Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon



















I am again before you, in the twenty-first century, to create history and influence human beings so that they finally understand the grandiosity of their thinking. The universe has given me the gift of being able to go beyond the third dimension, through the paradox of predestination, which allows me to modify the material plane with the wonderful force of thought. I must fulfill my mission in this land, warning of the dangers that prey on the vast majority of human beings, on the indolent lack of professional ethics of scientists and entrepreneurs who are only interested in the wild accumulation of their wealth, although their products are recognized carcinogenic elements that poison the blood of humble people who only want to fulfill their duties to be happy. With each of my books I have tried to sow the seeds of awareness to build a better world and I hope that you, dear reader, share these messages with your family and friends, so that all of us eliminate from our lives the risk of contracting Inadvertently the fearsome diseases of cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Jorge León Soto Builes



















The objective of this work is to teach how to cure cancer, multiple sclerosis and all those diseases for which traditional medicine offers few guarantees and only offers very expensive treatments of control, without any certainty of a total healing. It is almost incredible the extraordinary appearance of cancer, which kills thousands and thousands of people, who fail to understand either the origin or the cause of this terrible disease.
Each and every one of the lives of human beings are important for their families, for communities and for the universe in general, because each one of us, human beings, have some duties and a mission that cannot be interrupted by the lack of professional ethics of some scientists, pharmaceutical and commercial companies, and governments that are only interested in economic profit, although the people are visibly affected by substances that for many years have been identified and proven to be carcinogenic.
How is it possible that in our country large areas of its territory are fumigated, without taking into account the lives of humble peasants who struggle to survive, with herbicides such as glyphosate that has been declared a carcinogen by the international scientific community? ... How is it possible that in our country there is no law that requires genetically modified food producers to tell consumers that the product they are buying is not natural, and that it is genetically manipulated, as I explained in more detail in my book "Monsters created by transgenics and contraceptives"? How is it possible that INVIMA allows the use of recognized carcinogenic colorants in the production of sweets and soft drinks for children?
I hope this work will be of great benefit to our country and to all of humanity and that, finally, we understand that the main struggle we have to fight against that silent enemy called cancer, which has produced and continues to produce more deaths than all the wars together.
The author.












Cancer is among the most lethal diseases in the world. Its appearance is so common that in almost every one of our families, we have a deceased because of cancer and, despite all the development of science, more and more occurrences of cancer are appearing. Large quantities of drugs, pills and all kinds of chemotherapies have been used to combat the disorderly and harmful development of carcinogenic cells. Drugs that have been taken by millions of poor terminally ill, but without success in the vast majority of cases; that is why I, the author of this work, have proposed to attack this health problem, with a method that is completely new, originated in my traumatic personal experience and in the mental evolution that has given us that wonderful and simple discovery that has communicated to humanity with the fifth dimension without relative, already explained in detail in one of my latest books "The religion of the intelligent" that can be found on the page
But let's know better ...

What is cancer?
The term "cancer" is used as the name in general, to refer to a group of more than one hundred diseases in which the cells, in one part of the body, begin to multiply without control.
Signs and symptoms of cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases that could cause almost
any sign or symptom. Signs and symptoms will depend on the
location of the cancer, how big it is, and how much it affects
organs or tissues.

What causes cancer?
Cancer encompasses a complex group of diseases with a variety of possible causes. In this part we will learn about the causes of cancer, including genetic factors, lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet and exercise, factors on certain types of infections and factors related to the environment such as exposure to certain substances chemical and radiation.

Tobacco and cancer

In this work we will provide information on smoking and the effect it has on consumers and the relationship with cancer. In the United States and other developed nations, it is considered that the vast majority of cancer cases can be attributed to unconscious and uncontrolled smoking.

Sunlight and other types of radiation
Exposure to various types of radiation and the effect it could have on the risk of developing cancer, including UV rays from the sun, radon and cell phones, is undeniable.

Asbestos and the risk of cancer

Asbestos has been used as an insulating material, in the manufacture of automobiles, roofing tiles, floor slabs, among others. It is a certified element as a carcinogen and in our country it is still used without any control.

Genetics and cancer

Some types of cancer are more likely to arise among members of the same family, but most cases of cancer do not have a strong relationship with the genes we inherited from our parents. Later we will learn about the complex relationship between genetics and cancer, as well as genetic tests and how they are used.
Medical treatments

Clinical analyzes and medicinal treatments are an important part of recovering and maintaining a good state of health. However, some types of tests and treatments may actually increase the risk of developing some type of cancer.
Cancer is, without any doubt, the main disease that has been occurring without control, in recent times, in almost all homes and families. All the metabolism is attacked by the metastasis that produces the poisoning of blood and all organs, resulting in death. If we wanted to quote all the other consequences of the cancers detected in time, and that fortunately are overcome, then we would be presented with a long list of sequels, mutilations and mental injuries, which lead us to conclude that cancer is very difficult. overcome. As we can see, this CULTURAL PESTE is, in any case, the main threat in terms of destroying the health of a significant number of people in the world.

Cultural plague? ...
My readers will ask themselves, why I have called such a dangerous disease and I have to tell you with pain and helplessness, that in my passage through chemical engineering at the University of Antioquia and the National University of Colombia, I had to observe with pain, As in our country and in almost every country in the world, substances that have been identified and tested as carcinogenic continue to be used in the food industry, for example:
What products contain tartrazine? (E102)
This artificial dye of chemical origin is found in industrial candies, soft drinks, ice cream, confectionery products, chewing gum, gelatin, alcoholic or energy drinks and isotonic. It is also present in industrial sauces such as mustard or certain mayonnaises, or in packaged condiments for paellas. It also contains some industrial cereals that are marketed for breakfast, popcorn, some cheeses, and crackers or corn toast.
It appears on labels with the indication E102 or Yellow 5 / Yellow 5 and is considered dangerous because it raises histamine levels and in some people has caused allergic reactions of the dermatological type (rashes on the skin) or respiratory (rhinitis, asthma). In children, it has been associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is contained in products with yellow, green and brown tones. This additive has been banned in Norway and until 2008 it was banned in Austria and Germany, for causing stomach cancer. On the other hand, the United Kingdom has requested its prohibition due to the link it has with ADHD.
The dangers of sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, calcium benzoate and benzoic acid (E211, E210, E213 and E212)

These three additives are obtained from benzene and are very toxic to the body. The food industry uses them to preserve cans of seafood, caviar, beer without alcohol, some liquors, various soft drinks and, also, in confectionery products (marmalades and margarines). In sensitive people it causes asthma, hives and some allergies. If it accumulates in the body it can cause liver cancer or neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, as indicated by a study published in 2007 by the University of Sheffield. The study explained that this additive spoiled the DNA chain and caused cellular damage that led some people to have Parkinson's or cirrhosis. It is also not advisable to consume this additive in combination with the preservative E222 (sodium acid sulfite), because we could suffer some neurological disorder. Sodium benzoate is dangerous, because taken together with the preservative E300 (ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C) could trigger a chemical reaction and form benzene, a carcinogenic substance. This happens in some preparations of soft drinks or isotonic drinks, which contain this additive mixed with vitamin C and the result can be toxic. While it is true that some vegetables, such as red fruits, cinnamon sticks or cloves, contain small doses of potassium benzoate, these additives that we have mentioned as being created in an industrial way are much more concentrated and harmful.
Other additives derived from benzene (E218)

