mean a small economic difficulty, when man is aware of his eternity? ... We will only have to meditate, a little more, about our problems, because we already know that the solution will always exist, that will bring us closer to the eternal unity of wisdom. Finally, all the races of the world will be integrated by a unique religion that does not discriminate, that does not attack and that does not punish, because it is based on love and the evolution of man's consciousness towards eternity.
Welcome the blacks, welcome the whites, welcome the yellows and welcome all the mestizos that make up the beautiful family of humanity.
That humanity that, in the course of the evolution of its conscience, has managed to climb several times the steps that lead us definitely, to the understanding that we are an eternal civilization. Now it is we, the civilized of the twenty-first century,

those in charge of massifying and publicizing the achievements that have led us to understand immortality, consciously, on earth and in the universe. The eternal man is neither an essay, nor a fantasy, it is the continuous coming and going, over a space and a time that are relative, and that have allowed us to build and develop surprising civilizations, with megalithic constructions that scientists, attached to concept of time and space, generated in their limited brains, have not been able to understand, why, almost all, always seek a beginning and an end, a before and after, that only exists in the limitations of the third dimension. The eternal man is the development and evolution of thought, in the unity of perfect balance called the universe. Everything is a thought, everything is wisdom and man is a vital part of that creative thought, which we are slowly beginning to understand and that will lead us to break the limitations of the current condition, to be in tune and to be able to interact with different intelligences, in the grandeur of the heavens. Our evolution has been so great in the twenty-first century, that the time has come to understand A RELIGION WITHOUT REVELATION and it was from the evolutionist vision of Darwin, began to draw the general lines of this new religion that, with complete certainty, arose to respond to the needs of the technological era. The world waited, and all humanity, that there was something, as a new religion, about to manifest itself. If we exclude Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna and all those evolved spirits, who were becoming the gods of our loneliness and our ignorance of natural phenomena, we began to have a feeling of relationship with eternal consciousness, which it is the unity of wisdom to which we have always belonged. The sciences are already sufficiently developed, so that their convergence can produce, in humanity, a new image of the universe. That is why, in his process of evolution, man begins to become aware of his power without limits and his complete eternity. A religious conscience of the unlimited power of his thought. Many people and mainly the most advanced minds, could object to the term religion, but we can not stop using that word that has always linked us with eternity. It was very necessary that a new religion be born, that brings together all the ethnic groups of humanity, whose creed is in accordance with modern thought and with the incredible development of technology and sciences that other dimensions have revealed to us. At last the great religious renewal is taking place, WITHOUT DIVINIDADES AND WITHOUT IMAGES OF MUD and gold, they represented the exclusive interests of certain races and social groups, fanatized until the brutal aggression of their opponents. In the end man can get rid of the supposed inherited sins, which have brought so much pain to humanity. At last we can untangle the wonderful biological functions of the sinful syndrome to which Catholic homosexuals subjected them, grouped under the mantle of frustration augmented by the inhuman celibacy to which they were subjected. They are the young people, the men who have the clearest evolution of thought and science. They are those young people, the most sensitive to the immense future that opens up to us to be conscious, in this dimension, of our undisputed eternity. Darwin's evolutionary dogma has been very important, which served as a bridge, for two or three generations, to cross the periods of the eclipse of God, when we refused to continue believing in those accommodated and macho religions, which turned women into beings inferior, made of a piece of rib and transmitters of a supposed original sin, chained to their natural sensual charms. At last the horrible night of humanity ended, in which horrendous crimes were committed,in the name of that instrument of punishment called the cross and those gods of clay clothed in the archaic ignorance of ignorance.
Rodolf Otto in his work, Lo Santo, published in 1917, indicates as the essence of religious consciousness, the reverential fear of what being unknown (mysterium) as the darkness of the night, the thunder of lightning and disease, without the explanation of a science that did not exist, at the same time overwhelmed (tremendum) and attracts almost irresistibly (fascinated) trying to seek protection against the supposed human frailty, but what happens when we are aware of our eternity? ... All those mysteries,
Fears and fascinations disappear before the power of our thought.
Our new religion, the religion of the intelligent, is a path to fulfillment, a lifestyle that starts from the moment we become aware of our eternity. In this new religion we do not have to keep fidelity to any deity, nor give part of the fruit of our work to any rogue, because it is an encounter with ourselves and with our unlimited capacities, which we will slowly understand, with some simple exercises
that will be our principles.
The universe is a sea of ​​unlimited and eternal energy.
It is necessary to speak of the distance that separates religion from the intelligent from the "ruminant" academics, from the professors of philosophy who still speak of the antiquated essays of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and all the other nihilists who have harmed him so much made to humanity. We must also talk about physics teachers, who are still looking for the beginning and the end of the eternal unit called universe, in a big bang that only exists in their limited brains, which have not been able to evolve. We hope, gentlemen scientists of the human dimension, that they do not continue to mistreat their brains, in the quixotic mission of trying to find the principle of the eternal. And there is no such expansion that you claim to appreciate, after the ridiculous big bang theory your minds have imagined. There is only an eternal unity of wisdom and your consciousness is that unity. You and I, we are that miracle of infinite consciousness, which recreates and nourishes our evolutionary thoughts. It is not the chicken first that the egg, is not the father first that the son; because the chicken, your father, your mother, your son and your neighbor, are yourself, are your evolving consciousness, which reaffirm your eternity.
Time, space and matter are relative in the eternal unity of wisdom.
After analyzing quantum theory, string theory and all the theories that our limited brains allow us to analyze, we will always arrive at the happy conclusion that everything
it goes beyond the perception of our senses, because not even matter exists. All eternal unity is a wonderful force called thought, or supreme energy, because even the words God and religion, we invented them, when we were frightened by the darkness of the night and by the inexplicable thunder. It was at this stage, when we started to look up, in search of a little understanding and love, like dogs. Well, but to hold on to something, in the middle of the immense lake of thought and love, we will call "The religion of the intelligent" a small set of principles, which will allow us to be aware of our eternity, because everything
previous to the religion of the intelligent, it is darkness and ignorance.
All things and beings seem to be solid and different. Separated from each other, as perceived by our limited senses, without understanding that at atomic and subatomic levels, apparently solid matter ends up being an immense unit of energy or thought. Physically, we are all energy and everything that makes up the universe, are tiny strings that vibrate and are composed of the particle of eternal unity. Being that eternal unity an eternal thought without limits. A thought like your thought, that makes you conscious and unlimited. Yes, that awareness of your life that gives you unlimited power. An awareness that has a degree of evolution equivalent to the intelligence and wisdom of your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and all your ascendants. Your conscience is like an Olympic flame, or like a post, that has been transmitted from generation to generation, to arrive at a final destination that is the discovery of the supreme truth, and that supreme truth so much sought is the conscious discovery of your eternity. You are eternal and the universe is born of your unlimited power.

The religion of the intelligent is about the use, consent, of our eternal conscience, developed to a lesser or greater degree, to create what we truly desire as love, happiness, success, fulfillment, joy, ideal relationships, good work, health , beauty, peace, prosperity, harmony and freedom of expression. Better said, everything we can wish for. The Religion of the intelligent is the way to access everything that the universe can give us.
Our consciousness, our thinking, is the ability to create an idea, a mental image of what we want the universe to be. What at first sight may seem impossible, due to the limited level of education that our minds have received, becomes perfectly understandable when we discover that we are eternal and put into practice the concepts that allow us to modify, at our will, the eternal unity of
our particular universe.
We are all one, even in the most literal and physical sense.
As soon as we begin to act aware of our eternity, we begin to work miracles in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends. The modern world is discovering what the sorcerers of Antioquia already knew for centuries, because in reality, our universe is not composed of any matter. The basic component is an essence, an idea or a thought, which we can call energy. Physically, we are all an energetic idea, and everything in our lives and everything that surrounds us is made of that same energetic thought. This energy vibrates at different speeds and, therefore, has different characteristics, which make it lighter or denser, but always changing at will. We can crush a rock, change the course of a river, devour a bull or reproduce a plant. We can miraculously create a son or ten or twelve children, or eliminate the fiercest of our enemies with a single blow. We are eternal and autonomous in our own universe, which is unique, unrepeatable and very different from others.
All forms of energetic thinking, in the perfect unity of wisdom, are interrelated and altered one another.
Matter, physical form, follows the idea, follows the thought.

Thought is the flower of eternity. It manifests immediately, without space and without time, and, miraculously, turns everything into a reality. When we make the miracle of creating something, with our immense power we create it synthesized in a thought like this:
I'm going to send a rocket to the moon. The idea is there, the thought, I get some friends, we build the rocket and we travel to the moon. I'm going to build a building, the idea is there, I make the plans, I get some friends and we build the biggest building in the world or I'm going to prepare dinner, fried the eggs, I heat the rice, I serve the juice and the dinner is already created . The artist first has an idea and then, as if by magic, he creates the most beautiful of the sculptures. The idea is a divine impulse, which creates an image that later materializes. This principle of thought is and will continue to be valid for all eternity, and this principle leads us to be the gods of our own universe without limits. But calm, that handle those concepts and these skills, is like learning to ride a bike, at the beginning we will have the difficulties of the case and we will think we can not, but after three or four painful falls, we will drive the bike automatically without even thinking about it.
The mere fact of having a thought or idea, is a flow of energy that will set the universe in motion, so that it materializes in this dimension.
If we think that everything is boring and we get depressed, surely the idea of ​​what is our being will dissolve with death and we will become part, consciously or unconsciously, of the eternal unity of peace and love, but if we think that
we are beautiful and unique, and we eat well, we will be filled with a special energy and the whole universe will know that we are beautiful.
Action and reaction.

Everything that we project towards the universe, is reflected in us irremediably. If we give love, we will receive love. If we originate violence and pain, we will receive violence and pain in the same measure, because the universe is a unit in perfect balance. It is collected from the same thing that is sown and the one that kills the knife dies. From the real point of view, this means that we attract our lives, that which we desire most strongly, all that we yearn with more anxieties and everything we imagine with more precision.
The process of change begins immediately after, that we are aware of our eternity. We must begin to explore, discover and modify, our deepest customs, with respect to life, because we already possess the power to change the material world in our favor and do the most incredible miracles, which is exactly what the great Jesus Christ did, when he multiplied the loaves and the fishes to feed the hungry people. When we are immersed in this process of getting used to the unlimited power of our thinking, we will often discover some paths that we ourselves denied, due to the fears and negative concepts that the ignorance of our parents, educators and society in general, imposed on us. . But when, in the light of the eternity of our unlimited power, these attitudes are dissolved and forgotten, through the miraculous process of changing our reality into a better one. We are going to create exactly what we want and what makes us happy. Adopt an attitude of acceptance and know how to handle everything in life, while we assume that the new religion of the intelligent, is an opportunity to quickly discover what this mission that supreme intelligence has assigned us on earth. The day to day, of our daily life, is an exercise of love that allows our consciousness to evolve, acquiring the knowledge of one generation, another and another, until we reach the wisdom to understand our eternity and it is, that moment, when we transcend to the fifth dimension of happiness and absolute wisdom, where there is neither space nor time and there is only eternal love.

Among all my writings, the religion of the intelligent occupies a very special place. With the compilation of all this knowledge I have given humanity the most important gift I have received to date. This book, summary of a thought that goes through history, is the highest that could be written, is the book that opens a new perspective on life. Everything that has been written in human history is far below it. It is the deepest book, the son of the highest thought, born of the most intimate wealth of the long-awaited truth of our existence. The first book that tells us what is the true meaning of our life on earth. For what and why are we living here? ...
The one who speaks in this book is not a man, nor a prophet, is a people, a race; the paisa race that mutated in its cerebral capacity and now reveals to us the most hopeful truth. First of all, in order not to be unfair with the wisdom accumulated by men throughout eternity, it is necessary to carefully read each of the words, we must listen to the sound and the message that each of them offers us, because the more silent and simple words, are those that will reveal that great truth. The universe is governed by thoughts so basic that we can master them all. In this religion you can not hear the voice of a fanatic, here you do not demand faith and you do not preach. The knowledge is flowing from an infinite universal wisdom and from an infinite depth of energy, word after word, thought after thought, with a delicate slowness can hear a clear message, that with very simple exercises teaches us to cross the portal that enters us consciously in a wonderful dimension in which time does not exist and everything is wisdom. This message that we offer in this book, can be assimilated by all, here there are no privileges of any kind and we all have the conscience, the mind and the capacities to understand the simple universal wisdom, and discover the true meaning of our lives.

