Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon

LITERATURA UN MUNDO MÁGICO - Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation

I am before you, again, to present you with a shocking book. In these pages I speak of what I prophesied, in some of my previous books, and unfortunately history has confirmed. Vaticines that rise like a cloud of radioactive waste, a sinister cloud that threatens to destroy our human civilization forever.

Jorge León Soto Builes






Jorge León Soto Builes, was born in the department of Antioquia la grande.

When Jorge Soto Builes was born, in the humble home of a taxi driver and a housewife, he shares the needs of a family in which only what is necessary to survive is available. Son of Mélida Mrs. Builes Mendoza, woman of letters, excellent reader and admirer of the great writers of universal literature, being the third son was always surrounded by good books, which were the ideal environment to awaken their immense skills in writing and develop
his early vocation as a writer.

After having entered the faculty of mines of the National University of Colombia, section of Medellín, and the engineering faculty of the University of Antioquia, where he specialized in quantum physics, molecular chemistry and applied mathematics, he retired without graduating after spending eight years in the university cloisters, harassed by the responsibility of the imminent arrival of Carolina, his first daughter.

He began, then, his agricultural work and his first steps in the world of letters, on a farm owned by his family in "The Mount of Olives" located in the impenetrable hills of that Antioch full of witches and goblins that They break the darkness of the forest with the magical light of their nocturnal movements. He begins an in-depth study of that Antioquia subculture of traditional witchcraft, at the same time that he begins to write his spectacular novels "The black cherub", "Love eternal love", "The true code of Antichrist", "A model and a horse made caption "" A journey to survival "," Humanity on the road to death "," The religion of the intelligent "and" The nuclear holocaust "

Criticized by Catholics and Christians, hated by philosophers, politicians and academics, Jorge Soto Builes continues his journey difficult, in a third world country where writers end up dying of hunger, performing their agricultural tasks until their gift of healing and his fame as a sorcerer who can do everything, they become incoherent. With more than a year of anticipation, he prophesies the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States of America and prophesizes the bomb attack on Syria and Afghanistan, in a book called "Mankind on the road to death" that sent on June 6, 2016 to the most prestigious news agencies in Colombia and the world. Prophecies that earned him celebrity and honors among his family and friends, and disdain and distrust among journalists, university professors, philosophers and intellectuals, who described him as a charlatan. He miraculously heals the illnesses of his family and friends, and ends up taking refuge in the anonymity of the immense city of Medellín. It prophesies the arrival of the third world war, after the aggression that is going to suffer an important city of the so-called untouchable countries, it prophesies the death of three great important leaders and it prophesies the violent death of many people in the developed countries. He gives all the material goods he owns to the poorest, authorizes the total or partial reproduction of all his writings in any information system and march to the big city to initiate the campaign "YES TO PEACE, NOT TO WAR" "YES TO PEACE, STOP THE WAR "



Prophecies of Nostradamus that have begun to be fulfilled in recent times.
"Tasche de murdre, huge adulterers.
Great ennemy of tout le genre humain.
That will be pire qu 'ayeuls, oncles ne peres.
In fer, feu, euv, sanguin et inhumain. "
Striked criminal, huge adultery.
Great enemy of the whole human race.
It will be worse than grandparents, uncles or parents.
In iron, fire, water, bloodthirsty and inhuman.

"Esleu will be Renard, ne sonnant mot.
Faisant le sainct public vivant pain d'orge.
Tyrannizer apres tant a cop?
Mettant to 'pied des plus grands sur la gorge.'
Chosen will be clever, without saying a word.
Becoming the saint in public, living onion bread.
Tyrannize after so much of a blow.
Putting the foot, the largest, in the throat.

The war will come.
"Le prince Arabe. Mars, sun, venus, lyon.
Regne d'eglise par mer succombera:
Devers la perse good prés d 'a million.
Byzantium. Egypt, see, serp. Invadera. "
The Arab Prince, will initiate the third world war.
And the kingdom of the church by the sea will succumb.
Towards Iran, about one million soldiers will travel.
To Turkey and Egypt the Chinese will invade.

"L 'antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt et sept ans sang durera sa guerre.
Les heretiques morts, captivate exilez,
Sang corps humains eau rougie greler terre. "
The third Antichrist very soon annihilated
Twenty-seven years will last your war.
The dead rivals, captives, exiles,
The human body bleeds, reddened water, bombings on the earth.

"Vous verrez tard et tost faire grand change,
Horreurs extrémes et vindications.

The war will come.
"Le prince Arabe, Mars, sun, venus, lyon.
Regne d'eglise par mer succombera:
Devers la perse good prés d 'a million.
Byzantium Egypt, see, serp. Invadera. "
The Arab Prince, will initiate the third world war.
And the kingdom of the church by the sea will succumb.
Towards Iran, about one million soldiers will travel.
To Turkey and Egypt the Chinese will invade.

"L 'antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt et sept ans sang durera sa guerre.
Les heretiques morts, captivate exilez,
Sang corps humains eau rougie greler terre. "
The third Antichrist very soon annihilated
Twenty-seven years will last your war.
The dead rivals, captives, exiles,
The human body bleeds, reddened water, bombings on the earth.

"Vous verrez tard et tost faire grand change,
Horreurs extrémes et vindications.

The English chief supported by America.
When it is cold in Scotland.
Red King will have false Antichrist.
That will put them in the war.

And China will invade Europe.
"From maison sept par mort mortelle suite.
Gresle, tempest, pestilent evil, fureurs.
Roy d'orient d'occident tous en fuite.
Subjuguera ses jadis conquereurs. "
For having sown death, the seven countries of Eastern Europe, will know deadly consequences. They will be crushed by the bombings, the storm, the epidemic and the fury of their enemies.
The head of Asia, will wipe out all Westerners and subjugate their former conquerors.

Ruin of Rome and fall of the Vatican.
"The grand montagne ronde de sept stades.
Aprés country.
Guerre, faim, inondation.
Roulera loing, abismant grand contrades.
Mesmes antiques, et grand fondation. "
The great city of the Seven Hills, after a period of peace, will know the war, the hunger and the revolution that will go far, ruining many countries and even the ancient ruins and the great foundation of the Vatican.

The murder of the Pope and the landing on the shores of the Var.
"Dix envoyez, chez de nef mettre a mort.
D 'a warned, in class war ouverte.
Confusion chef. I'm picque et mord.
Leryn, stecades nefs, cap dedans la nerte. "
Ten envoys, heads of ships.
To kill the Pope. In an open war army.
Confusion. One injured and dead.
They disembark on the coasts of Var.

France and Germany destroyed.
"The end le Loup, le Lyon, Boeuf et l'asne.
Timide lady seront avec mastins
Plus ne cherra a eux la douce manne.
Plus vigilance et custode aux mastines.
The end of Germany, South Africa, France and Italy.
The timid Poland will be allied with England.
But the sweet manna will not fall for them.
Open surveillance and custody of the English.

Deformed children are born and hunger is widespread throughout the world.


"L 'enfant naistra á deux in the gorge.
Pierre in Tuscie par pluy tomberont.
Peu d'ans apres ne will be bied ni orge.
Pour saouler ceux qui de faim failliront.
The child will be born with the teeth in the throat
In Italy there will be a shower of bombs.
A few years later, neither wheat nor barley will grow.
To satisfy those who will die of hunger.

Medellin May 18, 2017

Carolina Soto Marín
Dear daughter:
I hope you are well and that you are successfully completing the last semester of your university career. I tell you, my daughter, that your prolonged absence and your voluntary isolation, have not allowed you to know all the hardships that I had to suffer in the last months and days, and it was after the correct prediction that I made on June 6, 2016 in my book "Humanity on the Path to Extinction" in which I predicted, against all the favors and predictions, the election of the egocentric Donald Trump as the new president of the most powerful nation in the world. I also warned the international community about the future attack that, with powerful bombs, would make the city of Damascus in Syria, leaving many women, elderly and children dead, to further sharpen the conflict that is of the highest interest of Russia in the head of Bladimir Putin.

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"Violence can only generate more violence" It is the maxim that leaders have not been able to understand, that will lead us to the sad destruction of all humanity in the next forty-nine years, as I related in detail in my book "La humanity in danger of extinction "that I sent you to your e-mail and that, of course, you must have already read, because fortunately, dear daughter, you do not suffer from the same illness that all young people suffer, who only like to chat in his cell phone and they do not like to read anymore.
I tell you that I am very concerned with the polarization of the great military powers of the world and with the language and the suicidal and warlike attitudes of some heads of state, who continue to plot their power strategies, while the intelligence agencies make large advertising deployments trying to hide from the people, the immense errors that are being committed and that, inevitably, will lead us to the feared nuclear holocaust that will end with the extinction of humans on June 6 of the year two thousand sixty-six, to end up giving it the reason to those who always made predictions with the 666 number of the great beast.