Methyl hydroxybenzoate (E218) has very similar consequences to the additives that we have explained in the previous point. While it is true that some vegetables and fruits contain small doses of these chemicals in a natural way, the danger lies in consuming synthetic additives that are much more concentrated and that can be mixed with other additives within the same food product. As with the other additives derived from benzene, its consumption should be sporadic or zero if we want to avoid the exposure of toxins in our body. Causes allergic reactions of respiratory, dermatological and neurological type. Some studies with animals have linked the consumption of this additive with the appearance of tumors and it is forbidden to use it in animal feed because even in small doses it can be lethal for cats and dogs. The industry uses this additive to prevent fungi and bacteria in soft drinks, sauces and industrial mayonnaises, packaged fruit juices, jams, liqueurs, non-alcoholic beers, canned tins and caviar. It must be said that these same products can also carry other dangerous additives such as E214, E215 and E216, all of them with a high toxicity index and present in canned products.
Dr. Joan Vidal-Jové clarifies that "people with cancer have altered one or several cell cycle pathways, so the disease appears. These pathways are related to the ability to produce genetic mutations, to block apoptosis or cell death, to favor the growth and progression of the tumor, or to make it more invasive, as well as to block the immune capacity of the individual. "
The oncologist Natalia Eres explains that the effects of exposure to toxic chemicals are of three types: "First they affect mutagenicity, secondly they modify the endocrine balance -because they are endocrine disruptors- and, finally, they alter the immunity".


What does this imply? "All these processes indicate that toxic substances can, by themselves, cause mutations. These are molecules that look like normal molecules, block their functions (acting as disruptors) and at the same time confuse their own immunity. We should avoid them whenever we can, "indicate the oncologists Eres and Vidal-Jové.
The cans of preserves usually have the additive E218.
"Some dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers have been linked to the appearance of tumors, dermatological allergies or respiratory problems"
The caramel coloring is not as harmless as it seems (E150)
This dye can be obtained naturally or synthetically, from the chemical reaction of sugars such as fructose or glucose syrup extracted from corn or wheat.
Candy colorant is classified into four types, taking into account the form in which it has been synthesized: caustic caramel (E150), sulphite caustic caramel (E150b), ammonium caramel (E150c), or ammonia sulfite caramel (E150d) ). Those that have been dangerous have been these last two (E150c and E150d), which caused tumors in the laboratory animals that consumed them.
The E150 additive can disable the absorption of vitamin B6 and cause intestinal discomfort if taken in large quantities.
It is found in chocolates, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, beer, candy, liquors, cookies and carbonated drinks, among other things.

The consequences of the blue anthraquinone and blue patent V additive (E130 and E131)
The first of these two dyes is formed from the oxidation of anthracene, an aromatic hydrocarbon. The industry uses it in confectionery products. However, it is a dangerous additive: it causes hives and is a carcinogen, because it derives directly from a hydrocarbon. In Europe it is forbidden, abroad it is labeled with the following names: anthracenedione blue, dioxoanthracene blue, 2N blue, blue A and B, blue AP or blue solvent 35 and 36.
The patent blue V is also harmful to our health: it can trigger diverse allergic reactions and is a toxic substance, because it derives from the azo compounds. It should not be consumed regularly. It is a compound that is prohibited in Australia, although in Europe its use is accepted. We will find it, mostly, in industrial bakery products.
Beware of thickeners made with carrageenan! (E407)
Although it is obtained from nature - from marine red algae, from the family of the rodófitos -, then it is processed synthetically to obtain a more concentrated preparation. Its function is to obtain a texture in the form of gel, which thickens products such as sausages, spoon desserts, condensed milk and vegetables, meat products, vinegars and sauces, yoghurts and ice cream, among other things.
It is not advisable to eat it in large quantities, nor give it to children, pregnant women or sick people. Some studies indicate that this additive stimulates inflammation and could cause intestinal ulcers, allergies and weakening of the immune system. In studies with laboratory animals it was proved that the continued consumption of this additive in large quantities favored the formation of tumors.

The oncologist Natalia Eres, says that some of these additives cause the formation of tumors, in studies that have been done in experimental animals or in the collection of human experiences. "It is important to mention that the studies carried out in the field of industry, due to current regulations, only affect the chemical toxic and not the combination that occurs in the environment of this toxic, interacting with other substances. That is, two isolated products may not be toxic but their combination in the medium can be, "specifies Dr. Joan Vidal-Jové. "There are carcinogenic dyes by themselves (dyes E133 and E124) and others that are by the combination with other additives," he adds.

Titanium oxide is also toxic (E171)
It is used in the preparation of cakes, chewing gum, cheeses, yoghurts, processed sauces, surimi and food products that require white color. It comes from a mineral rock: the ilmenite. It has several nomenclatures: white titanium, titanium dioxide, titanium dioxide, white 6 or CI Pigment White 6. If we consume it in large doses on a regular basis, it can affect the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys, the organs in charge of draining the toxins and alter or block the cellular respiration of these organs.
Pigments derived from petroleum (E126, E180)
The dye E126 or Ponceau 6R is produced synthetically, in the laboratory, derived from petroleum. It belongs to the family of azo dyes and should be avoided because of its toxicity. Some of its nomenclatures are scarlet crystal, scarlet shiny crystal or acid red 44.

It has been linked to cases of hyperactivity in children, it is a histamine releaser and can cause side effects such as exacerbation of asthma symptoms, hives or insomnia. In some cases it has favored the appearance of tumors. It is used in the production of sweets and pastries.
The pigment E180, known as red 57, carmine 6B or CI Pigment Red 57, also derives from oil. The industry uses it for the manufacture of cheeses. It has been related to cases of hyperactivity in children, asthma, dermatological allergies and the appearance of tumors. In North America its use in the food industry is prohibited.
Some colorants banned in Europe (E181, E152)
Some dyes, such as burned earth shade (E181) or black pigment 7984, are not allowed in Europe. The latter has been used in the preparation of licorice, candy, caviar and some cosmetics. When it comes into contact with the heat it does a chemical process and releases toxic substances, which causes asthma in some people, eczema or hives and insomnia. It makes us release histamine and has been linked to cases of hyperactivity in children. Being a derivative of azo compounds, in the long term it could favor the appearance of tumors. It is prohibited in Europe since 1984.
On the other hand, the burnt earth pigment, also known as the land of Siena, toasted or brown shadow earth, has been used to make the cover of some smoked cheeses. In some people it has exacerbated stomach problems and if taken continuously can affect the constriction of the arteries.
Its use in Europe since 1978 is not allowed.


