Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon

LITERATURA UN MUNDO MÁGICO - The magic of a great love



"Everything that makes us fall in love also guides and protects us. Intensely passionate about the love of a CUTE woman, we head to the FRONT, because a hurricane of magic clears the way to FORWARD, softens the challenges and takes us flying over the abysses, over fears and doubts. "


Jorge León Soto Builes




















With all the love in the world I offer this book to, Lina, that wonderful woman who will be with me in the future, in the present and in the past.

























I wake up in the morning and, consciously, I create the day and my future as I want it to be.
Sometimes it takes me a bit to concentrate and get to the point where, really, I start to create the day and the more I do this exercise of self-determination, the more the neural network grows in my brain that allows me to verify that everything is possible. Thought that gives me the power and the encouragement to do it every day, and the next day and the next, and so on infinitely.
In the early stages of the evolution of my consciousness, I was very lonely, trying to write on a white paper all the knowledge that the eternal unity, the mutation of the brain of my race and my curiosity, were allowing me to acquire. Everything was going happily, but in my head the idea of ​​putting into practice all the experiences I was collecting was agitated, because the biological imperative of all living beings, of all organic creatures, is to transmit their genes to the next generation, to the children, to the heirs of that more evolved genetic programming that will take us to the final awareness of our eternity, and it is for that imperative, for that visceral need, that from my mind and my heart, it had not been possible to erase the image of Melina, a beautiful doctor I met while working in a hospital foundation and decided that my life should be linked to this wonderful woman as interesting, intelligent, educated and beautiful. The mission in search of my ideal partner was not going to be easy, but mentally I began to design my life next to that spectacular woman.
I was never disturbed by the absence of my soul mate, because I was not yet ready to continue building my future with a wonderful lady, but I understood that the moment had come when I contemplated her angelic face and the almost imperceptible shyness of the lonely queen who, despite his inherited fragility, he faces a universe full of gruesome social dragons.


"You had to exist somewhere, beloved woman of my dreams," I thought full of happiness and satisfaction. "Adored intelligent, charismatic, charming and beautiful lady. Today, finally, your incredible scientific curiosity, will take you through the eternal universe that my books have shown you and you will understand the grandeur of our spontaneous love and the grandeur of our existence on earth. "
The bright spring sun warmed my bronzed skin, under the imposing blue frame of a firmament that framed the disheveled palm trees, which were waving happily in the flower beds of the motorway through which I went for a walk.
"Could it be that today she is walking with her mother and with her dog" Golden Retriever ", who almost always accompany her? - I asked myself - Because she is also alone, because she also learned everything that she had to learn by herself; because there is a man in the universe, who is guided by eternity and that man is me, who thinks it with a lot of love. "
I continued walking along the great avenue, while I contemplated all the people who visit that immense recreational unit, to do sports.
"I will approach him when I see her - I thought - and I will reveal all my feelings."
In that sports unit there were athletes running on the sand track, children playing soccer on the synthetic courts, adult men drinking beer and playing the traditional yew on the indoor courts, whole families walking and enjoying the refreshing breeze that animated the colorful day of party. But nowhere did the angelic face appear which I was longing for.
I turned around on the basketball courts, where a lot of kids shouted, disputing what looked like an exciting game. I went to the skating rink, where the parents listened calmly, and the indications given by the instructor to their young children.
"He has not come," I thought. "She is not here today, but I am convinced that one day I will find her and she will greet me with great kindness."
 "Could it be that she is just a nice dream for me?" - I thought, again, trying to put away those little doubts that clouded that future, which I must materialize very clearly. - "I cannot begin to doubt the power of my thought that, in all safety, materializes my universe."
I breathed deeply and slowly returned to my house, contemplating all the plants and the distribution of the beautiful gardens that surrounded the pedestrian path.


This exciting adventure of my new life, in the twenty-first century, had become the twelve shocking books I wrote, to try to teach them to live better, to those who have the necessary evolutionary development to be able to understand them. My existence became a continuous learning that gives me the certainty that my soul mate can appear at any moment.
"My whole universe revolves around her."
"Everything is possible - I thought -. I'm looking forward to exactly what I deserve. What will my relatives say, my friends and the readers of my books, when they know that I have not yet found the woman of my dreams? ... They will say the most sensible thing. They will say that if thought creates the universe, all I have to do is sit down and think calmly, until it materializes. "
- Ramble, ramble. Thinking many things and doing many others, at the same time, my dear friend, is not the way to find it, to find it, if not to lose it, to dissolve it in the routine of sad oblivion, of what could not be. - I said aloud to myself - Ready, okay. Dreaming of her, without having the courage to go looking for her and propose my love directly and bravely, is not the way to conquer her. I agree. But how can I conquer this intelligent woman, so polite and so beautiful?
I kept silent and then I asked myself:
- You are happy? Are you doing what you most want to do in the universe?
The habit, my pride and my cowardice, answered mentally yes. What am I doing with my life exactly what I wanted to do, but ...
- Am I doing, really, what I want to do? ... Nooooo!
I left all my thoughts, I stopped at the small bridge that was crossing and I said to myself again aloud:
- What does all this mean? ... I'm tired of living completely alone and ...
A quick and furious despair invaded my heart, and my brain was filled with questions. For a moment I doubted the immense power of my thought. What I am going to do? What is the path that I will choose?

At the last minute I enjoyed my nasty cowardice. I lost the security of the man who can do everything, after understanding the wonder of his eternity. Sincerely, I did not know what to do to conquer the woman of my dreams? ... I am convinced that eternal unity will give me all the opportunities that are necessary, but what happens to me? ... I have left behind the dimensions of the material, I have understood the eternity of the human being and his power without limits, which changed my way of being definitively, and now that it is time to seek my absolute happiness. Why does the value and all my strengths disappear, before the angelic face of my beloved queen? ... I am an advanced being - I thought - But I, who am convinced of my eternity, why I tremble and faint when I think of myself adored illusion?
A moment passed. I looked at the landscape before my eyes and wondered. Why do not you go and take it, how do you take a beautiful flower from the field? ... What's wrong with her knowing that passion is stirred in my heart, like a crazed drum? ...
The only bad thing is that I have never revealed to him, clearly, my interest, my feelings and me ...
Ahhh. Love, passion, desire or beautiful friendship? ... What, really, has been awakened in my heart by that intelligent and wonderful woman? But what will she think, given the insignificance and fragility of my whole being? ... She, in her world of medicine and science; In your world of the wealthy bourgeoisie, what can you think of a humble writer who loves her with desperation? ... Yes, the bad thing is that she is far from me and I have to do something to solve that, right now.
"Quiet, Jorge León - I thought - You cannot be carried away by the currents that stir your passionate heart. Do not take things too fast, please! First think and meditate with attention. "" It's a matter of waiting for the right moment, which will come. "
In my mind was a question that wanted to launch into the world of ideas.

Why does it happen that the most advanced people, those whose teachings become religions, are invariably lonely? Why have not they been seen, in the history of humanity, happy couples or miraculous spouses, who share their victorious love stories? ... They always surround the admirers, the disciples and the fanatics, those few clairvoyants so admired by his miracles. They are always surrounded by the sick who come to them in search of healing and light, but when do we see them with their twin souls, with their glorious and unconditional loved ones? ... Suddenly, sometimes, in the case of Stephen Hawking or of our glorious Gabriel Garcia Marquez, in which his talented women always remained at his side, despite his physical limitations.
- People of higher intelligence are rarely accompanied. The most advanced human beings are the most lonely. - I said aloud - Perhaps those enlightened beings do not have an orange half, a soul mate, because they have overcome, when evolving, human needs? ...
Everything remained silent and I had no response of eternal unity.
To achieve perfection in the evolution of my eternity, it will no longer be my problem, but my twin soul is supposed to accompany me on that path towards the definitive truth. I do not resign myself to ignore my soul mate, because that evolved woman, intelligent and beautiful, does exist!
The mediocre and the ignorant will always shout at us:
- Forget about your twin souls, because true love does not exist; there are only the petty interests of materialism!
- What will you say about all that, my beautiful doctor? - I asked myself and she, where I would like her to be, did not answer my solitude.
I came to my house a little tired from the long walk and, lying on the bed, I closed my eyes to think better.



The most evolved, the most enlightened, can do what they want, but I am the one who decides about my life and I have decided that I will have a beautiful wife and two children, because I cannot spend my life being a loner like an old man oak in the bush
I got up from the comfortable bed and headed for the bathroom, to take a refreshing shower that cleared my mind.
- What would I do if she arrived at this moment when I'm completely naked? - I thought, imagining his sculptural body and how my body began to react, I stuck my head in the cold water jet, to move his sensual beauty away from my mind. The water was very cold.
I finished showering, dried the drops of water on my skin, dressed quickly and went out into the streets of that immense and wild land that is home to millions and millions of people. At that moment I began to look for my beloved with total dedication. She was the woman that neither my friends nor my relatives knew so far. I walked to the central park of my town, sat on a comfortable bench of wrought iron and wood, in the shade of the trees that shuddered in the wind. I pulled out a roll of sheets of paper and started writing:
"Everything that makes us fall in love also guides and protects us. Intently passionate about the love of a beautiful woman, we move forward, because a hurricane of magic clears the way to the front, softens the challenges, thinks and takes us flying over the abysses, over fears and doubts. "
- What are you writing?

An elderly smiling woman asked me, who was strangely dressed. She wore a white veil over her straight hair, like those used by the nuns of Catholicism. The woman was completely dressed in white clothes from head to toe. He stared at me with a perceptible smile that did not fade from his lips.

- I'm writing the story of what my life is going to be like, in the next forty-five years.
In spite of the disgust he gave me, when they interrupted me in my work as a writer, his sweet voice and friendly face were pleasant to me.
- Tell me, please - said the woman, without feeling surprised by the innovative idea.
- There is an intelligent and beautiful woman, with whom I am going to get married in the future, and with whom I will have two children and we will all be very happy.
- - And is it that programming life, in that way, is it possible? - the woman asked again.
- Tell me one thing that you have loved with your heart. - I said - But it is not enough that he liked it; it must be that he loved her with all the strength of his soul. An irresistible passion, obsessive and unbreakable.
- The most holy virgin. I love the Virgin Mary and that's why I'm always in this park, spreading her message of love. - said the friendly woman, who handed me two candy candies and a carefully folded piece of paper.
Without being able to stand the curiosity, I unfolded the paper carefully and ...
"Everything you ask of Jehovah will be consummated in you, and light and happiness will shine in your ways" Job 22:28
- And when you are distributing the virgin's message, do not you think that the universe takes on a special character, different from the other things? - I asked for.
- Yes! Clear! - Exclaimed the woman full of happiness - I am very happy and people give me coins, when I give them the message of love of the virgin. Money that helps me to buy rice, sugar, fruits, meats and vegetables, to give to the poorest families of this municipality, because, thanks to Jesus Christ, I come from a wealthy family and I never missed anything.
- I understood the message of the humble woman, I took a bill of two thousand pesos from my pocket, I gave it to her and she, giving me a tender and delicate kiss on the cheek, thanked me for the collaboration and left in search of another client, for her singular work.


I concentrated again on my story.
"Without the knowledge of the truth, of our eternal condition, we are like birds without wings that wallow in the putrefying mud of savage materialism, because our limited senses do not reach to perceive the depth of the fourth and fifth dimensions, in which we They introduced Einstein, Stephen Hawking and all the scientists who have revealed to us the grandeur and complexity of that universe, which goes beyond the comprehension of the vast majority.
- And how are you going to do to materialize your future dream life? - asked the strange woman who was directly behind me, sneaking what I was writing.
- My curious and dear friend is very simple, you only have to dream and wish your future life, with the maximum possible clarity, so that the eternal unity materializes your thought and turns it into a beautiful reality ... Our knowledge has arrived, thanks to the development of science and technology, to the point where we can consciously be the architects of our own existences.
- What a pity not to have known that thirty years ago, when I was young and beautiful. If these teachings had been transmitted to me, when I was about twenty-seven years old, everything would have been very different and today I would not have to follow the same path as the scammers that we commercialized with the beliefs of the desperate and uneducated peoples. - The lady finished, with a visible feeling of bitterness.
- Quiet, friend, with the knowledge of eternal unity, you can go back in time and correct the wrong decisions, which hindered the conscious evolution of your consciousness.
- That's what I'm trying to do, because I'm already tired of so many mistakes. I have no children, no relatives, and no friends. I made many mistakes and besides that, my Prince Charming did not have the courage to conquer me and condemned me to live completely alone and, now, all I want is to disappear in the dark and cold sepulcher of oblivion - the old woman finished saying, with a marked grimace of anguish. I kept silent, to respect the immense pain of that creature hit by the circumstances of his mistakes.
- What's next for you? - She asked.

- In the history of my life?
- Yes
- I continue in the conquest of my soul mate, to multiply that eternal consciousness that will give light to my two beautiful children, who in turn will continue their thought in this matrix of eternity called earth. I'm going to meet the woman of my dreams and ...
- Will you have the courage to conquer it, even if it seems unattainable? - The incredulous woman asked me.
A huge smile lit my face and, for the first time, I looked into her eyes and said:
- Do you know what you are trying to imply with that of if I will have the courage to conquer it?
- Yes
- If that? - I asked a little annoyed by the imprecision of the old woman. - Explain to me what your doubts are due to, regarding my performance, in the search for love?
- Well, - said the poor woman, with the following words that left me totally surprised. - I suppose she is a very intelligent woman, very educated, very wealthy and with the autonomy of a being, equally eternal, which can decide and at the same time choose and build a universe in which, due to your indecisions, you can take part, or not being part of it.
For a moment I stopped to watch her. She grinned mischievously and stared at me with her dark brown eyes, so dark they were almost black as those of eagles. His skin was completely covered by the wrinkles of suffering. He smiled defiantly and for the first time I could appreciate the beauty of very even teeth, very white and very beautiful, that seemed familiar to me.


- Actually, I do not know if I can conquer it - I had to say, submerging myself in the thoughts that shouted my sudden cowardice. I looked up and I could see the beauty of that small town park, which brimmed with life. The sweet smell of the crispest wrapped in cane honey, came to my nose and the cheerful music of an amateur flutist, flooded the wonderful atmosphere that had me spellbound. Who was that woman who was dedicated to heal the soul of the peasants, with the small messages of ancient religions? Could it be, perhaps, an evolved emissary that came to dissolve my fears? ... It could be anyone.
- Have you read "The religion of the intelligent"? - I asked a little uncomfortable, to feel his intrusion into my story.
- I did not have the time or the interest to read it. My profession has always been to want to heal people, even though I myself have allowed myself to die slowly. - He opened the plastic bag that was in his hands and ... - Do you want me to give you a new message of love? ...
- Haber, woman, you give out little messages from the bible of Catholics or Christians; small messages that I know are based on love, but I, who am the author of "The religion of the intelligent" I am convinced that these religions were born of superstition, fear and ignorance of men, who do not Natural phenomena and diseases could be explained, but now, with the development of science and technology, superstition has been replaced by knowledge and reason - I ended up saying, as prudently as possible, not to make her feel bad . My words left her without arguments, for a few seconds because ...
- Anyway, your messages and mine, come to be the same, in a universe of thoughts and ideas - he said as to conclude. He closed the bag of love messages and candy candies and silently went to sit on the bench that followed. I thought I was a little bit angry. "What a pity. With those eyes so bright and those teeth so beautiful, I could be a more advanced woman in her evolution.

I read the last three lines I had written on my sheets of paper. I took the pen and thought:
What could I say to my future children, about their future mother? ...
- "Children, I'm just trying to gain the courage to conquer your beautiful mother, who lives in one of the houses that surround this colorful park, and I know that someday we'll be sitting on this same bench, where I'm sitting now and then we will evolve and we will be future, present and past, and we will be the one for the other, as were Romeo and Juliet, or Bernardo and Eloísa and all the famous couples of history. We are not together now, because the time has not yet come, but someday our questions will be answers and we will be enveloped in a luminous and magical love ". "Each step that I am taking is one more step towards a window in the universe, towards a bridge at infinity, that will allow us to communicate to be together when we are ready" ... What else can I say about her, dear children? .. That is my most successful choice and that at this point in my life, eternal unity gives me all the answers. "
What I had, were pure mental excuses to justify my indecision.

- "You are no longer the Lion you used to be. You are leaving behind all the accumulated knowledge. The cosmic laws you have deciphered are incredible; which are for most people or very advanced or very crazy. - I said to myself, in a low voice, so that the old woman dressed in white would not listen. - My twin soul must have found on its own, the same truth that I discovered, because this universe is not remotely what it seems to our limited senses and to be compatible, we must be in the same frequency of evolution . She must know that only what we have in our thoughts becomes reality in our lives, because miracles are not miracles, but intense desires, constant and deep thoughts that end up shaping the material plane. She and I will never be together, unless she has the same degree of evolution as mine. She being much more beautiful than me, of course, since I love the beauty of her angelic face so much; but you must assimilate all my knowledge and share my passion for science and for letters. I cannot imagine sharing my life with a lady who leaves a trail of smoke and cigarette ashes, or if she needs to consume large amounts of liquor or drugs to be happy, or if she has distrust of other human beings, or if judges them by skin color or by their economic condition, or if they do not have confidence in themselves, or if they lack interest in science and the environment, or if they lack a taste for adventure and good humor , because if it lacks a single condition of those, then our relationship will not work. If my future twin soul does not practice, even a little, philanthropy or if you do not like horses, chickens and dogs, which are the animals that I love ... "Ha ha ha. With all those conditions the thing like that is going to be a bit difficult. " - I thought with good humor.