On this perfect day, in which our children and our parents are very happy, a ray of intelligence and light has just entered my life and into your lives, which will illuminate the ignorance that we have slowly overcome. I have looked at the future and I have never seen at once, many things and at the same time so good and hopeful. What I have lived is saved, because I take away the spiritual maturity that manifests itself at this moment. The gifts that life has given me, this last year, this last month and this last day, are so beautiful that ... How can I not be grateful for this wonderful experience of living? ...
The happiness of my existence, its unique character, is due to the awareness of my eternity. It has been necessary to accumulate much knowledge and develop thought through my father, my grandfather, my great-great-grandfather and all my ascendants, who have participated in this sublime exercise of the automatic reproduction of eternal thought. Yes, all superior beings have their origin in a continuity infinitely previous to their own parents.
It is as if we were transmitting a post from parents to children, which is summarized in the atavistic memory that measures our wisdom and our awareness.
The most important exercise of my life, my most authentic experience has been to observe and learn from those midwives and those old paisas, who in turn learned to consciously liberate their spirits, and in an act of witchcraft and magic, they moved with complete freedom between the third, fourth and fifth dimension. I do not know what was the mutation that occurred in the brains of some privileged men of our race, but I do understand that my curiosity led me to participate, directly, in the singular phenomenon. I was always attracted by the things that went beyond our limited senses and I spent hours and hours sitting on the mountain "El Capiro" in one of the immense mountains of Antioquia, the big one, sitting waiting for the lights to start shining , inexplicable, of the witches who visited with regularity that enchanted portal, in which they made a kind of coven or evening meeting. It was those mysterious lights that filled my soul with peace and happiness, which made me understand that everything went beyond our limited senses. It was in that place that Doctor Ignacio Duque Sucerquia, also called Mephistopheles, master of masters in the art of witchcraft and the occult, materialized before my eyes to transmit to me the simple knowledge that I now want to transmit to all humanity.


Now I have the power of knowledge, I have discovered the great truth that we have always been looking for and I want to share it with the whole world. This is how I contemplate now, that period of learning. I discovered life again and discovered myself. I enjoyed the big things and the small things, as many have not enjoyed them. I turned my will of life, into my philosophy, and my thought into the most powerful tool that originates my own universe.
And when, a man, is entering the path that will lead him to discover, consciously, his eternity and his power? ...
A man on the right track chooses only what is healthy for him; Your pleasure ends when it passes beyond the measure of health. He intuits remedies that cure his illnesses and take advantage of his difficulties, which are no longer problems but interesting challenges. Instinctively he makes a synthesis of what he hears, observes and lives. This process is a principle of selection, because you have to discard, forget and unlearn many things. He is always in the company of what pleases him and the universe presents books, landscapes and loves, because he values ​​what he chooses, admits and adopts what he trusts. A man on the right track reacts slowly to any kind of stimulus, a slowness that has been dictated by experience. He examines the opportunities that are presented to him, but he does not immediately go out to meet them, until he thinks them over carefully. He does not believe in misfortune, nor in guilt nor sin. Ends pending issues with yourself and others. He knows how to forget and he is intelligent enough, so that everything happens in the best way for him. When you acquire the ability to cure the illnesses of your family and friends, you should bear in mind that hatred and resentment is the first thing that should be forbidden to the patient, because in these feelings is that their pains originate. This was well understood by those two great physiologists called Jesus Christ and Buddha, who made the efficacy of their miracles depend on the triumph of forgiveness. The first step to cure any disease, is to release the conscience of resentment, hatred and envy. Hatred and violence are not ended, with more hatred and more violence; It ends with forgiveness and friendship. These words form the basis of the teachings of the great majority of religions. Mastering these feelings of hatred and revenge demonstrate an interesting evolution in the process of discovering the great and only truth. All religions have finally been beneficial for men, because all are based on that incredible feeling that is love. Being aware of our eternity, all the barriers of our personality disappear and one is left ready for the whole universe to enter, the sun, the stars and the night and the wind, all the passions, ideas, dreams and hopes of men, and all the long centuries of growth, and even the vast abysses of space become interesting and friendly ... From the knowledge of "The religion of the intelligent" absolute peace penetrates everything you feel, even when you feel more passionately. In a certain sense I can not express it with words, I feel that our thoughts and feelings are part of the eternal world, like planets, like galaxies and stars; before the real existence seemed fleeting, but with our evolution we know that everything will last, it will be part of the history of the universe and not only of the isolated person.
In some way, this is how we want to live, so that life can have that wonderful quality of eternity.
Let's investigate in what places there are and there have been men with evolved spirits, where love, wisdom and education are part of happiness. Where was it inevitable that a religion be born? ... All these places have a good climate, a warm atmosphere and very full of sun. Jerusalem, Rome, New Delhi, Damascus and Medellin. These cities show that intelligence is conditioned by a good climate, by a radiant sun and by a blue and beautiful sky. It was inevitable that in the midst of a superior race like that of the paisas, conquerors of the world and of thought, the religion of the intelligent was born. It is not the same freedom and pure air of the mountains of Antioquia the great, that the desert and the dry air of Jerusalem, and that is why in Antioquia, a religion has been born without moral prejudices, without cowardly femicides, without remorse , without shameful homosexuality and without self-inflicted punishments. The inhabitants of these deserts, like that of Jerusalem, were and are shepherds who are covered with cassocks that cover them from head to toe and are very prone to machismo, to flogging and to believe in myths and moralisms that deny the beautiful will of live; for them natural biological functions are a sin and have polarized the natural phenomena between the good and the bad, moralizing them at will.

Morality in the sense that our society has given to it, to this day, based on the beliefs of peoples of another race and very far away, has been a prejudice; a wrong and unreal judgment; something invented, a very popular lie that can be compared to alchemy or myths and legends, and, in any case, something that must be overcome and eradicated by the mental health of our people. There is no moral phenomenon, what is done is only a moral interpretation of natural realities, based on sexist and exclusionary religions. To the grandeur of our eternal consciousness, to the marvelous evolution of our wisdom, you can not accommodate the puritanical litanies and the moral sermons of priests of any religion. Any limiting moral that is presented as absolute and that is directed towards humanity, not only constitutes an offense to reason, but an incitement to the denial of life and the natural development of our biological functions; it is a seduction and a damage to men of superior intelligence, to those extraordinary and privileged beings who wish to contemplate life as it really is. The problem of these moral values ​​is a very important issue, because they are also determinants in the evolution of humanity's thinking. The obligation imposed on us by the priests of lies, of believing that everything is written in supposedly sacred books such as the Koran, the bible, the mishana, the talmut, the vedas, the bhagavad gita, the dhammapada, the tripitaka and the confusionist books, hinders free thinking and forces us to walk the paths that are pointed out by frauds disguised as saints. Believing and following these moral postulates is equivalent to not letting the truth of our eternity manifest itself, because unfortunately, humanity has been in the hands of thieves without shame.
The shepherds of the desert have moralized all psychological concepts. The preaching of chastity is a public invitation to the unnatural. To despise sex life, to dirty it by calling it impure is the real sin against healthy and free people, is a constant hobby of homosexual priests who take pride in their unnatural celibacy, which leads to pedophilia, pedophilia and masturbation like rats locked in the monasteries. Saints who do not say a word, and do not throw a glance, in which there is no purpose and a wink of seduction, whose mastery consists in living luxuriously with the sweat and effort of the people. Obese and carefully scented saints, who travel quietly in their modern cars, while children and the elderly die of hunger at the doors of their churches.

We need a critique of moral values, we must question the value of the supposed moral values ​​and, to do that, it is necessary to know the conditions and circumstances from which those values ​​emerged; in which they were developed and modified, that is, morality arose as a consequence of what, as a symptom of what, morality as a misunderstanding why. The value of these supposed moral values, has been taken in recent centuries as something given, as something agreed, as something real and effective, located beyond all analysis, all study and any doubt. Will these values ​​be useful and favorable, when they label as sinful the most beautiful natural physical functions? ... Will the pain and stigmatization of the sensuality and beauty of women be favorable, for those sexist religions that force them to cover themselves the face, and that deny them even the right to education? ... The value of moral values ​​has been favorable, useful and profitable, or harmful in the process of the evolution of free thought? ... The sexist religions , with their philosophical and theological positions, they have inverted the sense of natural biological functions, turning reproductive functions into a sin, converting into ideal everything that goes against life, as is the brutal celibacy that they practice and that launches homosexuality squarely. Man has become a sinner by inheritance. What irony, how can a child develop a solid and trusting thought, when, since birth, he is accused of sinning without knowing how or when? ... With a little historical and philological analysis and with a little observation, with regard to psychological issues in general, it leads us to ask ourselves, why were those value judgments invented, why did these supposed moral values ​​arise and what real value do they have? ...
Have they slowed down or stimulated the evolution of eternal consciousness? ...
Have they mistreated, in the last millennia, the feminine condition by turning women into the cause of a supposed sin? ...

It is about asking questions, in order to travel the long road of morality; of that supposed moral that they have imposed on us and that has brought us so much pain. Until the twenty-first century, it is impossible to say precisely, why have these penalties been imposed? Why have these supposed moral values ​​emerged? ... To find the answers to these two questions, we have great difficulty because, all the concepts in which, semiotically, an entire process is summarized, they escape definition and it is only possible to define events that have no history. And that morality so poorly handled, has a painful and bloody history.
The Paisa people and the religion of the intelligent have discovered the limitless grandeur of the human conscience, which had already manifested itself in Jesus Christ, in Muhammad, in Buddha and in Krysna, who modified the material plane at will and healed the sick. It is very necessary to get away from the kind of pigeonholing that has led us to moralize physical and psychological activities, because this is the cause of the greatest femicide to which women have been subjected throughout history, due to the ridiculous connection of their physical attractions and sensual with sin. We must also turn away, urgently, from the degenerative instinct that is returned against life, with incredible ignorance (represented mainly by Catholics and Muslims). In the religion of the intelligent, we learn to know the supreme, joyful and exuberant truth that it becomes the definitive affirmation of man's eternity. Religion without revelations and without divinities, is not only the greatest intellection, but the deepest one, achieved by the human mind in all history; the one that most rigorously corroborates string theory, the theory of parallel universes, the theory of relativity and the great discoveries in physics with black holes, wormholes and all the discoveries of science.

After acquiring the knowledge of the Antioquenos sorcerers, I realized that my instinct had become more acute and that each of the advances was only an indication of my new condition. I discovered that the time had come to reflect on life and, suddenly, I saw clearly and happily all the evolution of my consciousness. I left behind thousands of years in which the formation of my atavistic memory had marched slowly, studying a lot of things in exchange for dusty erudition. My old knowledge lacked realities, because, what is the use of a lot of data and physical procedures in the fifth dimension of my eternity? ... Since then I have dedicated myself to summarize the ancestral knowledge of the paisa race; a superior race in all aspects of the development of humanity. Then I also noticed, for the first time, the immense commitment I have with humanity and with history, to reveal to the universe the knowledge developed in the mountains of Antioquia. I gave up everything, my profession that no longer meant anything, to bland materialism, to dedicate myself to curing the illnesses of my family and friends. From the moment in which I consciously liberated my spirit and knew the spectacularity of the fifth dimension, my instinct decided firmly not to continue doing what others do, to neither address where the others go and to try to clear the confusion that lives the majority of humanity, which has not been able to discover the portals that communicate us with the supreme intelligence. And how did the Paisa race to find that new horizon, that higher plane in which Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and Krisna were moving safely? ... In a privileged land, where he abounded with good nutrition and protein, the freedom and forgetting, or trying to ignore the teachings of priests who, for thousands of years, have been imposing wrong moral values, which attempt against life and against the most beautiful and healthy natural biological functions, stigmatizing women with the label of sinners, for its beauty and natural sensuality, forced midwives paisas to establish a new scale of values, in which the power of thought was paramount. They were simple exercises, which allowed them to fly beyond the material plane in which they were considered sinful, in which they were treated as a piece of rib of the first of men; in a sexist and excluding religion. They were liberated from all the supposed moral values, which the Catholic Church managed with a clear economic and political purpose. Those midwives shed their light and their love, in an intelligent meditation, which led them to make small miracles, which were increasingly.

We were the paisas, the first ones who gave a solution to the question of why and why we are on earth. We are participating in a mission that renews absolute intelligence and that makes the human being a vital part of eternal unity. This mission is the natural evolution to the development of free thought, which for twenty-one centuries has not gone the right way, because it has been governed by the corruption of priests of different religions, who, denying the naturalness of life, have been hiding under a layer of supposed and well-adjusted values, which have been imposed on humanity as sacred. The problem of the origin of these supposed moral values, which many years ago have been invented, is a very important issue, insofar as it conditions and affects the future of humanity, generating extreme violence against women and generating international terrorism, such as the one that Muslims have been making in the name of their religion. The obligation imposed on us by these religions, of believing that everything is fine and that everything is working in the best way, based on five books like the Qur'an, the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah and the Tripitaca, and that those books, of course Divine inspiration, which was written when science did not yet exist and which, in all of them, deny even the most basic principles and discoveries of biology and physics, provide us with the definitive tranquility about the destiny of humanity. To believe in these so primal teachings, born of the previous incapacity of not understanding the natural phenomena, incapacity that existed in other times, is to prevent the truth from being manifested. Humanity has been in the worst hands, has been ruled by the failed, by homosexuals and by the most astute thieves who have called themselves saints and who lie to the world. All the heads of the different religions, are rich liars, who take refuge in their palaces covered in gold, while the children die of hunger, by thousands, all over the planet.