Other dangerous additives: biphenyl (E230), calcium formate (E238), formalin (E240), sodium tetraborate (E285), butylhydroxyanisole (E320, BHA), monosodium glutamate (E621)
Biphenyl, also known as diphenyl, is a very toxic synthetic preservative. It is used as a pesticide to prevent the appearance of fungi in fruits such as bananas, citrus fruits, pears or apples. It does not dissolve with water and, therefore, does not disappear if we wash the fruit. In some cases this toxic - if the fruit has been submerged with this antifungal - penetrates into the interior of the fruit and although we remove the skin can contaminate the pulp. Obtained from the distillation of coal tar, crude oil or natural gas, in low doses it causes vomiting, irritation in the eyes and affects the kidneys and the liver. It also causes various allergies. It should be avoided, preferably, sick people and children; although it is toxic for everyone.
The calcium formate (E238) is obtained from formic acid (E236), which is the poison injected by bees and red ants when they bite us. It is used to prevent the appearance of bacteria and other microorganisms in dairy products (cheeses, ice cream, sweet desserts) and in industrial bread and pastries. Being a corrosive product can cause irritation and should not be taken in large quantities, because its consumption affects the kidneys, responsible for draining toxins. In no case should we consume it combined with the preservative E240 (formaldehyde), because the chemical reaction could affect the good functioning of the optic nerve, which would cause vision problems and even blindness. In the long term, and in large quantities, it could be carcinogenic, as indicated by some studies carried out with bacteria in which this substance adopts mutagenic properties and is the most direct cause of multiple sclerosis.


Some cheeses may contain additives such as E238.
On the other hand, formaldehyde or formaldehyde (E240) is very toxic in small doses, causes allergies and is a carcinogen that is used in large quantities and without any control in the manufacture of arepas in Colombia. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has published studies that indicate that this substance consumed or breathed continuously causes nasopharyngeal cancer. It is banned in most countries, although in some Asian areas it is illegally used in rice drinks, soy cheeses, noodles, salted chicken or fish products and beer. Some cosmetics also contain this substance (bath gels, creams and shampoos). It receives the names of methanal, formalin or formaldehyde, according to its degree of concentration, and is obtained through the catalytic oxidation of methanol (methyl alcohol). Sometimes the industry has used it as an antifungal and to prevent the appearance of bacteria.
Although it is banned in many countries, the E285 additive, sodium tetraborate, is allowed in Spain. They contain preserved caviar and seafood, fish eggs, canned food and oriental noodles or packaged industrial steamed rices. The World Health Organization considers this additive dangerous because it interacts with brain cells and prevents the synthesis of glutamine. Some studies have linked the consumption of this preservative for 5-10 years with the appearance of liver cancer in humans. It is a natural preservative, although very toxic: it is obtained from saline lagoons or from natural deposits of salty deserts.

"The studies on additives made in the industry take into account only one substance and do not evaluate the interaction of various chemical substances between them, which can have toxic consequences" warn oncologists Eres and Vidal-Jové
The antioxidant E320 (Butylhydroxyanisole or BHA) is of synthetic origin and the industry uses it in products such as mashed potatoes, butters, fats and industrial oils. In small doses increases cholesterol and causes various allergies. It is a potential carcinogen, because it accumulates in the body and has been linked to tumors in the liver.
Finally, monosodium glutamate (E621) is not recommended. It is a flavor enhancer that is very present in soups of envelope, chicken broth and meat, which our mothers throw into soups from time to time and fried products, sauces, pates, pizzas, sausages, precooked dishes, if oriental noodles or rice, among other things. It has been related to the increase in obesity in people who consume it regularly -because it increases the sensation of hunger- and it is a neurotoxic additive, since some studies relate its consumption to the death of neurons. Discouraged especially in people with neurological diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis), a study from the University of Michigan explained that a high consumption of glutamate was related to the appearance of suicidal thoughts. In high doses can increase asthma attacks and allergic reactions.
Dr. Joan Vidal-Jové recalls that "sodium nitrate (E-250), which has been used as a preservative of smoked meats, is highly carcinogenic because it forms nitrosamines. It is associated with cancers of the digestive tract and pancreas. "
The oncologist Natalia Eres adds that "BHA and BHT are also preservatives that act as antioxidants and are used in products that want to preserve the external appearance and prevent spoilage. In addition to generating reactive compounds that form tumors, they can also generate neurological alterations "

Adding something new to food does not always mean improving it, at least as far as our health is concerned. Studies conducted on the safety of additives are based on animal tests. Some of these additives can cause cancer, so you have to choose your diet well.
Smoke of the tabacco
Cigarettes, cigars (cigars) and pipe tobacco are made from dried tobacco leaves. Other substances are added to give flavor and to make smoking more pleasant. The smoke from these products is made up of a complex mixture of chemicals generated by the combustion (burning) of tobacco and its additives.
Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, including at least 70 that are known to cause cancer. These chemicals that cause cancer are known as carcinogens. Some of the chemicals found in tobacco smoke include:
• Nicotine (the ingredient that produces the effect that people seek and one of the strongest chemicals found in tobacco smoke)
• Hydrocyanic acid
• Formic aldehyde
• Lead
• Arsenic
• Ammonia
• Radioactive elements, such as uranium (read information below)
• Benzene
• Carbon monoxide
• Nitrosamines
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Many of these substances cause cancer. Some of them can also cause heart, lung, or other serious health problems. Most substances are produced with the combustion of the same tobacco leaves, and not the additives included in cigarettes (or other tobacco products).
Radioactive materials in tobacco smoke.

Radioactive materials are found in tobacco leaves used to make cigarettes and cigars. These materials come from the soil and fertilizer used during the growth of tobacco plants. Therefore, the amount in the tobacco depends on the soil and the fertilizers used to grow the tobacco plants. These radioactive materials are emitted in the smoke when the tobacco is ignited, smoke that smokers introduce into their lungs when smoking. This may be another key factor in smokers who get lung cancer.
Is the smoke from cigars (cigars) different?
Cigarette smoke contains practically the same toxic and carcinogenic compounds as cigarette smoke, although some of them are found at different levels.
Due to the aging process used to make the cigars, cigar tobacco has high concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds (nitrates and nitrites). When fermented tobacco is smoked, these compounds generate several tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), some of the most potent cancer-causing substances known.
In addition, because the cigarette wrapper is less porous than that of the cigarette, the tobacco does not burn completely. The result is higher concentrations of nitrogen oxides, ammonia, carbon monoxide and tar, which make up all very harmful substances.

Smokeless tobacco products






Smokeless tobacco products include snuff (snuff) and chewing tobacco that are placed in the mouth or nose, but do not generate combustion as with cigarettes or cigarettes. However, smokeless tobacco products in the United States contain a variety of potentially harmful chemicals, including high levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines. Also, there are other carcinogens in smokeless tobacco, such as benzo [a] pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These carcinogens are absorbed through the mouth, which may be the reason why several types of cancer are related to the use of smokeless tobacco products. Like other forms of tobacco, smokeless tobacco products also contain radioactive substances.
Snus is a type of moist snuff that does not require spitting. It was consumed for the first time in Sweden and Norway, but now it is also available in the United States. In general, snus has lower levels of nicotine and nicotine-specific nitrosamines than the traditional brands of moist snuff, but it can still be addictive and has been linked to some types of cancer.
What is more dangerous: smokeless tobacco products or smoking cigarettes?
Smokeless tobacco products are less lethal than cigarettes. On average, they kill fewer people than cigarettes. Although smokeless tobacco products are often touted as a less harmful alternative to products that are smoked, they are linked to cancer and can cause death. In addition, it has not been shown to help smokers quit smoking.
Electronic cigarettes and similar devices
Electronic cigarettes and other electronic systems designed to supply nicotine (ENDS) are often used as substitutes for cigarettes or other tobacco products.
Vendors of electronic cigarettes and other electronic systems designed to supply nicotine often claim that the ingredients are safe. But the aerosols that these products generate can contain addictive nicotine, flavorings and a variety of other chemicals, some known to be toxic or cause cancer. The levels of many of these substances appear to be lower than in traditional cigarettes, but the amounts of nicotine and other substances in these products can vary widely because they are not standardized. The long-term health effects of these devices are not known. Studies are currently being carried out on these health effects.