I got up from the chair, without looking at the strange woman who dressed in white and I walked away, amidst the bustle of the people who frequented that park, still thinking about my occurrences. I left thinking about that perfect woman, and I realized that my beloved illusion fulfilled all those requirements and more, without any effort, because she was supremely intelligent, educated, studious, elegant and progressive. My heart was filled with happiness, because I knew that Melina was even more advanced than me. Moreover, it may be that I do not meet the requirements, of that beautiful woman dedicated to science, to the fight against transgenic and to the healthier customs of the bourgeoisie in which she was educated. The more aware of our eternity and the more enlightened we are, the more we trust in human beings, because they are all made of eternal thought. The more we learn, the more we understand that we are part of a unit of absolute wisdom. But I cannot discard my conditions and my beloved twin soul should not smoke, it should not be alcoholic, it should be fed very well with organic products, it should be very sweet and with a very soft and very feminine character; must be very educated and love science first of all, easy, no? ...
"The eternal unity, never gives us a wish without giving us the possibility that it is realized."
"I hope she reads" The religion of the intelligent ", that self-improvement book that I wrote some days ago and that you can find for free on the page, because it is a magic book, that opens in the message that the reader needs to know the most. The person, who reads it, can get their own answers from any part of the book. I hope my love closes your eyes when you have it in your hands, and mentally formulates any kind of question, and then places your finger on a line of the book and, there, find the answer to your concern. "
I reached my house, opened the door quickly, and looked for a copy of "The religion of the intelligent. I closed my eyes and asked eternal unity: How do I conquer the woman of my dreams? ... I opened the book on a random page and without looking I placed my finger on one of the lines and read;

My finger was supported by the word "create" "Thoughts are the energy that creates all things." It is the attitude that determines everything that happens.
A pleasant emotion ran through my whole body and I realized that I was an active part of the wonderful eternal unity, in which I can materialize everything I want.
I turned on the computer, I looked for my adored illusion on Facebook and it illuminated its beautiful and unique image. I still had not accepted my friend request, but that did not matter, because she would accept it when she was ready. Its beauty was exquisite. She had very bright eyes, a spectacular smile and her angelic face as a good girl, she had me in love. I did not have to imagine his qualities, because I already knew his transparent honesty, his unwavering courage, his iron discipline, his scientific curiosity without limits and the great heart that embarked on the quixotic struggles that he undertook against the multinationals that commercialize with herbicides. , pesticides and transgenic foods that have the edge of collapse to all humanity. Thanks to technology I did not have to imagine the woman of my dreams, there I was in the photographs, in which I shared a soda with her friends and my heart began to love her more intensely. Melina was perfect. I felt very well. My soul mate was divine and I gave thanks to eternal unity, for having allowed me to know her.
I went to bed about ten thirty minutes into the night and slept like a dormouse, dreaming of my illusion.
The next day I woke up about seven in the morning on a beautiful day. I stayed for a long time, enjoying the warmth of my comfortable bed and, thinking again of my soul mate, I had to say it out loud:
- Dear, Melina, every day when I wake up, I always think of you invariably. I hope that there in the comfort of your apartment, you will perceive the great love I feel for you, so that you give me the opportunity to be by your side, as soon as possible, and thank you very much for being so spectacular "


After the meaning message of love, I felt very hungry and I had to get up to prepare breakfast in the middle of my solitude.
I made an orange juice with a lot of ice, fried two eggs, took a piece of cheese from the fridge and warmed up a delicious peasant whole meal bread, of those produced by a visionary friend of mine, in its artisanal and organic bakery. In another period of my life, I would have fried an immense pork rind, but not anymore, because after having discovered the eternity of life, I could not participate in the murder of a poor pig, no matter how delicious his meat was. If a pig, which is a thought in its process of evolution, had the possibility of spending its life improving, slowly, on its way to eternity, instead of being dismembered into a thousand pieces so that I could have breakfast with bacon, it was worth I'm sorry to leave the meat aside.
I had a leisurely breakfast.
Is it possible that my love will love me forever?
It is possible that there is an opportunity against millions and millions of possibilities against.
It has been a fortune that I knew my soul mate, thanks to the fact that in eternal unity, we can know all those who exist anywhere, without having seen or treated them personally, because the concept of individuality only exists in our minds. Consciousness, thought is not limited by time or space, because we are all eternal unity.
I can call her at any time and say:
- Hello Melina.
- Hello, with whom do I speak? - would be your answer.
- With Jorge León
- Who?


- We met at the San Vicente de Paul Hospital, when you collaborated to write that interesting book "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives" that has been so successful.
- Ahhh, hello. - she would answer with indifference.
- And how have you been? And who is that boy, who is with you in the facebook picture, next to some indigenous children? Is it your husband, your lover or your friend? - I would ask with jealous indiscretion.
- Yes - I could answer her, on the other side, without giving any explanation and then I, feeling very uncomfortable, would say:
- Ahh, well, excuse my curiosity ... It has been a pleasure to say hello again and know that you are well. Be careful because you are a very special woman.
- Well, thank you and success with your novels. Chaoo.
- Bye.
That would be a very uncomfortable conversation for me. There must be a better and safer way to address it.
- When the opportune moment arrives, I will find that way - I said to myself in a low voice - and I have to visualize it in the best way.
After breakfast I sat at the office wanting to work for a while. I turned on the computer convinced that, anything we want to know, can be learned on the internet. I opened my mail and found:
On 4/11/18, Silvia Agudelo <> wrote:
> Good morning Jorge,
> Thank you very much for sharing so interesting content. Take the opportunity to
> ask if you can accompany us in a broadcast of our program
> radial: Medicinal in contact with life, which is issued all the
> Friday from Radio Bolivariana, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
> This information would be very important and interesting for our listeners.
> I hope you can join us and I am very attentive to your availability.
> Thank you!



> Communicator
> PBX: * (574) 4484411 EXT 104 *
> Cra 51 D No. 67-60
> Medellin- Colombia
I felt a little confused. Talk on the radio and, surely, later on television. Will recognition begin and then what? ... When someone decides to be famous, they renounce the privilege of their privacy. Of course, in the case of writers, it does not necessarily have to be recognized. Writers can publish books that many people read, without anyone recognizing where they go. Artists, athletes and actors, on the other hand, cannot go unnoticed. The sports announcers or those of the news, neither go unnoticed, however the writers we can hide behind a pseudonym.
"If I ever become a public figure, will I regret it? ... No, it must be exciting, because all eyes and all opinions, good or bad, will fall on you."
- "If you talk to the stations and you go out on television, you will surely regret it." - I said to myself in a loud voice.
I turned off the computer. I went out to the street to think better.
The revitalizing sun hit all my humanity and I felt the luminous corpuscles, I felt the photons and the ultraviolet rays that hit me and bounced at the speed of light, bringing a message that denied time and space. I went to the beautiful colonial park, which was my favorite place in that dream town, I kept thinking about the difficult decisions I had to make.

"Winning a little money with the popularity of your work is very important, but another thing very different are the opinions and possible criticisms of an alienated and mistaken crowd, which senses the collapse of their irrational and antiquated beliefs. Fame and recognition for your philosophical postulates may be interesting at first, but what do you recognize and address, when you want to be alone and calm, must it be difficult? Is not it very overwhelming and uncomfortable fame? ... A little recognition in your work, it can be fun for personal satisfaction, but what happens if that recognition goes beyond the limits and destroys your privacy, your freedom and your life? ... If you go to interviews on the radio and on television, then, wherever you go, someone will tell you: You were the one who wrote "The religion of the intelligent" and I liked it or did not like it. "
Some people passed by in their cars and others walked by, under the warm sun of the beautiful morning, without even noticing my face as a free man and in love.
- "How would it affect the process of my social recognition, in the conquest of my beloved? That of becoming a little famous? ... - I asked myself in a low voice.
- That phenomenon would kill her, because you will never know if she is in love with what you are as a person or your fame and your money. - I answered mentally - Listen, dear friend, if you want to discover the grandeur of his heart, you cannot become a celebrity. No way."



Would my chances of conquering it increase if she knew that I am the owner of "La Santa Catalina", one of the most beautiful crystal clear streams in Colombia and that I am a well-known and very successful writer? ... It could also be an opportunity very interesting, that of recognition and fame, in this moment in which I most need to be attractive to her. Although I know that the coincidence and the probabilities of eternal unity, they will make her read this romantic and desperate book, so that she can understand how much I am interested from the moment I saw her. Then, popularity will not be necessary and I will be able to continue working in silence and, in addition, she will be with me forever. Would not be bad. And I'm sure I'll find it, if I continue moving around the town. Observing, looking for her with the look in the middle of the streets and the calm freeways.
"It does not occur to me to doubt the happy ending of my love affair, because I am convinced that eternal unity is reserved for me. She has the hair, the skin color, the stature, the angelic face, the education, the intelligence, the character, the sensual and exciting princess body, the smile and the strength and the brightness in the eyes, that I always wanted, and although in my neighborhood I see many beautiful girls, because this town is famous for its beautiful and attractive women, I was never interested in any, as my beautiful Melina is interested me ... For the other women, my words were always simple and without any interest . I was neutral and not even, his two little sisters, who are very young, educated and beautiful, interested me after having crossed very few words with them ".
In my life I have met many women, but of all I went away in one way or another, like this:
Carmen, a professional model, could have been my wife, but she was too tall, too pretty, too young and too naive for me. I lived in an unreal world and after a few months of chatting with me, he told his mother and father that we were going to get married, without reaching any agreement. I was summoned to a family meeting to review all the details regarding the supposed wedding and I had to resort to all my imagination, to evade and delay the marriage we had not agreed upon.


Sandra, a very pretty brunette who loved parties, liquor and sex without measure. He invented some unlikely stories and, at times, it made me think that something was not going well in his mind. Being a very young girl, she told me about a supposed daughter she had in a relationship before ours, but her parents who were always at her side, insisted on denying the strange adventure that she supposed was the product of her imagination. In addition, I had suicidal thoughts with which I wanted to control and his aggressiveness ended up making me definitely away from his side.
Leydi, he did not drink liquor or go to any kind of rumba. High and very elegant, I found her in the gym where she went regularly. Very beautiful, very educated and very special. I had a nine-year-old son and one day invited me to accompany her to her house, we walked and she told me that she belonged to Jehovah's Witnesses. He always spoke to me of his religion, he always carried the bible of Christians with her and from the first day he warned me that if he wanted something serious with her, he had to be an active member of his Christian community and go out with her. on Saturdays and Sundays to preach the word of Jehovah.
Janety did not care about academic degrees. The diplomas of the regular school gave him allergy. For her, she only counted the beauty of her body and the power of money. She was willing to do everything, if she was paid the right rate. She did not believe in love, nor in a stable relationship, she just wanted a good amount of bills, to maintain a better standard of living for the two small children she had from her previous relationships.
Then Johana arrived, a pretty young girl with red hair, bright green eyes and a daring miniskirt that revealed the perfect tan of her sturdy, athletic legs. Those green eyes and his amused smile captured my interest and aroused my curiosity. I studied music and with her sweet voice I wanted to be one of the best singers in this country. He intoned the refrain of a well-known song that was renegade against the men and the timbre of his voice seemed really interesting to me. I invited her to have a drink in an ice cream shop and everything went very well until


- Does it bother you if I smoke a cigarette? - He asked me, while he was taking a pack of cigarettes out of his wallet.
- Look, my friend, I worked a lot in the hospital San Vicente de Paul and there, there were so many people with lung cancer, with cancer in the larynx and with so many diseases derived from the toxic smoke of the cigarette, which, for me, would be a crime be indifferent to such a terrible vice. If you want I invite you to eat an ice cream, or a fruit or the candy you want, but I will not allow you to smoke today or ever.
- What if I want to smoke what? - Said the woman with seriousness, in a visibly challenging whole.
- That's as if you told me: "You interest me so little, that I do not care what you think, that I do not care if you cannot breathe. It's like telling me, die if you want, that I already, in any case, chose to have cancer and transmit it to my future son in the womb.
- Ahhh, but is that if you left me pricked and delayed, then what will you say when you know that every day I smoke four or five joints of cannabis and what will you say when I'm party and give me some passes of cocaine? Why is life to enjoy it in all forms and ways, or not?
I was shocked. I did not know to say. It was very difficult to explain and inculcate values ​​to that young girl who was only beautiful, but who clearly had no mental structure. I paid the bill, I walked away from her without saying anything and I could never again enjoy her beautiful and bewitching voice, because from that day I did not see her again.
Each new appointment excited me, but after two or three months, the magic of love began to disappear, because there were many thoughts that we did not share. We were very different beings and with completely different dreams. Almost all the women I went out with in my life had difficult pasts and the vast majority of them were overwhelmed by economic problems. Almost none of them valued education and had barely finished high school and were not interested in it, nor books, nor good movies, nor music, nor good nutrition, nor good manners or anything. They just wanted to go around and spend their lives vegetating without any aspiration, without any sleep.

Today is Monday holiday, its ten o'clock in the morning and, surely, my beloved must be resting from her work in the hospital and will want to go for a walk with her "golden retriever", the beautiful dog that sometimes He accompanied on his usual morning walks. The sun shone with all its splendor and the blue sky and the refreshing breeze, encouraged me to go to the sports unit to run a little, and lift weights that strengthen this chest that both loves and see if, suddenly, I find it, to overcome this shyness that makes me tremble from head to toe, every time I think about her. I have to fill myself with courage to invite her to leave, so that we finally start that beautiful love story that will take us happy for all eternity.
I arrived at the sports unit, I entered the soccer field and I started doing warm-up exercises, on the freshly cut grass of intense green color. Without thinking much I took off my jogging shoes and, completely barefoot, I enjoyed the softness of the grass, which made me feel a pleasant sensation in the soles of my feet, I thought of my beloved Melina and I started jogging on the grass, with unaccustomed strength and agility. I went without feeling any fatigue, aware of all the girls passing by, wanting to see in her eyes, her eyes. I gave ten laps full to the court, without feeling any kind of fatigue, and then I went to the gym that is outdoors, to lift a little weight. I took off my shirt that held me tight and I let go of all the muscles and my heart in love. I did all my exercise routines, with my eyes on the pedestrian path that was covered by the shadow projected by the immense palm trees, which murmur their freedom with the wind. But she never happened.
After two hours of revitalizing exercises, I headed towards my house, with the small disappointment of not having seen my love.
I am a twin soul separated from her love and I am waiting for her to mature, consciously, so that eternal unity takes us to the point of meeting. Meanwhile, Melina must be waiting for me to strengthen my weaknesses, which are also very big.

I do not accept any female flirting, or close friendships, with any woman, so as not to hinder or interpose obstacles in the victorious path of my love. I am trying to deploy a very interesting strategy, very sensual and very funny, so that, in the end, I can definitely conquer my soul mate. I am aware that I have chosen this moment, to learn many transcendental injuries and to be able to find that wonderful woman, who is the best and most evolved of all. Losing it will be an alternative future that I will not choose. Observe her working, observe her dedicated to the family and be able to read the emotional phrases that she places on Facebook, such as the following: "The happiness of my family, it is my happiness", it is an immense pleasure, that shows the grandiosity of her soul, that it only allows him to think about the welfare of his parents and his little sisters. In this future, which will be an alternative past, we will both find the answers to this wonderful love, which will fill us with satisfactions and happiness.
Lying in the vitrified of the front yard of my house, where I usually take long sunbaths, I thought about things like this: "There are no mistakes in life. The events that we mentally program for us, however unpleasant they may seem, are very necessary to learn everything we need to know, because each of the steps we take are indispensable to reach the places or circumstances that we have previously chosen. "
At this very moment, when I enjoyed the disgusted and desperate tangos that my father heard, I kept thinking like this:
"Since I discovered the truth of my existence on earth, all the mistakes disappeared. In all these years of my life, there have been no mistakes. I have built each of the goals of my existence with great care. Making decisions and decisions right at all times; in the study, in the work, in politics, in my writings, in business, in my responsibilities, in the obligations with the environment and with the planet, in my finances and in my life in general. "

"Will Melina be able to perceive the efforts and achievements of my existence? Will it be that the development of my conscience can influence, a little bit, in the making of their decisions, to build a love by my side that is important in their life? ... "She can be there, on the other side, in his world of specialized medicine, looking for his perfect man in half of fifty or one hundred health professionals; very educated, very intelligent and very elegant, but, surely, no one will love her with all the passion and with all the sincerity that I love her.
I laughed at myself how difficult it was to sell the idea of a purer and more sincere love, when there is so much competition for a beautiful and perfect woman like her.











I always knew that one or many people could be curious about what I thought and wrote in my books; to see how I really am, where I live, what I do in my spare time and what I do with my money. It is clear that those who stumble with the television cameras, with the microphones of the news, with the press of the newspapers and with the comments in the social networks, did not stumble suddenly and without knowing it, with all that. All the writers have chosen, personally, to reveal our thoughts, our discoveries and our most intimate experiences, so that they serve as an example to all humanity. We are the creators of the new philosophies, which trace the path and point out the wonderful destiny, which leads us to be the renovators of eternal unity. Every day the universe submits, before its invariable laws, all celebrities and all people in general. The people observe surprised, because the challenges that our idols bear are the same challenges and the same process of evolution that we all have to endure. For all is the same, the desires and thoughts materialize; they grow as human beings, they study, they work, they fall in love, they marry, they transmit the genes to their next evolutionary generation, they reach the maximum point of their wisdom and they transcend towards the perfection of eternal unity. Everything under the lights of the cameras. We are all involved in the same process of eternal evolution and we are all the protagonists, in one way or another, of that wonderful awareness that perfects us, driven by the powerful force of love.

What has been, he asked me, of characters like Hitler; of that strong man who had massacred millions and millions of people? What did he learn and what did he teach, to humanity, in his fleeting existence? ... And I say fleetingly, because his awareness process hardly lasted as long as the passage of a shooting star, which ends up submerging in the darkness of ignorance and of pride. That cruel character, could never understand that everything goes beyond the color of the skin, beyond those material possessions, which are the fables with which our senses are entertained; those biological senses that cannot interpret what is happening beyond the tables of the earthly theater. That German could not understand what his mission was on earth and, in the end; he had to resort to the only way out, that of his self-elimination.
What has been, I wonder, of Michael Jackson, that wonderful singer, who delighted so many people with his dancing and with his singing? ... He was also a shooting star, who could not free himself from the wild kidnapping, which was submitted by the ambition of his family, who castrated him chemically and mentally, so that he could never escape from that circus in which he could not grow, because he was forced to produce money and ended up playing the role of Peter Pan. Michael was another victim, of this mistaken society, which has not yet understood that everything goes beyond economic waste, and of the meaningless videos in which people dance and sing, without knowing the truth of their existence.
What has been, I wonder, of John Paul II, that successor of St. Peter, who was not able to imitate the loving teachings of Sister Teresa of Calcutta, because she never wanted to wash the wounds of anyone, because she never cared about the millions and millions of children and old people who died of hunger in the world, while he was dedicated to managing one of the richest and most selfish organizations in the universe, because he never sent missionaries to build houses, schools or agricultural projects, for the members of their most destitute communities. Those monks of strange clothes only went to preach a message that allowed them to accumulate more land, more property and more money, which is useless for them, because they will continue to be shooting stars that never understood the true evolutionary message, which I try to teach them Jesus Christ.

What has been, I wonder, Stephen Hawking, the famous scientist who tried to seek the beginning and end of eternal unity. An innocent and tender scientist who, with his twisted and limited thinking, could not understand that we are exactly what our evolutionary consciousness wishes to be. A shooting star, who could not understand that our reality goes beyond, of the crooked whims that make our ambitions in the third dimension. It was a shame that his limitations did not allow him to appreciate the immense beam of light, with which Einstein, his colleague, illuminated the unlimited future of humanity.
For the great leaders, popularity is strategic work; they cannot be bothered by the cameras because, in the vast majority of cases, they all revolve around the economic benefit.
I am surprised by the immense power of social networks and I have always made it known to my followers, how grateful I am for their positive comments, for the welcome that my innovative thoughts have received and for their enormous respect for my privacy. I am filled with satisfaction by the immense family of readers, for whom my new ideas make a lot of sense. There are many human beings, of all races, of all ages, of all social strata and of all the nations of the world, who have welcomed as their own "The religion of the intelligent" that they have been able to find for free on the page
The beautiful family of those we know how to love is more numerous than I ever imagined. It is very difficult to have all the readers happy, after having shaken and shaken, the beliefs that they inherited from their primary and ignorant ancestors. After they began to popularize my books, I had to start living a more private life than before, and I took refuge in that wonderful job of healing the diseases of people. In recent years I have felt the loneliness riding on my shoulders and I have not been able to decide, not even gathering all the value of the world, to get close to Melina, my beloved illusion.