Until the twenty-first century have been called moral principles to the loss of sanity, resistance against natural instincts, discrimination and the submission of women, which in some religions is forced to cover the face and is hindered even in education, because, sadly, all religions that exist, violate the female condition. It is the paisa race, the first to undertake a struggle against the false moral of all the religions of the planet, which preach the renunciation of oneself and make man a sinner. It is the paisa race that today proposes an intelligent religion without saints, without priests, without revelations and without human gods that discriminate against other races and become generators of violence. It is shameful the silence of the rulers, of the scientists and of the intellectuals of the earth, before the moral and economic exploitation to which humanity is subjected, because they are the ones who must point the way to man, in his conscious evolution, but no, the rulers and the scientists gladly go to the basilicas of corruption, to congratulate themselves and take advantage of the power of the thief on duty. Fortunately, in eternal unity, always happens what has to happen, everything decisive emerges and is born, despite the difficulties, and that is why this new religion has been born without revelations, without commandments, without alms, without saints and without priests.

If we have a little intelligence, it will be difficult not to realize and not understand that our existence must have a superior sense. We must be more than an incarnation, more than a puppet moved by the gods of corrupt priests. The eternal beings concept, describes with more precision, the spontaneous manifestation, that our spirits have suffered, our consciences in eternity. It is very common that in our interior, we feel with security and precision, that we are born for something big. In our interior we can see, we can hear something that transforms us and moves us in our most intimate fibers, to connect with the infinite. We feel it without wanting to do it, we hear it and we accept it, without asking who gave it to us. Thought crosses like lightning, without any hesitation, without doubt. It is an ecstasy that is sometimes slow and sometimes quick; a being beyond our limits, with the evident awareness of a lot of new challenges, which make us tremble throughout the body; a universe of happiness in which old age and the absence of material things stop worrying us, because they are like one more of the colors, in the midst of that greater abundance of light. Inside we have an instinctive sense of rhythm, which encompasses a whole world of thoughts. Greatness, power, abundance expressed in any way, whether economically or intellectually, or simply peace and happiness of well-being, are the measure of the power of the development of our consciousness. Everything happens unconsciously and, therefore, as we discover our eternity, the veil that puts before our eyes, what we perceive in the dimension of matter, and perceive that eternal world, that supreme truth to the reach of all, envelops us in a whirlwind of sensations of freedom, wisdom, immense power and divinity.


The physical images were always there, as symbols. We could not guess anything, until the supreme intelligence began to manifest itself in the development of the intelligence of men like Jesus Christ, Mahoma, Buddha, Krishna, Siddhartha Gautama, Abraham and many others, who broke the material plane, to do what all we have called miracles; and it is that miracles do exist, and the coming and going of the wise, evolved souls, to reach us and get rid of the diseases that produce our errors, are the messages that send us from the fifth dimension, those consciences that broke the limiting veil of matter and, now, they are there and here, and everywhere, because yesterday, today and tomorrow are now.
Before this book, before the paisas taught us to enter consciously into the fifth dimension, where there is neither time, nor space and everything is an eternal unity, everything that is image, symbol, was presented to us as the manifestation closer, more precise and more real; although in our lives small miracles happened that left us surprised. We needed a house, or a car, or a little money, or get rid of a little physical discomfort and as if by magic, without knowing how or when, we fulfilled the desire and we were happy that we had saved by pure miracle. That was the stage of our lives, in which we had not yet discovered the knowledge that the Paisas transmit to us in this book. We are going to ride all, hopefully the whole humanity, mounted on those simple teachings that allow us to consciously liberate our divine spirit, in search of that supreme truth, that reveals to us the beautiful process that we are living towards absolute eternity. Maybe the great scientists, who have a lot of knowledge and know a lot of mathematics, or doctors who are surprised when after declaring a person dead, return to life without any explanation, do not accept the knowledge that this new religion gives to the world . The rulers may not accept this new religion, in order to continue deceiving the people and deceiving themselves, when they can not fly like celestial butterflies, when they can not finish the process of maturing their selfish and calculating consciences.


With the religion of the paisas, with the religion of the intelligent, we will streamline the process that, as in the surprising metamorphosis of the worms that crawl to later become colorful butterflies that fly, will take us from being simple humans, to be wonderful rays of eternal light. There all the knowledge will be revealed to us and all the chests that have kept the most complex secrets related to the eternal being will be opened. Everything is done and it becomes an unlimited thought. There everything colludes to reveal the grandeur of the exercise that makes the supreme intelligence, with our evolution towards eternity. Humans are eternity in the evolutionary process and the earth is one of the matrices that generates this process.
What the paisas call eternal unity, is the result of many evolutionary processes that occurred, little by little, in the global evolution of the supreme intelligence and of the organic beings that have grown interrelated in that total thought; thought or atavistic memory that we now inherit as an accumulated treasure of our experiences; and we have called it a treasure because it summarizes the immense value of our human condition.
The wonderful experience of consciously separating the spirit from the body, separated me little by little from what interested me before; it saved me the continuous search that my life had become, it saved me the unnecessary accumulation of data and more data, which were useless, and gave meaning to each of my different activities, because my vision of the universe, now, It is wider. The past disappeared, the present and the future, united in an adorable sense of eternity, that everything allows me. This wonderful process also gave me the ability to change all my habits; it allowed me to forget all the education, wrong, that I had been taught most of my life. I created the need to stay still, learning to think and training that thought to do small and simple miracles, which each time became more perfect and bigger. The universe became my field of practice and with the help of the Paisa sorcerers, I understood that I was not the only one to think that way, to understand the universe in that way; a magical affinity of thoughts and equality of points of view and of desires, approached my brother and he also began to materialize his desires and to perform miracles in his family nucleus. With my brother I had the confidence of friendship and grew a security and a learning in duo, without distrust or distrust. An immense joy in all the achievements, in all the advances and it was after those experiences that we started to establish the parameters to reveal the religion of the
intelligent is showing us the way, and the human being begins to behave like the butterfly that wants to break its wrapping, tearing it apart and tearing it, to be able to fly, and then it feels drunk and happy, by that unknown and beautiful light, which is the realm of absolute freedom.
Were the immense mountains of Antioquia, which infected our spirits of greatness, and it was the depth of our abyss, which taught us to overcome all difficulties however difficult they may seem; and it was these numerous obstacles that tempered our character and taught us to be noble; to work as a team, united as a brother and friendly people, because the noble man lives with trust and frankness in his community, respecting his fellows and avoiding deception.
Paisas have always tried to be fair and that is what we are going to do in this first level of the religion of the intelligent.
Justice is goodwill among men with the same rights and, that is why, we have to recognize that some activities of traditional religions are not bad, because we can not call many rituals that are just stupid, because the level of intelligence of those who decided to perform them was very low. In any case and in the light of the recognition of our eternity, all the activities of traditional religions are stupid, because with "The religion of the intelligent" the highest level that human intelligence could reach has been exceeded, and, when finally the people can understand the relativity of things and the enormous power that opens the portal to the fifth dimension, when we look back, all our activities and judgments will be so limited and unreflective, as we think today, those of the people wild and backward, they made processions with images of mud and wood, and bent their knees before them.


In the eternal consciousness of humans, the supreme unity was born, and it is the moment in which man breaks the barrier, and passes consciously into the fifth dimension, understanding that he is the main essence of the universe. It is at that moment, in which time and space disappear, in that moment when we become omnipresent, in which we discover our grandeur.
We all knew that it must or rather there had to be something beyond this physical world. We were all waiting for someone to tell us what was the purpose of this theatrical earthly existence, which climbed and lowered us like a roller coaster, and it was in the midst of despair and anguish, to find that portal that connects us with the infinite, that In the old days we started to adore the sun, then we adored the spirit of the wind, of the fire, of the seas and we invented a word that confused us even more. God. That is the word that has slowed down the development of man's intelligence and was in the name of the gods of the American aborigines and in the name of the gods of the desert men and the gods of India, which have become the most horrific crimes and still continue to be committed in the twenty-first century. It is incredible that there are still religions that discriminate against men because of their race, and even more incredible, that black men bend their knees before that instrument of punishment, which is the cross of men with white skin and blue eyes.
How to explain to an African child, of black race, that there are only blond little angels with blue eyes, in the religion that preaches them? ...
Being eternal is wonderful at the end of the road, to which we were subjected by the supreme intelligence, in our automatic process of awareness. Many may not understand what I write, the vast majority may not be prepared to listen to this great truth, and therefore they will have to continue accumulating knowledge and feelings, and transmit them to their children, who will be more and more evolved, until they arrive the moment in which their accumulated wisdom allows them to run the veil that separates them from the wonders of the eternal dimension.


The religion of the intelligent, at first, has been almost totally misunderstood, because most of the people have neither the scientific knowledge, nor the necessary evolution to interpret teachings of such height, but the day will come when some rulers understand the message that It puts the human being above everything and incorporates it into the regular system of education, so that it is lived and taught, as it is lived and taught in many of the homes of the Paisa race. Perhaps it may be that special chairs are created to teach children and young people, to consciously release the spirit, to teach people to cure diseases and to modify the physical reality of their universes. That today the basic principles of the religion of the intelligent are not heard, that today there is disbelief and rejection is understandable, and that is precisely what must happen, because they are twenty one centuries of accumulated lies, which it is very difficult to clarify from night to night. tomorrow, and much more when it comes to knowledge that goes beyond the reality that we have always believed to perceive. Read this book and know the simple exercises that connect us with eternity; knowing the simple procedures that teach us to modify the material plane is the best experience that a human being can have in life. Reading this book is one of the most important gifts that can be granted, to oneself, a person, because in it the great truth of our existence is summarized.

When one of the most eminent doctors of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, to whom I asked him to please help me with the spelling correction of some texts, he told me that he had not understood a word and that it was all a matter of madness , I replied that everything seemed natural to me, because understanding and carrying out the basic exercises, elevates the human beings to a higher level than the university professors, with millionaire salaries that distract them, could reach. Knowing this feeling of distance, between those who exploit the humble and the people, how could the Paisa race abandon the struggle that will take us to cross the portal of eternity? ... I have also received a letter from the students of the theology of a prestigious Catholic University of Antioquia, in which they reject outright the religion of the intelligent, accusing us of Darwinists ... Very valid reason to give an explanation because, definitely, nobody can see, nor appreciate in things, including books and the universal messages, more than you already know or are prepared to know, that is why, that prestigious doctor and those priests, could not understand the message of the future, with their brains that still continue in the middle ages. We have no ears or understanding, to listen to a message that we do not have access to from the experience. This book is an extreme case, that speaks of experiences that, in their totality, are beyond the possibility of a frequent or also infrequent experience, because it is the first time that the Spanish language is used to explain a series of experiences never before known. In this case, simply, the theologians saw nothing, heard nothing, could not decipher anything, because they do not have the mental evolution to understand it and that produces the acoustic and visual illusion of believing, that where nothing is understood, then There is nothing either. This is, in short, the experience of a superior race that is not understood and, if you like, this experience is so great and so original, that it leaves the material plane of the least evolved. We can not blame them for not understanding something for which they are not yet ready, because this is a message for the most evolved, for the most intelligent; the others will be able to do the exercises, until their consciousness matures and they can consciously release their spirits, and thus move in the fifth dimension without relative. While this process of education is achieved, in which the people know the studies of Einstein's deep physics, of string theory and of the parallel universes, the religion of the intelligent will be directed to that superior race, to that race paisa that has mutated in the development of his brain, although in the United States and in Europe, this message has been known and we have many readers with select intelligence, who have already translated this religion into English; educated men, in high positions and in high positions; true geniuses who have already shared experiences with us in the fifth dimension without limits. They are practicing it in London, in Australia, in St. Petersburg, in Italy, in Paris and in New York; but almost not in Latin America. In France they are amazed by the eternal portal that we have managed to discover and, in Medellin, the cradle of this religion, it is not even known because, sadly, in the communes of the workers, we are just emerging from illiteracy. We know our privileges of race and in certain cases we can say that it is a superior race, but the differences of education and opportunities are so great, that the people of the communes look like other people, because there are some inhabitants of our land, who they are not able to read two lines on the page of a book, no matter how special it may be.

Penetrate in the universe of the religion of the intelligent, in this noble, delicate and special universe, supposes a distinction without equal but, to do it, it is necessary to have a high degree of education, it is, in short, a distinction that must be deserved. He who is worthy of this religion and of these experiences of direct eternity, by the degree of his evolution, experiences experiences in the infinite, a true ecstasy of eternity, because he begins to have a vision that he has never had. There is no religion more advanced and at the same time more refined, that leads us to reach the highest level, which can be achieved in eternal unity. It does not exist or has existed in human experience, another simpler and more direct way, to achieve the conscious eternity that makes us infinite.