For all the above, carcinogenic substances such as tobacco, which is a multimillion dollar business of the states and that is promoted among the population with few controls, should never be considered with indifference. What is the father who allows his children to consume highly carcinogenic products and not forbid them? What does humanity expect to prohibit the consumption of tobacco, one of the main causes of mortality in the world?


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the nervous system that affects the brain and spinal cord. It injures the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects the nerve cells. The lesion slows down or blocks the messages between the brain and the body, leading to symptoms of MS. They may include:
• Alterations of sight
• Muscular weakness
• Problems with coordination and balance
• Sensations such as numbness, itching or stinging
• Problems with thinking and memory
Multiple sclerosis occurs when the person is very sensitive to bee stings, or when it is especially vulnerable to calcium formate (E238) that is obtained from formic acid (E236) or when formaldehyde is consumed with great regularity (E240) used indiscriminately in the industrial production of arepas antioqueñas, sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, calcium benzoate and benzoic acid (E211, E210, E213 and E212)

MS before was considered an autoimmune disease, which occurred when the body attacked itself, but what triggered that strange mortality of the cells? Until, with the development of science, it was discovered a hypersensitivity to the substances described above, which degenerated producing the progressive extermination of myelin, to cause the terrible disease. Multiple sclerosis affects women more than men. It usually begins between 20 and 40 years. Generally, the disease is mild, but some people lose the ability to write, speak or walk. There was no cure for MS, and although medicines can slow the process and help control symptoms, it can only be cured by following the strict diet, sunbathing, and breathing and mental exercises, which we recommend in this book. Physical therapy and occupational therapy can also help when the disease is already very advanced.

If we analyze carefully all the terrible consequences that the consumption of certain products and food can bring us, then we will be convinced of the absolute necessity of beginning to fight, immediately, the root of this terrible cancer scourge. However, it would be completely wrong, if we wanted to teach here, only the way to fight it from within, through the system of mental reparation that we learned in that wonderful and transcendental work called "The religion of the intelligent", without also eradicating, at the same time, the cause of its origin, because if it is not going to repeat and repeat indefinitely. The root of this evil has an origin and that origin has not to be sought very far, on the contrary, it is so close to that evil that we can all take it with our hands. Yes, actually, we eat it every day, in that soda of supposed orange flavor that contains tartrazine (E102) or in sausages, mortadelas or salami prepared with sodium nitrite, which come from the kitchen, go through our mouth and lodge in the stomach and intestine. If you remove the floor to the root, to the origin of the terrible disease and we have the possibility of educating people, that is to say, that each one is aware, of taking the healthy advantages of organic foods to their digestive system, then once the disease of ignorance is cured, many diseases will be removed, the necessary means to re-form and be common within the entire population.
Without the soil, without the environment, no root can grow and if we control the root of the problem, the lack of education that causes our diseases, the possibility of developing a cancer will decrease and the hope of health will be reborn. If the human being were aware of the dangers posed by industrial foods, prepared with preservatives, almost all carcinogens, and could see his wrong way of living and the great consequences that result from that ignorance, then he would be more careful and would pay more attention to what is brought to the mouth to feed, and take strict measures to not let anything that is harmful to your health happen.
Each man is a unit of perfect intelligence, it is like a computer that works automatically and we must try to eat food that does not alter that special functioning. That human body needs nutrients to maintain itself and needs energy to work, because only with energy there is movement, that is, in the process of digestion, energy and nutrients originate, which constantly renew the cells, but the material that we ingest to the maintenance of that system, is giving the order to interrupt the process and to break all the circuits, with some carcinogenic elements that mess up everything, then not only the working power of the human body is endangered, but it is in danger of being harmed or destroyed, little by little, or definitely taking him to death. Also the human machinery needs some nutrients and a fuel and these cannot come from the cold meats with sodium nitrite (carcinogenic), neither of the tobacco (with many carcinogenic elements) nor of arepas with high quantities of formaldehyde (carcinogenic), nor of soft drinks (made with carcinogenic dyes). It is for all of this that, consciously, we must choose organic products that provide the best nutrition for our body.

Health is the best.
Health! What welfare, what happiness that word means! What joy it brings to the one who can experience it in his body! But, unfortunately, we are losing it due to the lack of knowledge and the lack of scruples and professional ethics, of some scientists and some businessmen, who only care about their economic well-being.
All of us who have studied any branch of chemistry, we know that cold meats prepared with SODIUM NITRATE (E250), recognized carcinogenic substance, greatly increase the risk of getting cancer of any kind. We also know that SODIUM BENZOATE, which is one of the most used preservatives, in the vast majority of industrialized foods produced on a large scale, is also a recognized product with high carcinogenic properties and is one of the most direct destroyers of MIELIN, which is the substance or sheath that protects the central nervous system that, when injured, causes degenerative multiple sclerosis. Disease highly experienced in our laboratory with pigs, which have the highest percentage in the similarity of their genetic code with ours, obtaining the unfortunate proof of our vulnerability to this substance.
Everyone, human beings, we will lose our health, little by little, if we do not comply with the corresponding self-care conditions, because we must live in close and careful harmony with the laws of nature.

Those who do not seek identification with the natural and mainly with organic foods, will end up contaminating their bodies and unbalancing their functioning that must be perfect. The transgression of natural laws, whose results are suffering, disease and premature death, has been growing until its consequences are seen as the destiny imposed on men. It is not the work of eternal unity that things are like this, if not the fault of the same men and their bad habits.
Missing continuously, against natural laws, is a systematic attack against our own health.
Like a marvelous ray of light, which suddenly penetrates the clouds, this work has arisen that invites us to form groups, all over the world, that strive to live according to natural laws. This knowledge is very important and we are very happy that human intelligence triumphs and vegetarians and naturists are consolidated, who apply themselves to live according to natural laws, as far as the evolution of their consciences allows them. What is the value of all the work and all the actions of men, if at the end they lose their health and fail to understand what the purpose of their life on earth was? What good is study and all its struggles, if they cannot understand what is the mission of their existence? What is the reason of your life? Why are you on earth? ... In vain has your life been if you do not have those answers!

In vain was everything! Every effort, every goal surpassed, all has been in vain if you have not understood the reason of your existence! But fortunately, all the answers can be found in "The religion of the intelligent" that wonderful book that you find on the website www.
The one who deals with the science of healing is obliged to know each of the laws of nature, if he takes seriously his honorable profession and does not exercise it for the sole economic interest. This is where almost all traditional doctors fail, because they do not have enough academic preparation or because they do not have the necessary professional ethics, to warn about the danger posed by recognized carcinogens.
And how can a human being truly are healed, if the doctor allows him to continue with his wrong habits of life? How is it going to be cured, if the doctor allows him to continue consuming canned drinks, made with dyes extracted from oil and food products loaded with carcinogenic preservatives? ... A practice that is paving the way for a great growth of diseases and ills worse, it is the free use of drugs that cut the symptoms of the disease, without bothering to look for the origin of it. Its main desire is to get rid of the pain and the annoying symptoms, without thinking about the origin of the substances that are causing them. If they do not get immediate relief, they try one medicine and then another, without modifying the eating and cultural habits that are causing them.