The sad and lonely night arrived. I watched the news on television and then I listened to the sports news that were repeated and repeated, again and again, by the different sports channels.
Three or four hours passed after I had gone to bed and I still could not fall asleep.
The dream moved away from me.
A deep and inexplicable restlessness did not let me have peace and felt as if something was burning inside me. My convulsed body sweated incessantly. I pushed aside the blankets of my agitated humanity and in the darkness of my disordered room, I breathed deeply, lying on my back. I needed, urgently, to leave the third dimension to enter the absolute peace of my eternity. I closed my eyes and placing my mind in white, I concentrated until my soul, slowly, began to separate from my body. I floated on the celestial light of my eternity and moved through the lonely streets of my town, to the point where I felt attracted by my presence. I looked down and saw the strange woman who was dressed completely in white, I descended slowly and went to sit next to the old woman, and did not flinch with my sudden presence in the middle of the solitude of the park.
- I thought you were very lonely at this time of night and I want to accompany you. I hope you do not mind my presence - I said a little embarrassed by my intrusion.
- No, quiet, because I was waiting for you.
I smiled surprised with his words.
- Oh, well, then excuse me for having delayed me.
- Do not worry. I hope you like sweets at midnight, "he said," and maybe one or two messages of love.

The noble old lady was very beautiful. With his dark eyes like those of the eagles and his long lashes, he looked at me, with a sweetness I never imagined. Sweetness that I found a bit amorous. I accepted the candy she was offering me, I looked at her curiously and could not stop asking her:
- Who are you? ... Why are you so familiar to me?
- I am already very old and now I serve for very few things. I distribute sweets and messages of love, but I have mistaken the way and in this stage of my life, I am dedicated to trying to save the soul of Rodrigo, a very close relative, who lost his life in all the flower of his youth, and now She is in the limbo of her childhood, crying for all this park, because she cannot find a way to return to our home.
- And what happened to him? - I asked anguished, for the immense pain that was reflected in the lividest of the face of the beautiful old woman.
- They murdered him one miserable night, in which he was drinking beer in a bar that is about two kilometers from this town. - He said in a voice broken by pain - They hit him in the head and left him lying like a dog, until the next day, in which we received the terrifying news that marked me forever, condemning me to this terrible loneliness.
I remained a long minute in silence, not knowing what to say. I stared at her and noticed a luminous halo around her head. An optical illusion that made her look very special.
- What's wrong? - the noble old lady asked me.
- Must it have been very painful for your family?
- Yes - she said -. It has been so hard that I have not been able to overcome it yet, because I hear his desperate crying every night.


I got up from the chair and walked from one side to the other, not daring to look at the aching woman.
- Quiet that we can fix that - I said, trying to bring a little hope to his aching heart.
- Yes and how would that be possible? - asked the lovely old woman, very interested.
- When you achieve a higher degree of evolution, you also achieve the power to change the material reality and choose another past or another future. - I explained.
- Another past without pain? And another future in which J. Rodrigo lives very happy and can be realized as a person?
- - Yes, my dear friend, and I hope you believe in those things, even if they do not seem very common.
- No, quiet - she said, with a broad smile that let me see her beautiful teeth again -. I do believe you, because I am Melina, the microbiologist who inspired you to write "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives", many years ago.
I remained unchanged, upon hearing something that I was already suspecting from the beginning. But why was she alone and sad in the future? What will happen to my intense love and my life?
- Well, then what do you recommend that we do? - She asked again, she already had everything clear.
- I do not know - I answered - I do not know what we should do?
- What do these doubts mean? ... If you are the one who knows the past and the future of everything, you have to know what we are going to do to correct the mistakes we have made, or not?


- Yes, but let me think about it, because we would have to change the lives of many people, who today are comfortable and who have forgotten the terrible accident of J. Rodrigo. We would have to restart the life of your sisters, of your cousins ​​and practically of the whole family circle that was related to the accident, unless you want to sacrifice yourself and allow J. Rodrigo to restart his life in your womb and stop being your relative dear, to start being our beloved son. Because you and I are the most evolved beings of that time and the only ones capable of modifying destiny.
- Where did you learn all those things? - She asked surprised. - Is it the fruit of your experiences or is there a guide to becoming an enlightened one?
- If you had read the most important book that I have written, and that I once recommended to you, you would have understood everything more easily and you would have avoided the pain of looking old, alone and wrong.
- And how is that book called? - asked the beautiful woman, who did not seem so old anymore.
- That book is "The religion of the intelligent" and here I have a copy that I always carry with me, in case you're interested in reading it.
I took out the shabby copy and handed it to my lonely soul mate. She opened it and started to look at it curiously and said:
- I notice something special in this book, it seems as if it did not have a reasonable sequence, is there a guide to read it?
- No - I said -, it is enough that you open it, because immediately, you will find the answer to what you are looking for.
- Is it a magic book? - She asked me very surprised.
- Yes, because when you have a problem in your mind, you open the book and there you find the answer.
- Well - said the nice old lady -, I'll try.


I closed my eyes and tried to analyze, what was it that had happened with my beautiful soul mate, who was now completely alone and helpless? ... It was very nice to be with her, but I could not rid myself of an immense sense of guilt , for what had happened and was happening.
- You cannot ignore the terrible future you're living - I said - and you can learn many things from him, to try to change the past.
- Modify it? - She asked, a little surprised.
- When you finish reading that book, you will understand that the most evolved human beings will always enjoy the power to change their mind, to change the future or the past.
- I think I'm a bit confused - replied the old doctor, dressed completely in white - Choose another past? ... Are those words literal or figurative? ... Better explain me, what do you want to tell me?
- If you read "The religion of the intelligent" carefully and practice the simple exercises explained there, in two or three days, you can modify your material reality, in the way you want it, because the fundamental laws of physics work independently if the time factor is positive or negative, or rather, you can go forward or backward in the evolution of your consciousness, because your real awareness of everything is unique and eternal.
- Sure what in two or three days I can achieve? - asked my aging soul mate.
- Legally it is not about hours, days or weeks, because time is an invention of our senses in the third dimension; it's about you achieving your conscious evolution, to advance to the fifth dimension without relative, in which everything is possible - I said, trying to clarify what she should already know beforehand -. Convince yourself that you know the truth of your mission on earth and you will know it; convince yourself that you are eternal and you will be.


- I am already convinced and I will try to improve our past, to improve this future of loneliness, and hoped that you will gather the necessary courage to go to the hospital, to tell me face to face what you are feeling for me, because if I was not guessing in the middle of all those occupations that were not few. - said the intelligent old woman, with the small book pressed between her hands.
I did not want to continue talking with my deteriorated soul mate, and flew, without saying goodbye to the sad woman, in search of the third dimension that needed all my character to modify a future full of mistakes.














































I went to the Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital, where the beautiful doctor of my dreams works and I sat in the cozy cafeteria, at the same table where I sat down the time my heart fell in love with her, and it seemed to be that the love continued inside this crazy heart, because it continued jumping passionately, as if I sensed the reunion with the beautiful lady of my dreams ...
"The other men may live the questions of love, with all the serenity and with all reason, but I felt completely different, I had to open my mouth to breathe and my heart beat against the chest, as if wanting to burst with love for that pretty woman. "
- Good afternoon doctor, - said me kindly, Don Luis, the administrator and owner of that cafeteria always - it is a miracle that he has come to visit us, because we have not seen him in these places for many years.
- That's right, Don Luis, so much work does not even allow me to come and greet old friends, but I'm already here, ready to enjoy a delicious fruit salad, with three balls of ice cream of different flavor.
- With pleasure - said the kind businessman, understanding perfectly, what I wanted.
It took about ten minutes in which I was very anxious, looking through the windows to see where my love appeared.
The fruit salad arrived with the ice cream, to make me understand, before the crying thirst that I felt, that my choice had not been very good and then I had to say to the good man:
- Do me the favor, Don Luis, and also bring me a glass of orange juice and lots of ice, I have a terrible drought.

The man smiled with my nice term and, after two or three minutes, he returned with the refreshing juice that was not enough to put out the flames of my overwhelming passion.
I began to enjoy my fruits with ice cream, concentrated in the movements of the people who entered the business, after having finished their workday, until I heard the unmistakable steps of my beloved queen, in the brilliant marble of the immense hall. I could not wait there sitting down and I went walking to meet the spectacular woman. We melted into a strong and desperate hug, and, without being able to avoid it, I put my mouth to his ears and whispered from the bottom of my heart:
- Melina, I love you, I love you, I love you.
I felt that my beloved shuddered with the touch of my hot mouth and, holding hands, went to the table where my ice cream was already melting.
- And what was that? - the beautiful queen asked, placing her hand in her right ear, as if to catch the last memory of my unexpected declaration.
- That is the greatest of my truths, and I cannot keep hiding even if it seems very hurried, or very crazy or very sudden, because this is what you make my life and my heart feel.
I finished saying, standing up and taking one of his hands to take it to my chest, in which he wanted to burst my heart of pure emotion.
She smiled, as if surprised by the strength of that heart that was screaming my love.
- And what brought you back here?
- First of all, I had to come to tell you that I could not stop thinking from the moment I saw you and, afterwards, I have to confess that I came to ask you for help with a very scientific book that I am writing and that is titled “How to cure cancer and multiple sclerosis miraculously? Because I need the advice of a professional like you, in the fight against that terrible disease, called cancer, which leaves us thirty-three thousand dead a year in Colombia alone and almost nine million people died worldwide.

- And why are you loving me, that way, as well as suddenly? - She asked, without imagining the terrible failure that I had seen in the future.
- My heart loves you, always, because you are the most beautiful woman, the most educated, the most evolved, the most elegant and the most human that I know. - I said without hiding anything of what I felt for her. - You are my most beautiful dream and although I have been a bit away from you, I have not been able to stop thinking about you all the days of my life.
- Well, I tell you that all these years I've been very lonely and you could have invited me to have a coffee or to walk and chat for a while out there.
- I applied for your friendship on Facebook and, after fifteen or twenty days in which you did not give me an answer, I panicked and eliminated you from all my social networks, so as not to suffer more. - I explained completely anguished.
- Oh, the bad thing is that I almost never pay attention to social networks and facebook, I almost never see it. Well, but you're here and we can handle our friendship with more approach and a little more confidence. - she noted showing her intelligence, her balance and her control.
Don Luis arrived at the table and after greeting Melina, he asked:
- Doctor and you what do you want to eat or drink? ...
She looked at me with indecision and then I started to say:
- Bring her, also, a fruit salad and three balls of ice cream of different flavor.
- No - she said, immediately -, bring me strawberries, mango bits and a vanilla cookie, only, because I cannot afford to eat so much ice cream. I normally only eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts such as almonds, raisins and peanuts, natural juices sweetened with honey from bees and, occasionally, a vanilla or chocolate cookie, because they are my weakness and I love them.

- That's why I want to invite you to two or three ice cream balls, so you can find the sweet taste of life, why, how much do you do that you do not eat rich things, confess the truth? - I asked, after appreciating his stylized figure.
- Exactly four years ago, when we were working on "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives", that wonderful book that has brought so much benefit to our country, and to all humanity. That was the last time I allowed myself the luxury of enjoying that ice cream that you invited me to. Look at me! ... Do I have the body of having been eating ice cream, fatty cracklings and French fries? - he asked, standing up, so that our eyes could see her.
I watched her from head to toe, to see, again, what she had seen many times before. She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, because the mind responsible for creating that angelic face had also created a divine body.
- But what are you saying? - he asked again - Do you think I'm eating flour, sweets and junk food?
- You are spectacular, definitely, you have the body of a woman who does a lot of exercise and who feeds very well. Better said, you're as you please. That if I can assure you. - I said, wishing it were mined forever. - But, today, if you can eat a little ball of ice cream with peanuts, so that we celebrate our reunion and our love, forever and ever.
- Good. - She said, accepting my suggestions, which were very spontaneous, without taking into account the presence of Don Luis, who had listened to the whole conversation.

The old administrator left in search of the order and she remained looking into my eyes, with an immense smile that augured me that my proposals were not so indifferent. She, in spite of her shyness and her extreme glamour, had exhibited and exposed her stylized body to my consideration, without feeling any limitation and no shame, and that was already a lot.
I always assumed that she must be very besieged, by a lot of interesting suitors, but depending on what she was about to tell me, she was alone.
- It's been so long since I've been working and it seems that the men in this hospital have not heard that I've been completely alone. I want to start enjoying my freedom and my youth, and today I would like to go to the shopping center of "San Nicolás", because it is, again, on the billboard "The embrace of the snake" by director Ciro Guerra. The best film filmed in Colombia at all times and I cannot miss the opportunity to see it, will you accompany me?
- Of course! - I exclaimed very animated, without being able to confess that I had already seen it and that, really, it was very good.
Don Luis arrived with the small fruit salad, I paid the bill and accompanied, to my sweet charm, until he finished the snack, we said goodbye to Don Luis and we left happy, looking for the shopping center that was about ten kilometers from there.
I left the bicycle in which I moved, in the private parking lot of the workers, in the same way that I did all the time I worked in that respectable institution. We left in her car, on the immense highway that would lead us to happiness


- Is it true that you can liberate the spirit and travel without the limitations of space and time? - He asked - why is that one of your theories in "The religion of the intelligent" or am I wrong?
- You're not wrong. Of course I can travel and you can also do it, whenever you want, following the simple exercises that I recommend in that book and thank you very much for having read it.
- No, thank you very much, for placing it in so that all the people can read it, free of charge, whenever they wish, although I have not had time to read it completely. - She noted, without taking her eyes off the congested highway.
We moved slowly, in the beautiful sunset that was slowly covering, with the shadows of what promised to be a wonderful night full of stars.
- And have you ever visited me, in your magical immaterial walks? ... Because I can swear to you that I have felt you many times penetrating my body.
- Have you felt it? - I asked, full of cheerful curiosity.
- Yes, I felt when you arrive in the cold early morning, to wake up with a kiss full of that overwhelming passion, to caress me with madness and to leave me so excited, that you forced me to masturbate two or three times in a row.
That confession was too direct, and I could not avoid the temptation, I pounced on her and kissed her with desire, without thinking about the cars that were traveling behind and in front of us. I kissed her mouth red and sweet, with all the passion and only regained my sanity, when I felt the push that pushed me away, when she lost all visibility and control of the vehicle, and, almost, we almost crashed into another car that slowed down dry to interrupt our hectic romance.

- Forgive me - I said, sincerely embarrassed by my impulsive action. She stared at me for a few seconds and, ignoring the insults of the man who nearly crashed through our imprudence, continued to drive normally along the dangerous highway.
- The passion I awaken in your body is very interesting, and I thought that those nocturnal visits were very real dreams of my ardent imagination. But calm, that we will have time to finish with that task we have started and that, to tell you the truth, I also liked it and I felt very real. I felt yours, completely and it was amazing. - She finished saying, showing a facet that I never imagined in her glamorous personality.
The trip continued in silence and I went breathing deeply, to quiet my agitated heart a little.
- And what do you feel when you're outside your body? - she asked, to restart the emotional theme that I thought was already canceled.
- It's a heavenly bliss. It is a very nice and very natural state; It's like being part of the breeze, the sun and all of nature. It is peace, freedom and absolute power. Yes, it is a virtue that we possess and that only the most evolved, the most enlightened humans can enjoy. The limitations disappear, the conception of the universe is different and everything is covered with the magic of our eternity. The questions and doubts are finished, all the answers flow naturally and we begin to be aware of the grandiosity of the human being. Those who practice "The religion of the intelligent" will understand the truth that takes refuge behind bland materialism, will go far and will be completely happy. It is absolute happiness.
- How when you tasted the warm and humid heat of my body, in your exciting and paranormal nocturnal visits, in which you blatantly licked my skin? ...

I looked at her carefully. "Are you tempting me again?" I asked myself and my heart jumped with renewed strength inside my chest. All my hormones reacted and were put on guard, for a battle that was not over yet.
-Yes, it's more or less like that. - I wrote down, to clarify what it felt like. - Because everything becomes the absolute happiness of possessing what we love, to integrate it into a vital dance, in which we prolong our experiences for all eternity, doing or wishing.
- Yes, and right now what do you want to do? - She asked, advancing slowly, by the immense highway, two seconds before entering by the door that led us to the ample parking that is in the floors less one and less two of the modern construction.
- I want to talk a lot with you, share and learn many things about you, that you are the most disciplined, smartest and most beautiful woman I know.
- Thank you very much, for the good concept you have of my personality - Melina said, blushing a little, for my words.
We parked in the first free space we found, got out of the car and the beautiful doctor took out a booklet and wrote down the number of the hall and the number of the parking lot where we were leaving the car. We went up the elevator to the third floor, where the theater section is located and we were pleasantly surprised, by the large number of people who were lining up to enter to see the best film filmed in our country.



We made ourselves at the end of the static line, which was waiting for the few minutes left to complete. We talked about the great film that we were going to witness and she made an analysis of what that famous film meant for our uncultivated country, for her nomination in the "Oscar" awards of the academy, as the best foreign film.
- "The snake" is a magnificent production, made with a very low budget. - Melina explained to me, visibly moved - Because the great majority of the films nominated for the "Oscar" awards, far exceeded in the budget this humble production, directed by Ciro Guerra, which has been so promising and so excellent. I find it very attractive because I detest corruption and the waste of money, without a good reason. But better change the subject and explain, is it true that you can walk on water and miraculously heal diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis? ...
- Of course, and all people will be able to do it, when the evolution of their consciousness, allows them to understand the relativity of space time and the wonderful power of thought, in that eternal unity that we all perceive as material reality. And you, have you ever perceived that reality goes beyond what our limited senses can perceive?
She was not surprised by the question, nor did she ask me for any extra explanation, showing her immense brain capacity and the enormous development of her intelligence.


Principio del formulario

- Everyone who has had the opportunity to study quantum physics and molecular chemistry, we know that all your theories, from the scientific point of view, are a surprising reality. And after being a collaborator in the creation of that spectacular book you titled "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives", which, unfortunately, our uncultivated society cannot understand until that problem, which is universal, affects all Humanity, contaminating the endocrine system with hormones of plant origin, leaves us all sick in an irreversible way. - the beautiful doctor told me, showing me the excellent domain I had on the subject - I started reading all your books, and after understanding them perfectly, they began to open small windows of wisdom, which helped me to perceive your presence in the fifth dimension of your dreams, which are now mine too. I am already aware of my eternity and I am also aware of the new path that you are pointing out for all humanity.
He finished saying the beautiful woman who embraced me with naturalness, filling the whole atmosphere with the pleasant smell of her perfume, of a beautiful girl, that I loved.
- You do not have cold? - my pretty friend asked me, with a perceptible tremor in her chin. I took off my jeans jacket and helped her to put it on, although it was a bit big. We both smiled merrily, and at that moment the line began to move, to finally enter the cozy movie theater.
I was always a fan and a great admirer of the cinema and, to my surprise, to Melina as he also liked it. The different artistic activities and the cinematographic sciences exerted an immense power of attraction towards my romantic personality and there I was, in the middle of the modern theater, enjoying some very sweet and very tasty popcorn, next to the woman of my dreams. I was stunned by the spell of that wonderful woman, exquisitely scented, who was at my side. The movie started and I, reflexively, took one of the delicate and soft little hands of my beloved. To start a trip together with "El abraso de la serpiente". The film seemed to me, again, a marvel of Latin American cinematography; a scathing critique of alienating and shameless religions, a critique of the accumulation of material things that are not needed to travel along the path of eternal evolution and a desperate cry, warning, to all humanity, to take care of the environment and of natural



- And how did you think? - I asked my beloved, when we left the theater.
- Very interesting, for the call of attention that makes to all human beings, so that we respect cultural diversity and all ethnic minorities.
Again I was surprised with the answer, but it came to my mind, the photograph that she had, on Facebook, with a friend and two small indigenous people. I felt a small shiver of jealousy in my heart, but I ignored it and we left happy for our town.
- What is it like to be a microbiologist? - I asked curiously.
- Would you like to know how it feels in the anonymity of a laboratory? - She questioned as surprised.
- Yes, I would like to know how you feel working in a hospital institution as specialized, as is the hospital Saint Vincent de Paul, or rather, what kind of life do you have.
- I lead a magnificent life. I am always surrounded by very valuable people who really want to do something for the benefit of humanity. I spend most of my time working in a very careful way. - She explained, with satisfaction. - You, more or less, know how the laboratories are. A bit more modern and more specialized than those of the University of Antioquia, but the protocols and practices are very similar. When you want, you can come so that you can observe the incredible development that we are achieving, in the processes to fight the cancer that interests you so much.
- Good! Thank you very much!