I have decided to hide in the farm "The Mount of Olives", our beloved farm, but I will not be silent, I will not abandon my struggle for humanity, because of the social injustice of the communications era. I will write everything I know, because the countries will suffer such atrocious changes, that if I said with proper names, the cities and the characters that are going to be destroyed violently, would generate a collective panic and the intelligence agencies would have to take difficult decisions, to preserve universal stability, as was done in other times. There are immense economic powers behind power, which do not accept the opportune premonition that warns of a large number of human beings killed throughout the earth. The death toll in one country will be approximately the same number of deaths as in the other country, because of the terrible law of action and reaction. The damage produced by the superpowers in the pursuit of their interests, will be the same damage that their people will suffer in the reaction of the perfect balance of eternal unity, and it is in this way that the nuclear hecatomb will be unleashed. finally, it will end your life, on June 6 of the year two thousand sixty-six, as I had told you before, my daughter. You are the only person that I have loved, really, in the universe, and I know that my duty is to warn all humanity the sad end that awaits us, if the great leaders do not change their warmongering vocabulary. These revelations may bring us many difficulties and that is why today I promise you that, never again, I will say proper names. I will not say names of cities, or of countries, in my future prophecies, for the security and tranquility of the unprotected peoples. I will not hide the information from the heads of state and I will write as clearly as I can, so that everything is understood by the powerful and there is no other alternative but to stop that war that is going to destroy all of humanity. I need all the inhabitants of the earth to press the warmongers, to change their attitude. We are going to wear the "YES TO PEACE AND NOT WAR" t-shirt, and we will go out into the streets, until the powerful ones understand that the earth belongs to everyone and that a few dollars, more, are not worth it . I have received the spirit of prediction, the gift of predestination, the capacity of omnipresence in which I can see things distant and I can see the future events and all that power, beautiful daughter, you can acquire it if you finally decide to read "The religion of the intelligent" that you can find in if someday you You can separate from the rumba and your disinterest in life. That wisdom and that power of traveling in the fifth dimension, approach us as the rays of the sun do each morning, as does the gentle breeze in spring, and it is so natural that anyone can acquire them, practicing the simple ones exercises that I explain in my book. All the infinite wisdom is condensed in us, humans, by our eternal conscience and by our constant vocation to universal knowledge, which will lead us to know the secret of why we are on earth. I hope you manage to eliminate the concept of time in your life, so that between the two of us, we can tell the universe, the terrible secrets of the future to which we are going to launch those four powerful leaders that I will mention again, so that everyone knows under the responsibility of who is going to originate the next world war and they are Donald Trump, Bladimir Putin, Pyongyang and Xi Jinping.

The universal equilibrium tends to end the divine works, which are all absolute and, if the four great leaders have consciences full of ambition and hatred, humanity will have to disappear and begin again, in the eternal exercise of evolutionary wisdom. But, my daughter, I am talking about things that you may not understand, because even if you are my daughter, your universe is parallel and very different from mine, but I hope that you will acquire the necessary evolution, to travel consciously in the fifth dimension, where you will understand everything I am telling you, because I do not want my publications to take you by surprise and you do not know what they are talking about. In addition, my daughter, I have not called myself a prophet, I do not want to award myself such a sublime title in the twenty-first century, because the prophets were those men like Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and Krishna, that eternal unity used, to convey to us a message that will lead us to the future, which is today. I may be another man who has been mutated by the brain, to point the way and I hope that this important mission, in which we are going to carry a message of love, to those important leaders, will lead to a good ending. your hearts and your armies, and you can die as an old woman next to my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren. And it may happen that this time, the prophet, through the light of knowledge, makes manifestly change the human ambitions of the great beast, so that human evolution continues on its way, because if it can not be achieved by means of the love, it's going to have to be done with blood and pain, because the power of eternal unity is unlimited and at any moment it mutates the brain of a special race, which stops the abuses of free will, which is filling with pain, inequality and tears, the universe. I do not expect, my daughter, to understand immediately, all the knowledge I reveal in my books, because your thinking and the level of evolution of your conscience are different from mine, but I do hope that you will help me by undertaking the campaign of "YES A PEACE AND NOT WAR ", to try to take out all the good that is in the hearts of those leaders who threaten world peace, because if they do not manifest change and goodwill, they will have to pay for it with their wrong lives and with the lives of his followers.

The changes are so great and the destruction that important cities will suffer is so incredible, and the dead are so numerous that I do not dare to reveal their names, nor will I say the names of the leaders who are going to die, because It would put many lives at risk. I know, my daughter, that you do not understand why, the events of the future, are not available to your knowledge, but if you practice the simple exercises that I teach in "The religion of the intelligent", you will understand that present events and future, are not too hidden and can be revealed in the eternal unity of the fifth dimension, in which everything is wisdom, but the perfect knowledge of all future events, can not be acquired without the spontaneous inspiration of the universal intelligence, of the eternal unity, which can only be reached through love. From love to what? ... From love to your family and friends, from love to society and your profession, from love to nature, from love to your knowledge and love to the eternal universe, and it is, at that moment , when you find love without relative, when everything will be clipped and you will understand the perfection of the universe. These are simple principles, those that have not been understood by the great leaders of the earth, blinded by their excessive ambition. You are a direct witness of the miracles that I have achieved in our family, when I immediately cured the painful appendicitis, which took you within minutes of entering the operating theater, at the San Juan de Dios de la Ceja clinic, or when I cured the chronic asthma that had your grandmother with permanent oxygen, during five painful years and when I returned the sense of hearing to this beautiful mother of mine, who already turned eighty years old, and listens and breathes happy, next to my father, your grandfather, who also had to heal the multiple fractures he did, at his ninety years, an irresponsible with a motorcycle. Accident in which all the orthopedists who diagnosed him, told him that he could never walk again. They are small miracles that I know that make you trust me, for that great miracle in which we will try to return peace, life and a future prosperous to all humanity, if we find receptors ears for this message of love , in the midst of the materialistic madness that leaves no time for humans to do anything other than accumulate objects that they will inevitably have to leave in the middle of war.

I hope my daughter, that you practice the conscious liberation of your spirit and when you achieve it, that will surely be very soon, because your genes keep the atavistic memory of everything that our Paisa race has learned since always, never use your knowledge in vanities materials that ruin the body and that mean nothing in our evolution towards eternity. Process in which I am announcing, through the inspiration that gives me eternal unity, the humble prophecies that will correct the course of humanity, before the horrific and feared nuclear holocaust, if that ambition, vanity and The egocentricity of the vast majority of humans does not make the process of self-destruction irreversible. Fearful that this initiative is condemned by the mediocre, who are managing our society, I would like you to stay out of events, immersed in anonymity but collaborating, so that this message reaches through social networks, to all humanity , that surely is going to wear the shirt of "YES TO PEACE AND NOT WAR" But do not worry, my daughter, that I confided blindly, that the good judgment and goodwill of men, will triumph over the vanity and self-centeredness of the leaders, who will have to die without remedy, because we have to change the future with our reconciliatory thinking. It is not possible that, they, can not sense the final outcome of their lives, before the great amount of deceptions and lies, that they are transmitting to the working people who march like a blind mass.

The great thief will die irremediably and the great beast will also die at the hands of a people who are superior to him. For all that, so that you do not make mistakes in the future, look with dedication for the evolution of your consciousness, so that you consciously release your spirit and you can enter the fifth dimension where yesterday, today and tomorrow are the present. Therefore, my daughter, you can easily, despite your young age, understand that the things that must happen can be prophesied, and thanks to the evolution of my consciousness, I could see the consequences of the nuclear holocaust that will be initiated by the great beast, which ends with the extermination of all mankind in the next forty-nine years, and it is, therefore, that I have come with my gifts, to correct the course of humanity, which is not the same course of the universe; because eternal unity will continue in the eternity of its light, which comes from itself, while man will have to start a new path, initiating a new evolution from scratch.

In eternal unity always happens what has to happen and that is how those who in their immeasurable and incomprehensible greatness for the great majority were born, came to prophesy and point the way, inspired by a great force of love, that comes from the unity eternal that contains everything. To know that everything that has been predicted is true and that the multiplicity of universes is given by free will, in which the most powerful thoughts are modifying the future of all humanity, until the great beast arrives with its warlike vocabulary and his great warlike power, he forgets the eternal unity and believes a God in his position as ruler, until the infinite wisdom balances it, as it has already balanced the great murderers of humanity. That is why eternal unity accelerates the mental evolution of some individuals, allowing them to contemplate the universe in a dimension without time, in the fifth dimension that is the whole. Advanced thinking, by means of which, the prophet can judge, thanks to the absolute wisdom, to which his natural evolution and that wisdom and those gifts have led him, are only the clarity that nature allows him; for the light of human nature gives the new philosophers a great confidence in themselves, which are the principles of the first natural cause, to reach the highest doctrines and to overcome the deepest abysses and risks. Keep in mind, my daughter, that I know that these international conflicts, and the point I am making, will completely take us away in this dimension, which is only the process of preparation, in the future capacity of your perfection. Understand that the rulers and men of letters, will try, by all means, to turn off my voice, which was what they did when I prophesied the arrival of the new president of E.E.U.U. to the power and the lamentable bombings to Iraq and Syria, in my book "The humanity in the way of the death" that was ignored by all the informatics means of the world; bombings that have been the origin of the third world war that is slowly being launched ... And the bombings will be so great and the destruction so great, when a ray of light crosses the sky, and makes shudder of rage and pain , to one of the great cities of the untouchables. The multilateral aggressions are going to be so big and so strong, that there will be no country that is not reached by atomic radioactivity and all those terrible actions will last until the last human being has died on June 6 of the year two thousand sixty-six.