There are very good drugs that cure the vast majority of diseases and this is due to the great development of science, but we must accompany them with intelligent practices that take us away from the terrible diseases of the future, which will develop with more force when the genetic code is completely altered without remedy.
What can we obtain, if we continuously fail against natural laws, consuming transgenic foods and, the scientists and doctors, do not warn us to correct the bad habits of eating and drinking? ... Almost always, for those bad practices, the same Man is to blame for his illness. Many people have attracted the disease to themselves, due to the lack of knowledge and the lack of professional ethics of entrepreneurs, who market products made with carcinogenic substances, which have already been banned in Europe and in the vast majority of developed countries. We do not live according to natural laws, nor with principles of strict asepsis and disinfection ... Others have violated the laws of health with their bad habits of smoking tobacco and narcotic substances, highly carcinogenic, of eating foods processed with carcinogenic preservatives, of drinking soft drinks made with carcinogenic dyes and flavorings and working with carcinogenic asbestos and with carcinogenic insecticides and herbicides. The environment of every human being must be hygienic and their habits of healthy life. We must live in harmony with natural laws, which are vital for the maintenance of health.


It is very necessary that in addition to this book read "The religion of the intelligent", because it is, namely, that puts the man in true relationship with nature and gives you the assurance of not having lived in vain this spectacular earthly life, managing to consciously experience the joy of tasting eternal life. Then life will have had meaning and meaning. It is very important to mention how easy it is to enter, consciously, in the fifth dimension without relative and enjoy the grandiosity of our thinking of human beings.
A prudent man will seek to achieve good health in two ways, acquiring both spiritual and corporal health. Overcoming bad vices is very difficult, for the vast majority of men, reaching the point of saying that they prefer to die rather than stop smoking or drinking liquor! This is sad but true! ... It is very sad when people say:
Calm down, we have to die of something!
They say it when you warn them about the terrible dangers of smoking. That is irrational, but true! But it is also true that in the wrong food system, almost all diseases have their origin! It is also true that if we want to fight against the bad habits of consuming canned products and artificial drinks, made with dyes extracted from oil, we must fight on the same path where the wrong and wrong method has been developed that leads to the disease to almost all humans, is called "wrong feeding system" On that same path we must attack cancer, which is currently humanity's greatest enemy, to overcome it.

Being careful, strictly, about food, means victory. Victory over what is making us sick more and more. Now health must be ours, but attention: ONLY IT WILL ACHIEVE FOLLOWING THE LAWS OF NATURE, avoiding industrially processed foods. Otherwise it will be impossible. After what I have said so far, readers will not be surprised, if a part of the true treatment of cancer and multiple sclerosis we call it: Health through a healthy diet, with natural foods and drinks, and the immense power of your mind. The human being is the greatest wonder of the universe, but his apathetic digestive system is incredible in itself, because his entire body depends on it; its feeding, development and maintenance. And to feed means life! ... But life is in the blood, in that red liquid of life that circulates through the human body. But only well-nourished blood, free of carcinogenic and transgenic substances, can keep the millions of cells, muscles and nerves throughout the body in balance and alive. The innumerable red blood cells do this work, while they try to neutralize, by throwing out the carcinogenic and transgenic substances, to place in their place healthy substances produced in the most perfect chemical factory of the earth, the digestive system of man. It is logical that an apparatus, no matter how spectacular, is contaminated if it is ingested with cancer-causing foods and beverages, therefore, the logical conclusion that must be drawn from this, every human being that is reasonable and intelligent is:

1.    It is vital what you eat and drink!
2. That what is eaten and drunk must be in accordance with immutable natural laws.
3. That the third point to return to health lies in the evolution of the patient's consciousness.
We can all get healing with the power of our minds, with the power of our thinking, which controls and modifies everything.
The development of the current technology, has allowed to have high sensitivity analysis methods, which allow to analyze and detect chemical residues in food, directly responsible for different pathological entities such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases and allergies.
There is special concern for the use of estrogenic estrogens (DES), which are proven carcinogens, which are producers of the common vaginal carcinoma and common breast cancer, widely used throughout the earth, as contraceptives because they are very inexpensive in their production and easy acquisition by women with low economic resources, as I already explained extensively in my book "Monsters created by transgenics and contraceptives" that you can also find on my page

Other drugs with proven or suspected carcinogenic properties, which are commonly used in many countries, are nitrofurans, nitroimidazoles, quinoxaline, griseofulvin and some stilbene derivatives. The number of cases in which drugs that were previously effective stop responding in the expected way is increasing. The reason is the resistance acquired by the bacteria that cause diseases, antimicrobial drugs; This is one of the most important problems in contemporary therapeutics.


"Healing means cleaning"
Cleaning and disinfection of the human body is done through an organic diet and according to nature. Without this strict feeding, the true approach to the natural cannot be made. Where this relationship is lacking, the perfect cellular balance is also lacking. Nobody can deny that the carcinomas and that the transgenics, are the culprits of the carcinogenic boom that overwhelms the humanity at the moment. A warning sign to awaken the man. To awaken him to be more careful with his health, to awaken him so that he demands professional ethics from chemistry students in all areas; to pharmaceutical chemists and large food manufacturers, who continue to use carcinoma products without any scruples?

But the vast majority of the people who work, need to discover what they really eat, a guide from the molecular chemistry experts and here we are to do it with this important book. Whoever lives according to the important warnings in this book, will find the way to health, will consume organic food and be away from the carcinogenic chemical agents will bring us the ultimate health. We must have a lot of discipline in the natural treatment we recommend, to achieve true healing.
No fighting, no victory! The patient will have great challenges, when it is time to modify the usual diet, but without these immense sacrifices, the struggle in the expulsion of toxic and carcinogenic substances, there is no cleansing of the organism and true healing. All men are going to have to learn to eat well, because it is vital in the process of purification, according to the nature that leads to health. But here it is precisely where most patients fail, because it is very difficult for them to abandon the consumerist habits, in which tobacco, liqueurs and processed foods are the daily bread and lose confidence and taste towards them. Natural methods of healing. Precisely in the change of eating habits, is the key to recovering health, and we must endure them happily, because health and well-being are close. But instead of relying on natural methods, they give up all hope and continue to consume canned, liqueur and cigarettes, paralyzing the process of purification recently started, so that carcinogenic substances that were about to come out, return to be deposited in the organs and tissues of the human body. There they will remain as a residual charge that degenerates the cells, to the point of starting to reproduce without control, to cause cancer that will lead to death.

More important than any kind of knowledge, it is, for man, the clear understanding of a natural and healthy way of feeding. The human being who reaches the point of being able to think and act, consciously, in the field of the true way of living, will have great joys of being able to feed naturally, and to live a longer, pleasurable and better life.


Health and eternal happiness are within reach of man. The energy needed to achieve them is in the sun, without which there is no life. Who could live without him? How sad the earth is when the sky is cloudy! Something is missing in our lives when the sun's rays do not smile at men, animals and all nature with its trees and rivers.
Is it only a greeting that the sun wants to give us day after day? Or does it pursue its untiring appearance another goal? ... It can be, because the sun is the energy sent by eternal unity, to give strength to all living beings on this earth. All, without exception, are happy with the presence of the sun king, because we all get something out of the sun, although we do not perceive it. Until the air, the atmosphere and the sea, they need the sunlight that gives life, not to be interrupted in the task of being the creators of the important elements that will take us to the future.