The religion of the intelligent occupies a very special place. Never have secrets been revealed so valuable and at the same time so simple. The great truth has been revealed and we have finally discovered that the earth is one more of the matrices, where the supreme intelligence is renewed. Measured by this new religion, all other religions are obsolete, conditioned and aberrant. To say that the Pope, Desmond Tutu Anglican archbishop, Thich Nhat Hand Buddhist priest, Dalai Lama, Rick Warren and Ayatollah Ali al Sistani who calls himself the great, are poor comedians and that, by their inflamed ego, they can never consciously release Their spirits will not even enjoy, for a moment, the immense happiness of eternity, because they are no more than the handlers of the image of those intelligent men who did know the truth. There are limited spirits that govern the material world, with the lies of organizations designed to enrich them, but they can never and will not even dare to do the simple exercises that this new religion teaches and that would connect them with eternity without relative and finally It would give meaning to their lives. To say that the greatest of priests is not worthy to inhabit, nor to breathe the free atmosphere of the mountains of Antioquia, is the least that can be said, because in our land only men of good will live. Among the leaders and scientists who govern the earth, there are very few who can climb the ever-higher mountains of the wisdom of the Paisas. They would have to unlearn learned skills and with humility, tranquility and detachment from material things, from the peasant and the worker, practice the simple exercises of transcendence and, consciously liberating their spirits, discover the truth of their eternity and live forever. in the infinite.
Until the religion of the intelligent emerged, it was not known what was the meaning of our presence on earth, we did not know what is the height and value of thought, we did not know what is the depth of our conscience and less still, what is the great truth of our eternity. In this discovery that we have made the paisas of the great truth, there is not a moment that has been anticipated by any other race of the world, it was only discovered and managed by individuals like Jesus Christ, who multiplied the loaves and the fishes and walked on the waters, by Muhammad, by krishna, by Siddhartha Gautama, by Buddha and by Abraham, men of superior intelligence, who were converted by their followers into merchandise of deception. Followers who have become one after the other, in the greatest thieves in history.



Before the religion of the intelligent, there were no goals for souls, no meaning for our lives. Everything was reduced to being born, reproducing and dying, but now the great truth of our eternity has been revealed and this new religion arises, that in the most everyday, talks about modifying the material world at our whim, curing diseases and materializing the thought. Life shudders with passion, challenges become interesting exercises of creativity and rays are thrown that anticipate a future not previously glimpsed. The most powerful earthly manifestation, to symbolize that the human being has existed, is poor and a mere game of scientists and professors, almost childish, before the conscious passage of our spirit to eternity.

"The religion of the intelligent" is not only a religion, but, ultimately, is also a state of consciousness. A state that allows us to see, deeply, that we are the continuous creators of our universe and that we take responsibility for eternal unity at all times. There is nothing that separates us from eternal unity. We are eternal expressions of the principle of creation, at this level of existence. There is nothing extraordinary that we have to do, to attract or achieve something, because the potential of everything we can achieve is within us. The manifestation of our conscience, through "The religion of the intelligent" is the process that makes it possible for us to discover or notice our potential on the physical plane, because what you think manifests. "Thoughts are the energy that creates things." It is the attitude that determines everything that happens. Your own concept is what you are, not only in your interior, in your character, in your body and in the outside, in the image that you project; in your living conditions, materially, economically, yes, as you read it. Thoughts are all things that surround you and that affect you. If you have the habit of thinking that you are healthy and beautiful, whatever you do, you will always be healthy and beautiful. But if you change your way of thinking and let yourself be influenced by the fear of disease, you will soon lose your biological balance and start to get sick. If you think you are wrong, you will lose your health. Your life and everything that happens in it, obeys the beliefs inherited from your parents and your own beliefs, and what you express in your words and your thoughts. It is a law, a principle, and you know what a principle is ... It is an invariable law, which never fails. These laws are the simple principles of "The religion of the intelligent"


In each line of this book, man has been dignified and surpassed. The idea of ​​our eternity becomes supreme reality, in truth supreme. Much further, submerged in oblivion, has remained everything that until today had been considered "important" in the life of man. Nobody dreamed that it was so easy to transcend to the eternal, with simple exercises, nobody dreamed that the omnipresence and the power without limits for our souls were so simple, nobody dreamed that we were an important part of the supreme intelligence. Precisely in this relativity of time and space, in this capacity to mentally access everything, THE HUMAN BEING FINALLY UNDERSTANDS THAT HE IS THE HIGHEST OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS IN THE UNIVERSE, and when we learn how it is achieved, we must renounce to keep looking for something different. "The soul that possesses unlimited powers, the soul that is omnipresent, that can consciously liberate itself and wander through the universe, has been freed from chance. The soul that is everything and faces the future, that the same yesterday and the same today, has everything and wants to plunge into the will and the desire; that soul that moves away from itself and is reached in that universe without space and without time; the wisest soul, in which all things have their beginning and end, we have managed to separate it from its physical armor, with the witches of Antioquia, who achieved the transformation of their brains, thanks to the freedom and abundance of Your beloved mountains.
The psychological problem that is going to occur in our societies, when, with simple facts and discoveries never before seen, in a way never imagined before, everything affirmed up to now is denied, and a race that is the opposite of a vengeful spirit ... How is it possible that the spirit that leads on if the heaviest fate and the most delicate mission of change, a task that will be fatal for priests, for some scientists, for some professors and for some rulers, can be a light spirit of a peasant farmer of the land, a peaceful spirit? ... Do not forget that Antioquenos are friendly, helpful and peaceful by nature. The Antioquenos do not find any objection against existence, nor against eternal evolution through our children, because, unfortunately, the spirit that does not reproduce itself does not manage to evolve consciously to the portal of the eternal. The paisas have discovered one more reason, to be the eternal affirmation of all things.

In no nation in the world, no one had ever had the solution to all the enigmas of humanity, including modern sciences, modern arts and even modern politics, which makes alliances with the great thief, to continue exploiting the ignorant people and hungry, until the religion of the intelligent arrived, which begins to disperse among men, as between fragments of the supreme unity, of that unity of wisdom that is eternal. Everything that the Paisa race thinks and desires has no other purpose than to unify humanity; solving the enigmas and trying to make come to reason those scoundrels who steal the bread from the humble, in the name of an invented God.
How are we going to continue supporting the priests and the saints, if the children are sexually abused by these pedophiles, they cry in the streets, while they get fed up and pray to their mud statues? ...
What we have to do, it is already prescribed rigorously, we must take the religion of the paisas to practice, to achieve the inversion of the values ​​previous to this one. The religion of the intelligent teaches how to be aware of our eternity, how to cure diseases and how to get all the material things we want, without going against the evolution of our consciousness to the eternal.
In this sense, this book is a school of the good man, understanding it in the most spiritual way, because consciousness is the voice and the whole of eternal unity, in man.
The end of uncertainty is approaching, the end of deception is approaching, because we are the first to have a religion without revelations, which allows us to measure "the truths." Now we are able to decide, because the power of the eternal conscience, because absolute wisdom has lit a light to illuminate the abyss in which we find ourselves.
All fanaticism is indicated, because we already know the truth of our eternity and the simple way to check it consciously.
I must say it with humility, very few, before the religion of the intelligent, knew the power of thought and only from this book, hopes, goals and ways are reborn, to guide those men who are trapped in ignorance and in the randomness of the materialist dimension, in which first it is to possess that being.

The religion of the intelligent is a way.
The religion of the intelligent is a destiny.
The Antioquenos are going to have the honor of being recognized, by the great leaders of the world, although they are still buffoons of politics and buffoons of the church, that we are the messengers of the truth. That truth that comes to judge twenty one centuries of deceptions; deceptions and lies that have contaminated all humanity in psychological matters. The discrimination of women, the ascetic, the denial of life, the moralization of natural biological functions and religious terrorism, have become instinctive, which has been manifesting in all the religions of the world. Psychology represents the measure of cleanliness or mental filth of a people, a country, a race ... And when the leaders fraternize with the exploiting priests of the people ... How will they be objective? ... How are they going? to be clean? ...
We already know our destiny. One day, the religion of the intelligent and the Paisa people, will be united in something spectacular. The recognition for being the first free spirits in history, for having fostered the deepest clash of consciences, and for promoting judgment against everything that until now has been believed true and sanctified. The truth speaks in our religion, but it is a terrible truth for the other religions, because up to the present, what they have called truth is the lie. Fate has wanted that in our land, a religion without revelations and without adoration has been born, born of the freedom of the paisas and of the accumulated knowledge during many generations, that elevated their self esteem and that, slowly, they learned to modify the matter with the thought and achieve everything they always wanted. Life and the universe have wanted our race to be the first to be in contradiction with dozens of centuries of wrong education, to announce the unlimited power of our minds, which led us to discover the eternity of our consciences. We were the first to discover the truth, by an ancient practice, which for many years taught Antioquian witches and taught us to separate the soul from the physical body and fly freely in the jungles and canyons of our Earth. We are the joyful messengers who, for the first time, announce to the world the greatest and wondrous truth. We know activities of such height that, until now, with the wonderful development of science, the technical concepts are barely known to understand them. Only from this generation, there are new expectations and hopes for an unlimited world, which can give us everything.
Compulsory is going to give a battle between obese priests and obese scientists, against free men who travel in the fifth dimension without relative and that modify the material reality at will. The political idea will then be completely absorbed by the struggle of the spirits, because the rampant materialism will be distorted before the immensity of the spiritual. All the combinations, church state, church school and church society, that is to say all the powers of the current society, must be restructured, because they are all based on the lie, which turns men and women into sinners by inheritance. After discovering the great truth, it is slowly going to rethink the great politics, in which spiritual education and training to mature consciousness, will be very important. Whoever wants to be a creator, can achieve it by training the mind, and miracles and health will come to our societies, to start enjoying that paradise that we all deserve.
The doctrine of the religion of the intelligent presents veracity as a supreme virtue, very contrary to the cowardice of priests and ascetic idealists, who baptize everything with the concept of sin, in order to escape from reality. The Antioquenos are freer and braver thinkers than all the other thinkers put together, and with the discovery of our great eternal truth, the ancient philosophers have been converted into archaic beings, who philosophized on the basis of the moral liar, which gnawed at them from within , with a lot of lies. The confusion was so great before the discovery of this wonderful truth, revealed by the paisas, that the human being no longer knew what was true and what was a lie, we have finally overcome morality with truth and we have overcome the moralistic and obese priest , with the free and intelligent landscape that dominates the material plane at will. We have known the other religions inside and out, and we were terrified by the great amount of sexual abuse and feminicide committed with their absolutely macho positions. It was the great amount of errors seen and it was the discovery of that psychological fraud that became a crime against the people, which has made us feel a great repulsion and has given us wings and courage to fly to that near future, which full of hope for humanity.


The kind of men we want to conceive is the one who sees reality as it is. A kind of men who can understand their dreams and realize the power of their eternal consciences, who come to renew the unlimited power of absolute wisdom. To achieve this state, we needed a height, a perspective, a depth and a psychological depth absolutely unknown until now, and that could only be conceived in the bosom of a superior and free race.
To have revealed the great truth of our existence, to have discovered the object of why and for what we exist, is an unprecedented event, a true revolution that sheds light on life. It is a greater force, a destiny, a simple knowledge that we must all dominate, because it divides the history of humanity in two halves. It is lived before the religion of the intelligent or after it.
The ray of truth has fallen on men, so that they finally understand their limitless eternity.
And how do we manage to evolve quickly, to understand our eternity? ...
There is a very simple exercise, repeating and internalizing the following statements, hopefully every day, we will expand our knowledge and we will be able to create something new and fresh, that will surprise us;
because those affirmations can help us to create a new point of view, which allows us to live experiences that are increasingly satisfying.
- Since I am aware of my eternity, everything comes easily and effortlessly.
- Every moment of my life I am better and better, in what I do and what I live.
- I am eternal in the unity of wisdom and my life evolves with absolute perfection.
- With my power without limits, I have everything I need to enjoy now and always.
- I am the owner of my universe, I am the owner of my life in this dimension and I am the owner of my eternity.
- Everything I need is inside me, because my conscience and my thought have no limits.
- The perfect wisdom is in eternal life, which is our essence.
- I feel full, complete and master of my eternal universe.
- I love my grandiosity and I love the difficult path that led me to understand my eternity.