After the nuclear hecatomb, the rains will be very small and the joint ecological footprint, which we analyzed earlier due to concerns that food would be scarce in the future, will be thousands of times worse and we will enter into an irreversible ecological collapse and atomic radiation , scattered, it will kill all the men and there will only be some very evolved animals such as cockroaches, salamanders and some marine species, protected by the depth of the sea. It will have to start again the evolution of the species, without taking into account the homosapiens, who has a lot of intelligence but very little love in the heart.
It is for all these revelations that has allowed me to know the eternal unity, it is for the gift of being able to modify the matter that granted me the supreme intelligence, that I write to you and I invite you to put on the shirt of "YES TO PEACE AND NOT TO THE WAR "and help me to save humanity from the final cataclysm.
Be careful and remember that I love you with all my heart.
Until always, my little daughter.

The president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has suggested that a war with North Korea is closer than ever. - "Is there a serious possibility that we may end up having a great conflict with North Korea?"



- Absolutely - He said in an interview with Reuters. Advancing towards a confrontation over which the nuclear spectrum looms.
The small Pyongyang regime is constantly challenging the northern giant and is becoming a serious nuclear threat against South Korea and Japan. The United States of America, presided over by the egotist Donald Trump, has sent the powerful nuclear aircraft carrier Carl Vinson and his combat group to the waters of the Korean peninsula. At the same time, it has deployed its anti-missile shield in South Korea, but this demonstration of war power has unleashed the rhetoric of Pyongyang, which takes refuge in the power of its communist and socialist allies.
In this scenario, Trump has opted for a warmongering policy and after the bombings in Syria and Afghanistan, the two great military powers of the earth have once again polarized, leaving us one step away from the third world war.
But what is the position of China, the Asian giant? ...
Appearing at the regional forum dedicated to collective security problems, US Defense Secretary James Mattis once again condemned Beijing's activities in the South China Sea.
According to the AFP news agency, the Pentagon chief added that it does not rule out the possibility of a confrontation with China.
This is not the first time that alarming warnings resound about the possibility of Beijing and Washington starting a war in the South China Sea.
Earlier, Donald Trump's advisor, Steve Bannon, predicted that a confrontation between China and the US could take place in this corner of the world in the next ten years.


Although an authentic war between the US and China seems unlikely, today there have been a series of conditions that could contribute to this outcome.
Military presence
China and the US regularly deploy their warships in the disputed waters in the South China Sea. Until now, the parties have limited themselves to intimidation. However, any failure could lead to an armed confrontation.
Ignoring the dissatisfaction of Washington and its neighbors, China continues to build artificial islands in the South China Sea. In May 2017, Beijing deployed its missile launchers on the Yongshu Jiao reef, which should prevent the approach of Vietnamese submarines to the archipelago.



Washington did not take long to react and in several days sent his destroyer USS Dewey to the Spratly Islands, without warning Beijing.
On May 26, another disturbing incident occurred in the region.
Two Chinese J-10 fighters approached a dangerous distance from the American P-3 Orion plane.
Why are both countries so interested in the South China Sea?
This interest can be explained by several factors.
The first one is that routes through the South China Sea pass through which hydrocarbons are exported from the countries of the Near East to the US and to the States of the Pacific Basin.
In particular, China imports up to 40% of its crude through the South China Sea, while the US transports through these hydrocarbons routes worth 1.2 trillion dollars.
In addition, abundant oil deposits were discovered on the platform of the Paracelsus islands and in the Spratly archipelago. Currently, the South China Sea has about 11,000 million barrels of black gold reserves.


plans to reduce Washington's dependence on hydrocarbon imports at the expense of intensifying exploration of US fields will not help improve relations with Beijing.
"The US has always needed more energy, so it occupies the first place in terms of hydrocarbons imports, even if Washington decided to recover the exploration of all its deposits, the country would still import oil and gas," he said.
Apart from that, the Paracelso islands and the Spratly archipelago have a great strategic and military importance, since they allow to control from the air most of the South China sea.
The birth of a naval power
China not only consolidates its positions in the South China Sea but also increases the potential of its Navy.
Currently, Beijing builds additional submarines and that does not count on the fact that China already has a fleet of 75 submersibles. To compare, the US Navy has only 70 submarines. However, China has a disadvantage in terms of the number of aircraft carriers.
The Asian country has only two aircraft carriers, while the US has ten.
Mistrust in the allies

The sovereignty over the Paracelsus islands, the Spratly archipelago and the surrounding waters is disputed by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines. Although Washington has no territorial claims in this region of the world, it provides enormous support to its allies in the region.
Another factor that could contribute to the uncertainty regarding peace in the region is the policy applied by the US allies, whose interests Washington is defending.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has changed his position over the last few months regarding the problem linked to sovereignty over the disputed islands.
Currently, Manila is swinging between Beijing and Washington and is unable to make a final decision.
"In the future, it will be harder for Washington to find allies among countries with a low level of economic development, since these nations are more interested in attracting Chinese investments," said the researcher at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Alexandr Lómanov.


Omen of a great war
According to Krutakov, the confrontation between China and the US will continue to grow as both sides prepare for a possible war.
One of the main steps taken in this direction was the deployment by the US of the THAAD anti-missile defense system in South Korea.
"Not only Steve Bannon but also Jacob Rothschild spoke of the fact that today the world is on the threshold of World War 3. Extremely serious discrepancies have accumulated in the world economy and these discrepancies are even more profound than those that existed before.
of the Second World War, "said Krutakov, while underlining that the main factor that slows down this outcome are currently nuclear weapons.
The close commercial ties that exist between the US and China could be a second factor. A break with China would lead to the US deficit and the overproduction of goods in China.

However, as Lómanov explains, history shows that the presence of economic relations between two countries has never been a guarantee of peace. "Otherwise there would have been neither the First nor the Second World War,"
Since the end of World War II in 1945, which left around 60 million dead, the number of victims recorded in all the wars that have been - and still are! - after that date, comfortably exceeds that figure.
Definitely war has been the constant in these past decades.
The claim that "there are no longer world wars" has a Eurocentric burden (in the sense of "formulation from the capitalist powers of the West", Europe and the United States, perhaps including Japan): there is no war between those countries, which does not mean that wars do not remain a sad reality in the world. The interrelation and fusion of capital that came to the Marshall Plan was a way to weave capitalist networks among the dominant nations, ensuring mutual respect. Or, at least, the free coexistence of combats. But the wars did not disappear.
Not remotely!
On the contrary, war conflicts remain a fundamental part of the system as a whole. In this sense, they represent 1) a great business, and 2) they allow the capital "world system" to be continuously oxygenated (to use Wallerstein's expression).
Wars are not inevitable, but in this framework of capitalism as a dominant system, they are.
Now there is an insistent talk of a possible new planetary conflagration. The mortals of foot, that is to say: the practically totality of the world population, we do not have greater news of this, than in fact it is being cooked. What are the secrets of the Pentagon? What long-term strategy do the great captains of the global economy have in mind? If the capitalist powers have decided not to face each other again (with the absolute military hegemony of Washington that takes Western Europe as its nuclear hostage and leads that forced coalition that is NATO), why then the possibility of a world war?
, as now seems possible?
In fact, when today we are talking about "Third World War", there is an allusion to the possibility of a conflict between the United States and its two true rivals: the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation.


The wars that are fought today are all internationalized conflicts. In all, directly or indirectly, the geostrategic interests of the main powers are present, either because the sale of arms and / or the reconstruction of the destroyed is a juicy business, or because those wars express the political-economic disputes by areas of influence with a global value. The endless wars of black Africa (for the control of strategic resources such as, for example, coltan) or the Middle East (for control of oil), are the manifestation of imperial plans of domination, involving companies from different capital countries called "Central". And those, without any doubt, are globalized wars. What are European soldiers doing in Afghanistan? What do US aircraft carriers do in the Red Sea? Why are NATO forces bombing Libya or Egypt?
All these are global conflicts. After the facade of NATO or the UN come the oil companies, the big Euro-American companies, the investments of the big world bank.
Are not these world departments, which recall the Berlin Conference of 1884/5, where a few European capitalist powers divided the domain of Africa?
Now, alarmingly, we are being told about a possible world war. Will we really arrive at the thermonuclear holocaust by firing the more than 15,000 nuclear-loaded missiles? (each of them with a destructive power 30 times greater than the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) What is played in that possible "new" world war?