How long would the entire nature, all the living beings on earth, resist the total lack of the sun? ... It is something that we cannot calculate. In any case, the lack of its energy would cool the earth, the oxygen would end and all the living beings would die, for want of that vivifying energy that it offers to all of us in the nature. We wish to call that energy the light of life, originated in eternal unity; that solar energy is transformed into the substances of life, as soon as it illuminates those elements where the necessary conditions for its evolution exist. This wonderful energy, magically works in all plants and all living beings to originate the "vitamins", which are the fundamental substances for cell renewal and for the orderly maintenance of life. There are several classes, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" according to the class fruit, vegetable or cereal, etc. All fruits and vegetables have one or another kind of vitamins, in greater or lesser amounts. The percentage of its vitamin content can be different in each of the fruits and vegetables. From this it is clear that the solar energies of life, in their development in the different kinds of vitamins, depend on the matter in which they penetrate. The eternal unity put everything in its place, and although all are different, each one has to fulfill its determined task, and that is when the pernicious hand of man enters to make mistakes and to alter the natural composition of the substances, so that cancer, multiple sclerosis and all the modern diseases that are affecting us are generated. Here we meet again, with the, until now, incomprehensible marvels of nature, which have not been fully understood, by the scientific spirit of men, no matter how clever their genetic calculations are.



There are vital substances, without which life cannot exist. For a long time and unfortunately, the man with his unconscious experiments is manipulating the genetics without any control and is altering the natural balance, which is filling with monsters. It is no longer known which the male is and which the female is. The man in his commercial management is manipulating the beings with hormonal treatments, example: The employer wishes that all the trout are females, because their salmon flesh is more commercial and then they modify their sex with a hormonal treatment. And they also want all the chickens to be males, because they grow more and because the breast is bigger and so, successively, we are falling in the irreversible crime of the transgenics, which are affecting all the human beings of the planet; in which thirty percent of the population is not aware of their sexual identity, because males are feeling females and females behave like males, in the terrible madness of the gay community that continues to grow.




All countries without exception, prohibit under serious penalties theft and murder, but do not worry in the least, how large factories of food products and pharmaceuticals, which are sometimes only interested in economic profitability, market with chemical products and mixtures of carcinogenic substances, without caring about the millions of sick and dead people, for their lack of professional ethics. To the great majority of industrialized foods, chemical mixtures are added to preserve them for a long time, as for example in canned goods. Through this process of conservation, almost all food and life-giving substances of the products are almost completely destroyed. We should not contemplate these silent crimes with negligence, when in Colombia there are more than one hundred thousand children with cancer. Our mothers feed the children with sausages, sausage, mortadella, compotes and finely packed products, which contain saccharins, glucose, phosphoric acid and sodium benzoate highly carcinogenic. These mothers, in the midst of their lack of education, because they cannot all go to university, rely on the professional ethics of the food engineers who produce them, without knowing that these criminals, without professional ethics, are only interested in enrichment personal, without thinking about the large number of children who can acquire any type of cancer with their products. Without realizing it, the beloved housewives, who love their relatives above all, become victims because of ignorance, in the important field of food.



The man of the twenty-first century, eats too many synthetic and unhealthy things, and by his predominantly sedentary way of life, digests hardly, thus obstructing all the organs of the womb, in his free development and in his activity by stagnation. Instead of drinking soda and soft drinks, we should take very natural fruit juices; Instead of eating canned and cold meats, we should consume more unprocessed lean meats, more fish, chicken, eggs, vegetables and fruits. The immense quantities of ingested preservatives and dyes, cannot fail to produce, over the days, damage to the metabolism, resulting in high blood pressure, destruction of the kidneys, appendicitis and the appearance of a large amount of cancers
Salt (sodium chloride) is only good in very small amount. The most natural and tastiest foods, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes and milk, should be consumed with small amounts of salt or sweeteners. In large quantities, salt has a detrimental effect, because uric acid binds with sodium in the salt, forming a solid compound that stays in the tissues and especially in the joints, causing gout and rheumatism, etc. The salt also causes disturbances in other parts of the body, for example in the liver and kidneys that are overworked, when a high percentage of salt is consumed, affecting as a consequence until digestion, because chlorine is one of the components of salt, has an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa.



"Substances of life" are, as the meaning of his word says, substances fundamental for the normal maintenance of life. That is, they nourish, vivify and maintain the body. Its presence in the diet is indispensable, but what serves for life to continue to exist must also be a first-class curative means against cancer and multiple sclerosis. That's right, although we have plenty of protein, fat, albumins, and other important substances in our diet. But if the vitamins of fruits and vegetables are lacking, we are faced with an incomplete and unbalanced diet. Today it is proven by science that the man who feeds only industrialized chain foods, who have too many preservative chemicals, fats and carbohydrates, gives way to the nutritional imbalance, propitiating all kinds of diseases, which destroy the good level of health throughout the body.
Health requires a diet rich in vitamins. To be fed with soft drinks, sodas, with packet mouths or canned foods, cannot be considered as a beneficial health food, because however tasty it may seem to the unsuspecting taste of men, this diet is the worst decision and the result , in the short or long term, is the disease. That lifestyle leads millions and millions of men to high blood pressure, obesity, cancer and the sickbed, and from there, a large part prematurely comes to death. And all that because of a wrong way of feeding.


Taking into consideration the enormous importance of vitamins, as an important factor in health and healing, public a table that shows its high nutritional and nutritional value. The table presents the content of vitamins in the different foods. The existence of vitamins we will point out with 2 when they exist in the food, with 5 when they contain vitamins with abundance, and with ten when the food is very rich in vitamins.

Table 1

FOOD                                    A         B        C        D        E

MEAT                                   10       10       ---       10      10
FISH                                     10       10       ---       10      10
EGGS                                   10        5        ---        5       10
MILK                                     10        5         2        2        ---
ARTICHOKE                          5         5        ---      ---       ---
ALMOND                               2         5         ---       2        ---
APIO                                      5       10        10       2         2
SHEEP                                  5        ---        10      ---       ---
AVENA                                  5         5         ---       5       10
BERROS                               5         5         5        ---      ---
BEET                                     5         5        5         ---      ---
CAMOTES                           10       ---       10        2         2
BARLEY                                5         5        ---        5       10

ONION                                  2         2         5         ---       2
RYE                                      5          5       ---         5        5
CHERRIES                           2          2       10        ---      ---
COL                                      5          2       ---         ---      ---
COLIFLOR                          10         5         2         2         2
COCO                                 10         5        ---         2         2
DURAZNO                          10         2        10        ---       ---
ESPARROGOS                    5         5        10        ---       ---
SPINACH                            10       10        10        2         2
STRAWBERRIES                2          2          5        ---       ---
HABAS                                 5          5          5        5        10
 HARINA                              --          2         ---       ---       ---
H INTEGRAL                        2        10         ---        2         5
LEMON                               10          5        10        ---       ---
ORANGE                            10          5        10        ---        2
LETTUCE                             5          5        10         2       10
LENTEJA                             2          10        2         ---       ---
MAIZE                                  5           5        ---         5         5