- I accept my past, accept my present and accept the wonderful future of love without limits.
- I love to love and be loved for all eternity.
- The more I love the discovery of my eternity, the more love I have to give to others, that are part of myself.
- Currently I love without limits and I receive love without limits.
- With the immense power of my thought, I attract to me and to my life, a love relationship with a woman so beautiful and so interesting, that gives me a lot of satisfaction and a lot of happiness.
- I have the perfect job, I am enjoying the religion of the intelligent and eternal unity gives me everything.
- I love contributing to the evolution of humanity and I love sharing my sacred experiences.
- I am an open channel of creative and eternal energy.
-I am capable of telling the absolute truth to everyone, regardless of their degree of evolution.
- I am an eternal light and I communicate clearly and effectively.
- I am a thought without time and space, and I have the wisdom and energy to bring the absolute truth of his eternity, to all human beings.
- I am in the right place, at the right time, doing successfully, what needs to be done, to be aware of my eternity and my unlimited power.
- It's great to be eternal and have everything we want!
- The universe is rich and unlimited and there is plenty for everyone.
- Abundance is my natural state and I accept it with joy.
- Infinite goods flow into my life, since I understood my immortality.
- My economy is increasingly prosperous, because my thinking builds everything you want.
- The more I have, the more I have to give.
- The more I give, the more I receive eternal unity and the happier I am.
- Now I enjoy more than what I have, because I am eternal.
- If time and distance do not exist, then what is the desire? ...
- I feel happy and fortunate, just for the fact of having an immortal soul.
- I feel perfectly healthy and I am radiant with beauty, because I am unique and unrepeatable.
- I am open to receive the benefits of the religion of the intelligent, because it leads us to be the center of the universe.
- I am not interested in money, I am not interested in material possessions, because I am eternal and I can do whatever I want.
- Love comes to me, easily and effortlessly.
- The divine light within me is producing magnificent results in every stage of my life.
- My inner light is working miracles in my life, here, now and always.
- Since I am aware of my eternity, everything develops for the good of my life.
- Now that I know the religion of the intelligent, I accept and follow the plan of eternal unity for my life, as the eternal unity of wisdom is revealed to me step by step.

The sincere love penetrated in my interior, to accept and to understand a new religion without revelations and without those gods of mud, that made us feel sinful, for I do not know what inherited debts. Now I understand that I am one, with my highest nature and I have an infinite creative power.
In our multiracial society, where the sun and other gods with blue eyes, blond hair and white skin have been worshiped, the vast majority of people, particularly blacks, Indians, mestizos, zambos and yellows, have seen deprived of consciousness or the certainty of who they really are. All those marginalized had lost, temporarily, their connection with the highest of themselves, and therefore, they had lost the power and responsibility with respect to their own lives. To a certain extent they harbor a feeling of helplessness and abandonment inside them. They felt basically impotent, to produce a real change in their lives or in their environment. This internalized feeling of helplessness provokes a disproportionate struggle and struggle, to achieve, only, a little power or economic control, in a world where only one race commands. Hence, people are oriented towards the achievement of material objectives. They feel emotionally tied to material things and to people they consider essential, to be happier in a universe that did not offer them a clear spiritual future. They noticed that something was missing inside them, and they became tense, anxious and stressed people, who continually tried to fill the internal void, trying to manipulate the outside world, to get what they wanted. This is the state of mind from which, most people fixed and set goals and tried and still try to create what you want in life. Unfortunately, from that level, the desire to overcome does not lead to anything, because the person puts on so many obstacles that he can not overcome them, and if he overcomes them and achieves his materialistic goals, it is only to discover that this does not contribute anything. to your happiness and inner peace.

When we become aware of this problem, it is when we begin to open ourselves to a truly spiritual path. We realize simply that our life must have other objectives and we begin to look for what is the true meaning of living? ... Throughout our search, we find exclusivist religions, originated by highly evolved men, but unfortunately, the followers of his teachings, turned those religions into a business. The origin of these religions had and has a very good objective, because they were and are based on love, but have been corrupted through history and sexual scandals and the mismanagement of their immense economic power, they have reduced credibility and it is because of all that great amount of lies that intelligent men end up recovering our own personality. That is, we return to our true selves, TO THE DIVINE NATURE, TO THE UNIVERSAL MIND that exists in all of us. Thanks to the new religion of the intelligent, we will recover all our spiritual power, and our spiritual emptiness will be filled from within. The religion of the intelligent is a new way of thinking, it is a new way of living, "Releasing from the bonds" as Buddhist philosophy says, to follow a path of awareness, with respect to oneself and with respect to eternal unity. or supreme wisdom.
Analyze, observe and rehearse the power of eternal unity, in different situations and circumstances, and use that divine essence as often as you can, to solve any kind of problem. If you feel worried about something, or are discouraged or frustrated by some difficulty, ask yourself how you could use the wisdom of eternal unity to help you. Create the habit of using the divine essence at all times, because you are part of it and all your problems will be solved. Do not be discouraged if you do not get immediate and fully satisfactory results, using the knowledge provided by the religion of the intelligent, because the vast majority of us have to overcome many years of negative mental structure and modify all the old habits and beliefs, and for that, conscious evolution is required. Many of us harbor attitudes and feelings, conditioned by materialism, which hold back our future efforts to live in a more conscious way with our eternity. So, be patient. It has taken his whole life to create what is now his universe, he does not have to change everything immediately. With perseverance and an adequate understanding of his process to conscious eternity, he will be able to create in his life, what to others will seem miracles. One of the most important steps to enter the religion of the intelligent is to permanently have the feeling of being connected to their "inner spiritual source." The inner spiritual source is the focus of infinite love, wisdom and energy, coming from of the universe for you, and that we must be very clear about. The source must be associated with the universal intelligence, the great spirit, the superior power or its true essence, because whatever it is called, we can find it here and now, inside each one of us, in our inner being. Personally, I like to conceive this contact with the source, as a connection with our higher self, the divine being that dwells in us and is unlimited and eternal. Being connected with our higher self is characterized by a deep sense of knowledge and certainty, of love and wisdom. You know yourself to be creator of your own vital energy and endowed with the power to create the experiences you want, trying to make them the most important and necessary, to advance in your own process of wise eternalization.

When, for the first time, you consciously experience your eternity and your contact with the higher self, that is, eternal unity, you will discover that all insecurities will disappear and that there will be no more confusion. Once you become aware of your higher self, you can evoke it whenever you need it and, gradually, you will discover that the supreme intelligence is with you forever.
The connection between you and the supreme intelligence is a two-way channel and it is very important to maintain that flow in both directions, because when you serene your personality and, through meditation, reach to be aware of your eternity, you are opening the channel so that the superior guidance and wisdom reach you, through your intuitive mind. When you feel creator of your own universe, you begin to be able to choose what you want to create and channel the infinite energy, power and wisdom of your higher self, so that your choices materialize through your mental strength and desires . When eternal wisdom flows through the channel in both directions, it is because you are being guided by the supreme wisdom, and thanks to the guidance it provides, you will make decisions and create your universe in the most pleasant and beautiful way that
We are going to do an exercise, which will help you get in touch with the divine essence, so that you feel in your heart and in your conscience, a warm and radiant radiance of your eternity.
Take an egg and open a hole in the thinnest tip, remove the yolk with a spoon and leave the rest of the albumin or clear in the shell. Place the shell on a chair in front of your bed. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and relax completely, let your body release the tension. Breathe deeply and slowly. Relax more and more deeply. Visualize your soul leaving your physical body, feel it come out slowly and turn in the air until you are standing. Of a small jump and feel like it is floating in the air. With your thoughts go to the shell of the egg, penetrate with your soul inside it and feel the humidity of the egg white that covers it and leave it slowly, and feel your soul grow and expand, moving away from the body more and more away , leaving a magical and elastic hilillo of egg white that does not burst. Visualize a light in your heart, warm and resplendent. Feel it expand and cover yourself with it, until you feel yourself becoming a ball of fire, projecting with loving energy over all things and the immense landscape that you are displacing. Repeat mentally and with conviction:

- Love and wisdom flow through me and, from me, they radiate to everything around me, to be able to travel through the universe with the force of my thought. I just have to think about my destiny and in that place I will be immediately, I can turn in space like a ray of light and my freedom has no limits.
Return slowly to where your body is, dissolve its inner light and penetrate inside it.
Congratulations, this has been your first experience, conscious, in the liberation of your spirit, with a very old technique that the witches of Antioquia have discovered and shared with us.
A very important part in the religion of the intelligent, is the development of a feeling of prosperity. This means understanding or consciously accepting the idea that the universe is completely kind, that life is constantly trying to give us what our spirits and our hearts want, in the material sense as well as in the emotional, mental or spiritual sense. Everything you want or need, is waiting for you in the universe when you ask for it.
You just have to believe that it is possible, desire it with all your heart and be willing to make the effort to get it.
The lack of understanding of how the universe works has led our society to believe misconceptions, such as the following, that we have to erase from our minds:
- There are not enough things for everyone.
- Life is very hard.
- Life is a valley of tears.
- The poor go to heaven and it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man go to heaven.
- You will win the bread with the sweat of your forehead.


These kinds of thoughts or beliefs do not do anyone any good. Many of these phrases have originated in punishing religions, which hate the rich because they do not give them completely the fruit of their work, their wisdom and their constant discipline. There is a situation of hunger and poverty on the earth, almost generalized, but we do not have to continue to endure this misfortune. The truth is that there is more than enough for everyone in this universe without limits, if we are willing to study the simple principles of the religion of the intelligent and to change our ignorance for a practical wisdom and well on the way to the supreme truth of our eternity. The universe is a place of great abundance, we are all part of it and we are prosperous by nature, both spiritually and materially, as long as we respect the other living beings and the mother earth that provides us with sustenance. We just have to get out of our minds, those ideas that have put us, strategically, to keep us poor and submissive. In these moments, humanity is submerged in a very great ignorance, in which a few smarter ones have everything, while the vast majority is torn between poverty and the mediocrity of its poor evolution. But a new religion has arrived, to teach us to think, to teach us three things that will change our lives forever.
- You are eternal, because your soul is eternal and you are part of the supreme intelligence.
- Your thinking gets exactly what you want, so you just need to learn to think and want good things for you.
- Ignorance is your worst enemy, fill your heart with love and create with your mind everything you need, because your power has no limits.
Ask yourself the following questions and answer, yourself, sincerely.
- Have you used thought, frequently, and are you able to think what you want?

- Are you capable of thinking, of imagining that you are a successful, satisfied, fulfilled and happy person?
- Are you able to appreciate the beauty and abundance that surround you?
- Can you imagine, your world, transformed into a happy, prosperous and abundant environment?
- And we have told your world, because your universe is individual and unique to you and your wisdom, because, unfortunately, the evolution of consciousness is individual and the vast majority will continue to clash with the hunger and despair of their ignorance and lack of love
- Accept, calmly, what your thought and eternal unity can offer, and do not feel bad for the shortage and the difficulties of your family and friends, because they are living their own path of love and the evolution of their conscience. .
Share this book with them and try to help them expand the capacity of their thinking, so that the universe also gives them much love and happiness.
Let's do an exercise that stimulates thinking and increases our ability to visualize true prosperity.
Lie on the bed and relax completely.
Imagine a beautiful house, with shiny and very bright floors, with very smooth and very clean walls, with windows through which the light enters in torrents. Spend some moments contemplating and observing the beauty and details of the furniture and porcelain that are everywhere. Then start walking until you reach the backyard, and contemplate the beauty of orchids and flowering buds. Observe the intensely green ferns and the sun that illuminates your little paradise, and the deep blue sky that fills your soul with peace and tranquility. Continue wandering around your dream house and admire the colorful ceramic of the bathrooms and the spectacular cuisine of your dreams. Imagine that woman that you like, with those blue-green and calm eyes, and that angelic face. Imagine your three little children and see yourself doing the work that you most like (write this book for you), and that allows you to express creativity in the way that most satisfies you. All efforts are amply rewarded, with their internal satisfaction, with the love of the people and with abundant income. Imagine that you feel fulfilled and that you enjoy your life to the fullest. After the exercise, read these affirmations:

- This is a very rich universe, in which there is enough comfort for everyone.
- Abundance is my true state and I am willing to accept it happily.
- The universe is a continuous and inexhaustible source, which provides me with everything.
- I want to be happy and prosperous, and with my thoughts I am achieving it.
- I am willing to accept all the happiness and all the prosperity that the universe offers me.
- I promise to share the teachings of the religion of the intelligent, with the less evolved people.
- Economic success comes to me, easily and without much effort.
- Life was made to enjoy and I am willing to enjoy it.
- I am rich in my conscience and in my wisdom.
- I feel perfectly, rich and happy.
The process of our conscious evolution is underway and it is very important to get in touch with the physical image we have of ourselves.
What opinion do I have of myself? ...
How am I and how do I look? ...
These questions have to be asked, because it is very necessary that you love, you, enough, to be able to ask the universe for good things. He must be convinced that he deserves the best of life. We are all unique and unrepeatable and the concept of beauty is relative, because even toads have a wonderful design and in their way they are beautiful, they have a nice color that allows them to camouflage themselves in nature and a big tongue and mouth, to catch their food in the best way. The toads are divine and each one of us too. Look in the mirror and correct what you do not like about your image, if you are very fat and you do not like it, start exercising and eat healthily, so that those extra kilos disappear. If you are very skinny and do not like it, change your diet to a diet richer in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, so that you gain the weight you need to feel better. For each thing there is a solution and the important thing is that you get to feel better with your body and your race. Observe in what situations you feel mentally critical or uncomfortable with yourself and begin, consciously, to be kinder and more considerate of yourself. He has to love himself enough to be able to give himself what he deserves. If you are kind to yourself, you will immediately be more kind to others.