Einstein once said: "I do not know if there will be a Third World War, but if there is one, I am sure that the Fourth will be a club." Heartbreaking, but tremendously true.
The nuclear power that developed during the second half of the twentieth century and what is current is impressive. To release all that energy would be an explosion with an expansive wave that would reach to Pluto, severely damaging the planets Mars and Jupiter, destroying all life on Earth. Technical feat, but that does not solve the main problems of the world. You can destroy an entire planet ... but we continue with street children, hungry people and millennial prejudices.
Is that progress?
The current economic-political system -based exclusively on individual business profit- does not offer any real possibility of fixing the situation, because in its essence there is no concern for the human, solidarity, empathy: the only thing that moves it is the
thirst for profit, commercial spirit, business.
And war is business too!
It gives profits ..., although only for some, of course.
That is the degree of insensibility to which the current system arrives: killing people, destroying the work of civilization, producing criminal acts ... it's business! That is the spirit that encourages it! Everything is merchandise, absolutely everything: death, sex, love, food, knowledge, entertainment, etc., etc.
That is the dominant system!
That is why today the possibility of a new world war is open. But when you say "global", you are talking about the confrontation of the dominant power: the United States, with those who effectively shadow it, Russia and China. And fundamentally with this last one: the advance of the yuan on the dollar is irrepressible. What is really played out in this possibility of nuclear madness is the supremacy that the main capitalist country of the world has held until now, when it begins to be seriously questioned.



Capitalism, as a planetary system, and also its locomotive: the American economy, since 2008 they are going through a deep crisis that they do not finish recovering. In this scenario, the rise of China and its irrepressible strength, is an unbearable affront. Given this, the possibility of a war works as an escape valve, as an emergency exit. Although, of course, war is no way out.
Today, the world capitalist system, led by the United States, is increasingly driven by immeasurable capitals with global projection, with mega companies that hold more power than many governments of poor countries. The decisions of these global corporations, in many cases exclusively financial, in other words: unproductive parasites that live on speculation, have also global consequences. Anyway, the crisis hits them. This is because the economic system based on profit does not offer real solutions to problems. If what counts is to continue earning money at any cost, this clashes with the concrete human reality: private property is worth more than human life.
Are we going inexorably towards a new World War then?
In this struggle to maintain supremacy, or to put it another way: by not being able to earn a penny of capitalist profit, Washington's geostrategy aims to suffocate by all means its rivals, its true rivals, who are not even the Union European nor Japan, which are, without turns of leaves, the Beijing-Moscow axis.
War, unfortunately, is one of the options, perhaps the only one, in this fight to the death.
Marginal comment: we speak of civilization, but from what we can see, human dynamics have not changed much in relation to the history of our ancestors: things are still being fixed, beyond any pompous declaration, in relation to who has the club larger. The small-and heartbreaking-detail is that today, that club is called intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple nuclear warhead.



If there is a confrontation between the giants, nuclear material would definitely be used. The countries that have atomic weapons are very few: Great Britain, France, India, Pakistan, Israel (although officially declares not having them), North Korea, China, all of them on a moderate scale, and to a greater extent, with infinitely greater capacity destructive: Russia and the United States. The Soviet Union ended up stifling the arms race; to the United States, the arms business provides a quarter of its economy. In fact, one in four of its workers worked in the war industry. It is obvious that war feeds capitalism. But it happens that playing with nuclear energy is invoking the worst demons.
There is no doubt that for those mega-companies linked to the military industry (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Honeywell, Halliburton, BAE System, General Motors, IBM), all Americans, the war gives them life ( and money!).
The tragic problem is that today, despite the crazy hypotheses of "limited nuclear wars" that exist in the Pentagon, if a conflict breaks out, nobody knows how it will end, and Einstein's cited expression may be accurate.
That is why in defense of the whole Humanity and of our planet we must fight boldly against that sickly, disturbing possibility.

What is the true power of Russia?

Judging by the reaction of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) against acts such as the taking and annexation of Crimea by Russia and continued Russian support for rebel groups in eastern Ukraine, at least you can say that follow their movements with much attention
The defense ministers of member countries of NATO are reviewing the progress of deployment of troops to eastern Europe, known as advanced presence reinforced (EFP, its acronym in English), in order to reassure allies and dissuade Russia from making any movement to the west.
NATO has sent four battle groups with battalion size, one to Poland and the other three to each of the Baltic republics (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).
The United States has also begun to reintroduce heavily armed units into Western Europe.
 What is NATO looking for with the largest US military deployment? in Europe since the end of the Cold War (and why Russia considers it a threat)
If Moscow can break into pieces the rulebook security post-Cold War Europe cut himself a piece of Ukraine (as previously done with Georgia), many feared that the Baltic republics, also the territory of the former Soviet Union, Could be the following.
Russia says that its own military deployments are a response to these NATO movements.
 Who is Vladislav Surkov, the mysterious and influential adviser of Vladimir Putin who transformed Russia's military policy and strategy?


But the reality is much more complicated. I have been talking to some of the greatest Western experts on the Russian army to understand what is behind this modernization effort, and to determine what threat it really poses and for whom.
"Russia would like us to think that its current militarization and its preparation for the conflict are a response to the fact that NATO is doing the same, but it just is not true."
 How has Putin strengthened with the bombing of Russia in Syria?

 The innovative Russian system that makes NATO anti-tank weapons less effective§
This is the vision of Keir Giles, director of the Center for Conflict Research Studies (a group of experts in Eurasian security) and probably the main British observer of Russian military affairs.
"The reorganization of Russia, extremely expensive, and the rearmament program," he told me, "were already in full swing well before the Ukrainian crisis, when the NATO countries were still deflating their armies."
"It was not until 2013 that the United States withdrew all its armor from Europe, when Russia was already busy investing billions in updating its forces."
The analyst Dimitri Gorenburg, of the University of Harvard in the United States, places the beginning of the program of modernization of Russia in 2009.
And it was in response, according to him, to the obvious limitations of the Russian military campaign against Georgia.


The focus is Ukraine, not the Baltic
Gorenburg says that the main objective was "the improvement of the speed in the decision making and the communication of the same to the troops, and the interoperability between the different branches of the army, followed by the replacement of the equipment of the Soviet era that was arriving
quickly at the end of its useful life. "
The results have been significant. According to Michael Kofman, of the Kennan Institute (belonging to the Wilson Study Center, in the United States), "by 2012, Russia had reorganized its armed forces, moving from a mass mobilization army to a permanent force, and began to improve the quality of
transverse form ".
 How Russia's threat in the Baltic led Sweden to re-establish compulsory military service

This was accompanied by an intense examination regime on the ability to respond quickly and countless exercises, to the point that "by 2014, the Russian army had improved considerably compared to its mediocre performance in the war against Georgia in 2008," says .
All the experts I spoke with insist that the initial focus of the Russian effort has been Ukraine, not the Baltic.
In fact, Michael Kofman claims that the war in Ukraine imposed unexpected requirements on the Russian army, which found itself without permanent forces on its borders and in a bad position facing the conflict.
"The Russian armed forces," he says, "were, and still are, in transition."

To respond to the possibility of a war in Ukraine in the medium or long term, he says, Russia "has spent much of the past three years repositioning units around Ukraine, building three new divisions, relocating several brigades, and creating a new army of combined weapons ".
"The intention is for the Russian ground forces to be positioned on the other side of the border if reinforcements are needed in Donbas (in the east of Ukraine), to invade from several vectors, or simply to dissuade Kiev from believing that it can quickly take back by force
the separatist regions. "
It may be that Ukraine is the immediate strategic concern. But, as Keir Giles notes, "Russia is developing its military infrastructure along its western periphery, not only against Ukraine, but also Belarus, the Baltic states and even Finland." They have been reorganized to be able to send troops from Russia.
fight the western border as fast as possible. "
This includes "establishing new heavy ground transportation units to reduce their traditional dependence on train lines to send armed vehicles to the operational zone".
"This gives them much more flexibility to move in areas where road networks are better developed, especially in western Russia, including across the border in Russia's western neighbors," he tells me.
Disproportionate reaction or just the opposite?
Given the focus of Moscow in Ukraine, have some NATO countries reacted disproportionately to the perception of the Russian threat?


Not at all, says Keir Giles. On the contrary, he insists, the concern is that NATO has reacted too weakly.
"The direct military challenge from Russia, and the confirmation of the willingness to use military force against its neighbors," he argues, "has not translated into European countries taking a serious interest in defending themselves, with few exceptions.
Giles adds that the inability of many countries allies in NATO to meet even symbolic commitments, such as the promise to spend 2% of the Gross Domestic Product in defense, not to mention real and urgent measures such as regenerating the capacity for high war
intensity to match the developing capabilities of Russia, "shows the unwillingness to recognize a politically inconvenient reality."
The reality, according to Michael Kofman, is nothing less than the transformation of the Russian army.
"The reform, modernization and combat experience harvested in Ukraine and Syria will have lasting effects on the Russian armed forces," he says.
"Russia," he says, "retains the ability to deploy a decisive force anywhere on its border, surpassing any former Soviet republic." In relation to its strategic nuclear arsenal, Russia is not only on par with the United States, but even
ahead in its modernization and investment in non-strategic nuclear weapons. "
"Meanwhile, the Russian conventional forces are already capable of imposing high costs, even on a technologically superior adversary like NATO in a conflict that would be quite bloody for both sides."
This is, hopefully, an unthinkable situation. In its rationale, however, Dimitri Gorenburg believes that "the Russian conventional capabilities will not be nearly as strong as those of the US military or the NATO forces as a whole."