MANÍ                                    2           5         5          2        ---
APPLE                                 2           5         5          2         ---
NABOS                              ---            5         5          2        ---
NUTS                                  5            5          5         ---        ---
PAN INT.                             2           10        ---         2          2
PAPA                                  2             5         2          ---        ---
CUCUMBERS                    5            ---         5          2          2
PLATANO                           2           10        ---         5          5
BEAN                                  2            5          5          2          2
RÁBANO                             2          10          5          ---       ---
REPOLLO                          10           5        10          5          5
TOMATO                            10          5         10        ---         ---
TORONJA 2 5 10 --- ---
WHEAT                               5         10         ---         5         10
UVA                                     2          5          2          2          2
CARROT                            10         5          5          5          2
AHUYAMA                          10        2           2         ---        ---



Eating well to get rid of cancer and multiple sclerosis, is equal to the serious call of "Back to nature" and means eating organic foods NON-TRANSGENIC, free of insecticides, herbicides and carcinogenic preservatives.
The organism of man is and will be a marvelous perfect unity, but with what is known today, with the development of science, it is with certainty that, from the outside, with the cooperation of human intelligence, it can be built or destroyed. Build it if you provide it from the natural way, everything you need for your nutrition, or destroy it when carcinogenic and transgenic substances are consumed.
Illness, pain and premature death, are the consequences of this ignorance and lack of foresight in which the vast majority of the time, the ordinary man is not to blame, because they are issues that escape their academic formation, and, the state and the scientists must be in charge of controlling the ambition and the lack of ethics of the murderous businessmen.

In the great struggle of life, for its constant preservation, the organism needs vitamins and minerals, which can only be offered, in a suitable and efficient way, by the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom, fed by the sun as the source of life. But if we eat food, with altered genetic chains and carcinogenic elements, which go to destroy the programming of the cells and force them to reproduce without control, or to die without reason; then it is very difficult for the excellent and untiring organism to work with the wrong information that throws it towards death. It depends, then, on the success of your difficult task, first of all, on what is offered as a usable and healthy raw material. Although the human body, while healthy, is able to filter and expel the vast majority of the harmful substances that we introduce, by the various detoxification resources that it has. The state of contamination in which we find ourselves, due to lack of ethics in food professionals, requires staying a moment in this analysis, because we cannot continue to eat substances at random, without knowing what we ingest. IT IS VERY SORRY TO KNOW THAT OUR CHILDREN INGENIC CANCERÍGENOS RECOGNIZED INTERNACIONALLY, WITHOUT THE STATE OF COLOMBIA DOES NOTHING TO PREVENT IT.
The surcharge of toxic substances, caused among others by uric acid, originated in the exaggerated consumption of alcohol and other carcinogenic substances, have an intimate relationship with cancer. All those mistakes go hand in hand, to end our health. But attention is almost always paid when it is already a proven diagnosis: You have cancer.

Many times the body tests the last means of salvation, giving rise to miraculous healings and that is when the mental development that has given us the great evolution of our consciousness comes into play.
The body itself knows what it wants, because it is it that has to endure the continuous dizziness of acidification, which produces the sodas made with blue and yellow inks, extracted from oil; or the effects of carcinogenic preservatives, which inflame the stomach and produce diarrhea after visiting an elegant restaurant that produces mass food and are sent, frozen, to be consumed all over the world. And, shamefully, I witnessed this, when I worked in the preparation kitchen of an important international franchise, of Mexican food, and I witnessed the immense quantities of sodium benzoate, which were added to the food so that they would not be damaged in the long time it took to reach the consumer. Employment that I had to renounce irrevocably, after the stomach upsets and the diarrheal crises that my daughter suffered, after the few times that she went to visit me and I invited her to eat. It was very difficult for me; deny him a delicious dish that always seemed, but even more difficult to confess that in that famous franchise, food was sold that could affect the health of people.

Nutrition, in our organic feeding system, has a special importance in the conservation of health, as well as in the recovery of it, when it has been lost. Thus. The correct choice of a healthy diet is a very valuable key in the prevention and treatment of all diseases. The ingestion of organic food in the body fulfills some very important missions namely: To provide the body with the raw material for the repair of spent cells and for the manufacture of new cells. Also, the food must ensure the body, the energy material for proper functioning and to have an excellent metabolism.
The need arises to establish a strict diet, which meets the real needs of the body. It is for all of this that we hope the following advice will be valid, in order to make our diet based on organic products free of pesticides, herbicides, carcinogens and transgenics, an important alternative for the people to achieve health.
In organic foods you should use very little salt, because it is unnecessary and only adds a little flavor. That is why healthy people should eat food with very little salt, because it is very harmful. It destroys in the body, the other mineral salts that are so important for the functioning of all organs. Because of it the tissues harden, muscles and corpuscles contract; because every cell of the body in which it has penetrated the salt compounds undergoes contraction and at the same time is prone to discard its albuminous ligations and other mineral substances. The worst of all is that it does not only interfere with the transport of nutrients in the blood, dissolving them, but also hinders the important activity of the lymphatic system. The consumption of a lot of salt results in impure blood, rheumatism, sciatica, eczema and destruction of the kidneys.

Feed yourself according to the laws of nature!
This message calls for an energetic reform in the way of life, mainly in the big cities; reform that no one will regret later, when they see the effects on health. The earlier you start consuming organic foods, the better. Expect more, means increasing the possibility of acquiring cancer or any other terrible disease. We will show clearly in this humble book, as I did in "Monsters created by transgenics and contraceptives" the way to this necessary reform.
Now it is available to the dear readers, to choose or not to choose a strictly organic diet, which is the only salvation that remains for the human species. Eat healthy, eat well, is the only way left to the sick convalescent, to remove from the body quickly and safely, foreign substances, impure and carcinogenic, we have deposited in the body for many years, because of an irresponsible and ignorant way of feeding. The more we simply feed, the better it is for the organism. That is why you have to choose simple meals and hopefully prepared at home, without any preservatives, and always choose those fruits that are harvested, so that we get cheaper. We should prepare some raw salads, recently or shortly before eating them, so that they do not lose their nutritional value. The first conditions for good health are eating organic foods slowly and chewing well. Because in the mouth, according to the way of chewing, a state of health or disease is generated.

Avoid salt, sodium chloride, as much as possible, especially in raw foods, because it causes rheumatism and damages the kidneys and liver. Never use vinegar in salads, because it is harmful to health. You should not sweeten the juices with sugar, because excess carbohydrates cause obesity and high blood pressure; If you want to sweeten them, hopefully you will do it with honey from bees or with stevia, which is a plant and a natural sweetener.
We must exercise every day, to preserve mobility that is very important, to strengthen the body and also because the activity is very necessary for digestion. The one who is sitting for a long time and has little physical activity, will suffer with the passing of the days of bad digestion, and will lose the muscles of the legs that will slowly atrophy, which will prevent him from walking healthy in the future.
Eat well to heal!
This is true in every way. Each one carries the proof of this message in itself. The digestive system teaches you that health is generated in what you eat.

The foods before they can pass through the stomach, have to pass, the vast majority of the time, by a process of preparation, however, their nutritional value, often is destroyed in part or even completely in that process. So that the foods processed with preservatives, so that they last a long time commercially, or those that are treated with thickeners or with accentuators of flavor like the famous broths of hen, prepare the grave for those who ingest them. In industrialization, when food is prepared to last a long time, it is the process in which the nutritional and natural value of food is stolen, adding carcinogenic substances proven to have a residual effect on our organism. Thus, incorporating chemical preservatives into vegetables, it is also impossible for the famous vegetarianism and naturism to perform the well-known miracles of healing, which is what we intend to do by compiling the detailed information of good eating in this book. In this irresponsible way to industrialize food, health does not pass through the stomach, but disease.