We are going to create an image of ourselves that is more positive, more acceptable and more worthy of being loved. Once you understand that you are unique and beautiful, take the opportunity to tell nice and kind things. In the same way in which one appreciates a friend in spite of his physical defects and his moral deficiencies, he can love himself, as he is, without forgetting that there are things that can be improved and developed. Caring for the image is very important, and self-care can work miracles.
Tell yourself:
- I'm eternal.
- I am unique and exclusive.
- I'm getting better and more attractive every day.
- I am good people, kind and have a lot of love to share with other people.
- I want the best things in life for me.
- The universe loves me and I love the universe.
- My goal is happiness.
Say the phrase that you like the most, the phrase that seems most appropriate and interesting.
This exercise in the repetition of sentences is especially useful, because many of the negative images we have come from the idea that we are ugly, bad or stupid.
Images that have inculcated us in the family or at school since we were children.
Imagine yourself, as cute and as perfect as you want to be and say:
- You are cute, good color, good physical condition and very smart.
- I love you.
- You are very romantic, very thoughtful, very sensitive and beautiful.
If you look in the mirror and realize that you have an overweight problem, there are two things to do:


1.    You have to start walking, jogging or doing any kind of exercise, to burn the excess calories and you have to start a healthy diet, with vegetables and fruits.
2. Begin to draw in your mind, the figure of the man or woman you want to be, thin slender, healthy and happy.
The physical technique and the mental technique, serve to improve the aspect of what does not leave him satisfied.
In addition to being willing for a personal change, you must be willing to change the universe in you because:
- All the changes reach me easily, although I have to work just a little.
- I am willing to direct the changes that eternal unity is making in all my being, since I am aware of my eternity.
- I accept the renewing energy that flows to me, from the supreme intelligence.
- I miss the best and the best is coming to me from the universe.
Let's keep in mind that the vast majority of physical problems are strongly linked to our way of being. If we are eating all day and watching television, we are going to have problems of overweight and mobility.
The time for change has come and we are going to try to improve on the physical plane and on the mental plane as well.
Let's do an exercise:
Imagine that you are sitting at the door of your house and the neighbors pass by and greet you with kindness and talk to you about many interesting things. Imagine that more and more people are starting to arrive and they are very surprised because you are younger, thinner, more athletic and prettier.
Get up, greet them kindly, give them your hand and tell them that you have discovered your eternity and that you are practicing a new religion that, for all of us, will improve us for the better.
There are some affirmations that will make you feel better, in the following way:

2.    - Since I understood my absolute eternity, I feel totally satisfied with myself, in the presence of others.
- Do I love and accept myself as I am.
- I express myself with ease, frankly and simply.
- I am intelligent, strong and affectionate.
We are going to report everything we have to others.
The universe is formed of an energy in which everything moves, changes and flows. The basic characteristic of life is constant change and when we understand it, we tune into that rhythm and can give and receive abundantly.
Knowing that we are always going to win.
After we understand the unlimited goodness of the universe, we will share it in a natural and calm way, understanding that by allowing our money and our gifts to flow to others, we leave room for more and more goods to enter our economy.
Love, money, friendship, affection, recognition and all material goods are energy ... And that energy is shaped by thought, which is autonomous and creative. We all have in our interior, an infinite universe of love and happiness. We have been told, we have to get material things that are outside of us, to be happy, when the absolute truth is the opposite, we are learning to establish contact with our inner universe, which is full of love, happiness and satisfaction, to let it flow out and share it with the others. When we acquire this way of thinking, we want to share everything in a natural way, because that is the basic essence of love. By letting the energy of love flow, we are releasing more space for more love to enter our heart. We soon discover that this process is so good, that every time we want to activate it more. And the more money, love and material things are shared, the more is received from the universe, due to the process of action and reaction. In eternal unity there is no vacuum and, therefore, you provide the energy of your money, the universe conspires so that your businesses get more and more. In the mere act of giving, there is already the reward of serving and being useful. When we fully understand and live these teachings, we will live eternally full of love.



Let's do an exercise so that our love flows to others:
1. Express to the people more appreciation in everything. Write a list of the people to whom you want to let them know that you love them, and think how you will let them know in the coming days. Our gifts can be in hugs, in words, in caresses, in a phone call, in money or in any other way that you can express your affection. Express your gratitude, affection and love towards others more openly. You can say it to your mother, your father or your brother: "I want you to know that I love you with all my heart." Or to a friend: "You were very kind helping me get that job" Or his beautiful girlfriend: "You have the
the most beautiful eyes of the universe and I love you "Do not save words of gratitude and do not feel ashamed to say nice things.
2. Invite your friends for a coffee. Spend money on gifts for your friends. Give one of your tickets to the beggar who needs it most.
Invite a family of displaced persons to eat at home, and be sure that the universe will give you more and more.
3. Give away the used clothing that you do not like anymore, to the poorest people, and in your wardrobe will open a space that the universe will fill with moving and beautiful clothes.
By studying and practicing the religion of the intelligent, we are going to accelerate the evolution of your consciousness in order to be completely positive, to live in peace and ...
- Increase your health and your vitality.
- Do the miracles that are necessary.
- Create and materialize, what you want in life.
- We will miraculously cure the diseases of less evolved people.
- We will travel with our spirit, in a conscious state, throughout the universe, without the limitations of time and space.
- We will live eternally, in the heavenly peace of love.
We can not separate our physical health from mental and spiritual states, because, as we already know, the body is an idea, it is a thought that is born deep in your mind and the universal mind. All states are interrelated and a malaise in the organism, is the reflection of a conflict, a tension or an imbalance in the harmony of your universe. Therefore, when we feel a physical indisposition, it is very necessary to send a message to our interior and deeply analyze our thoughts, our behavior, our activities and our desires, in order to see what we can do to cure our disease. We must tune our internal process to the infinite and look to see what is happening and what the disease is due to.


Between the soul and the body there is a constant communication. The body perceives the physical world and sends messages to the mind about everything. If the summary of knowledge, whether consciously or unconsciously, says that you have to get sick, in a certain situation, that is what the body will feel and the symptoms of the disease will manifest. In this way, the entire biological physical process is closely linked to the deepest thoughts or ideas that we harbor with respect to life.
The religion of the intelligent acts in the communication between our mind, our body and the universe. It comes to strengthen the process of formation of images and thoughts in our mind, consciously and unconsciously, to transmit them to the whole universe in a new materialization. The evolution of our mind, in a conscious way, is the new process of creating positive images and thoughts, to transmit them to our body and replace the negatives and limiters, which has been imposed on us for centuries, an uneducated and backward society in fanaticisms that
they border almost on madness.
From the divine energy that we keep inside, we will cure the diseases that afflict us.
People get sick because they believe, deep in their hearts and souls, that illness is an inevitable response to a certain external circumstance, because they believe that diseases arrive at random, without choosing the patient who deserves it or not. He deserves it. Diseases also come when they come to solve a problem, when we do not want to go to work at the company, because there is a boss or a partner who stresses us and bothers us to exhaustion, or also come as a desperate solution to an internal conflict , unbearable, that forces us to get depressed when we are doing something bad that affects many people. Other examples are people who fall ill, because they are exposed to contagious diseases, because they believe they are very likely and unavoidable and are influenced by panic and collective self-punishment.


The person who dies of the same illness that his father or another family member died, is because he is unconsciously programmed to make the same thing happen. The person who suffers an accident, preventable, not to continue working, because he already felt very tired and was unable to ask for a license to relax and take a break. The person who gets sick to get love and attention, because getting sick was always the best way for his parents to show him the love he so badly needed. The person who represses their feelings throughout life and ends up dying of cancer, which is the denial of cells to reproduce or the rebellion of those same cells, to reproduce without control and end that life that no longer satisfies them. People who die of cancer, are those people who can not resolve the conflict between the pressure of their accumulated emotions, and their conviction that it is not right to express them to their family or friends, so the body ends up eliminating itself, to alleviate the conflict.


In diseases as in all problems, many factors exist and intervene; What I intend is to illustrate the fact that the disease is the result of our ideas and our decisions, and also, that the disease can be an attempt to find the solution to some problem that we hide inside of us. Diseases are also the answer to the person's inability to think. If any worker, does not know that there are pesticides and carcinogenic herbicides, because they are poisonous, and allows the company to fumigate it for several years, surely will die of cancer, but to him, in the midst of their need and ignorance, He does not care, because the ignorant say that we have to die from something and that is true, but when and how would you like your step to the fifth dimension, where everything is happiness, love and wisdom? ... Yes we are willing to recognize and modify our deepest convictions, we can find solutions more suited to our problems and we will eliminate the discomfort and disease of our lives. A broader view of this point of view is to adopt a more intelligent position in relation to the disease. Instead of thinking of it as a matter of chance or punishment, or an inevitable disaster or fatal misfortune, let us consider it a useful and powerful source of messages for our conscious evolution. If we suffer from a physical evil, it is a message that warns us to look in our conscience, if there is something that we should detect, assume or modify. The messages that bring us diseases, mean that we must serene and devote more effort to contact with our inner and divine light. Diseases tend to force us to relax, to dispense with our occupations and to let ourselves fall into a deep and serene level of consciousness, in which we receive the comforting energy we need from the universe.
When we move away from the absolute truth, when we separate ourselves from eternal unity, when we hit the walls, like cuckoos dazzled by light, in the midst of our ignorance, we must obligatorily fall ill, in order to recover the meaning of our existence .
But calm, that ignorance is never so great, nor are mistakes so serious, to extinguish the divine light that we all carry within us and that leads us, in any case, to happy eternity.


When we are aware of our eternity and have a continuous contact with the divine energy, which is within us, we no longer need important illnesses that point us to the path to the supreme truth. Diseases or accidents are messages that our concepts or ideas need to be modified or that there is an internal conflict or an activity that needs to change. Breathe with serenity, listen to your inner voice and ask yourself, what is the message that life tries to give you, or what is it that you should interpret in that situation? This exercise, you, can do it alone or with the support of someone who has already studied and practice "The Religion of the intelligent". It is important to know that illnesses and accidents are generated in their behavior. If you do not love your body and take care of it to the extreme, it will surely hurt you. If you smoke and know that the cigarette contains more than ten carcinogenic elements, you should also know that each time you bring a cigarette to your lips, it also carries the possibility of lung cancer, throat cancer, cancer of the esophagus, of a stomach cancer. But better analyze, what is the anxiety and what is the dissatisfaction that leads you to use drugs such as nicotine present in the cigarette, to receive pleasure? ... What are the problems at home or what is the emotional dissatisfaction, that lead him to use a cigarette, or alcohol, or cocaine or any kind of substance that gives him artificial pleasure? ... The disease indicates that you are a person little aware of his eternal evolution. We want you to think that illness is an important part of your evolutionary development, a warning you receive from life, to learn with pain and discomfort, to grow as a person.
The religion of the intelligent is an effective instrument, to cure large diseases, because it directly attacks the origin of the problem, which are its ignorance, its thoughts and its mental images. Begin to contemplate the idea that you are brimming with health and you will see your problem completely resolved. Naturally, prevention is always the best. Do not subject your body to contact with foreign, harmful or carcinogenic substances. Do not expose your body at high speeds, to irrational heights. A strong temperature changes, orgies with drugs and alcohol, excessive exhaustion or any activity that wear it for no reason and can hurt.