"How many things can this beautiful woman teach me? - I thought - To work in a hospital for so many years, to be close to patients with so many diseases, will not it have hurt her? ... Will not it have traumatized her? ... In her I found a certain way, confident and positive, to see life. An attitude that was very interesting and deliciously attractive, but ... She had assumed institutional responsibilities and obligations, which I had never had, because my work and my research were always individual and of a particular nature; without assuming the task of belonging to an institutional team, where many skills and professional jealousy are awakened. Melina had participated in many investigations and knew professional secrets that, most of the time, do not become public knowledge and ... "
- At first I felt a little distressed by the commitment so great. When I started, I felt very nervous, although I also felt that I had many good things to offer the hospital and patients in general. "She explained thoughtfully, as if remembering the difficulties of the procedures performed. - Later I knew that each analysis, each procedure, each experiment and each scientific activity, is different and, without further worries, we must give the maximum of our knowledge and that's it, because we are still the same people as always. The only thing different in our lives is that, suddenly, everyone starts to look at you with respect and admiration, and among the colleagues the right decisions are discussed, that one is having, in one or another procedure, without becoming a celebrity. Nobody asks you for autographs like the singers and the football players, and they do not even want to take pictures with you, only, from time to time, a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers arrives, with a note of thanks from a patient that was improved.

The conversation had exploded valuable inside the car, while covering the twenty kilometers away, which is between the commercial center of the municipality of Rionegro and the municipality of La Ceja del Tambo, which is where we lived.
- People, ordinary, do not know the meticulous and dedicated work that you do and that's why, you're never going to become a celebrity - I said, wanting to explain why the indifference and lack of gratitude, almost all the patients when they are already completely relieved - But our satisfaction is different, because it only moves us and comforts us, the pleasure of having fulfilled.
- Many people, or rather, almost all, want to find in us women, magic, money, beauty, sex, submission, love and fun without limits. That is the desire of people who, really, do not know you and have nothing to do with you, even if they are your own family members. They all want you to be something that you do not even like to be, because they believe that that is what you should be ... My insipid suitors, they have wanted me to go out and drink liquor with them, to go on late into the night, try the dangerous drugs and the new narcotics that are doing so much harm to the youth and to all humanity. They have not been able to understand that my professional ethics and my knowledge do not allow me those abuses with the sacred body, which really is the only thing we have. - He finished saying, the beautiful Melina, with concern and bitterness.
- - Quiet my queen that I do understand all those truths and that's why I'm by your side.
We both smiled merrily and she continued saying more calmly.

- People come to me, from all sides, and believe they can achieve many things just by getting close and that is why I have had to lift thick walls of in communication, in order to protect myself. It's because of that harassment, that I could never observe your request for friendship on Facebook and that's why I hardly check my social networks. I had to raise high walls of indifference, to be able to think alone, to be able to defend myself and have a little privacy. Of course that threw me into the terrible desert of loneliness, because that was what was happening to me until you arrived.
- Yes, love, I have come to accompany you - I said without hesitation for a moment - because I do know who you are inside and outside too, because you are so cute. - We smile again - You cannot choose to be, what people want you to be. You cannot let go of that intelligent, evolved and human woman who lives in your body and in your heart. You can not be a crazy girl, who gets monsters tattooed on her skin, she paints her hair red, she gets drunk, she smokes and she takes drugs, so her ridiculous admirers are happy. If you’re ex boyfriends really like speed, debauchery, promiscuity and life without compromise and without control; there, far away, with their new girlfriend’s empty of class and good feelings, they are very good.
He looked at me without reservations, as if unprepared and ...
- I was the one who decided that he was not worth it and, for the first time, it does not hurt to say that he does well, in his new relationship, with that engineer, because now I will be very good with you.
Those unexpected words filled me with satisfaction. I wanted to hug her and give her a kiss, for being so extroverted and pretty with me, but I had to restrain myself, thinking about the fast and dangerous highway through which we were advancing at great speed.


- Thanks, doll. - It was the only thing I managed to say. For a few seconds I took her princely and delicate hand, but I had to let go, when she started to turn left to enter the streets of our beautiful town of La Ceja. He moved slowly and asked me:
- Do you want me to take you to your house?
- No, love, in the next corner I'm fine, because there, on the way back, I live.
She slowed the car slowly. She looked into my eyes and brought her delicious mouth so that I could kiss her. I felt the moisture of his lips warm and fleshy, and with the smooth nacre of his teeth, he bit, gently, the tip of my daring tongue that I wanted to feel more. I gave up that delicious fight. I pulled away visibly excited and when I was getting off the car she told me:
- Tomorrow I wait for you at four in the afternoon at the hospital and I hope you bring the manuscript of that book that says How to cure cancer and multiple sclerosis miraculously.
- Well, my pretty girl, I'll be there.
The car started and the red lights of the stop lights seemed just as nice and intense as their owner.
The next day, in the morning, I woke up around five a little before dawn, I immediately thought of the angelic face and the sweet smile of my intelligent soul mate and I could not sleep anymore. At that time I only wanted the relativity of time to be effective, so that it would arrive very quickly at four in the afternoon, to find me again with my beloved. I went through the constant routines of my life and without getting up from the warm bed, I took a notebook that I always have under my pillow and began to write all these feelings, so that all my readers can read them


Like every day, Margarita, a very attentive lady who works for our family, brought me a delicious breakfast that interrupted one of the most fruitful moments in my passion for literature. I could not resist the temptation and I had to take care of the orange juice, fried eggs, a very Antioqueno arepa with butter, four soda crackers and a piece of peasant cheese, which will allow me to arrive with force to that appointment so expected
I finished breakfast and the atmosphere was filled with music and I had the good fortune to enjoy another of the spectacular musical concerts that every morning was offered and offered by my father. The sound team shuddered with the ripped song of the romantic Carlos Gardel, my heart contracted with love and I guess that of my father too, with that sentimental music. I ignored the thunderous recital and concentrated on the memory of my beloved aquiline eyes. I wrote down many beautiful things about them and continued writing without fatigue, until the moment of my departure approached. I took a shower, I had lunch and I went to the transport terminal, in search of a bus that would take me to the side of my beloved illusion.
It was already four in the afternoon when I arrived at the cafeteria of the majestic hospital, St. Vincent de Paul in the great plain of Antioquia. Its immense glass dome received the sun from the front and turned it into millions and millions of little rainbows, which illuminated the delicious kiss my beloved gave me when he arrived.
- Hi, love, how have you been?
- I very well - I said without being able to contain the look that ran from head to toe -, and you?
- A little tired, because I had to do the analysis of the control exams, which are made by the members of the La Ceja bicycle club, and there are many, like about twenty-five.
- And is that they perform medical checks? ... - I asked a little surprised.


- Of course, they do a very scientific training, or what do you imagine, how did Fernando Gaviria, that world champion who has brought so much pride to our town?
- Ah, well, congratulations because you have also collaborated, with your analysis, in the preparation of our talented athletes.
Don Luis arrived and stopped in silence, while I finished talking with my girlfriend and in a serious voice said:
- Good afternoon, young lovers, and what do you want to eat or drink today?
We smiled with the nice comment that betrayed our love and I asked him the same as always, without asking anything to my soul mate.
- Two fruit salads, one with three scoops of ice cream for me, and the other with a single serving of ice cream for my stylized doctor. Thank you.
The good man walked away and my beautiful girlfriend asked me:
- And how did you find the spectacular movie that I took you to see? ... "The snake's snake" seemed good or bad? ...
- It's a good movie - I said - but even if it's the best movie in Colombia, it's still just a beautiful illusion.
- I know it's a play to entertain yourself, and the other people who were in the theater, so why did you go see it if you say it's just a nice illusion? ...
- It could be to educate yourself - I noted thoughtfully -, people go to the movies to have fun or to learn, because a movie is, exactly, like life on earth.
- Yes, and then horror movies are also those same illusions that, according to what you say, resemble life? ... And in those gruesome movies people also come to have fun and gain knowledge, yes?


- Yes - I affirmed with serenity -, many people invest money and the best days of their lives, seeing and recreating monstrosities, that horrify others, because they like the feeling of panic, or because they are addicted to feeling helpless and run over in their own lives.
- I cannot believe that there are people who are like that - said Melina, very incredulous.
- If you cannot understand that phenomenon, then you will always ask yourself, why are some people miserable and suffer if they are the builders of their destiny? ... They are sad and nothing goes well, and they suffer because they want it .
- - Will it be like that? - She asked, unable to be totally convinced of my words.
- People have not been able to understand that we are eternal creatures, we do not disappear definitively, we cannot get hurt; in the same way that they could not hurt or kill the illusions of the Colombian indigenous people in "El abraso de la serpiente" - I said, looking into her eyes, but as she remained silent, I continued saying. In this life of the third dimension, we can get cancer or believe that we are very hurt, or believe that we are very poor and that we are going to endure very hungry and very cold, like dogs, and believe it with all the intensity that pleases us. We can be convinced that we are in a war between paramilitaries and guerrillas, and be victims and die, or be the assassins sheltered by good luck or bad luck that we think we have.
- I need you to clarify a thing to me, is it possible to compare a horror movie with life itself? - Asked my soul mate sincerely distressed.
- There are also good movies, with beautiful doctors triumphing in medicine and, specifically, in microbiology, with intelligent princes inviting them to eat fruits with ice cream. Everything that the third dimension encompasses, in that space-time that has been shown to be relative is pure illusion. An illusion very similar to the illusions of the movies, but we can learn a lot and enjoy those beautiful or ugly illusions, to end up evolving consciously, towards eternity without relative.


- To what extent do you think that metaphor between life and cinema is valid? - asked, again, my beloved queen to feel that her fragile concept of the universe was being shattered.
- We saw what is considered, the best film filmed by Colombians, because you took me to see it. You and I pay the price of the tickets, because we accept to believe in the reality of space time, in the dimension of cinema. Neither space nor time movie, are true, but the human being who is not willing to pay the price of living or seeing it, cannot be in that place, gaining evolutionary knowledge that will take you to eternity.
- There are people who do not go to the movies and then, how will they know that the whole history of humanity and life is an illusion? - Melina asked me, again, as if trying to find a crack in my theory.
- There are other ways of learning, but the vast majority of people are clinging to materialism in the space of time, such as the president of the United States of America, who denies them the right to live with the children of the immigrants who helped build that country, and do not want to turn on the lights in theaters where they are living their illusion, until they reach the sad end of a film they never understood and that plunges them into the terrible darkness of oblivion and extinction of his conscience.
- And who writes the script of different lives?
- We ourselves - I replied, to my beloved, trying to guide her.
- What if I want to interrupt the movie or leave it and not watch it anymore?
- That's what we call freedom in this life.
- And if movies are illusions like life itself, then who is the director of our lives and where are the cameras and the projector? - Melina asked me, without eating a single spoonful of the fruit salad, which Don Luis had left on the table a while ago, in complete silence, not to interrupt, our interesting conversation.
- The conscience is the one that directs, and the mind and the thought, program it and live it.


- So what is life on earth? - The beautiful doctor asked me - is it what is generated in our thinking, when we allow it to develop?
- - Yes - I said - you can take the C.D. of your life, in your hands, and everything is complete in it. The beginning, the middle and the end, are there at the same moment. The movie of your life exists independently of space and time, which are relative, and you know that in that conscious life you will find everything. Love, effort, achievements, happiness, evolution and eternity; but, to be very interesting and very enriching, you must enter it in the D.V.D. and let it be projected scene by scene, because to live the illusion, you need to enjoy or suffer that illusion in space time.
- And then what is our reality? - asked my girlfriend very interested.
- Reality is our eternal condition, which you will only perceive when your process of conscious evolution opens a window in the fifth dimension without relative and you can become the renewal of eternal unity.
- And eternal unity is perfect?
- Not only perfect - I said - if not constantly changing, because thought and absolute wisdom are dynamic and evolutionary.
My beloved queen sighed deeply, she looked at me with her eagle eyes full of love and said:
- You have completely convinced me, but can I enjoy this delicious salad with ice cream, because I am very hungry in the third dimension, while I can evolve?
We both smiled in love and we dedicated ourselves to savoring the fruits with ice cream, which were delicious.
My queen was an expert in glamour and good manners when she was at the table. He ate slowly and never talked with his mouth full. I finished with my fruits and with the ice cream in a jiffy, and I was observing the order and the grace with which I took each one of the teaspoons to its mouth.


She finished with the ice cream, wiped her mouth with a napkin and said:
- You are a famous writer. Do not you think that by becoming a celebrity, you have also become an example to observe, read and analyze, for the rest of us and for all humanity? ... You must also be aware that the smartest men in the world universe, they will submit, to test, your new philosophy. We understand that they are beautiful philosophical postulates for which we are more advanced, but what will they say about them, those who use the old religions to exploit the ignorant people and enrich themselves without measure?
- No matter what they think and say, - I replied completely carefree. - because the world needs to know how immensely wrong we are, because of the ignorance that allowed us, for centuries and centuries, to build these societies on the superstition religions that praise blond gods, with blue eyes and very human, who base their strength and their power with the threat of a terrible punishment that condemns them to the flames of a, also invented hell, in which they will remain for all eternity. Human beings need the new philosophy of "The religion of the intelligent", because there are millions of people literally dying of hunger, who are waiting for a significant change in the behavior of our societies. Men need to know the truth of their existence and societies need to be shown the way. The world needs people who know how to think, people who teach us new things, people who can point out the ancestral mistakes that made us lose our way. The working people need to know the discoveries, which are allowing us to know the development of science and technology, in order to understand the unlimited grandiosity of the human being. The people need new models; the people need to follow caudillos of free thought.


- I am convinced of that, - argued, Melina - but I do not like that word you have used; Caudillo is not the word, because in this new approach to thinking it is not about you, it is not about anyone's individuality, it is about understanding the whole of eternal unity. We must focus on this new philosophy, as a message of love for all humanity.
- And what is wrong with being a leader? ... Someone has to be the model that reveals the truth of our earthly existence, so that everyone is aware of their eternal evolution and start thinking in a new way.
- That's what's wrong, - she said - that you cannot expose yourself, to be the essential one that explains your books. These books are the summary of a thought that has to be sustained by itself, without there being any earthly figure behind them. Deep philosophies are a set of thoughts without a face, because everything truly profound and transcendental cannot be seen with the limitation of our imperfect three-dimensional eyes.
- It is true. - I had to recognize, my beloved - We cannot continue believing that the figure we see in the mirror is the totality of ourselves. Everything goes beyond that pleasant biological figure, because, really, we are the thought that constitutes it.
- Congratulations for having found yourself. - My beloved told me, without blurring her beautiful smile.
- Thank you - I wrote, while being very surprised by the clear thinking of the intelligent doctor. - Definitely, I feel very happy to understand that you, my soul mate, have also found the essence of your thought.


- If something has evolved, it was not because I was beautiful. In the depths of my soul, I knew that something in this society was wrong and that's why I started to fight, against everything that bothered me. I voted yes for the peace of this troubled country, and in the hospital I started a campaign against genetically modified foods, and against the plant hormones used in contraceptives, which are destroying the endocrine system of a large part of humanity , because not only are women affected by the residual effect of these dangerous artificial hormones, they are also affecting almost all human beings in their fetal state and is, due to that, the great proliferation of lesbians, gays and transsexuals, that has no sexual identity. - concluded, Melina, remaining pensive only a few seconds, because afterwards she said - My colleagues and I have tried to warn the danger to smokers, we have supported the markets of the farmers who sell us organic products and we have encouraged the family gardens in which You can grow vegetables. Is that industrialized foods, processed with carcinogenic preservatives such as sodium benzoate, with monosodium glutamate (E621) and with tartrazine or yellow five (E102), are the worst killers of the people, but this government ignorant and wild capitalist, not has no control against unethical professionals.


"I remained silent, listening to that wonderful woman. I could not think of anything else to say, although I had a perfect command of the subject, because I had the front, that brave woman who inspired and admired me completely. I was amazed by the similarity she found among us, because she did not shy away from continuing to fight against the war in which she submerged our country in the last two hundred years, even with her humble vote; because to her, the only universe that mattered to her, was the universe of the health of the collectivities, the universe of the health of the people even if it was a quixotic struggle. "
- What are you thinking, that you stayed so quiet? - He asked me, seeing me submerged in the silence of my silence.
- Yes, it's true everything you've said - I started to say, because at that moment I felt very identified with her and I loved her so much that I started to say everything I was thinking. - and I find your evolution and your struggles in favor of the community very interesting, despite your gentrification origin, because, for me, it is not a secret that in your elegant family they always had everything and more. And not only have you overcome your economic condition, but also the inflated ego that could give you that spectacular beauty, which gives you the free pass, towards the banalities of the sensual enjoyment of the senses. Because you, being a beautiful and wealthy girl, do not have the obligation or the need to teach people to stay away from cigarettes, liquor and transgenic foods, because it would be easier to continue with your life of privileges, without looking backward. Without caring about the endocrinological health of children, nor the nutrition of the elderly.

- I hope you do not forget my academic training, - she said, interrupting my analysis - because since I was a girl, I always liked medicine, to help the poorest and, in the end, I chose microbiology, which is a very important career but very anonymous, because with it many things are achieved, but those who take the awards are the doctors, who are supported and are based with our analyzes and studies in the laboratory. Well, let's not talk about me anymore, why do not you tell me more in detail how is cancer and multiple sclerosis cured miraculously? ...
- Do you want to know how diseases are cured, how is the influence of other people's thinking and how to move forward and go back in time?
- Yes, I want to know how you do it - affirmed my beautiful soul mate -, so I can help you, as much as possible, in the writing and correction of the book.
- Listen well! - I said sweetly - The universe and everything we think we see in it, is a thought. Do you understand? ... It is an immense sea of ​​wisdom and eternity. As simple as that.
I did not give him more explanations, I kept silent and I waited to see what he said.