Put in perspective
Above all, it is the preparation, the proximity and the ability to quickly concentrate a high firepower which gives Russia an immediate local advantage.
But NATO has to put this threat in perspective.
As Michael Kofman points out, "Russia is a Eurasian land power, putting a lot of firepower into battle, but its strength shines when the battle is close to home."
NATO's defense and research budget dwarfs that of Russia, as does the Alliance's base capacity to generate forces and equip them in protracted conflict.
"The most important thing," he says, is that "although NATO has legitimate concerns about what a short-term conflict would be like against Russia, the reality is that it is the pre-eminent military alliance in the world, in whose center is a power
incredibly powerful military, and a sustained battle would probably end disastrously for Moscow. "
The Russian army, simply, is not structured to maintain a substantial territory, or to generate the necessary forces for a protracted conflict.
NATO needs to be prepared, think the experts. If deterrence is going to be credible, it needs to restore its ability to fight high intensity wars, a capacity that has atrophied during counterinsurgency campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.


The consensus among the experts seems to be that Ukraine rang the alarms.
The newly found Russian confidence, however, should not be confused with a desire to launch a military attack to the west.
In fact, the immediate threat may come from their informational war and from the cybernetic campaigns directed against the West.
This is a battle that has already begun.
And it is one for which the West is just as ill prepared
The modern ICBM missiles are the final development, the first German missiles launched against England, now can be launched from underground launchers, transport trucks and submarines, usually these new missiles carry VRMI (MIRV or Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicle , in English) each of which can carry several nuclear warheads independently and separately, bolted inside the tip of the cone-shaped missile, allowing a single ICBM missile to impact on many targets in enemy territory, different military bases and cities, with the launch of a single ICBM missile.
At the beginning of their development they could only transport a nuclear cone on the tip of the ICBM missile, like the Scud missiles launched by Iraq against Israel during the Gulf War.
The MIRV transport vehicles were a quick consequence of the reduction of the weight and size of the missiles, as well as of the international treaties of limitation of tactical nuclear weapons, signed between the United States and the Soviet Union, which impose restrictions on the number of vehicles
launchers and nuclear weapons, rockets and means of transport.
It has also proved to be a simple response to ballistic missile defense systems (ABM, Anti-Ballistic Missile) making it much cheaper to add more independent warheads to an existing missile system, which are bolted to the tip of the missile and can reach different objectives, that to make a new defensive system, with the capacity in theory to tear down the multiple warheads thrown by these new ICBM missiles, nevertheless the proposals for defensive systems ABM have been considered as impracticable and have never been developed, due to their high cost and the limitations of technology at the end of the last century, although there are programs to defend ICBM missiles, such as the space defense system of the Strategic Defense Initiative and the new Aegis combat system to intercept enemy missiles and satellites in space, cones nuclear weapons during atmospheric entry, Scud missiles and independent nuclear warheads, although have been tested to intercept multiple nuclear warheads and MIRV vehicles in space.



The new ICBM intercontinental missiles use solid fuel, which can be stored for a long time in the launching stations, transport vehicles, silos, submarines and ships. The liquid fuel missiles can not be stored full of fuel for a long time and therefore, loading them is a necessary task before its launch that could last several hours and delayed the response of an attack with these missiles. The new ICBM missiles are usually stored loaded with solid fuel in silos, some of which have enough protection against attacks to hold nuclear bombs, nuclear submarines (SLBMs), or on motorized ground launchers and trains, which are very difficult to locate by surveillance satellites.
The cruise missile is a cheaper alternative to ICBM ballistic missiles, can be launched from a long-range heavy bomber, submarines, ships and transport trucks, and from silos in military bases of friendly countries, close to enemy targets , it is also known as a tactical attack missile, it is smaller in range but it can carry out a surprise nuclear attack against the enemy.
Russia and China currently possess modern ICBM missiles such as the Topol-M (SS-27) and the RS-24 version of (Russia) and the DF-41 (China), capable of evading the new ABM system developed by the United States due to its ultrafast impulse stage, with hot expansion gases, the ignition of its engines, the prompt release of the warheads armed with nuclear cones and their maneuverability, the supersonic speed in the reentry of the warhead to the atmosphere, the use of of countermeasures that include decoy warheads, balloons, traces of aluminum foil to confuse defense radars, along with other secret features and special techniques, developed recently with the advancement of technology in the new century and the ability to control flight, with external liquid fuel engines, such as a space plane and a civilian satellite, to change their trajectory during flight.





The ICBM missiles also helped the development of the space program in China, India and other countries, because their technology is very similar to civilian launchers of civil satellites. Russia and Ukraine have a program of launching civil satellites from an ICBM missile in a military underground launch silo, the space program of the Dnepr-1 rocket, the nuclear cone will be removed from the ICBM missile and in its place, several civil satellites will be installed small and light, which will be transported by a military vehicle MIRV adapted, to leave them in the atmosphere at different altitudes, economically, efficiently and quickly, this is the first civilian application of a military operational ICBM missile.
And what is the power of North Korea?
It is believed that North Korea has more than 1,000 missiles of different capabilities, including long range, which could reach the United States.
Pyongyang's weapons program has progressed in recent decades from tactical artillery rockets in the 1960s and 1970s to short and long range ballistic missiles in the 1980s and 1990s.
And a more far-reaching system is being researched and developed.
Range of missiles
 Short range: 1,000 kms. or less
 Medium reach: 1,000-3,000 kms.
 Intermediate scope: 3,000-5,500 km.
 Intercontinental scope: More than 5,500 km.
Source: Federation of American Scientists
Short-range missiles


North Korea's missile program begins with the Scuds, who first arrived via Egypt in 1976.
By 1984 the North Koreans were building their own version, called The Hwasong missiles were among the protagonists of the 2012 parade, which commemorated the 100th anniversary of the North Korean founder, Kim Il-sung.
It is believed that they have a variety of these short-range missiles, which can reach targets as their neighbor South Korea.
The relations between the two Koreas are tense and are maintained, technically, in a state of war.
The Hwasong-5 and Hwasong-6, also known as Scud-B and Scud-C, have ranges of 300 and 500 kilometers respectively, according to the US Center for Non-Proliferation Studies.
These missiles carry traditional explosive heads, but they can also have heads with biological, chemical or nuclear capabilities.
Both missiles have been tested and used.
Even the Hwasong-6 was sold to Iran.
 "We will defend ourselves with the powerful force of arms": the reaction of North Korea to the shipment of US aircraft carriers.
Medium-range missiles
North Korea embarked on a special program in the late 1980s to build a medium-range missile, known as Nodong, with a range of 1,000 kilometers.
The missile is based on the design of the Scud, but it is 50% longer and with a more powerful engine.
 North Korea launches a new test missile on the eve of the summit between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping

He added that a variant deployed in October 2010 could even reach 1,600 kilometers, which would mean reaching the US bases. on the island of Okinawa, in southern Japan.
Intermediate range missiles
North Korea has been developing Musudan missiles for several years, with which it conducted several tests in 2016.
The estimates of its scope differ considerably. Israel's intelligence says they reach about 2,500 kilometers, while the US Missile Defense Agency says. It calculates about 3,200 kilometers.
Other sources say that they can travel up to 4,000 kilometers.
The lowest range that a Musudan can reach, also known as Nodong-B or Taepodong-X, is enough to reach South Korea and Japan.
And in its larger scope, one of these missiles can reach the US military base. in Guam, in Micronesia.
Its explosive charge is unknown, but it is estimated between 1 and 1.25 tons.
 North Korea launches a ballistic missile into the waters of Japan

In addition, North Korea says it tested a "medium to long-range" ground-to-ground ballistic missile, the Pukguksong, in August 2016, launched from a submarine. Last February he returned to conduct a test of these missiles, this time from the ground.
Pyongyang said they use solid fuel, which makes them faster to launch and deploy.
Its scope is unknown.
Multistage missiles


A multistage missile is a missile that uses two or more parts or "stages", and each of them has its own engines.
The Taepodong-1, known as Paektusan-1 in North Korea, was the first multi-stage missile in the country, tested in 1998 as a space launcher.
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), an independent think tank, believes it was composed in its first stage by a Nodong missile and in its second, by a Hwasong-6.
It was followed by the Taepodong-2 -or Paektusan-2- which is also a two or three stage missile, but with significant advances.
These have been tested several times during the last decade.
Its range is estimated between 5,000 and 15,000 kilometers.
The Centro de Estudios de No Proliferación de Armas puts its maximum reach at 6,000 kilometers.
North Korea refers to the launcher of Taepodong-2 as Unha, which means galaxy in Korean.
It was successfully used in February 2016 to launch a satellite.
Although space launches and missile launches follow somewhat different trajectories and rockets must be optimized for one purpose or another, the basic technology used is the same.
This includes structure, engines and fuel.
If the Taepodong-2 were successfully launched and achieved its estimated maximum range, it could reach Australia and parts of the United States, as well as other countries within that perimeter.
Intercontinental ballistic missiles
In the New Year's speech, the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un assured that the country was in the "final stage" of the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
It is believed that North Korea is developing its longer-range missile, known as KN-08 or Hwasong-13.
One of the first signs of its construction was in September 2016 when the country tested a new rocket engine, which could boost an intercontinental ballistic missile.