"If you seek danger, it is because you want to suffer, get injured, get sick or die sadly" is a phrase that my father always tells me that he is now close to ninety years old. He also tells me: "In life, the most important thing is life itself" ... Yes, the most important thing is to live healthy, to be able to evolve consciously, towards that eternity that awaits us with open arms.
Preventive medicine is the best, and if you do not have health problems yet, much better. Just visualize and think that you will always enjoy good health and that you will never have to cure yourself. But if you have health problems, it will comfort you to know that every day we are doing many miraculous healings, including very serious diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, appendicitis, intense undetermined pain and many others, resorting only to the
divine energy that is inside of us.
When you consciously release the spirit that is in your body, you enter the fifth dimension, where neither space nor time exist, and where we can handle the material creation at our whim, as Jesus did, when he returned the life to Lazarus, or when he rained manna in the desert, to feed his hungry people. IN THE FIFTH DIMENSION IT IS VERY EASY TO ENTER THE BODY OF A SICK PERSON AND HEAL THE DISEASE. As long as the person allows it and is free from emotional shocks and moral conflicts that afflict her. I will tell, only, the cases in which I have cured my close relatives, so as not to expose the privacy of other people in this book. My mother, who is eighty years old, is the most loving and kind woman in this universe, and she is very happy to be healthy and alive in this world, she has suffered some diseases that I had the opportunity to heal and that have completely stopped Surprised the doctors who treated her. My dear mother, all her life she suffered from chronic bronchitis, which reduced her to the bed completely suffocated for more than six years, and forced her to have oxygen permanently, day and night. The end of his life was approaching and all the children were very sad, until one of my sisters told me:

- Jorge, you were studying with Dr. Ignacio Duque, those experiences of Dr. Gregorio Hernández de Venezuela, who operated with the power of the mind, from the fifth dimension, why does not it relieve my mother?
- And who knows, what will she think?
- I said, because no person can be treated without their consent.
We asked my mother and she authorized the simple intervention and after fifteen days she was completely healthy. We deliver the oxygen pipettes to the E.P.S.
and all the doctors were surprised by the sudden healing.
We are all very happy
Years passed and one day I was called to the company where I worked. My old mother had given her a pre-infarction, and one of the exams showed a necrotic point in the heart, that dead tissue would take her to the grave, irremediably. My brothers present, with the authorization of her, asked me for a new intervention and this was done.
Again the doctors were surprised by the miraculous improvement, as stated in his medical history.
Years passed and he began to suffer from arthrosis and degenerative arthritis that was very terrible and painful. The vertebrae of the spine were degenerating rapidly, losing calcium by leaps and bounds and my mother, in great pain, lost mobility in the neck and had to be urgently intervened, before she suffered a spinal cord injury, which could leave her
All my brothers stayed looking at me in silence and I had to intervene again.
I made a mental intervention and a month was completely healed, regained mobility in the neck, pain was gone and arthritis stopped.
Then my teenager and beautiful daughter got sick. She had acute appendicitis and was going to have surgery at the San Juan de Dios clinic in La Ceja.
All the studies were done, the blood tests showed irrefutable evidence of appendicitis and the girl crying told me:
- Daddy, I do not want to be operated on, because that leaves me with a very big scar, I want you to relieve me, at night, so they do not have to operate on me.
- That's how it was done. The next day, the girl, miraculously after my intervention was healthy, had no pain and all the symptoms had disappeared. They repeated all the exams and all went well.
The very surprised doctors discharged him and we all left for the house very happy.
A very close neighbor, who knew all these cases told me:

- Magnolia, my sister, took the door of an elevator in the right leg and more than two years ago she has a terrible pain in the knee that does not let her do anything, takes a very expensive drug and doctors have not been able cure, they have done magnetic resonance and all possible exams and nothing that is improved. Could it be that you do me the favor and cure him of that pain? ...
- She has been a very arrogant and arrogant woman, I said remembering the strong character of my former neighbor.
- We would have to enter to make an analysis with, Omar, a psychologist friend of mine and then we see to see.
Omar, a very wise and very dear friend of Envigado, did the psychological and moral study, I made the intervention and the pain disappeared, and everyone was very grateful, especially William Gómez, my great friend of the soul.
But as accidents do not stop.
My 87-year-old father was run over by a motorcycle and fractured his left foot in three parts and severely injured his right foot.
The firemen took him to the San Juan de Dios clinic in La Ceja and the orthopedist when he looked at the radiograph said:
- We have to operate it, but I do not guarantee that I'll walk again.
I opposed that diagnosis and against the will of all I had them get into an ambulance and I took it to the Hospital San Vicente de Paul in the large plain, in the city of Rionegro. The orthopedist said the same and did not even want to operate, because the damage was greater than the possible recovery. They plastered it and sent him home without any hope. All my brothers were very worried, but I did a mental intervention to reorganize and heal all their bones and at three months, against all prognosis of the convensional medicine and miraculously, my father was walking twenty blocks every day, as if nothing had happened . We were happy, but my mother started losing her hearing quickly, my sisters took her to her E.P.S. and she was prescribed a hearing aid that she used for several months, until I noticed her uncomfortable deafness and I intervened to give her back the sense of hearing that tanata was missing. The doctors, again, were surprised by the miracles that happened continuously in my mother.

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Today my mother is eighty years old and my father is almost ninety, and they are very healthy and very happy with me.
The knowledge of the truths offered in "The Religion of the intelligent", are in themselves, an effective therapy to cure any disease by advanced that is. In other cases, due to the belief system of the patients, because it is very difficult to abandon the idea that we need traditional medicines and procedures, we must combine the two treatments, because whenever it is created, in the efficacy of some drug or of some therapy, we should not stop using them. We are convinced that any treatment will be effective, if you believe that it will be and you want it. You can use therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, massages, diets, exercises and techniques recommended by the religion of the intelligent, because it will be a wonderful complement, which can be used with the medical treatment you want.
The conscious use of his divine energy accelerates the normal process of his healing in a miraculous way. All diseases and all wounds can be healed, understood as healing, complete restoration or elimination of all discomforts. Some diseases or physical problems may have played an important role in our lives or in our spiritual development, and may have accompanied us for a long journey or even for a lifetime, but when the knowledge of our absolute eternity arrives, we can make those evils disappear immediately. Let us also remember that the time will come when, necessarily, the evolution of our physical life will take place in the fifth dimension. A phenomenon very similar to that of the ugly caterpillars that come from the worms that crawl on the ground, when they become beautiful butterflies of colors that fly in search of the radiant sun. If someone has made the decision at a deep level, consciously or unconsciously, that the time has come to leave this material life, all attempts at external or internal healing will fail and it is probably time, to concentrate on visualizing a form sweet to open arms to eternity without relative.
We are going to cure the less evolved.
The principles that serve to heal ourselves are equally valid for healing others. This is so, due to the unitary nature of the universe. As we already know, there is a part of our consciousness, closely linked to the consciousness of all people, and how that part is also our link with the eternal energy.

Those of us who have studied and practiced the religion of the intelligent acquire an extraordinary power of healing, which can be used at will. It is very amazing, but just by changing a few elements in another person's matter or reviving or reprogramming a few cells, it can be cured instantaneously in many cases, and accelerating and quieting the healing process in many others.
People who have had a very conventional education do not understand or accept the ability to heal others from a distance.
However, when they first release their spirit, they consciously understand the divine nature of our being and the miraculous powers that imply.
After studying with those old Antioquenos, with those teachers of superior intelligence, who used their knowledge for many years, I understood that the best method to focus on healing is to imagine myself, as a channel open to healing energy, to the spiritual energy of the universe, which advances through me to the person who needs it. I think of eternal unity, transmitting energy to the divine consciousness of other people, in order to repair what needs to be repaired in order to be cured. At that very moment I imagine them as they really are, divine beings, a beautiful and perfect expression of eternal life.
Healthy and happy by nature.
Everything you long for will be consummated in you and eternal light will shine in your ways.
Most effective healing methods.
So that the eternal energy flows.
It is a simple awareness technique, especially useful for those people who have not managed to separate their divine essence from the physical body.
Its objective is to maintain the flow of divine energy and to dissolve any doubt or blockage.
Take an egg and break it by the thinnest tip, remove the yolk with a teaspoon and leave the rest of the egg white in the shell and place it on the ground in front of you.
Sit comfortably, keeping your back straight, on the floor with your legs crossed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly, while counting from one to ten, until you feel com Imagine that the energy of the earth flows upward through your body. Keep thinking about this until you feel the energy of the universe flowing through you, penetrating your feet and moving all over your body to your head and channeled through your spinal cord until your spirit begins to rise slowly and stay out of the body, Turn with the thought and go to the shell of the egg, penetrate with your soul into it and feel the damp cold of the clear in your soul and go for a moment.
Feel the current of universal energy moving forward, contemplate the unique landscape of your first astral stroll and, turning, return slowly to where your body is, penetrate it and continue to feel the universal energy that makes it consciously eternal.
This meditation keeps him balanced between the cosmic energy of reverie and the immense power of his soul.
A balance that will increase your faith in the power of your thinking and increase your sense of well-being.
We are going to heal and purify your body, so that eternal energy flows.
Lie on your back, with your arms extended at your sides. Close your eyes, relax and breathe slowly, deeply and gently, Imagine seeing a bright and warm light, crowning your head. Breathe deeply and slowly ten times, while keeping your attention fixed on the beauty of the light, feeling how light and warmth emanates from your head. Let your attention move a moment to your neck, and imagine that another light radiates heat over your throat. Breathe ten times with your attention focused on that new light. Now shift your attention to your chest and, again, imagine the sphere of light spreading energy over it. Make another ten more breaths, feeling that the energy illuminates your entire body. Then fix your attention on your solar plexus and visualize the light spanning the entire trunk. Breathe slowly ten times. Now visualize the light that shines in your pelvic area. Breathe another ten times, feeling that the energy of light radiates and expands. Finally, imagine the sphere of light shining around your feet, and breathe another ten times. Concentrate now, in all the lights and see them all, shine intensely, as if your body were made of that light that emits heat. Breathe deeply, and with each breath, imagine the light flowing down the left side of your body, from the feet to the head, then imagine it on the right side of your body, going up from the feet to the head. Then imagine the stream of light energy, moving from your head, going through your chest and reaching your feet, while exhaling slowly, leaving your lungs empty when the light goes down. Take another breath and makepletely relaxed.

Imagine that the energy of the earth flows upward through your body. Keep thinking about this until you feel the energy of the universe flowing through you, penetrating your feet and moving all over your body to your head and channeled through your spinal cord until your spirit begins to rise slowly and stay out of the body, Turn with the thought and go to the shell of the egg, penetrate with your soul into it and feel the damp cold of the clear in your soul and go for a moment. Feel the current of universal energy moving forward, contemplate the unique landscape of your first astral stroll and, turning, return slowly to where your body is, penetrate it and continue to feel the universal energy that makes it consciously eternal.
This meditation keeps him balanced between the cosmic energy of reverie and the immense power of his soul.
A balance that will increase your faith in the power of your thinking and increase your sense of well-being.
We are going to heal and purify your body, so that eternal energy flows.
Lie on your back, with your arms extended at your sides. Close your eyes, relax and breathe slowly, deeply and gently, Imagine seeing a bright and warm light, crowning your head. Breathe deeply and slowly ten times, while keeping your attention fixed on the beauty of the light, feeling how light and warmth emanates from your head. Let your attention move a moment to your neck, and imagine that another light radiates heat over your throat. Breathe ten times with your attention focused on that new light. Now shift your attention to your chest and, again, imagine the sphere of light spreading energy over it. Make another ten more breaths, feeling that the energy illuminates your entire body. Then fix your attention on your solar plexus and visualize the light spanning the entire trunk. Breathe slowly ten times. Now visualize the light that shines in your pelvic area. Breathe another ten times, feeling that the energy of light radiates and expands. Finally, imagine the sphere of light shining around your feet, and breathe another ten times. Concentrate now, in all the lights and see them all, shine intensely, as if your body were made of that light that emits heat. Breathe deeply, and with each breath, imagine the light flowing down the left side of your body, from the feet to the head, then imagine it on the right side of your body, going up from the feet to the head. Then imagine the stream of light energy, moving from your head, going through your chest and reaching your feet, while exhaling slowly, leaving your lungs empty when the light goes down. Take another breath and let the light enter through your head and bring it back to your feet. Circulate the light flow that way for five times.
Then imagine that all your organs and all your cells work perfectly and that the divine light has healed your entire body.
Repeat these exercises when you feel some pain or some physical discomfort, concentrating the divine light on the affected part and staying healthy forever.
Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge he needs, and we can use them through our thinking, and our mind, which is the connection with the universal mind, with the eternal wisdom, however, to
Sometimes it can be difficult for us to connect with eternal unity and it is necessary to relax and breathe deeply, until the universal energy circulates within us and fills us with peace.
We are going to refine the technique to heal ourselves and then start healing others.
This meditation will help us to discover the underlying cause of an illness and to get rid of it completely.
It is very important to know this, because every disease has a cause.

What is the cause of my illness? ...
Let's ask the body, using one of our relaxation techniques, to see if we get the answer.


Lie on the bed. Breathe and relax deeply. Start by stretching and then relaxing the toes, then tense and then relax the ankles and go up, concentrating your attention on each part of your body, ordering it to tense and then relax, to release all the stress. Stress the calf muscles and then relax them, tense the muscles of the leg containing the breath and then relax them, stress the glutes by holding the breath and then relight them by breathing deeply. Hold your breath, tense your abdomen and then bounce the air and breathe deeply. Tension the chest muscles and then relax them. Bring your head towards your chest, tighten your throat and then relax by breathing deeply. Close your eyes tightly and then open them and breathe peacefully. Feel how all tensions have dissolved and how they have moved away from you.
Close your eyes again and do a meditation to open the energy centers and make it flow naturally. Imagine that an intense light, of healing energy, surrounds your whole body, and feel it warm and powerful. Note your contact. Go on
If there is any part of your body that has passed or is going through an illness or pain, cover it with the warm light of healing and enjoy the health that eternal unity offers you.
Techniques to cure your family, friends, acquaintances and everyone who wishes to enjoy good health.