- Yes, my love, I have always known and it is not now, lately, for having read your books. I always knew it by intuition, but it is so magical and so surprising, that I need your constant affirmation so that my brain can assimilate it, because if everything is a thought then, what is real? ... If this life is a thought, why do we live it? ...
- Thoughts are our most advanced reality and we live to perfect and transcend that thought, in search of our absolute eternity, as I told you before. Life is the main mission, in which human beings are the renewal of eternal thought, of eternal unity ... Some of us, the most evolved, began to discover the domain of thought subconsciously - I explained to my surprised illusion -. Our conscious mind is reluctant to accept these paranormal phenomena and that is why we begin to realize them in revelatory dreams. All human beings are on the path of enlightenment and you are already living it, and before you can realize it you will be a beautiful spiritual teacher.
She thought for a few seconds and then said:
- I want to assimilate everything that is happening and I want to enjoy everything I learn in this wonderful evolution, unsuspected by the way ... I always wanted to know why the universe exists, what it is, why we are here and where we are going next. I always wanted to know how the old witches from Antioquia managed to fly.
- If you understand what this universe really is and how it works, you will automatically begin to perform small miracles, to shape your material reality and the reality of your family and friends, and you will be a doctor even more famous than you already are.


- I do not remember saying that I wanted to do miracles - she clarified -, because I would not stand for all people to run after me.
- Quiet, do not feel bad for those people who come in search of the healing of their diseases. They can not affect you unless you allow it, because we are made of magic and you can become invisible and go unnoticed when you want.
- Well, but is it true that many people come to you, when you are in the city of Medellin, in an uncomfortable and almost dangerous way, yes or no? - She asked visibly distressed, by that phenomenon to which she was not accustomed.
- Yes, and I have provoked and allowed, because, honestly, I wanted to impress my family and friends a little. We all have a little bit of vanity and I wanted to show you my power, so that you love me more.
- But is not it scare you, to be so popular and so recognized? - asked, again, the beautiful doctor who was not accustomed to the recognition of the large crowds.
- I cannot deny that it is a little uncomfortable, because so many people need help that it will be very difficult, but I cannot be indifferent to their pain and I cannot be selfish with everything I have learned in the evolution of my life , Or is that not the same as what you were looking for, when you asked desperately for help to the infinite and when you decided to study a career in the area of ​​health?
He remained staring at me for a few seconds and then asked me:
- Yes, and according to you, what was it that I was asking so desperately to the infinite, that you even told yourself?
I thought for a moment, because I did not want to hurt his sensitivity, but I resolved to be very frank, although my words were going to bring very painful memories.



- Okay, I'll tell you ... Do not you remember when you begged him to infinity, to give J. Rodrigo his life back on the day of his death? Have you not asked eternal unity, to give you wisdom, through your profession, to heal many people? And you have not asked for strength to eternity, to be better and to give many satisfactions to your relatives? ... Well, eternal unity has listened to you and is opening a window in the fifth dimension, so that all are fulfilled your wishes. Oh and I hope you do not forget that you have also asked life, a man of good heart to love you selflessly and, well, that's why I came.
She could not hide the satisfaction that my last words generated. He did not say anything else; he burned me and gave me the most delicious kiss in the world.
- Very well - said -, I recognize that, since adolescence, before I knew you, I always wanted to have by my side a very intelligent man, very beautiful and very sexy, to be the father of my two children ... I also studied a lot to help people, but I never thought that we would get to the point of being able to change our material realities. I always thought that she was an ordinary woman, but it seems that I have a kind of mystical pact with the most evolved man, mentally, of the world and I'm liking that.
- I assure you that our souls have been together forever. We like to heal people and reject the barbarians who pollute the environment and poison the blood of human beings with transgenic foods and with contraceptives of plant origin that destroys the endocrine system. Each one of us learns with the same love, with the same depth and speed. You are prettier and more orderly and the mere fact that we have met in a miraculous way, guarantees that we are soul mates and that equals are attracted.
She stared at me with her eyes full of love and...


- Those days, when I was walking with my mother, from the sports unit in the eyebrow, I was bothered by your penetrating gaze and, honestly, I did not imagine that you were the ideal for me, because I always imagined my prince charming better than you, But if eternal unity has no one else for me, then I will have to conform - he said jokingly -. No, lies, from the moment I saw you, I felt a great attraction to you, for the color of your skin, for your strong muscles and for the strength of your eyes that made me tremble from head to toe ... In the hospital you I saw three or four times, before you asked me the favor to advise your book, and I liked you, but you were so scared and so nervous, that it felt like your heart was beating from afar.
We both laughed happily, we were in love and finally we could tell each other what we thought.

- Do I really look like little thing to you? - I asked hurt in my pride.
- Equals are attracted, are not they? - She said - And we are the one for the other.
- Yes, we the makers of miracles must stay united - I concluded, understanding his talk.
- Love, can you clarify what do you mean when you talk about us, the miracle workers? - investigated a little bit intrigued.
- Some people begin to understand the power of their mind subconsciously, because their conscious mind is not ready yet, so they make visits and small progress in dreams, which is the same thing that has happened to you lately. - I said sweetly -. We are all in the process of learning and you are grasping it very quickly and before you know it you will be a beautiful spiritual teacher.
- Why do you tell me that before I know it, I will be a spiritual teacher who will dominate everything? - he asked full of curiosity and without waiting for the continuous answer saying - And, honestly, I want to understand everything, I want to know everything. I want to know, why does the universe exists and what is it? I want to know why I am on earth and what is my mission?
I want to know where we will go next.

- You have already discovered how the universe works and, automatically, you have started to do what people call miracles, which is the same thing that you did before, unconsciously, of course; but they were the same achievements that surprised your family and friends, when you graduated very young, when you finished your university career with many merits and when you got that job in the Hospital, which allowed you to do a lot of anonymous miracles, which were returned to you Health to many of your patients. The power of your virtue will attract many people, who will want many things from you. Everyone will want to touch you, everyone will want to look for you to heal their illnesses, everyone will ask you to correct their mistakes and everyone will want you to solve all their problems and practically live their lives for them.
- Very simple, my love, - she concluded - when they come, we recommend "The religion of the intelligent" so that each one is in charge of their own life and, thus, everyone can be very happy.
My beloved illusion believed to have discovered the key to keeping the crowd away from our pleasant privacy.
- I am not disturbed by the recognition and admiration of the crowds, what bothers is not the large number of people who come in search of the miracle of healing; what pisses me off is the ignorance of the people, who cannot understand the message I want to convey to them. I can walk in the rain without my body getting wet, I can cure cancer and the most terrible diseases and, even so, I have been able to make them interested in reading my books. I do not need recognition, I do not need money and the only thing I want is to be able to communicate my knowledge, but neither my relatives, nor my friends, nor anyone else, is interested in reading a single line of what I have translated into "The religion of the intelligent "that will take more than fifty years to be understood. It is incredible the ignorance of the great majority of the people, when it would be so easy to learn to think, because if human beings learn to think, everything will be possible for humanity.
- I always thought that the most important thing in life was to put a lot of faith in the desires so that they could come true - she argued, exposing her most ancient customs.



- Yes, is that at the end of the story, faith is the confidence that your thoughts and desires will come true - I argued - The universe are your thoughts. Where your thoughts are, there will be your influence on the universe. The human being is the set of what he thinks. What you want is what the final comes to you ... The mere fact that you think, completely modifies the universe and constitutes your ultimate reality, because all are illusions with the characteristics we evoke for ourselves. And since you have a great imagination, that's why you are the most interesting, most successful and most beautiful woman I know. You should only think well thought thoughts, because if you are constantly thinking about terrible things, then you will be attracting the pain towards you, or what do you think?
- Then you can do what you want? - He asked me and he remained with his mouth between open waiting for the answer - and I am referring to this dimension. Teach me how life is built, do a little miracle for me.
- Do it yourself - I told him to gain confidence -. If you want to materialize what you want, think that it is already here.
- I want my little sister to be the national champion in the "Colsanitas" field tennis tournament.
- No, that desire implies a very long process, choose an object or something easier to start.
- Ready, I want to have a beautiful hummingbird.
I could not understand his strange desire; I imagined that he would want a blue prince by his side, so that everything would be easier between the two.
- Well - I said with resignation -, life will create for you, a beautiful and colorful hummingbird. Imagine the bright blue-green color of its plumage. Think clearly, with all the details in the form and in the color. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine it well. Surround it with a halo of bright light, because that is a good resource to materialize.
- Ready. - She said with much closed eyes.


- Well, we just have to wait for it to materialize and come to your hands. We have to wait for eternal unity to conceive it.
She opened her eagle eyes and watching the bushes of the garden, through the panes of the glass windows, said:
- And where is my hummingbird?
- You must have a little patience, to give the opportunity to materialize - I explained to my queen, who had the impatience of the girls who always had everything immediately -. Well my queen, it is time for me to leave, because tomorrow I have to do many things and since I have to ride the bicycle, which I have since yesterday in the parking lot of the workers, it is better that I leave early so that do not take me the night on that highway so fast and so dangerous.
I paid the bill to Don Luis, the owner and administrator of the cafeteria and very happy, we marched holding hands. We were leaving by the Moll of the reception, when we met Dr. Villegas, the general director of the hospital, who was handing out some beautiful pins with the figurine of a tender hummingbird. He approached greeting my beloved with a warm smile and handed him the little hummingbird that was the symbol of the hospital foundation St. Vincent de Paul. Melina and I smiled very happy with the arrival of the beautiful and surprising gift.
- I wanted to materialize a real one that could fly to the flowers.
- Next time you think about it flying and free in the wind, because if you think of it as a static figure, there you have it in your hands.
Melina put the pin on the lapel of the uniform and left very proud of having achieved it. He had consciously materialized his first miracle even if it was a very small pin!



- Today was a tiny metal hummingbird, but tomorrow may be what you want - I said before he left in his car.
I walked to the basement, I took the bicycle with the consent of the caretaker who was a friend of mine, from the days I worked in that institution. I rode on my steel horse and rode very happy because of the immensity of the large plain of Rionegro.







There were twenty-five strenuous miles in which I had to pedal between the hospital and the town of La Ceja. I arrived at five thirty minutes in the afternoon; I lay down on the bed to rest and turned on the television to watch the sports news. After a while, Margarita, the lady who works for us, brought me dinner in a very colorful tray with beautiful tropical flowers. I ate with a lot of appetite, while watching the news and then I went to sleep overcome by fatigue.
I slept four or five hours, until I began to hear a voice calling me in despair. I opened my eyes in the darkness and heard a voice that seemed to come from beyond the grave, which made me shudder from the feet to the head.
- I'll wait for you in the park chair, to tell you something very important - it was the unmistakable voice of the old woman who dressed in white in the fifth dimension without relative.
I closed my eyes again, I became very comfortable, I breathed deeply and concentrated until a radiant light illuminated the room and my soul began to detach itself from the body. I advanced like a ray of light through the immensity of space and there, in the usual chair, was the beautiful old woman who watched me with her eagle eyes. I sat down softly at his side and visibly worried he said:


Principio del formulario

- I already discovered why you had disappeared so suddenly from my life, leaving me in the midst of loneliness and abandonment, which ruined my entire existence.
- What happened then? - I asked without understanding much what the old woman said.
- Tomorrow, exactly on Saturday, July 7 of the year two thousand and eighteen, is the date of your tragic death in the third dimension.
I was stunned by the news; a chill ran down my spine.
- It cannot be true, because my mission on earth has not yet concluded - I explained with conviction - and, besides, there is no reason for you to worry about that, because in eternal unity everything is perfect and nobody suffers and nobody he dies without his own consent.
- I remember that that same Saturday, as at eleven o'clock in the morning, my little sister and I were standing around the corner where the "222" disco is, because it was my day off, and when we were there, we saw you go by a white halter mare, you wore a black shirt and in your broken face you could guess the marble lividest of death. On your waist you wore an immense and gleaming sword that made you look like a mythological gladiator, who did not turn his eyes away from his last great battle. You looked at us without seeing us. You completely ignored us and without being able to get out of our perplexity, we left very sad, although we never imagined that this was the day you were going to die.
- Calm down, we are all immortal and indestructible thoughts of eternal unity, in addition, you cannot be affected by the farewells, because they are very necessary in the preparation for the final reunion - I argued, trying to calm down his sincere concern - Quiet that I chose this cycle of life, to try to explain to humanity, the way in which the universe works, although eternal unity does not need me to sit down to describe and control how each of the illusions unfolds. But tell me, what is going to happen to me tomorrow, because I do not want to lose you and I want to live the rest of my eternity at your side.


- It seems that you went to take that white mare to your farm in "El monte de los olivos" and it turns out that since you did not put a saddle on her and you went on a small and unstable purple carpet, in a curve the mare was scared and you went to your face and you descalmed your skull against a rock and you fractured your right hand against the pavement of the road - finished saying the beautiful old woman dressed in white, her voice broken by an immense pain -. It was an instant death and since you did not carry any kind of documents and as in your family they were convinced that you were going to stay several days in the farm, after three days they buried your body as a N.N. in the municipality of Abejorral. The accident happened at precisely three in the afternoon, with five meters to reach the bicentennial bridge that crosses the crystal clear waters of the famous "Rio Buey"
- Thank you very much for the information, and calm that I will observe what happened and I will correct the course of my destiny, so that you do not have to travel in the uncertainty of the dimensions and so that you do not have to relive that spinster that today has you trapped in the middle of loneliness.
I flew forward in space time and I watched riding on the mare at a moderate speed, suddenly, from the bushes came a very black dog that rushed against mare, which was pulled back completely scared, throwing me to the floor. In the air I tried to place my right hand to cushion the blow of the fall, but my head collided head-on with a rock and I felt that it broke like an eggshell. I saw myself lying there, with my right hand completely fractured and with my head smashed against the fine granite rock. Only a few thousandths of a second later, to understand that my body was as motionless as death itself. The mare ran out of control and got lost in the distance of the next curve. Everything was like the script of a bad movie in slow motion. The blood flowed with abundance and I could observe my anonymous death in which nobody wept. I was lying on my back with two fractured teeth and, my eyes open, they were completely dilated, with no sign of life. If it were not me who was lying there, I might think someone was in a very big predicament.


- Well, friend, heal yourself! - I shouted myself -. Remember that you have a mission that you cannot leave.
In spite of everything I knew and understood about my eternity and eternal unity. My body was completely dead and I was lying there, in the middle of an impressive pool of blood.
- It cannot be that this is how it ends, I shouted out loud.
I went back immediately in time and saw myself riding on the last curve before arriving at the fateful point. I penetrated inside my body, I broke the mare, I got off her and tied her to a tree on the side of the road. I walked three or four meters and found the round rock that was too close to the road, about thirty centimeters in diameter. I lifted her off the floor and carried her in my arms to the edge of the river and threw her into the middle of her crystal clear waters, which at that hour reflected the sun's rays in a beautiful sunset.
- Ready, there is no longer the obstacle that was going to end my life.
I returned to the place where I had left the mare tied, I mounted again and I started the road again. I got to the point of the accident and the same black dog came out again, the mare was frightened again and threw me to the ground and I felt that my right hand broke like a dry branch. I picked it up and saw it completely crooked, but I squeezed it with my left hand and I imagined it completely healthy. I felt that all the bones returned to their place, although I continued with the intense pain. I ran in search of the mare that was already scared, I took it, I got up again and continued my way, a little sore but alive.


I could not die in that miserable way, without completing the mission of making my message of love popular. I could not die without realizing my dreams with the most beautiful of the queens of the universe, who had saved my life again. I went to the farm, I released the mare with the other beasts and I returned to the house on the last bus in the afternoon, with my right hand very sore.
I slept all night and the next day I woke up with a very painful body, as if I had been hit by a train. I spent all of Sunday resting, I ate well, I showered with cold water and the swelling and pain in my hand began to fade. I thought all day about my beautiful illusion and love grew stronger inside my heart.
Monday arrived and without being able to forget the impression of my sudden and unsuccessful death, I flew to the hospital in search of my beloved and ...
- Hi, ungrateful - it was the first thing my friend told me, now, distant and distant soul mate, who dodged the hug and the kiss that he intended to give her -. On Saturday we saw you my little sister and I, and you did not even have the education to greet us, you passed with a very emaciated face and with a lost look on the horizon of your thoughts. My sister missed you with your indifference and told me:
- - And what happened to him that does not even dare to greet us? ... Is it going to his own funeral, because that mourning shirt is too ugly? Or is it going to a deadly duel, against his inner demons, because he has a very big machete hanging on his waist? ...
- We were very thoughtful, I thought you had not greeted us because you did not recognize me with the dark glasses that I was wearing or because you were overcome by shyness to meet my sister, but well, at least today you have come to show that you're still alive.
- Yes, love, you cannot imagine everything that happened to me this weekend. Struggles that left all the muscles of my body very sore, but I'm fine and thank you very much for saving my life.

- No, thank you very much, for saving me from loneliness.
We sit at the same table as always. Don Luis arrived and greeted us with great kindness and my beautiful girlfriend said:
- Don Luis, do us the favor and sell us two Hawaiian cakes and two strawberry juices in milk.
The good man left in search of the order and I remained calm with the good choice that my soul mate had made. That woman was great; I guessed even my most secret tastes.
- And why is that smile? - I wonder, Melina, with curiosity.
- From time to time it is good to open your eyes very well and observe the world that my thought has created; universe of which I am completely responsible and here it is, the world appears as I built it. When you were placing the order, I closed my eyes and told myself, I am the builder of my life. I opened my eyes slowly and here you are my beloved illusion, looking at me with your intelligent eagle eyes and asking me very interesting questions.
I was silent for a few seconds and I kept trying to observe some reaction in his beautiful face.
- And what do you think now? - He asked me again. It's just that, I do not know why, she always realized when I was thinking about something, as if I were listening to the gears in my brain when they started up.
- I am fascinated with the great show in which I am converting my life.



- And how do you make everything wonderful, can you teach me? - My soul mate told me very interested.
- It's very simple - I explained -, close your eyes and think that it is you who is directing the spectacle of life and designing what you want.
She closed her eyes. She remained pensive for a minute and opening her eagle eyes, she told me visibly moved:
- You are my most perfectly creation. I always wanted to have by my side a very intelligent man, very sexy, very romantic and very passionate. I created you and I am directly responsible for you coming into my life. In the entire universe there is no other man who has the talent, the sensuality and the virtues that you have shown to conquer me. That is why no one knows me so much, as you know me in life, because you are my creation and that is why, I have given you permission to penetrate my whole being, and I will clarify that only two men have achieved it, my ex boyfriend in adolescence and you, in those hot and daring dreams in which you make me tremble to the soul.
- Since I saw you, I always knew that you lived the life of a supremely intelligent woman - I argued without being able to hide the enormous satisfaction, that his words produced me -. I always knew that you and your little sisters lived with the joy and good sense of spiritually advanced ladies. You know and imagine the world as it should be; a world without wars, without transgenic foods and without social injustice, even though you always had everything.
Don Luis arrived with the hot cakes and the sparkling juices. The doctor looked at me with a little shyness in her eyes and I encouraged her with an imperceptible gesture, so that she would take her cake and start eating, because surely, she must have been very hungry, after her exhausting day of work.


- And when did you start writing your books? - She asked me, as if wanting to know more about my life, before biting the delicious cake.
- In my house there were always many books, because my mother has always been an excellent reader and, when I was a child, she read me funny stories of titanic characters, involved in the struggles of a difficult life and, as it grew My great passion for literature. One day I began to relate my own experiences, rather with an autobiographical character and also, as the inveterate student of chemistry and quantum physics that I am, I wrote about some troubling issues that are destroying humanity. It was in those days when I found on your Facebook, a comment against GM foods and you started to be very interesting for me.
She drew a smile of satisfaction on her lips, as if feeling flattered by my words.
- And what happened to your career at the University of Antioquia, because that's where I ended up?
- I studied exactly eight years, in which I was immensely happy, until the obligations knocked on my door and I had to put myself to work to bring the food to my family's table. In those days I worked and, in the evenings and in the evenings, I was writing and I still do it, to see if one day, the people are interested in my humble teachings. I always did the things I wanted to do and I write about how little I have learned from them.
The beautiful doctor listened to me attentively and I thought she liked everything I said, as if I were the man she had been waiting for forever. She understood everything! What a pleasure for the spirit was that beautiful woman!