What will Donald Trump do with the nuclear threat from North Korea?§
The Pentagon believes that North Korea has at least six KN-08s that can reach most of the United States.
It is even believed that they managed to develop an improved version, the KN-14.
Considering that the country claims to have miniaturized nuclear warheads, there is a possibility that North Korea is close to developing a long-range nuclear missile.
However the experts have their doubts, given the lack of evidence.
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is in Asia, on a tour that will take him through five countries to participate in regional summits.
But, beyond the diplomatic commitments of his office, what is the president really looking for with these trips?
In a world as globalized as the current one, a lot, and if you take into account the North Korea factor, even more.
It is not only Trump's first official tour of Asia as president of the United States, but also the longest tour of that continent by a US president in 25 years.
For 11 days, Trump is expected to visit Japan, China, South Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines.
The president visited Japan and in a speech he offered in front of US soldiers at the Yokota air base, he undertook to ensure that the military has the necessary resources to maintain peace and defend freedom.
"Nobody, no dictator, no regime should underestimate the American determination," he said.
Determination for what?


On Saturday, Trump was in Hawaii, where he placed with his wife, Melania, a wreath in honor of the fallen in Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack that dragged the United States to World War II.
When analyzing what the US president will look for, analysts agree that four topics stand out:
1. Show unity in front of North Korea
The White House had already made it clear that North Korea is an important part of the president's agenda.
"The president's commitments will strengthen the international resolution to confront the threat from North Korea," the statement said.
In recent months, North Korea and the United States have increased the tone of their rhetoric, especially since Pyongyang has been defiant in launching two long-range missiles.
 Trump warns that he will respond with "fire and fury" if Pyongyang threatens the United States.
with nuclear weapons and Pyongyang says it studies attacking Guam
In October, the economically isolated nation undertook its sixth nuclear test, despite international condemnation and promised to carry out another one in the Pacific Ocean.
In a speech at the United Nations, Trump threatened to annihilate North Korea and said that the leader of that country, Kim Jong-un, was on a "suicide mission".
In response, Kim said in a statement that he promised to "tame the mentally deranged old American senile with fire."
 6 keys to understand the unprecedented statement of the leader of North Korea and its threat to launch a hydrogen bomb on the Pacific.



Trump will try to get North Korea's neighbors, including China, to continue the campaign of sanctions against him.
His intention is to show a united front with South Korea and Japan while pressuring Beijing to take a tougher line against Pyongyang.
What is known about the Hwasong-15, the new intercontinental ballistic missile launched by North Korea capable of reaching "the entire United States"
The news raised the tension even more.
North Korea said on Wednesday that "the entire continental territory" of the United States is within reach of its new intercontinental ballistic missile: the Hwasong-15.
The announcement came a few hours after Pyongyang launched a rocket that, according to several experts, reached a height and flight time greater than those used in other tests conducted by Kim Jong-un's government.
 North Korea launches its "most powerful" intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States
According to a statement released by North Korean television, with the new missile, the country had fulfilled "the great historic cause of completing the state's nuclear force."
According to Pyongyang, it is the "most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile that has reached the completion stage".
eg Pyongyang, with the launch the "historic" mission of completing a nuclear force was fulfilled.
A few minutes after the announcement, President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that North Korea said it was in the final stages of development of a nuclear weapon capable of reaching "parts of the United States," but that "It will not happen! "


Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council is scheduled to meet on Wednesday to discuss new sanctions against the North Korean government.
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S.
It will not happen!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2017
Pyongyang has claimed on other occasions that its projectiles can hit the United States, but it is the first time it says they can reach the entire continental territory.
However, in the statement said that "as a responsible nuclear power and a peace-loving state," "would make every effort to serve the noble purpose of defending peace and stability of the world."
But what is known about the new missile?
As North Korean weapons specialist Scott LaFoy explained in his Twitter account, Pyongyang changes the number of missiles when they make significant changes in their physical structure.
And, according to the North Korean communiqué, the Hwasong-15 is a rocket capable of transporting a "super-large heavy warhead" that "has many more advantages in its tactical and technological specifications" than the Hwasong-14, which was tested on October 4.
last july
North Korea tested in July what was considered to be its first intercontinental ballistic missile.


At the time, Pyongyang said it was a long-range missile that could reach "anywhere in the world."
But the USA
He assured that it was actually an intermediate-range missile and that Kim Jong-un still did not have enough technology to isolate and mount a nuclear warhead in it.
The Secretary of Defense himself, James Mattis, confirmed however that Wednesday's rocket "flew higher than any other" of those launched by North Korea, adding that that country is building "ballistic missiles that threaten any part of the
Although the United States, South Korea and Japan have not confirmed, for now, it is a new missile, as North Korea says.

So far, the technical data that is known about the missile are:
 It was an intercontinental ballistic missile.
 It was launched, apparently, from a mobile platform and on a high trajectory (which only seeks to gain the maximum possible height).
 It stayed in the air for 53 minutes, the longest air time so far of the missiles tested by Pyongyang.
 According to Pyongyang, it flew at an altitude of 4,475 kilometers, the highest that a North Korean missile has reached so far (more than 10 times the height at which the International Space Station orbits).
 He traveled 970 kilometers before falling into the Sea of ​​Japan, although he did not fly over this nation as in previous occasions.
 In a normal trajectory, it would have had a range of 13,000 kilometers, enough to reach Washington, the west coast of the United States, Europe or Australia, according to calculations of David Wright, a missile expert of the Union of Concerned Scientists.


Would he arrive in the United States?
One of the big questions is the type of fuel and propulsion engine that this missile would use to reach the continental United States.
Ankit Panda, editor-in-chief of The Diplomat, and specialist in North Korea reported on his Twitter that Pyongyang recently tested a new solid-fuel engine and an unspecified liquid-fuel engine.
Missile tests are announced with great fanfare by the North Korean government.
Wright, meanwhile, said that, apparently, the missile launched on Wednesday contained a very light simulated warhead, which could mean that it still can not carry a nuclear charge that is much heavier.
 The images that show the secret program of North Korea to develop "submarines capable of launching ballistic missiles"
 "The US is in our range of attack": North Korea launches another intercontinental ballistic missile.
But Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Vipin Narang told the BBC that the weight of a nuclear warhead should not significantly reduce the range of the rocket and that, in any case, there is no doubt that North Korean technology is progressing quickly.


"They have extended their reach to the point that it is difficult to credibly argue that North Korea could not reach the east coast of the US," he added.
For its part, Pyongyang itself said that the Hwasong-15 could reach the continental United States with a "super-large heavy warhead".
And although he has yet to demonstrate that he can successfully mount a miniaturized nuclear warhead on a rocket that can withstand launch at great distances, given the pace of his advances, the possibility seems closer and closer.

The terrible phenomenon of violent action and violent reaction has already begun, in which entire villages are bombarded, in which twin towers are destroyed, in which whole communities are displaced by the intolerance of not allowing the other to eat a piece
of bread, in which chemical weapons are used without compassion and in which innocent people are massacred, by the crazy intervention of countries that want to dominate the others economically, without any respect for life like this:
What happened in Las Vegas was the biggest shooting in the recent history of States.
Days after the nightmare night that was lived in Las Vegas, there are still questions that the authorities and the police of the United States can not clarify.
The circumstances surrounding the biggest massacre in the recent history of the United States, with at least 58 dead and more than 500 injured, are still confusing.
There are also doubts about Stephen Paddock, the man who on Sunday night shot for almost 10 minutes from the 32nd floor of a hotel against a crowd gathered at a country music concert.

"There were children and people lying on the ground, trampled on": witnesses tell the horror of the shooting in Las Vegas.
 What is known about Stephen Paddock, the author of the Las Vegas shooting in which at least 5 died.
Despite the efforts of the major US security agencies and the new information that is known about it hour after hour, there are at least 4 major questions to be clarified.
1. What led Paddock to commit the killing?
Stephen Paddock, a retired accountant of 64 years, had only one old citation to declare several years ago in his record before the police.
 How Stephen Paddock, the attacker of the Las Vegas massacre, managed to kill 5
He lived in a small community for retired people who only left to travel about 130 kilometers to Las Vegas and entertain gambling.
He had no ties or apparent sympathy with any international extremist organization and had permits to fly planes and to hunt.
The police described him as a "lone wolf", while his brother Erick said he liked to play poker, go to concerts and eat burritos.
The latest research indicates that the man born in Texas had a difficult childhood, with a father bank robber who hit him usually.
He was married twice, but did not have any children.
 That's the Route 91 Harvest, the country music festival in Las Vegas where they died.


All those elements made it more difficult to establish why Paddock pulled the trigger pointing to the 22,000 that were in the concert last Sunday.
So far it has not transpired or a note or message from the attacker that can clarify his reasons.
Paddock committed suicide before he could be reached by special forces at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas.
Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo acknowledged the difficulty in deciphering that led the retired accountant to complete the massacre on Sunday.
"I can not enter the mind of a psychopath," the agent acknowledged.
2. What did you want to do with weapons, explosives and cameras?
In the hotel room of the attacker, 23 weapons of various calibers were found, including rifles and shotguns.
 Does the permissive gun regulation in Nevada have anything to do with the Las Vegas massacre?
Paddock even had an automatic replay AK-47 and telescopic sight.
Taking into account the amount of weapons in the room, the authorities said the attack was "premeditated" and very well planned.
"It was widely planned and I'm pretty sure he evaluated everything he did," said Sheriff Lombardo.
As if that were not enough, after the raid on his home in the town of Mesquite, they found another 19 weapons, thousands of ammunition and explosives.