Principio del formulario

Relax fully and enter a serene and deep state. Feel that you are one of the sources of the healing power of eternal unity. Place your right hand on the patient's head. Ask him about the characteristics of the disease and ask the patient if he wishes to be cured by the wisdom granted by the practice of "The religion of the intelligent". If the answer is affirmative, concentrate on the exact point of the illness and, mentally, send the energy of eternal unity through your body and your hands. Imagine that all the cells are being repaired, one by one, that they are regenerating and recovering the vitality they had lost, so that everything will heal and function perfectly. Then imagine this person covered with the strength and brightness of love; with a new interior peace and radiant with happiness. Talk to the patient and tell him that he is a perfect being and that no disease can influence his being. Remind him that you will help him regain health and that he will continue to transmit the energy of eternal unity. When you believe that each of the cells is repaired, open your eyes, breathe deeply and return to normal life, feeling very calm and very happy, for the noble mission.
From that moment, every morning think about that person and feel that this new friend is completely healthy.
To ask eternal unity for the gift of healing or strength that one wishes, in the middle of meditation, is done easily and with very good results. Close your eyes and relax deeply. Think that the energetic flow, of eternal unity, flows through your body, when you feel relaxed and full of energy, and transmit it through your body to heal and repair each of the cells of that person you want to recover health.
Say out loud:
I am an open channel for the universal energy that gives us health.
Inspiration and creative ideas, which heal body and soul, come to me through the wonderful power of healing that I possess. I am the creator of my own life and I can bring health to all people. The love of eternal unity, does its perfect work of healing, in this moment and in this healing, for the greater good of all. The love and well-being of healing are manifested through me, to bring health and joy to all who need it. My inner wisdom guides me towards the perfect solution and cure of illnesses, from those who come to me. The eternal energy within me is working miracles in my mind and in the healing I do here and everywhere.

It was a very good idea to write "The religion of the intelligent", because in this book I include some of the healing I did to my family and friends, so that you, my dear readers, take them as examples and begin to replicate them in your families, so that we are all very healthy and very happy, in this stage of the evolution of our consciences. I hope everyone makes a list of the ways in which I can flow the eternal energy into the world. Include ideas to flow towards them with love, affection, friendship, money and health.
Ask your patients to list their successes, write down everything they believe to be successful or have ever had in their lives, including all aspects of their existence. Write down everything that was important to them. The objective of this list is to remind the patient of all the capacities he has had, because that will give him a new energy in the search for his health. Also, make a recount of everything you can feel grateful for, with eternal unity. Making this list allows us to open our hearts and conscience, to the recognition of the delicious adventures and material possessions that we have enjoyed so much in our lives.
This exercise will increase our awareness of health, prosperity and abundance, in all senses.
You can also ask him to write down all the things he likes about himself, all his qualities, because the better he feels with his own person and the more he recognizes his qualities, the healthier and happier he will be, the more his creative energy will flow and the greater his Your contribution to the world. Tell him to write down everything he considers to be good about himself, pleasant things he can do for him, things that are for his own enjoyment and satisfaction. This will increase your sense of well-being and joy in life, which, in turn, will help you to situate yourself in a wider scope to create a pleasant future. Ask the patient to write down all the ideas, plans, dreams of the future or all the dreams that come to mind, no matter how distant or ideal they may seem, because this will help them to free themselves and stimulate their imagination and their natural desire to live.


Let's unlock life.
The patient may feel internally blocked, in such a way that he may be slowed down in his desire to recover his health. A blockage is a place where the energy remains locked, motionless, without flowing. In general, blockages are due to feelings of guilt, fear, resentment, hatred, sadness and self-criticism, which cause a person to become tense and close to the world, spiritually, mentally or even physically. . In my opinion, what is needed to release the blockage is to make the energy move and flow in the affected area.
The strategy to achieve it is the following:
Analyze the problem clearly, which leads us to the origin of the problem, which is almost always a limiting attitude or belief. In dealing with the region of consciousness in which we have a blockage, we first have to look at what emotion is locked in that area, and we must do so with love and acceptance. In this way we will get the blocked energy moving, giving us the opportunity to appreciate the negative attitudes or beliefs that manifest themselves and that are the cause of the problem's origin. Let's examine them carefully and replace them with positive thoughts, because the simple process of replacing them with positive beliefs and the acceptance of these feelings and sensations, which awaken in you, are what works the miracle. Almost invariably, the problem disappears when it is understood and accepted. It's simpler than you can imagine. The secret is to love and accept yourself, even if you have a negative belief and, at the same time, know clearly that you have to be willing to get rid of this feeling, because it is destructive and limiting.
There are beliefs that are very disturbing like these:
- I'm not good for anything, I do not deserve anything.
- I have committed bad deeds and I deserve to suffer for it.
- Other people are bad, selfish, stupid and cruel.
- The universe is insecure.
- There's not enough money for everyone.
- I will never have what I need.
- Life is pain and suffering.
- Falling in love is painful and dangerous, they can hurt me because the one who falls in love loses.
- Power is dangerous because we can hurt other people.
- Money is the cause of all evils, because money corrupts.

After reading these negative ideas, analyze to see if there are any that you have incorporated into your system of values ​​and emotional behaviors. However sad or depressing the reading of these phrases may seem, the truth is that we have all adopted these negative views about life, even if it has been to a lesser degree. It is not surprising that we have incorporated them into our thinking, because they are very common in our society, in fact, the world is governing under these ideas, although, fortunately, with the evolution of consciousness, this is changing rapidly. The important thing is that we understand that they are just beliefs, that they have transmitted us wrongly. If sometimes they seem to be true, when contemplating popular behavior, it is only because of the large number of people who are wrong and who, unfortunately, act by taking them into account. The most effective thing we can do, to change the behavior of the world, is to modify our own beliefs, about the nature of existence, of people, of reality, for something more positive, and to begin to act positively.



Principio del formulario

The civilizations of the future will be formed by men and women of unimaginable power and wisdom, all will be clairvoyant and will be able to appreciate the physical world in its entirety. They will work and communicate intensely with the elemental creatures of nature. They will perfectly handle communications and, for that reason, they will possess incredible knowledge in astrology and advanced physics, they will understand the laws of nature with thought and with the heart. Your general rule will be objectivity. We will know the strange life forms of the other planets and we will understand all their secrets and we will reveal the key to our happiness and our evolution towards the eternal. We will communicate at unimaginable distances and we will contemplate the birth and the process of evolution of that consciousness towards the fifth dimension without relative, as a normal process in eternal unity. We will serve others and nature, to balance our karmic debts. Men will be perfect, aware of our creative mission and we will be getting the evolution of our consciousness, as the ego and the capacity to love are transformed, that is the law.
Those who boast of saints, proclaiming themselves to the four winds as the leaders of their powerful churches and calling themselves spiritual guides of humanity, are only souls in transition, who are indolent in the face of poverty and suffering of the most needy who have not had education opportunities; thieves who got used to lying and enjoying the pleasures of money and vanity. The evolution of consciousness requires two essential requirements that must be given at the same time: The psychological transformation and a great capacity to love. Why should these two processes be given in spiritual practices? ... The reason is simple, in consequence of the power used, to handle the latent forces of the earth, the mental powers awaken and the eternal powers and properties as well. Now, well, imagine a violent person, who can read the thought or dispose of life and the fate of others, or a vain who is at the same time a clairvoyant, or a greedy person who has the power to multiply the loaves or gold and having the power to handle the elements and material reality. If one of these cases were to occur, the consequences would be disastrous and, with more reason, if we know that power and sensitivity are gradually aroused and developed in all aspects in an integral way, that is, the one that practices "The religion of the intelligent "and evolves, not only is clairvoyant but also begins to be clairaudient, telepathic, intuitive, manipulator of the elements and manipulator of laws physical laws including life, as Jesus Christ did when he resurrected Lazarus. Mother nature is wise and never makes mistakes, such truth becomes an indicator, to be able to recognize which ones have truly evolved in their consciousness.
If in your mind the idea is generated that accidents lurk at every step; that diseases and old age are continuous and unavoidable; if you are convinced of your bad luck; Whatever you normally expect, good or bad, that is the condition that you will see manifest in your life and in everything you do. This is the beginning of everything that happens to you. In an uneducated society, managed ninety percent by ambitious pedophiles, we are never aware of the ideas that fill our minds, because they are formed according to what they teach us, what we hear, and the errors and mistakes of traditional religions are so great that the people feel sinful, they feel they deserve the punishments and the illnesses that bring them closer to that hell invented by the celibates, who do not know what the family is, because they do not have children, they do not know what relationships are as a couple because they do not have a wife, they do not know the grandiosity of a lady's heart, because the ruthless celibacy to which they are subjected leads them to homosexuality. That they do not know the challenges of work because they live like kings in seminars, taking advantage of the tithes and alms that the poor workers pay them. As almost everyone is ignorant of the principles of "The religion of the intelligent" and the true laws that govern life, laws or principles also called principles of creation, almost all of us spend our lives, feeling heirs of a supposed sin original; seeing and listening to call sin the most beautiful feelings and desires of the young bodies, who feel the natural attraction of love; Seeing that what was promising to be so good turned bad, by the mistaken moralistic opinion of those monsters who became self eunuchs, in order to preserve the material properties of their church, following well-established laws, in which we blame our mistakes on a god white and blue eyes, who charges us by force of blows and blows, a supposed original sin that nobody knows who committed.


With what you have read so far, I hope you understand that the human being is not the sinner that you have been led to believe, that is, a sure candidate for purgatory or for the hell that they, in the midst of their economic strategies, have invented . None of that exists! ... The life of man, his universe, his circumstances, all that he is, and, everything that happens to him, are creations of himself in eternal unity. Man is the light of his conscience in the midst of eternity.
Being born with free will means having been created with the individual right to choose. Choose what? ... Choose the truth of our eternity or choose the path of pain, of the self-inflicted punishment of those sinners who invented a religion with hell and with unimaginable tortures. When the human being is involved in the effects of collective ignorance, he turns to the image of clay, of that god invented by the thieves, and begs him to free him from an original sin that only exists in his imagination. The man sees that God abandons him and, then, his family comforts them saying: "We must resign ourselves to the will of God" That is to say, they all assume that the will of that god of white men is bad. We, human parents and mothers, would never be able to condemn our children to the eternal fire and we consider that this invented god is capable. That is to say, that these priests are paying tribute to their god, a capricious, vengeful tycoon, full of ill will, pending our minor infraction to punish us out of all proportion.

It is natural to think like this, when we were born and live, ignoring the basic principles of "The religion of the intelligent" and of life. We already said that the reason for our calamities, we produce them ourselves with thought, because we are the creators of eternal unity. The creators, each one, of their own manifestation. We have analyzed and understood that each human mind contains a selection of opinions, convictions or misconceptions, contrary to the eternal truth and in conflict with the basic principles of creation, and that are perennially manifesting, in the external conditions, all those calamities and sufferings that afflict the human being and the world in general; accidents, illnesses, illnesses, lawsuits, shortages, failures and even the death of hundreds and thousands of people without an apparent motive. Happily, none of that fits the eternal truth of being. Happily "The religion of the intelligent ones" has been born, to erase all those false beliefs and replace them with the correct ones, which not only produce positive, good, happy and correct conditions and circumstances, but, once the error has been corrected and the truth established eternal, those negative things in our lives will never happen again. The programming has been changed. It is absolutely impossible to attract something that you do not already find, your correspondence in our eternity.
Every time something undesirable happens to you, that you get sick, that an accident happens to you, that you are robbed, that you are offended, or that you are the cause of an evil towards another person ... If you are afflicted by a physical or character defect, if you dislike someone, if you hate him, if you love too much and suffer for it; if jealousy tortures you; if you fall in love with an alien woman;
If you are the victim of an injustice or you are a victim of someone else's domination, look for the truth of "The religion of the intelligent" because there you will find the solution to all your ills.
The truth, absolute wisdom is perfect harmony, beauty, goodness, justice, freedom, health, life, intelligence, love. The opposite is the appearance and inventions of ambitious pedophiles.
The supposed original sins, are contrary to the supreme principle of perfect harmony, then all that is a lie, because it is contrary to the eternal truth.
Your eternal consciousness is perfect. At this time and it has always been perfect. You can not get sick because it's the beginning of your eternity. It can not die because it is eternal and can only evolve into the fifth dimension of timelessness. He can not grow old, he can not suffer, he can not fear. He can not sin because it is love, intelligence and wisdom. That is the truth, that is your truth, mine and that of all human beings right now.

We are going to submit our soul, our eternal conscience, to a treatment to improve and to assimilate the truth. After all treatment, you must keep the attitude that has been declared. We can not allow doubt to enter into the truth we have discovered, we can not re-express in words the concepts, opinions and beliefs of before, because progress is destroyed and this treatment is canceled to understand the eternal truth. The purpose is to transform the mental pattern, which has been dominating our subconscious and the subconscious of almost all humanity for thousands of years. This renewal is done by changing every old and punishing belief, for love, as they are presented in our conscience, in knowledge and according to the eternal truth. There are erroneous convictions that are so ingrained, that they need all our wisdom so that, every denial that is made with respect to life, will erase the design imposed by the pedophiles, until it disappears completely and is replaced by the truth of the eternity of humanity.
You will see the miracles that will happen in your life, in your environment and in your family. You have no faults, but appearance of defects. What you see as moral or physical defects are unfounded, because when you know the truth of your eternity, the imperfections that you thought you have begin to disappear.
This is the great truth: Your conscience is eternal and is part of the absolute wisdom.
Here begins your new life.




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