- Oh, I forgot to give some papers to the administrator - Melina said, a little worried - Do you wait for me two minutes while I go and I give them to her?
- Of course, my queen, and calm that I wait for you without moving anywhere.
I watched her as she almost ran over the polished marble floor. All the men turned to look when she passed. His jet black hair flew free and bright, to frame the angelic face of his noble Spanish heritage. "What a spectacular woman" I thought before I disappeared through a false door that only the doctors used to go directly to the laboratory and, meanwhile, I dedicated myself to enjoy my favorite cake and my favorite juice. And who would say that they are my favorites, or will she also know everything? ... I smiled inside and relaxed, observing the great amount of light that entered through the huge windows of the imposing construction. The cafeteria was on the floor minus one of the beautiful glass tower, which was more than sixty meters high.

My pretty friend came back slowly, she had taken off the green uniform that doctors always wear and she had put on a white shirt, like the ones used by collogues in her dress uniform, a red plaid miniskirt and white sneakers. The field tennis players. I felt a little bit daring and I started to prepare myself for death. She had also put on glasses that made her look even more elegant. The lenses were metallic blue mirrors, which made her stand out the beauty of her skin and the wild black color of her limp hair. I felt very much in love with that beautiful woman and my heart galloped madly.


- Hello, love all powerful, and how is it that you release your spirit to become that universe that makes me all yours?
- Very simply, my beautiful queen - I said standing up to kiss her in the sweet mouth, which made me taste the purest of her undeniable Spanish heritage -. It is done in the following way: close your eyes suck the air deeply and relax your body completely. Again fill your lungs with fresh air and let your mind float in a very bright light. The noises of the street disappear; time stops and then ... Light arrives. A VERY WHITE AND VERY INTENSE LIGHT! A light a thousand times brighter than the stars and you feel that there is only that wonderful light of eternity. There is no time, no space, no land, no body, no things, no words. There is only that eternal light. A VERY WHITE AND VERY INTENSE LIGHT! ... You will float in the happiness of eternity. It is not light and you will understand it when you think about it, this immense brightness is eternity. I am eternity! You are eternity! And love is the only reality! Happiness will burst within you and you will dissolve, particle by particle, throughout the universe. You will be infinitely big and powerful and you will not stumble on anything. You will fly through the universe turned into an immense ball of fire ... The feeling is how to be inside a huge ball of light, brighter than the light of the stars, but without resembling the sun, because the sunlight is golden and hot and this light is silver and heated. You will be effulgent, but without glare. Everything will be the joy of eternity, the joy of pure love. And after you enjoy the first light of that light, that peace and that happiness, everything will be life and death will not mean anything to you anymore ... Love is all that matters, because to truly love is to be one with the eternal unity, being unity with life gives us the greatest of joys, gives us happiness.
Melina took my right hand and held it warmly. He looked at me long with his eagle eyes, but without saying anything. Time stopped and my beloved's shyness disappeared. He stood up, walked around the table, came to where I was and kissed me sweetly, grabbed my hair and bit my lips with a lot of passion. I remained silent, she sat down, again, in the chair that corresponded to her and with her eyes she told me everything that she did not dare to reveal to me with her words. We paid the refreshment bill and, hand in hand, we left the hospital in a hurry.


We went down the highway in her car and she placed a C.D. with classic American ballads, among which we hear the "Total Eclipse of Love"
We arrived at the hotel "Las Lomas" and without saying anything we got out of the car in a hurry, as if we were doing an adolescent wrong.
I rented a room and the receptionist handed me the keys to room three hundred and twelve and pointed me to the stairs we had to climb. Holding hands, we hurried up and in a flash we were in a modern room decorated with different shades of orange and yellow. There was also a modern forty-two-inch television, a small stereo and a refrigerator full of drinks and candy. I was a little shy observing the decoration and my soul mate stood before my eyes. She bit her lower lip with desire and went from being an innocent seducer, pure and shy, to being a star-minded woman, with the body of a sexual goddess, passionate and determined. He went through the small room and began unbuttoning, one by one; the buttons of the youthful shirt, then took off his bra to release the most beautiful breasts in the world.
He looked at me smiling with his eagle eyes, as if enjoying the deep impression that the beauty of his body aroused in my aroused manhood, while I took off my shoes. I could not resist that direct challenge. I took her in my arms, kissed her with passion and threw her back on the bed. I loosened the strap and freed myself of my pants and my underwear in just fractions of a second. I kissed that strawberry mouth with great force and licked her polished ears and delicate neck, until she shuddered with great passion. I picked up her schoolgirl miniskirt and helped her get rid of the thongs that got in the way of our hasty desires. I felt my inflamed manhood crash against his hot, wet pussy, and I slowly penetrated her, to feel the ultimate glory in the world of desires. That beautiful doctor was mine and would be forever. I entered into her delicious intimacy, into her heart and into her athletic body again and again, and I could not believe that I had created that woman so perfect for me and, in that supreme instant, how I loved her ardent and aroused beauty, that I kept crashing with much desire against all my humanity. I felt her delicious mouth completely open as if waiting for another of my wild clashes, which made her shudder, provoking feline shrieks of immense passion. Her eyes were lost in the shudder of the unconsciousness of love and I penetrated, again and again, into her wet and vibrant body, until she began to shake so violently that I crawled into the furious waterfall that blew the fountain of all my love to fill it inside with the semen of my love. A bestial roar came from the depths of my chest and rumbled in every corner of that hotel, when I felt I was living the most spectacular orgasm of my life. I clung with all the strength of his voluptuous buttocks and wanted to penetrate beyond what my strength allowed. I emptied every last drop of liquid from my brain, because everything inside me, I wanted to give to this wonderful woman. We stayed for ten or twelve minutes, united in a prolonged kiss that finished sealing our love. We only listened to the slow normalization of our hearts, which were about to explode.


We did not talk anything else, we just laughed and laughed non-stop, and we were very happy. We stood there, hugging each other enjoying the exposure of colors offered by the sunset, which refused to die through the colorful stained glass windows that, in our haste, we had not been able to appreciate. We were living the brightest, most colorful and most beautiful moment of our lives.
What a wonderful dream ... For the first time in my life, the woman who was with me in bed, was the perfect and dreamy woman for me.
I looked her in the eyes and I entertained stroking her angelic face. Melina was beautiful and perfect.
She smiled with the most sensual and sweetest mouth in the world. And everything was a beautiful dream that I never wanted to wake up.
- Hi, cute, how are you? - She asked with her sweet voice, so intimate, so warm and so feminine, I could barely hear her words.
- Thank you for making the most sublime dream of my life comes true. Thank you for being so cute and thank you for being so special.
She did not say anything, she put her arms around me and placed her angelic face on my inflamed chest and listened to the concert offered by my agitated and in love heart. I held her tenderly and between my fingers slid the black and shiny hair, which made her the most sensual goddess on earth.
- You're wonderful - I whispered in his ear, to convey to him with my breath what he felt -. I always knew that you were the prettiest, most evolved and best woman in the world.
- More good or good? - My beloved asked, sketching a mischievous smile.
- Yes, you are the best of the good, because you are very good and you are the best.

We both laughed happily. She pushed back the blanket, turned over her body and I looked at the most beautiful breasts that my eyes had seen in all my life, and of which she felt visibly proud. I leaned over her, kissed her fleshy mouth and gently tried to push her legs away ...
- No, she said, pulling away and jumping out of bed - because I'm not planning and if we do it many times, then it's more dangerous that you leave me on tape and, anyway, we have to go. Remember that my mother and my sisters, who are very jealous by the way, know the exact time I leave the hospital and they must already be missing my absence, because I'm exactly one hour and twenty minutes late.
He moved away from the bed. He walked to the bathroom, letting me appreciate the naked beauty of his spectacular body. She got into the shower, making the mistake of leaving the door open for me to observe while soaping. I got up like a bolt of lightning, I hugged her and I felt the honey of her lips combined with the hot water of a passion that tasted like glory. He hugged me tightly and I, lifting and holding one of his legs up to my waist, I entered his body with my aroused manhood and felt the most rewarding feeling of my life. Our mouths were searched desperately and I crashed, once and again, against her athletic and beautiful body, until I felt that she began to tremble, her whole body tensed and losing her balance, she let herself fall back, trembling with a passion intense that let out sensual screams of passion, and I, without being able to resist the detachment of my soul, roared like a wild lion and filled it again with the hot sperm of my love.


We slid until we were lying on the ground, breathing agitated, while the hot water continued to fall on our satisfied and in love bodies. We spent their lying down, the happiest ten minutes of our lives, but we had to get up quickly because my beloved phone had been ringing incessantly for some time.
We rushed out of the hotel, as if feeling guilty of so much happiness.
The car moved swiftly down the highway and the afternoon began to sink into the soft shadows of another wonderful night. The lights of the cars, the lights of the shopping centers and the lights of our destiny went on.
- I think you're a great girl - I said completely grateful for everything he had given me.
- You are also an excellent man and thank you for responding to the warning that, for many days, I placed in the mirror of my room.
- And what was it about? - I asked curiously.
- A classified ad for what was to be the man of my dreams. Notice that has been the object of much ridicule by my sisters - Finished saying my beloved, stooping a little to go unnoticed in the midst of his natural shyness.
- - And what is the subject of that notice that you placed in the mirror?
- The notice reads as follows:
- Man is looking for a hundred percent man, who has nothing of metrosexual. He has to be smart, funny, creative, hardworking, romantic and a dreamer. That love nature and quiet life. Do not smoke, do not drink liquor and do not take drugs. That loves the study and that never stop growing intellectually. That is very handsome, strong and healthy. That has very thin hands that are very sensitive, affectionate and sexual.

- I fulfill all that, love - I shouted very excited.
- Still not finished - noted my beloved Spanish with eagle eyes -. He must be sincere, reliable and extremely spiritual. You must love horses, dogs, chickens, farms, good nutrition and you should exercise regularly.
- Excellent - I said excited -, that man is me, exactly as you or dreamed, until it seems that your thought had created me.
- Yes, you are that man that my desires and my dreams have materialized and, although you have delayed a bit, welcome to my life and to my family.
- And you accept me like that, completely - I said-. So without more or more? ... Because it may have some flaws and some weaknesses.
- It does not matter - she argued calmly - because the little weaknesses that you have I help you to strengthen, because love is born to complement people so that they are very happy. Also, I never asked you to be perfect.
- Thank you love. - It was the only thing I could say to that wonderful woman, who was driving on the fast highway with all the security of the world. Definitely, that girl was very sweet, very tender, very intelligent and very brave.
- And what will your family and friends say? - I asked, because his family was of the highest social class and, suddenly, they could say something.
- Everyone will be very happy, because you are a great man and my happiness is the happiness of my whole family - he kept silent for a few seconds and then continued saying -. I want to tell you a truth, to see what do you think? ...
- Well, tell me that I listen to you with attention.
- As you and I know that contraceptives are destroying the endocrine system of the vast majority of women around the world, as we already explained extensively in your book "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives", then I do not take no contraceptive pill


- Yes and what? - I asked to encourage her to continue, in that moment in which she remained two or three seconds in silence.
- I woke up today very hot and when I thought of you, I wanted you to make me yours, and that's why I put on this miniskirt, which incidentally aroused many passions when I was in school and ... Well, I think today I'm ovulating and With that amount of semen you threw me out, I do not know what will happen?
- No matter love, you and I are already very old and, in addition, the babies are very cute, eat very little and the clothes are very cheap. - I said smiling very happy, to try to erase the small shadow that was drawn on his beautiful face -. But we pass tasty or not? ...
- Yes, everything was wonderful. - She accepted.
We continued the trip in silence, we passed by the village of San Antonio de Pereira and I said:
- Let's stop for a while and I invite you to have some beers, so that we celebrate our commitment to eternity.
- Commitment to eternity? - She asked, alarmed.
- Yes, commitment, because I want to be yours and I want you to be mine forever.
- I cannot - argued, Melina -. Tomorrow I have to work from very early and, in addition, in the house and I must be waiting very distressed ... Do you think that between the two, we can bring Rodrigo back to life? ...
- Yes, love, and there have been so many coincidences and so perfect the destiny, that I believe that he is already inside of you, and that he is beginning to enjoy another opportunity.



- And was not it better to have done the girl?
- No - I said immediately - we could not leave that child in limbo, caught in the pain of the mistake and in the bewilderment of returning to his childhood in that process of his interrupted evolution.
- To childhood, how? - She asked, not understanding my words.
- Yes, it is that when a human being makes too many mistakes and generates a lot of pain in their evolutionary process, eternal unity brings back that human being to childhood, which is the purest state, in which intuition and amazement - I explained to my beloved, trying to understand that fate is not written -. When he was stripped of his life, he lost his atavistic memory and returned to his purest state, in which he has the possibility of starting again, if he so wishes. I do not remember if I told you that everything goes beyond what our limited senses perceive, but the fact is that you must take time to read completely "The religion of the intelligent" that you find on my website www.jorgesotobuiles. Or in the blog of the house of culture of the municipality of La Ceja, because in that book I teach the way to enter the fifth dimension without relative. In the dimension in which human beings can move forward or backward in time, because it was on one of those trips, in which I found you old and lonely, sitting on a bench in the park, where you also sit a small child to cry and scream, because he had an accident that he does not remember and cannot find the way to enter his house, which is at the front of that place but in another dimension.
- Well, I promise I'll read it, because I've also heard those screams and that crying. Thank you for worrying about the welfare of my family, thank you for making me part of your dreams and thank you for filling my heart with love - he concluded with great seriousness.

I smiled, for what I considered a joke, and we both laughed very happy. I felt my body relaxed and calm. I was very happy next to such a spectacular woman.
We arrived at the first houses of the municipality of La Ceja. She turned with her car to the left and we went through the whole race seventeen, until she reached the corner where she left me the other time. He stopped the car, took a card from the glove compartment, which contained his phone number, the whatsapp number and the email, handed it to me and gave me a very short kiss, but I apologized because I was visibly exhausted.











Very early I got up and went to the farm. I had many things to do, but I was always thinking about that love with the eyes of an eagle that filled me inside and gave me so much satisfaction.
The landscape was sunny and cheerful. I was amazed by the large number of birds of different colors that I found on my journey. Fortunately, the nature in that region was almost intact, a conclusion that I was able to reach due to the large number of different species that could be observed.
I arrived at the rustic cabin of my farm and in the corridor, reclining on one of the pillars was Mario, an anthropologist from the University of Antioquia who has been a friend of mine since we studied at the university, wrapped up in the bad temper that always characterized. It was a surprise to arrive at the ranch, with the care and the drugs for my animals and to find that social misfit, standing in the corridor, waiting for me coldly.
- Two days ago, exactly, I'm waiting for you in this damn farm - I growl very stressed - You do not answer the cell phone and even the animals you have abandoned.
- Hello Friend! - I said with a broad smile - welcome to the land of happiness. I'm in love with the most beautiful woman. Her name is Melina and she is a spectacular doctor.
- Did you forget what we learned? - He asked me enraged - Do not you sense the danger? ... Falling in love with a woman is a great threat to our way of life.
- She is the most intelligent and beautiful woman in the universe - I explained to her, although I knew that he could not understand it.
- Where have you left your brain? ... From what I hear, you have it more wrinkled than a raisin and it's almost a miracle that you've come back alive.
I smiled, understanding his traumas and approached him to give him a handshake in welcome.


- You do not remember that my marriage was about to annihilate me completely; I escaped from a pure miracle and afterwards I received constant injuries, because my courtships always became obligations and, in the end, in terrible oppressions.
- You cannot generalize your experiences, because all people and all relationships are different - I said, trying to make him understand that my life is different -. In this wonderful universe there are moments to observe colorful butterflies, to give exotic flowers and to fall in love with a very special woman, like Melina, the woman I always dreamed of.
- All women are special for a few days - argued the unbalanced character - but even the most special, ends up becoming the most ordinary. Fatigue and boredom comes, routine arrives, respect is lost and women end up losing their freedom, and after you lose the beloved freedom, what else can you do? ...
I had never heard so many barbarities together, I remained silent observing the beautiful landscape and the subject continued.
- I have been the best friend of your life and in this case I cannot be smiling, friendly or hypocritical. You know that I am direct and I always say what I think. You've given your friendship to shield you from the ugly women, to ensure your survival as a free soul and I can only save you if you do what I say, because remember that there is not a single marriage to be happy. Of all our fellow students, there is not one who remains happily married.
- It is very difficult to analyze them, because we do not know their realities - I explained, trying to reason a bit.


- I follow them, practically everyone and ninety percent already divorced and those that remain are bored with their fat women and bad humored. The secret of my success is that I do not tell myself lies, and while you are in love, you cannot think better than me. I will be by your side to guide and protect you from that Melina, who is looking very nice today, but who knows how it will look like tomorrow.
Other brides also seemed cute, but each one of them would have annihilated you in the marriage, just like that fat woman did with me. I know that there is a woman with the perfect character and beauty for us, but that woman lives in different bodies and we will find her when she invites you to some spectacular bars that I know.
- In love and in my relationships with women, less is more - I had to tell my mistaken friend, who boasted of being an excellent collector of prostitutes.
- How, man? ... Is that the more we can enjoy, the better it will be, because this life is very short.
- I prefer quality, rather than quantity and I am convinced that my soul mate gives me more love than other women and, therefore, with her I will be forever.
I did not like that subject, although he had always considered himself my friend and out of respect he had to tolerate it. I did not like his arrogance. Many times it was difficult to be on this farm with him, but I never dared ask him to leave, because, according to what he said, I was the last friend he had left in the world.


"I always knew that freedom is equal to happiness and a little protection for my beloved, it is very little price to pay for an immense happiness. I must act according to my beliefs and this love that makes me happy, I will live it with all possible honesty. Could it be that if I marry Melina I will lose my freedom "...? I thought in silence.
- Sorry, dear friend - I told the resentful anthropologist - but it is better to leave, because the resentment that has caused your failed marriage, I cannot stand it and today I will not resist even the smallest abuse to my beloved illusion. Then, it is better that you leave here.
- Mario remained looking at me in silence, and then he left the farm, completely offended but without saying anything else.
I spent two or three hours feeding the rabbits, the chickens, the pigs, the trout and then I went to the manger where I had my favorite mare, "La platina de Besilu" that almost broke my hand. I took two kilos of care, I cleaned the manger and I began to comb it with a brush, while the noble mare chewed the grains of concentrated food.
I looked for a headboard, a chair, a brake and a carpet, saddled it and prepared to go out and ride through the forest. I took the mare out of the manger, I mounted it and went through the middle of the immense pine, in search of the misty peaks, where the eagles fly with freedom, whose eyes are dark brown and bright like those of my beloved.
The landscape was awesome. From the heights you could see the Rio Buey, which meandered, down in the canyon, like a small silver thread. I remembered the story of Martín Fierro, who had recorded in another of my books, "A model and a horse made legend" in which the protagonist was a blind horseman who went out to ride by these same cliffs, with his horse "Platinum de Besilu ", before he committed suicide, when his pretty wife betrayed him with a Mexican actor. I left thinking about love and the enormous influence that women exert, on the destiny of men. I reached the height where the vegetation began to change and more than three thousand meters high, the mosses and the cold wind, began to sing the songs of the páramos.