Police also found several pounds of ammonium nitrate in Paddock's car, a key component of producing homemade bombs.
The reasons why the attacker accumulated such an amount of explosive material and if he intended to use it at some time are ignored.
 Shooting at a concert in Las Vegas, the worst in recent US history, leaves at least 58 people dead5
In addition, the police reported that "multiple cameras" were found inside and outside of Paddock's room.
It is believed that they were used to keep abreast of the arrival of the police.
Another aspect that remains in the air is how the man born in Texas did to introduce 23 weapons, many of them long, in the well-known hotel from which he perpetrated the massacre.
In the United States there are people who have real arsenals because the laws allow it, but the authorities completely ignore what the Las Vegas attacker wanted to do with all this war material.
3. Did Paddock modify some of the weapons to make them automatic?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) noted that not all weapons found in the room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel were automatic.
Therefore one of the hypotheses that is handled is that Paddock altered some semiautomatic rifles to increase its firepower.
FBI personnel inspected the hotel and Paddock's house to find clues to clarify why he perpetrated the massacre.
Because of the sound that can be heard in the home shootings of the moment of the shooting, it can be seen that the attacker fired indiscriminate fire in bursts against the concert attendees.

Las Vegas shooting: the worst killings in the recent history of the United States
The latest information provided by the FBI indicate that, before committing suicide, Paddock fired one last burst at the police and came to injure an officer in one leg.
Sheriff Lombardo confirmed that a device that allows a rifle to multiply its fire capacity and fire hundreds of bullets per minute was found in the hotel room.
It is still not confirmed if Paddock used this tool in the shooting.
4. Why did you transfer US $ 100,000 to the Philippines?
Stephen Paddock was a man with no economic problems and who, according to his brother, made a lot of money through real estate investments.
That's why he also knows that he liked to make strong bets in Las Vegas.
 Should the author of the Las Vegas shooting be called a terrorist?
On Tuesday it was learned that the attacker transferred $ 100,000 to an account in the Philippines a week before the shooting, according to NBC, citing investigators in the case.
It is the country of origin of the woman who is considered her romantic partner, although there are no data that link her to what happened in Las Vegas.

How can you call a man who indiscriminately shoots against a crowd of innocent citizens?


How can you call a state that produces millions and millions of weapons without any control, so that the war increases? ...
How can you call a ruler who performs nuclear detonations in a land that is already ecologically very shabby? ...
How can you call a president who persecutes ethnic minorities in his desire to perpetuate the privileges of the richest?
I have thought a lot about those people who were shot at the fateful concert, why had they fallen there? ... Everyone said it was a coincidence and I said it was a matter of karma. Then I wondered what I would do if I were to find myself in an event of such magnitude, how would I feel if I survived? ... If I understood why eternal unity would take me away from this situation? ... As soon as it occurred to me That thought, I remembered sadly the times when I had saved myself from similar and even worse disasters, in which I escaped by a pure miracle. Even today I feel panic when I see a lone vehicle parked on a highway or in front of a busy shopping center, because I was an eyewitness when Pablo Escobar Gaviria, the most persecuted and bloodthirsty drug trafficker in the world, detonated a powerful bomb to few meters from my residence, in the Rompoingy of the bullring "La Macarena" in the city of Medellin. The terror of my memory was not related, to feel helpless before the explosive wave that threw me through the air, causing many wounds and bursting the eardrum of my left ear, but rather, by the large number of humble people, who died without no apparent reason. I remember that the light of my conscience went out and an absolute darkness covered my senses and it was almost as a relief, to cease the fear and pain of my wounds. I was convinced of my eternity and that I would live again, but I did not know why those things happened. It had been that brutal experience, in Medellín Antioquia, one more of the reasons, that have led me to try to anticipate tragedies, trying to explain to humanity that life is more multidimensional than what can be seen or demonstrated. Having lived and died, previously, remembering all the details of my life and my ancestors, was only part of my incredible survival instinct of my family. Life is evolutionary, progressive and eternal; I am convinced of that but, now I am beginning to explore the concept, that everything that happens in life, is happening because humanity recreates it to learn about ourselves, and thus, evolve in the development of our consciousness.

I contemplated the imposingness of the mountains and I asked myself, what was it that I had learned in the inhuman and fratricidal wars of my country? ... If I could recognize that I had created my own reality in all the levels of my life, then my Conscience was responsible for everything that had happened to me. That was something I could write about, I thought, so that in other latitudes these violent phenomena that we have lived in Colombia, or perhaps other worse events, that affect all humanity, because the vast majority have not experienced violence, will not be repeated. directly and everything seems a game. What, I think, is what is happening to that man, who since he was a child has only had to swim in rivers of milk and play with houses. But, will I dare to enter the depth of my conscience, to look at the illusions of humanity within the illusion of my life? ... Does that mean the final self-centralization? ...
Yes. The human being is the center of eternal unity. The more I understand my conscious evolution, the more I understand the evolution of all humanity. That is the point where everything begins with the self. Certainly, life is an evolutionary exercise of perfection and every human being is an extremely important part within it. We choose our mission, but what matters is how we develop it for personal benefit and for the benefit of all humanity. Many times we realize the small or big mistakes we can make, but the ego and the ambition of men like Hitler is so great, that all eternal unity must be set in motion, to prevent the genocide from becoming widespread. The technological war that is coming is going to be so cruel and devastating, that humanity will not be able to resist it and that is why absolute wisdom hastened the development of my conscience and has allowed me to choose the role of visionary, which warns the immense danger that hangs over all the inhabitants of the earth.


Certainly, eternal unity is like a stage and each of us is like an actor within it. We choose our role and what matters is how and by what we interpret it, but the most important thing is that we can judge the way we assume our role and the way someone else assumes it, and more severely we can judge the behavior of great leaders that can alter the destiny of all. I do not understand how, the inhabitants of the most developed countries, choose egotistical materialists, who submerge the humble minorities, without any manifestation of love or respect for those beings who only seek the opportunity to live. We all know that in an evolutionary mission, the protagonists and the antagonists are necessary, so that there is balance. Without the polarity of tension and the different points of view, in the complex activities of humanity, one could continue to commit the errors that are being committed, by assassinating and displacing entire nations of defenseless beings and all because of the savage materialism of the imperialists . Why is it so hard for us all to be tolerant of immigrants who only seek better opportunities for their children?
Life is becoming a struggle for power. The power of the one who has more, the power of the one who snatches the natural resources of other weaker peoples, the power of a political system that is believed to be the best, even though its main cities are full of marginal inhabitants who seek a little food in the trash cans so you do not starve. So, necessarily, the supreme intelligence has to do something and that is why today we are warning in this book, the terrible nuclear holocaust that is looming, if we all do not bring a little bit of sense and love, spreading this message, to let the great beast correct the role of the wild male he is representing. Life on earth is becoming a tragedy, in which only ten percent of men, grouped in a privileged class, do whatever it takes to expand and preserve their privileges. A tragedy that is being rewritten by the president of a great nation, visiting China, Russia and other governments, as trying to get authorization to completely eliminate North Korea. The giant of the north judges them all, to see if they are funny, entertaining, interesting or outrageous and repulsive. Models that do not represent economic benefits can not figure in the universe and that is very sad.


We exist simultaneously in eternal unity and all creatures, people and economic and religious models have the right to assume their own development, without interference of any kind.
By an extraordinary development of my conscience, I have the virtue of visualizing the future and I have sadly seen the destruction of a country and the generalization of an unprecedented thermonuclear war, which will bring millions and millions of deaths in the most developed nations, and the total and irreversible pollution of the earth.
Residual phenomenon that will lead us to the total extermination of human beings in the next fifty years, as I predicted in my book "Humankind on the way to extinction"
What should I do, after the eternal unity allowed me to know what will happen, if we do not modify our behaviors? ... Because the final conflict depends on what we all do. What I tell in this book is the way in which I see things, and it is the information that is filtered in the news and in the mass media, because the technical reports of the weapons did not write it or I invented it. Disclose everything that happens and warn what is going to happen is my mission. I am trying to take this message to the whole world and I hope that the young people who are the ones who manage the communication networks, help me in that goal so that they can make this message fly like an enchanted seagull.
Other people are also working on their own concerns and these realities are intertwined, in such an intense way, that the dynamics of the result will lead us, finally, to the neutralization of that leader that can not lead us to a sad end.
So the challenge is summed up for all of humanity in this:
What will I personally do to stop the third world war? Or what I want to happen? ... Which, of course, is everyone's problem.