I felt the freedom of my race, taking refuge in the treetops, and thought of my freedom. Could it be that the beautiful doctor of my soul, is the best choice for my life? ... I went through a narrow path surrounded by flowered bromeliads and I took a huge flower, of intense red color, thinking of bringing it as a gift for me Loved. I held her with a cabuya at both ends and carried her, piercing her in my back, like an exotic weapon of love. The humid tropical jungle throbbed full of life, with many flowering anthuriums and a large number of colored orchids that cling to the millenary native oaks.
My soul was full of happiness and in those impressive heights; I felt the closeness of the vibrant thought of eternal unity. I filled my soul with the freedom of those mountains and I did not want to doubt, even one moment more, of the grandeur of my love. A gray cloud began to cover the sky and the first drops of rain fell on my face. I left the rugged rocks of my mountains and went in search of the humble cabin that should have been waiting for me with a delicious paisa tray, which would allow me to continue living in this wonderful life, which Melina had filled with magic. I returned through an enchanted pinewood, completely covered with brown threads that covered the floor in a soft carpet that invited to rest. I thought again about my future and wanting to know the end of the romance with my beloved soul mate, I breathed deeply and without stopping riding, I looked for all the shortcuts to arrive as soon as possible to the house. I stopped at the last curve of the road and in the background I could appreciate my humble cabin. I descended those last eighty meters, mounted on the mare that neighed to greet the youngest of its young. I came slowly to the ranch, took the mare to the manger, unsaddled it and patted it in gratitude for the pleasant ride. I kept all the implements in the fertilizer part and went to the kitchen because I was very hungry.


I opened the cupboard and pulled out a can of beans with bacon and an egg. From the fridge I took out a ripe banana, a chorizo, a piece of blood sausage, a cup of white rice, an arepa and an avocado. I turned on the stove and in fifteen minutes I prepared a delicious paisa tray. I sat down in the dining room, to have lunch alone and I said to myself:
- Look at yourself, is this the terrible loneliness you want to live when your parents have evolved into the fifth dimension? ...
"This farm is tremendously lonely," I thought, missing the angelic face and the interesting company of my beloved doctor. I also thought of the resentful anthropologist, who must have been coming to the road completely furious and shouted loudly, although he could not hear me anymore.
- I cannot criticize your logic, because it has been the product of your way of being and your traumatic experiences, but I cannot accept it because, for me, life and love are so sublime things that go beyond this material plane and, since I met my soul mate, I do not want to live alone, because I find the warm intimacy that this wonderful woman offers me more pleasant.
That beautiful word kept floating like a magic bubble that brought me even closer to eternity.
- That intimacy of family is the one that I cannot lose - I said excited, although I felt very lonely.


The perfect style of my friend the anthropologist, who finds the perfect woman in the bodies of the prostitutes, is friendship with interest, it is sex without love and it is feigned passion. These women are incapable of loving, because they are negotiating with their surrender. They are unable to have intimacy and intimacy is as important as freedom itself.
I finished having lunch.
I washed the plate, went to the fridge and had a glass of orange juice. Then I went to the bed and lay on my back, watching the tables of the wattle. I stayed there, resting for about twenty minutes. Could it be that I communicate with Jorge León of the future? Will he be, if he understands what the word freedom means?
I breathed deeply, determined to know the answers. I put my mind completely blank and wanted to move to the fifth dimension. I relaxed completely and breathed deeply, until the room was illuminated with the intense light of my eternity. I floated like in slow motion and felt the happiness without limits. I headed towards the kitchen and ...
In the frame of the door; I saw the silhouette of a man against the light. He greeted me with a gentle bow of his head and then said:
- I hope you've rested a little.
He was a man of about the same height. He wore an impeccable "Montana" hat and very long hair. A strange glare prevented me from seeing his face clearly. He wore a white T-shirt, faded blue jeans, and black boots with red trim.
- Yes, friend, I have to take advantage of these moments of relaxation, because on this farm there is much to do and I need all my strength.
- Yes, the changes have been remarkable and, each time, the commitments are bigger. Would you like to know the new constructions?
- Well - I said to the stranger, without understanding what it was.


At the front of the ranch there was a beautiful prefabricated house, it must have had three or four rooms on the first floor and an illuminated living room on the second floor. It had a parking lot with four four-wheel motorcycles parked there. I knew my farm, perfectly, and all that seemed very strange to me.
- Do you want to see the sheds of laying hens or do you want to visit the trout ponds? - he asked without looking at me.
What kindness, the stranger was letting me choose the itinerary!
- I prefer to visit the sheds - I said, and started walking towards the huge sheds that were behind my humble ranch.
- We have five thousand laying hens, in full production, and the whole assembly is automated.
The stranger pressed a button on a control board and plastic bands began to spin, laden with beautiful golden eggs. As you think?
- Excellent. - It was the only thing I dared to answer.
We entered a small room where it was seen that they packed the eggs, in colorful packages that said, "The golden egg". The stranger made a movement with his hands, as if to indicate that I could take one of the buckets of the product.
- Did you already know them? ...
- Do not -. I answered honestly.


They were eggs a little lighter than the traditional colored eggs and a little more golden than the few attractive white eggs. They were like an intermediate point between the size and color of the common eggs that already exist in the markets.
- And the water supply and care are also systematized? - I asked curiously.
"That's right," he said, pressing another button on the control panel, which overflowed the containers of water and solid care.
- What modern facilities! ... How do I copy this system? ...
The subject looked at me very surprised.
- Is it that you still do not know who I am?
- Do not -. I said without thinking much.
- And you're not able to guess? - The subject asked me again.
- I have a slight suspicion - I said, feeling a little nervous.
- Try to remember, what did you do before I appeared in the kitchen? ... Dare to say what you think.
- If I have to say it, I would say that this is my estate of the future and that you are the man I am going to be, but with the hat I have always wanted and with the hair a little longer.
- That's right - the stranger concluded -. That is the same answer that I would give, because if you think about it a little, the thing is complicated because I am you in the future and you are my past.
- I think you're Jorge León, full of money - I said, so that my future I knew that I was understanding everything -. You are a very important philosopher and a celebrity among all writers.


- It seems that nothing surprises you too much - said, my future self, with tranquility -. Well, it is that anyway, all this was already in your mind. I have all the answers you want, but the constant evolution of your conscience is very important. You cannot hear my warnings clearly, because you still lack experience.
- Tell me calmly, that I trust you fully -. I said, to tell me enough, to save me the pain of mistakes and uncertainties.
- I could hear my advice, but I do not think you put it into practice - said the hat veteran, because you are very stubborn and think you have things clear -. You have come to me, because you have felt immense curiosity, but I do not think you want to follow my recommendations.
- I will follow them, because I do not intend to lose my beloved!
- Everything will work perfectly - he said -. This entire agricultural complex you are going to build yourself, step by step, and the same will happen with your thoughts because you will not find them in a package, as if you were buying them all together, you will build them slowly in your mind.
- Have you forgotten the power of my thought? ... I need you to give me all the keys that I know what to do with them.
We reached the end of the first of the sheds. My future self, he stood at the door and without looking at me he asked me:
- Do you want to know what has happened to your soul mate?
- Yes - I said, immediately, unable to hide my main interest - because you know that she is the most important thing for me.


- She is the only woman who can understand you, who can love you without any petty interest and who can rescue you from the exaggerated philanthropy that was turning you into a beggar. Everything you had was delivered without thinking about housing, education and the welfare of your young children. And do not worry about anything else, that loving Melina is your greatest achievement in freedom and independence, because that woman, instead of taking something from you, is going to give you everything with a lot of love.
- What are you trying to tell me? Are you implying to me that I can marry her? - I said visibly agitated - You know I always bragged of my freedom before my brothers and my friends, and now what I say? ... What I gave up my independence and my quiet life? ...
To me of the future, he gave a fit of laughter, listening to my cowardly worry.
- Not that you were not afraid of anything? - She said smiling - But that's the answer you came to look for, because neither these constructions, nor the success of your books, interest you as much as she does. Maybe Melina, my dear wife and my two beautiful children, are yours in the future, but the beautiful doctor is my wife at this time; just as you are being an illusioned and ardent girlfriend in your time ... What else do you want to know?
- Forgives. Not that I'm doubting my feelings and my decisions - I said after clarifying my thoughts -, I just got a little curious and, today, I got here, because, honestly, I did not know what was the way and the decisions that she was going to make.



- Calm down that, she has already recognized the great man that you are and, for that reason, she is going to give herself to your body and soul. You only have to use all the knowledge that you have accumulated in your evolution, while revealing the manifestations of love of the shy woman of your dreams. With Melina you will have all the happiness that you have not had until now - She wrote down my smiling long-haired future - She will give you all her support and all her collaboration, in the production of your novels, and with her small savings she will invest, so that strengthen this agro industrial company called "The golden egg" and we will all be very happy. She is the best thing that has happened to us in life and the most beautiful thing that will happen to us. No lies, the nicest thing that will happen to us is Carolina, our beloved daughter, but she is the best mom that we have been able to choose.
We both laugh happily in that process of eternal evolution.
- It will not be easy for you ... Nor will it be easy for the beautiful and educated doctor ... They expect very difficult experiences and events! ... But fear not, it will be a slow and difficult process, although you have a great ally in your favor, and is your domain over time and, in addition, "THE MAGIC OF A GREAT LOVE" is superior to all difficulties -. Said my long-haired future, before disappearing.
The intense light of the fifth dimension also disappeared and I was left alone behind my humble ranch. I flew to my body and went to the kitchen, thinking of a single word that had been stuck in my mind. "Magic"
I sat in the old chair, of which only the iron structure remained. I settled into her and I kept thinking about everything that had happened.
It began to vibrate and to ring the cell phone, in one of the pockets of my pants and I hurried to answer.


- Hi - I said without knowing who was calling me.
- Hello, love - I answered a sweet and tender voice on the mobile -. I called you to know if you're okay, because as so many accidents happen with those horses, then one thinks that ...
- Calm down, my queen, that I am of steel and nothing can happen to me.
- I have not seen you since yesterday and I'm already missing you - my beloved said, her voice broken by the feeling.
- Quiet that tomorrow I go in the afternoon, so we go to a mall to eat a delicious pizza - I said trying to cheer her up -. Remember that I also have to work and on this farm there are many animals that need my attention, because I have to feed and care for them to be well.
- Yes, love, I understand it, but I start thinking about you and you really need me ... When I think about you, I feel that my whole body reacts. Everything palpitates and a hundred wishes that ...
- Do you feel like what, my little doll? - I asked excited by his tender voice that was interrupted by emotion.
- Remember that many days ago I do not have a boyfriend and, to tell you the truth, what you did to me, I loved it and we cannot even sleep, thinking about it, because I want you to squeeze me and kiss me more and more ... Love, I need you.
- Well, my good doll - I said resigned, unable to do anything, for the large number of miles that separated us -, tonight I want you to think enough about me and calm that tomorrow I will be there, at four in the afternoon, so that we go out to eat. Ready?
- Yes, love, but it is better that we do not find in the park of San Antonio de Pereira, so you can invite me to eat a dessert of three milks, from which I woke up craving. Well, I'll wait for you at four-thirty in the afternoon, at the front of the statue of "General Córdoba", and bye, and remember that I love you.



- I love you too, with all my heart -. I told him hard, so that she felt my passion through the phone.
The communication was cut and I sat, enjoying the shadows that began to fall on the cliffs of those impenetrable mountains, and enjoying the intense love that that wonderful woman made me feel.
With the other women I had known in my life, I wanted to live and enjoy with all my freedom, but with Melina it was not the same. With her I wanted commitments, duties, responsibilities and joys without measure. I wanted to be with her, to agree rules such as: Respect, absolute equality, freedom, trust, exclusivity and eternal love.
"I wish I could talk and be with her right now. I thought of the immensity of that loneliness. I would like to be with her at all times, because she is so beautiful that she dazzles me. She is the most organized woman I know, she is the most intelligent, she is funny, she is warm, she is very tender, very sweet and very sexy and everything she does works very well.
The night came full of beautiful stars, which reminded me of our grandeur, and although I could not sleep very well, I breathed easy when I heard the roosters announcing the arrival of the new day when I was going to meet my beloved.
I had an early breakfast and I went down singing along the steep mountain road.
I waited impatiently at the edge of the road, very close to the place where the mare almost killed me, and, when I was losing hope, the bus arrived that would take me closer to her.


The time is still more relative, when one is going to meet the woman he loves, because he became very slow and the hours dragged like heavy sacks of lead, until the afternoon came.
It was a beautiful spring afternoon. The sun was radiant and in the blue sky floated three or four clouds so glistening, like white blankets of cotton. I got on the bike and went in search of my beloved, with my chest inflamed with emotion. The breeze hit my face and I pedaled watching the colorful landscape that delighted my senses. They were the same seventeen kilometers that I traveled frequently, but this time they became shorter, because of the desire I had to see, again, my beloved.
I advanced the last three hundred meters, observing what in the past a small hamlet was. The music resounded in the modern businesses that opened their friendly doors, to all visitors. I arrived at the park and leaving the main road, I went up a small ramp to the rustic stone floor, where tourists walked. I got off the bike and walked about twenty meters, looking for the historic monument where I had to wait for my beloved. I looked carefully at the clock in the church and it was barely four and fifteen minutes in the afternoon. I stopped in the center of the park, I looked everywhere and ...
- Hello - my beautiful queen told me, raising her little hand so that I could see her, in the chair, in which she was sitting in the shade of the trees.
- Hello, little doll - I said, unable to hide the satisfaction that I had to find her there.
With the bicycle in hand, I advanced the six meters that separated me from her. I gave him a kiss in that spectacular mouth and placed the bicycle in the iron grate that rose from the wall of the planters.

- I left a little earlier from work, and I came to enjoy the poetry of this park, while you arrived - she explained to me, while with her little hand I pointed out the space, so that I would sit next to her.
The trees were shaking with the wind. The pigeons fluttered, attracted by the corn the children were throwing at them, and I was there, in the center of that park dressed as a party, sitting next to the most beautiful creature in the universe.
- You've been here a long time? - asked.
- No - she told me -. About ten minutes ago. I kept the car in a parking lot that is nearby, as at the beginning of the other block and I came to wait for the man of my dreams.
- Ahh, well, I'm here - I said, hugging her tenderly - And what do you want us to do? ... I go for the milk desserts at once? ...
- No, wait, let's enjoy the landscape for a while and then, let's go for that delicious dessert, to calm this whim that my first child is bringing.
- As well? - I asked smiling - Is it that pregnancy is felt from the first days? ...
- I do not know - she said, smiling, too - but, to tell you the truth, I feel satisfied, as full inside, as calm. It is a feeling of fulfillment that I had never felt before.
- Ah, well, that means that everything is going well - I said celebrating very happy -. And how was your work?
- Very good, as always, although I spend all day thinking about you.
- Yes? ... And what do you think? - I asked curiously.
- I think many things, some good and others that bother me a little - said my beloved, looking down, with that touch of shyness that I liked so much.


Principio del formulario

- Tell me the things that bother you about me, to see if we solve them.
- Is that ... - He began to say, how doubting a little - Is it that you, a man with so much talent and so cute, because you have not married? Why are you single or not? ... At least that's what the information on your facebook says.
- Yes, I'm single - was the first thing I said, so there was no confusion -. But the great truth is that I was always looking for non-possessive, open friendships based on the mutual freedom to separate when we wanted to. If I felt compelled to be with someone, it was because something was wrong in the relationship and then, I immediately left.
- And why did you do that? - I continue asking my beloved, with much curiosity.
- I've always been looking for an enchanted princess, who was very intelligent, very educated, very good family, very beautiful, very evolved and I lingered, all these years, which have been many by the way, until one morning I saw you with your little sister and I said:
- That is the woman with intelligent eyes that I always dreamed of ... Because you are the incarnation of that warrior princess that I always wanted to have. White skin, dark hair and very bright, an angelic face and a heart and a body like the white snow - I finished telling him full of happiness -. The other women I met frightened me and I was not prepared to do something that could destroy my independence, without being completely convinced of my love.
- How nice - said my queen, as if approving my words -. We both had the vision of something wonderful that awaited us. I have continually analyzed the transformation I have had with you, and I have come to believe that together we can take advantage of our full potential for learning, our amazing similarities of interest, regardless of how old you are. For that reason, the personal growth that we value so much, and that we know is possible, for me, becomes a beautiful challenge at your side. I am seeing how I quickly become a determined person, who surrenders immediately, without asking for anything in return, because my heart, by your side, has been filled with the courage it lacked.
- Thank you, my queen, and, for having been so special with me, I'm going to bring the milk desserts, so you can calm the whims of our future son.

We both laughed with joy, enjoying the freedom of our love.
I left her alone for five minutes, while I ran to the dessert store. I ran back and my beloved ate the dessert with the greatest of tastes, but she ate it so fast, I had to ask her:
- Do you want me to buy another one, because that kind of thing that did not reach for you two? ...
She looked at me scared, put her hand on her belly and said:
- Being that my life already deserved to be separated from the schemes established by my family, to go beyond the limits imposed by society and today I am very proud of myself and very happy to have taken advantage of this beautiful opportunity, which it is forever moving away from loneliness.
- And is it that you really believe? - I asked a little scared for what that implied.
- Nooo, stop being so dumb - she said smiling. We are joking and nothing more.
- I also feel very happy for having waited for you and for having given everything I could, in the purest and highest sense, to get with you to that beautiful future possible - I said, to my soul mate, with all my heart -. I'm glad to have met you and made the decision to seek your help. I will always remember with great love, the moments that we have enjoyed together. With you I have grown a lot as a person and from your experience in biology I have learned a lot. I know, too, that I have taught you to look at the universe differently and we have both been better people, for having shared our feelings.
- I want to be very close to someone I respect, admire and love. Someone who is very proud of me. I want that with all the strength of my heart and I hope that man is you, because I have the greatest respect and the highest admiration - he said looking me in the eye -. I consider you the most wonderful man I have ever met.

- Thanks, the only thing that gives me a little bit of fright, is that we start to be each one owned by the other hand, for me, freedom is very important and ...
- Freedom to do what? - she asked - Freedom to not love? Freedom of not reaching intimacy? Freedom to grow old in boredom? Freedom to not acquire commitments and obligations? Freedom to die just lying on a farm, for not being able to commit to love? Freedom from the terrible mistake of not having children, so that the magic of evolution is interrupted? ... I think you are right, we have arrived at the moment of renouncing those freedoms, to build a life full of sweet challenges of love.
- The freedom that I, spoke of, is the freedom to change, to be different, because it seems to me that it is possible for people to change together, grow together and get rich together, instead of being more poor separated, and , fortunately, I had as a great example my parents, who have shared everything with great love. Without any kind of selfishness.
- In my family we also have the happiness of being very close, "she said confidently. Almost all my relatives have very stable partners and I think that, you and I, we can be like that.
- You have to understand that you and I are very different - I argued, recognizing the big difference between our lives.
- We are not so different, rather we are equal in curiosity - explained, my beloved, with much optimism -. In addition, we can enjoy the fun of exchanging universes, giving each other, our enthusiasm. I can learn to ride a horse, if you give me a hat and leather pants, and I can invite you to medical conferences and scientific symposiums, so that new topics flow into your writer's books. And that may be the beginning of a beautiful love story that began, really, that afternoon in which you fecundated me in the hotel.

We both laughed, happy. I wanted to take it as a joke, but the issue was already worrying me in the background, because the pregnancy was very likely.
And is that...? - I started to ask a little nervous.
"I do not know," she said. But these last days I have been very sleepy, sincerely, I do not know what will happen? ... Anyway it does not matter, because we have been very happy, or not?
- Yes, love - I had to admit - the only thing I can tell you is that you and I are exceptional and we are going to make intimacy work. No shouting, no abuse, no slamming, no unhealthy material ambitions, no loss of respect, no boredom and no giving to the other as insured.
- I had never met anyone like you - he said approaching me to kiss her.
- Yes, my beautiful queen, you are exceptional and there will be no problem, that we cannot resolve with a calm and reasonable conversation. That's why it's good to have a very smart doctor in the house, because she knows a lot and will always choose the best, while I'm watching soccer games. The only thing that I guarantee is that there will never be broken dishes to pick up, nor damaged doors to fix.

- Over the years, I have become a very sweet woman, very serene and very well adapted - said the young doctor who today was dressed in a purple shirt, with a "blue jeans" and with some colored tennis purple, very beautiful with a texture like peach skin -. I'm ready not to explode at any nonsense. I have the patience of the laboratory worker, which you already know how it is, and I hope that you make me a place in your life, so that you do not live like a lonely and poor loner, like a vagabond.
I took her hand tenderly and said:
- The secret to finding someone we can love, is to find that person we like first and you like me, I admire you as a woman, as a professional and blindly trusted in you.
- I believe to be your soul mate - she said to me with certainty -, and I think that each one of us is the one, the other, was looking for his whole life, because you are dark, strong and very romantic, and I am more white , sweet, fragile and dreamy. We have enjoyed and shared the delivery of what love can be on earth. And now, because of our hurry, J. Rodrigo tells us, from here, from my womb, that we will never be able to separate.

- They have been very large coincidences, which led us to meet - I began to tell my beloved -. We met when neither of us was married or committed. We are in the same town, in the same department of Antioquia, in the same country and on the same planet. And we had the same vocation to fight for people and save the environment. The only life that is worth living, is this magical life that gives us eternal unity and all this that we are living, you and me, is magic. I am able to give everything I have inside me, to make you see the immense happiness that awaits us and I am going to write a magical book, so that it shows you the way, again and again, until you understand that I love you and you decide to be mine forever. I will never be possessive with you, nor jealous. There will be no chains, no ropes, no scorn, no arguments, no boredom. I give you my life as a gift that is born in my heart. I will be by your side, not because I am obligated, but because I prefer to be with you rather than being anywhere in the world. You will see that I am the best friend of the whole universe, because just as I value my freedom, I also value yours. I am extremely romantic and extraordinarily sensitive. Love with all your heart and if I ever do something that you do not like, it will be enough for you to whisper the softest of no. I despise the abuser that invade the privacy of women, because I have a lot of respect for their autonomy and independence.
- Melina looked at me straight ahead, with her beautiful and electrifying eagle eyes. And I said:
- All that is looking like a marriage proposal.

- Of course, my love - I said, and in the middle of the park of San Antonio de Pereira, I fell to my knees, with a red velvet jewelery in my hand, which contained a ring with the brightest diamond in the world -. Would you like to be my wife forever? ...
The people who were close applauded. Melina's eyes filled with tears and holding my hair, forced me to get up, to give me the most delicious kiss they have ever given me. His teeth of white ivory collided with mine, and I could feel the warmth and softness of lips and a tongue that I wanted to swallow.
I loved her with my heart and with each and every one of the cells of my body.
-Yes love, yes I want to marry you and be your soul mate forever - said my beloved, her voice trembling with emotion -. My sisters and my mother, they will be very happy to organize the wedding that we deserve.
We hugged each other with passion and then, holding hands, we went for a walk through the colorful park without forgetting my bike that was waiting for me against the fence.
- There have been many emotions together and it is better that we leave for the house, because I want to tell my sisters that I am going to get married next December twenty-fifth.
- And why did you choose that date? - I asked smiling.
- I like the energy and the atmosphere of the Decembers, and also that has been the happiest day of my life, because I have enjoyed the beautiful gifts of Christmas.
- And I'm another gift?
- Sure, my love, you are the best gift that life has given me.
With my right hand I intertwined the fingers of my fiancée, and with my left hand I took the bicycle.


We went walking and when we got to the parking lot, I had to remove the front tire to the bike, so I could get into the trunk of the car.
The sun was setting and he wore an intense orange color, all the treetops. We left happy for the fast highway.
- They say that marriage is very difficult. That marriage makes people go silly, that makes them liars and condemns them to a prison created by themselves. I had avoided marriage since I was very young, I had to study first, then I needed to work to become a professional and now you have left me surprised - said the beautiful doctor, staying very thoughtful - I also believe that there is a marriage that can make us more free than in loneliness.
My beautiful soul mate was happy, but he still could not absorb the impact of the shiny ring on his hand. He looked at her again and again and I watched her in silence. It was an inner struggle that made her feel different when she felt committed. Maybe he was thinking of the adolescent boyfriend, maybe he was thinking about the reaction of his family members, or maybe he was thinking about the commitments that a life in a couple implied.
- I always dreamed of this moment - he said without taking his eyes off the road -. I always wanted to get to the altar with a very white and very long dress ...
- Remember my love, I'm the one who wrote "The religion of the intelligent" and those gentlemen of the church should not be very happy with me - I said half jokingly.
She stopped abruptly and looking at me with panicked eyes told me:
Oh no, if it's not in the Catholic Church, I will not marry you, or anyone.
I was watching her, dry with laughter and then I had to say to get the anger down.



Quiet that this book has not read anyone and also, all religions are good since they are based on love, and I have no problem in getting married there, if it is to honor all your family. We cannot be so radical and also, the marriage ceremony is a cultural act valid in any place, because the important thing is that we both live it in the heart.
She started the car, again, recovering the color and joy.
We were making plans all the way and time went flying in the middle of our happiness.
We arrived at our beloved town; she left me in the corner of always and left in a hurry to tell the news to her mother and her sisters.





















- It scares me - she said -. I'm going to try one more time, but I'm a little nervous about the horses. I start to ride very well, but when the mare starts to gallop it gives me a lot of fear. I freeze and I do not know how to control it, so that it goes at my pace.

- Calm down, I'll teach you calmly - I said trying to cheer her up. Driving a horse is very similar to driving a car, at first we confuse the controls and it makes it a bit difficult to brake or accelerate, but in the end everything is automated and when we acquire the confidence, we do it without even thinking about it.

We had left the impressive valley of San Nicolás and our beautiful town of "La Ceja del tambo", about fifty kilometers away, and now we spent all weekends in my farm "El monte de los olivos", to be closer of the stars and to be alone.
- My beautiful doll - I said sweetly in his ear -. You and I know that there is nothing you cannot do when you set out to do it and in something so simple, like learning to ride a horse, you do not have the slightest chance of failing. You will dominate riding and you will be the most beautiful of the Amazons!
- Well, I'll try it even if it gives me a little bit of fright - she argued decisively - It's been difficult for me, because I'm a city girl and I'm not used to these things.
I approached with the horse taken from the halter, tied it in one of the pillars of the house and ...
- Come, get on it again, which is very easy - I said taking it from the waist gently -. You must always ride by placing your left foot on the footboard and holding on to the chair and the animal's mane. Here you go, you settle into the chair and place the other foot in the stirrup. You take the reins with both hands and with a gentle incline, forward, you indicate to the equine that you can start walking.



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I released the mare from the pillar in which I had tied it and taking it from the halter, I moved from one side to the other, with my beautiful girlfriend sitting comfortably on her, for the grass that covered the garden of the new prefabricated house.
- If you are going to turn to the right side, you tilt the body to that side and also gently pull the rein on that side. If you want to turn to the left, lean your body to the left and gently pull the rein on that side. And if you are going to brake, you lean back and pull the two reins gently and the horse brakes immediately. Easy, right?
- Yes, love, I'm learning! - My beloved shouted, visibly moved.
The great test for my elegant girlfriend was to face the fear of being mounted on an animal of five hundred kilos of weight, control it with the rein and learn to master it completely alone. My challenge was against a different fear, I had proposed to learn to value that spectacular woman, leaving aside my so-called freedom, to approach her with soul, life and heart. Each trusted the intelligence of the other, so that the experience was very pleasant for all. The idea of ​​building a more modern house and investing in the farm was her idea, that she was trying all her love. What better proof, than spending the weekends on a farm, away from all the amenities in the middle of the mountains? What better challenge, for a woman taught to enjoy the most elegant and expensive restaurants and clubs in the big city, than to start living with the limitations of the countryside? ... If we could both be happy, planting vegetables, eating trout Roasted and green beans, day after day, is because we had discovered the miracle of true love. Instead of bothering us, we ran joyfully through the countryside, enjoying the refreshing breeze of the mountains. We are looking for bromeliads and flowering orchids, in the millenary forests, that welcomed us with their secret music. We talked the whole days, we breathed fresh air and she photographed all the flowers that were. We start a very intimate course, to understand perfectly the other. How had our childhood been, what had we learned in life and how could we help society, to build a different country? We dressed elegantly for dinner and she adorned the table with flowers of the mountain. We conversed and listened to music by candlelight.


- The boredom and the monotony suffered by couples - my beloved told me -, it is not given by being physically tired, it originates by being separated, by being different mentally and spiritually. It occurs when there are no common interests, it occurs when the degree of evolution is different.
What great satisfaction I felt when my twin soul talked about such profound issues, in which he showed his absolute awareness of his eternity! ... A very great truth had entered into his understanding and he used it to build the future we had dreamed of for decades. whole Wisdom was reflected in his angelic face and dark eagle eyes, silver rays of happiness, and I thought: "This wonderful woman that I am observing, is not an ordinary woman, is the most evolved lady, more good and most beautiful in the world "
Getting up at five in the morning, to help me support the calf while I milked the cow, throw the corn to the chickens and throw handfuls of care to the trout pond, did not pose any problem for her.
When I was in the garden, sowing onions, lettuce and carrots, she would arrive there, with a pitcher of very cold juice, and help me to pick up the weeds that I had started. Then she became an excellent housewife and served lunch to the music that she liked.
- Thank you - I said, in the afternoon, after finishing work - Thank you very much for being so wonderful and thank you very much for everything you have given me.
- No, thanks to you, for being so cute and for giving me the opportunity to live different things -. He told me excited and adorable.


I knew that she was proud of the transformations that we were doing on the farm, but when I thanked her or praised her in some way, she would also thank or change the subject, to cushion the impact of the compliment and make it easier to accept. Melina had always been one of the spoiled girls of her powerful family, and at the hospital where she worked, she was always the center of attention and, now, she left her relatives, her friends and her studies, abandoned every weekend , for watching colorful butterflies with me. He has bet everything, leaving part of his previous life aside, because he trusts me and our future life project.
- Oh, my love! - Exclaimed as thoughtful -. I want everything to work well and I want us to live the rest of this life together. Do you want it to work?
- Of course, love - I said with wonder at the beauty of my intelligent woman -. I will always let you be who you are. You will never see me stand between you and your dreams, between you and your brilliant career.
I felt that a lifetime of happiness, learning and rejoicing grew beside that wonderful woman. It grew and rose bright as the sun, to lead us along the paths of happiness, towards the absolute eternity of our children and our consciences.
At night, intertwined in bed, in the center of the mountains of Antioquia, we talked about books, scientific discoveries; about the ignorance of our rulers and above all we had to work for the welfare and health of the people.



- Doll, do you think that a soul mate is the one that satisfies all our needs constantly?
- No - she replied, thoughtfully -. I do not think that I will meet them immediately, but I do believe that I will collaborate in the search for a solution, for the different challenges that may arise. Do not think that, next to your soul mate, all the instants will be prefects, maybe at some point, our interests will collide, but those differences will generate an understanding that we did not have before and with me that is already giving, because, honestly, our lives are very different.
- Different why? - I asked a little alarmed.
- Because you are a very free philosopher and I is a microbiologist very dedicated to meet a fixed schedule, in a very serious hospital institution. Because.
- And, then, being so different, because we really are eternal unity, why have you united our destinies? - I asked my beloved again, wanting to know what she thought of our relationship.
- Can you believe that cancer patients, people with multiple sclerosis, gays and transsexuals have attracted us with their thoughts? Can you believe that the homeless people, who are consuming transgenic foods and foods with carcinogenic preservatives, without knowing it, are asking for help psychically? Can you believe that eternal unity has had to do a thousand things that they coincide to unite us, so that we fight against the terrible deterioration that is suffering the endocrine system of the women who use the residual contraceptive criminals?
- That's very flattering, very poetic and probably an inexplicable truth - I said excited -. A difficult mission that is filling our life with happiness.


- How is it possible that INVIMA does not prohibit substances internationally recognized as carcinogenic, which are totally prohibited in developed countries? - asked with anger, the beautiful doctor who felt impotent.
- There is a sad reality, that you will never reach to understand - I said to my queen with a lot of bitterness -. The rulers have a vision of the future almost equal to zero and a great capacity for corruption, in favor of the multinationals that are manipulating the production of food genetically.
- I do not want to hear that! - exclaimed, Melina, covering her ears - I want to believe that our new president is wise and that he will prohibit fumigation with the glyphosate that sterilizes the land, which will definitively prohibit the use of asbestos by criminals of ETERNIT and that will Stop the tons and tons of mercury that is used in illegal mining by polluting our rivers.
- How nice it would be - I murmured sadly -. But the fight will not be easy, because the multinationals that use carcinogenic preservatives in the mass production of soft drinks and food have a lot of money and a lot of power. Do not think that it will be enough to present ourselves before the director of INVIMA to tell him that yellow five (E102), that nitrite and sodium nitrate (E250), that sodium benzoate (E211) and monosodium glutamate (E 621) are Proven carcinogens that are used daily in the foods our children eat. This fight is going to be long and dangerous, because they are going to say that the necessary studies do not exist to reach those conclusions, when in the European Union they are definitively prohibited. You, at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, already knew how difficult it was, when you started the fight against the transgenic crops that are killing the bees, which are the main pollinating insects of nature.


- In any case, we must start to make people aware, so they can eat better, avoiding cold meats and industrialized foods, and consuming guaranteed organic foods - concluded the beautiful doctor, understanding the enormous magnitude of the problem -. Sometimes I believe you that eternal unity brought us together so that we fight against unethical professionals, who do not care about the thirty-three thousand Colombians who die of cancer per year.
We continued with our respective jobs, but at the table in the kitchen of the farm and in our desks, there were hundreds of documents on the prevention and cure of cancer, studies of the endocrine system, practices and tips for a healthier diet, environmental protection, endangered species and laws. Entire books of laws that, supposedly, must protect the consumer, but were never applied. When we had enough information, we wrote several books: "Monsters created by transgenic and contraceptives" "Humankind on the way to extinction" and "How to cure cancer and multiple sclerosis in a miraculous way" that can be found in free on the page
Nobody was engaged in the fight. The main newspapers, the most important television newscasts ignored our pleas and never answered our desperate messages. The ordinary people did not understand the scientific terms of our books and, moreover, they almost did not like to read.
Then I discovered a Melina that I had not been able to guess before. It was totally concentrated against the carcinogenic preservatives, against glyphosate, against asbestos, against mercury that originates illegal mining, against GM foods and against contraceptives of plant origin that are destroying the system endocrine of women in our country.

- We do not expect any collaboration from the government - she warned - and prepare ourselves for the absolute subjugation of our country, before the neoliberal policies of the big multinationals, which are only interested in the growth of capital.
- Love! - I said to my beloved - You cannot believe what two senators of the republic are processing. It is inconceivable what one of the senators answered before my questions. Listen to this recording:
I turned on the recorder and the following voices were heard:
- Jorge León: What you are saying is that they are going to draw up a law that ignores everything that a people has said, that rejects oil exploitation in their territory, tired of not seeing a single cent of the supposed royalties, that end up in the pockets of the corrupt ones in turn.
- Senator: The state is the owner of the subsoil and we are going to exploit the oil, no matter what the communities think.
- Jorge León: Even if they receive ten or twenty thousand signatures, from the great majority of the inhabitants, who prefer to protect the sources of drinking water?
- Senator: What people think is not relevant, because the state is in need of those resources that originate with oil.
- Jorge León: What if the whole town goes to the public square, in a demonstration of resistance to block the roads, against fracking and the irrational exploitation of hydrocarbons?
- Senator: They are the public demonstrations, another of the points that we are going to review in this new administration, because we cannot continue to tolerate that protest against the state.
- Jorge León: what if the experts were experts in the conservation of water sources, and the experts in the conservation of the páramos, those who protested, they would listen to them? ...
- Senator: No, the government is not interested in public protest.
- Jorge León: We would like to know, why do you deny the criminal practice of "fracking", which is contaminated all the middle magdalena. Ending the artisanal fishing of the peasants in the glorious "Magdalena River"
- Senator: That is not being done.

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- Jorge León: Will the opinion of the inhabitants, interested in the granting of mining exploitation licenses, be taken into account?
- Senator: We cannot take into account the opinion of individuals in the decisions of the state.
My beloved queen was left with her mouth open, after listening to the interview and did not want to say anything else.
Every weekend, we would walk by the cliffs of the farm, looking at the primary forests of the centennial oaks that animated us. We saw Colombia as a great family of páramos, jungles and majestic rivers, impossible to destroy due to the ignorance of our leaders.
- Hold moors and Colombian jungles - we shouted towards the trees - Hold on! ... And do not worry that the people will continue to fight for you.
- Caring for the environment is a difficult struggle - my adorable Melina told me - but when the people come together to fight against the bad policies of the government, there is nothing that can prevent victory.

We continue working and struggling, knowing that life is to learn and have fun, while we evolve to the fifth dimension without relative.
From time to time there were small problems to prove our strength, but we continued to struggle through all those things that worried us, through our daily occupations, through tense and difficult moments that we lived.
We were still happy, Melina's abdomen started to grow and she was already very pregnant, but she did not care.


Our relationship became increasingly intimate and warmer. Day by day we knew each other more and more, and it increased our happiness to be together.
It was time to get married and the sisters of Melina organized everything.
I chose the church, from the Fizebad hacienda club, on the twenty-seventh kilometer, from Las Palmas El Retiro - Antioquia. Very close to the "La fe" dam. I always liked that church because I looked at it with admiration, since I was a child and almost every Saturday I went fishing in the immense dam.
We got married at five in the afternoon on a Tuesday, December twenty-fifth. Melina arrived in an old car, in a very beautiful white dress and with a huge tail about three meters long that crawled behind her throughout the church. She was beautiful as always and in her hands she carried a bouquet of white lilies. I was dressed in a tuxedo and in the evening we had a party in La Ceja, with mariachis, food, liquors and a lot of gunpowder, so that the universe would know that I had married my soul mate.



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