Perhaps, each one acts according to his own truth. Our truth, as we each see it. It is possible that all the inhabitants of the earth have their own truth, but the truth is that truth as an objective reality does not exist. Then, what are we going to do? Are we going to wait for a head of state to wrap the earth in a ball of fire? ... In my mind, for some reason, a message has been manifested, which others call prophecy, which can not be indifferent to the rest of humanity, because each of the people are an active part of that eternal unity and in their greater or lesser degree of evolution, they must be aware that a great danger of total annihilation threatens us.
I can not be inferior to the mission that has been entrusted to me, although it has not been easy, because I had to abandon my profession and against the will of my family, I dedicated myself to a project that for them is only crazy, in the I often heard the following question: If the earth must be saved from a nuclear war, why does not it save another? And who is that other, if we all evade responsibility, while the great beast with its unlimited ambitions and its macabre projects? ... At this point I should detail more extensively, what it means to have a vital commitment with all humanity . To be seriously involved with our spiritual evolution and with the immense metaphysical perspectives that we have, is a commitment that I have assumed before the eternal unity, that miraculously has allowed me to see beyond, of what natural evolution allows to see the great majority of humanity: and I do not say that I am the only privileged before the rest of humans, because a great wisdom has been manifested in characters like Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Gandhi, Krishna, Abraham, Mao Tse Tung, Einstein and many others that we They have pointed the way, in the most obscure and difficult moments of the evolutionary process of men. The cornerstone of such gifts, inherent in the individual evolution of each person, is to understand that EACH ONE OF US CREATES HIS OWN REALITY, and if that reality is the brutal and ruthless war, led by the materialistic blindness of the egocentric leaders that, unfortunately, the great majority of the people have chosen, it is necessary that a humble voice be raised, full of love and covered by the strength of Absolute wisdom, to show us the path we must follow. We all have the gift of modifying the material reality and we will do it, so we have to neutralize those insensitive spirits, who do not have those scruples to bomb cities and entire countries, in which innocent women, children and elderly die; defenseless before the immense ambition of the imperialists who want to impose their economic models. But an Asian giant rises, who has marched down the path drawn by that humanist named Mao Tse Tung and flying the red flag of China and humble men who work, becomes the defender of common economies and socialism especially, to stop the ambitions of the imperialists and that is where the earthly interests are polarized and the war arises that, possibly, if we do not join the great majority of the humans of good will, will launch "Humanity on the way"
of extinction "as I already explained in another of my desperate books.
We must be honest with ourselves and with each other, and when you can be honest with the people who are sharing this wonderful evolutionary adventure, all the obstacles are going to collapse, because you will openly discuss them and as soon as they are recognized. , they will vanish as if, as to learn with these obstacles, it has already been learned and it is not necessary that they continue to exist. Is that life is like a school in which we solve our problems over and over again, learning something different every time; and accumulating different experiences that allow us to evolve and know ourselves better. We see creativity as a natural expression of the human mind; almost as if living meant a need to create new things. We also think that being creative is closer to eternal unity, closer to universal thought and absolute wisdom. We feel that we are moving forces that are beyond our reach, beyond our own mental comprehension. Forces of the invisible eternal unity, which is at our disposal and reach, if we are able to think and understand it. I am clear that the universe is a perfect unit of wisdom and it is man's limitations that have hidden from him the truth of his power and his eternity.


The Antioqueños, creators of "The religion of the intelligent" have finally understood that the struggle, discussion and war, are not essential, or necessary in the process of the evolution of our consciousness. In fact, the very concept of the need to overcome adversity, in life, is rapidly becoming obsolete for the intelligent, adversity is no longer a requirement in our evolution. In any case, adversity does not come from the eternal unity where everything is harmony and perfect balance. Adversity is self-generated, because we believe that we need it. So, why continue to generate obstacles, difficulties and impediments, in our lives, when at this point we should already be aware of our eternity? ... The vast majority of our readers have been surprised, before these virtues, when they realize that they can be creators of their own reality. They can intellectually understand the depth of such concepts, but in their guts, really, they have not been able to feel it, because they lack only a little evolution.
Are they afraid of the power that reveals this knowledge? ... Or have a hidden fear of public trial, at a level of mass consciousness, because the vast majority of the people continues to be submerged in ignorance. Why can not we recognize our own fears? ... Why do not we realize that we create our own reality in every moment of life? ... Why so afraid, if knowledge is within our reach? .
Yes, we, we simply must seize that knowledge and those truths.
In the fifth spiritual dimension, which we enter through "The religion of the intelligent", we can see everything clearly, because we get rid of the density of physical matter that blocks us, because in that eternal dimension time does not exist in a linear measure (past, present and future) All life and the evolution of consciousness occurs simultaneously in a hologram. As Einstein said: There is no time as a linear reality, time is an invention of men.



But let's return to the subject that is immersing us in this war that will lead us to the extinction of humanity, because materialism, by itself, is a subject with which, the whole world in this society, the immensely rich, the middle class and the poor, have to face; a spiritual or non-spiritual confrontation, but a confrontation that will hit us all. We see greed everywhere: in churches, in corrupt governments, in the wild markets of change. Each one of us could ask ourselves, what is the role that money represents in our life? ... Can we understand that greed leads us to war? In a fratricidal struggle for power. We can understand that greed is wrong and not spiritual, but can we also accept that generosity is a spiritual act that leads to a greater evolution of consciousness? ... The question of spiritual evolution and ruthless materialism and wild, it is full of complexities and we must study it thoroughly, before it leads us to a nuclear confrontation.
Should priests and spiritual advisors receive money? ... Let us remember Jesus and his disciples. Their remuneration came in the form of food, lodging and the satisfaction of the few basic needs to live. Money was at that time, a means of exchanging products, but nowadays it has become the obsession and the great goal and the great goal of most humans.


After advancing along the paths of evolution that "The religion of the intelligent" points out, I have come to the conclusion that I need, as everything needs to be individually, to comment on what I think about the value of material things, in a broad sense, and judge the ignorance of the great leaders who still live dazzled by the glitter of gold that can not lead anywhere. Those human beings who, in the evolution of their consciousness, lead their lives with excessively materialistic motivations, act like the innocent aborigines who let themselves be dazzled by the bright reflection of the mirrors; because to evolve into the fifth dimension without relative, the greed and excessive ambition that slaughters innocent children, women and old people are unacceptable. The only real gain is in understanding the grandeur of our eternity. Can the consciousness of humanity evolve before greed and materialism cover us with an immense fire fungus? ...
An important theme in this struggle that we have started is the exploration of what Karma means. The concept that states, "what human beings cause, good or bad, will have a direct effect on ourselves" Karmic justice is the cumulative extension of cause and effect, so that the aggressions and deaths that a leader it commits in the name of a people, it will be the same aggressions and deaths that this people will receive, that is not so innocent, because it has not been able to stop the great beast in a timely manner.


Many people are reading this book, that more than a book is a desperate cry for that humanity that is being shot in discos and concerts, but as I know that nothing happens by chance, I feel very scared thinking that everything It occurs for some reason. With the publication of this book, I will have the opportunity to check the level of skepticism of the great leaders of the universe, so that I can form an idea of ​​what we can expect men of good will from the rest of humanity, which in all safety He will support us in this movement of YES TO PEACE AND NOT WAR, circulating among his friends, the message of this book.
Dear reader, are you convinced of the sanity of the leader that you have helped to choose with your vote? ... Because I am not convinced of the capacity to love of our president, but it is a good opportunity to value the collective vibration of karma, in which we must triumph with the peace and accumulated love of men of good will.
Will there be collaboration from all human beings who want the peace and well-being of the inhabitants of this beautiful planet? ...
Because we must know that the collective conscience of humanity will be the decisive factor between the life and death of all men. Each individual is part of the eternal unity and the destiny of humanity is exactly equal to the sum of the love or hatred of each human being.
It is for all of this that if greed, ambition and lack of love for weaker and backward beings or people, are superior to love and goodwill, humanity will have to plunge into a painful nuclear hecatomb.
Blaming what happens to others or to another nation, in the era of communications and information, is a cowardice equal or worse, which is going to commit the imperialist, who believes he owns the land. I hope that you, dear reader, and I, understand that each one of us is responsible for the positive and negative events that flow in the interesting path of the evolution of our eternal consciousness. With this kind of clear perspective, I invite you to participate in the campaign of YES TO PEACE AND NOT WAR.


Because if we do not support this campaign it will happen what we are all fearing, and a ray of light will cross the firmament and the immense power of a huge bomb will shake the earth and fill our lives with death, pain, war and misery, and the American people and all humanity, will rise before the generalization of a war that nobody wants. The women, the elderly and the children will be massacred without mercy and all the leaders of the world will reject the violent attack that nobody wanted to prevent. A war announced by the warmongering vocabulary of a ruler who should never have been in power.
Death goes round and death will come.
A whole city will be agitated by the expansive wave of the most powerful of bombs and the whole world will be horrified at the beginning of the war that will bring fatal consequences for all humanity. Every action has an equivalent reaction and the death, destruction and pain of an innocent people is paid with the death, destruction and pain of another people of innocent men. The perfect balance of the universe spills the blood and tears of the aggressor who, systematically, has been violating the world with his aggressive vocabulary.
The proud will be hurt in the depths of his heart and will shake like a mortally wounded beast, who never understood the true meaning of his power, his life and his mission.












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