Whoever wants to eat to "heal" must do so by producing their own food in a traditional way, free of all those substances that we are describing in detail and, if perhaps, it cannot be done in a rigorous and definitive way, then, at least we must avoid sodas made with chemical inks and that does not contain fruit pulp, processed cold meats, canned ones, excess salt, excess alcohol, tobacco, as long as necessary to try to detoxify the body.
Eat well to achieve the healing of the body!
The countless achievements in healing that we have already had, in my family and in my town, with our artisanal food method without preservatives are witnesses of this phrase. The space in this book is too small to narrate in detail, the healing we have achieved among our family and friends, however, the following testimonies serve to confirm what we have already explained extensively:

At the end of 2016, my brother Ferley Soto Builes and I, decided to follow the naturism; an intelligent way to feed and exercise. Every day the desire to be more and more united with nature and natural organic food grew in us. A difficult struggle began but also, with her, a new life. We felt, in our own bodies and watching our closest relatives, that we could not continue like this. My mother had been very obese from an early age, and she had been ill for many years with chronic bronchitis, her liver had swollen and she also had osteoporosis, rheumatism, lack of intestinal evacuation, heart discomfort, swollen feet and almost eighty years. We could barely stand, we all knew he was in a terminal phase of his life and my father at almost ninety was also in a similar situation, his kidneys were almost out of order, he had high blood pressure problems and also I had varicose veins as thick as a finger, very swollen feet etc. I was a professional in molecular chemistry, I decided to take care of their diet and designed a very organic diet, which detoxifies their bodies and could lift my mother from the bed in which she had been bedridden for more than six months with permanent oxygen. Being aware of my gift of healing, I decided to cure them knowing that we could not continue like this. In my mind the questions accumulated, trying to find the answers, just as in their bodies all the strange chemical agents had accumulated, which, in the same way, had to disappear with a good diet. For me there was no other mission more important than to dissolve the toxic elements of my body, the body of my parents and the body of my brothers. Expelling all those carcinogenic substances accumulated and regenerating the physical state that was almost lost, it was not going to be easy. You had to fight and it could not be otherwise because I loved with all my heart those parents who, with a lot of sacrifice, allowed me to go to the best universities in the country. I imposed a simple natural method and in our home we began to consume organic food and kind nature, helped by our intelligence and by simple exercises performed in the fifth dimension, which I will explain later, I worked every day on the healing of my parents that today, March 28, 2018, are completely healthy at eighty and ninety years respectively. The beginning of the change was as I already mentioned, instead of artificial drinks and soft drinks, we started to drink fruit juices, natural, especially guanaba, which is a fruit recognized as powerful anti carcinogenic. I established in my home the three regulatory meals, in which fruits and vegetables are very abundant. Most of these vegetables were brought to the table, very well washed and almost without salt. These, badly called salads, have been very tasty and very useful. The feeding was very natural. We never missed the cabbage, nor the meat pulps very well roasted and in small portions, fish with abundance, skinned chicken, cheese, milk, eggs, grated carrots, criollo apples, beets, lemons, oranges and water in abundance. We always use very little salt and very little sugar, because my parents are hypertensive and diabetic. These foods are very tasty and great for your health.

I advise all my readers, mainly women who are the ones who prepare the most food, who have a lot of courage to start the simple and natural method of feeding, which hides in itself a source of health that is worth experiencing. It is a fight that brings victories over one of the declared enemies of life: Cancer. Whoever is able to persist in this natural feeding system, will not see his children die in the prime of life, if not delve deeply into a life full of happiness and health.
Eat to be healthy! It is a little novel for all those who have eaten, until now, to get sick without being aware of what was happening to them, which is what happens, unfortunately, to the vast majority of people. To feed ourselves well is a happy manifestation, for those of us who do practice good eating, because we, with our personal and family experience, know that in fruits and in all kinds of vegetables, natural medicine is contained for any organ of the body, weak or sick. The eternal unity has created, for all the weak and sick, natural means of healing, which have been given to men in food and drink, according to the laws of nature, to supply all the nutritional and metabolic needs . An organic fruit or any kind of well-cultivated vegetable helps to fight a weakness, a lack or a disease, and others serve to prevent certain kinds of diseases. Performing in each case the purification, healing and recovery of the organ or part of the affected body, more quickly than imagined.

In conclusion, we have found the path to health, clearly explained in this book that is published free of charge, in different languages, for all humanity that is losing its way in the midst of their greed. This knowledge, truly and consciously employed, is the first step in the natural healing necessary for the expulsion of the toxic and transgenic elements that modern man is introducing into his body.


In order to completely change my eating routine and my way of thinking, I only needed six months: the six most difficult months of my life, but surely I could have done it faster, of that I am convinced, if I had known this method before of getting cancer and, surely, I would have been warned about it, like when I met him later, because eating well is a method that has been known for many years. One day I felt a deep pain in the right side of my belly. I went to a doctor in a health center near my residence and diagnosed severe indigestion, prescribed some pain pills and some antacids, for possible gastritis. The pain continued for the next five days after the wrong treatment. The pain continued and almost to falter, I went to the hospital foundation "San Vicente de Paul" in the large plain of Rionegro Antioquia. One of the best hospitals in Latin America, where successful transplants of heart, liver, kidneys and intestines have been made. I entered for emergencies and despite the doubts in the diagnosis, from a group of doctors, after two days of hospitalization, I was scheduled for surgery for a supposed appendicitis that did not manifest itself well. The operation was very successful. I left the operating room and the doctor who had operated on me and who was very close to me, from the time I had the opportunity to work in the spectacular hospital, told me:

- The appendix was completely necrotic. For many days they had died all their tissues, but I already extracted it and taking advantage of the surgery I did a biopsy and take some samples of the pancreas and surrounding tissues, because I found some small tumors and some deformations that I did not like.
They sent me to the recovery ward and I stayed in hospital for another three days, under a strong regimen of antibiotics and painkillers for pain. On the third day, the sincere friend who operated on me arrived and, after having my mother and my worried daughter leave the room, told me:
- Well, Don Jorge León, you are a very brave and very intelligent man, because I have already had the opportunity to read several of the books he has written and, for that reason, I am going to tell you the true situation in which we find ourselves. You have your pancreas invaded by a series of small cancerous tumors and it is better that we start

chemotherapy immediately, to eliminate those harmful cells.
- And for tumors, is not radiotherapy better? - I asked showing the knowledge I acquired, in that same hospital, when I was writing "Monsters created by transgenics and contraceptives"
- Haber man, I brought you these documents that will explain what each of the methods consist of and then tell you why I chose chemotherapy. Read them, calmly, and then I come to analyze them. - The doctor told me before leaving.
I kept the documents under the blankets and when my daughter and my mother left, when the time of the visits was over, I took out the photocopies again and started reading:

The objectives of chemotherapy
The goals of chemotherapy depend on the type of cancer and how much it has spread. Sometimes, the main objective is to destroy all the cancer and prevent it from reappearing. If this is not possible, chemotherapy can slow or slow the growth of cancer.
Delay or slow the growth of cancer with chemotherapy also helps control the symptoms caused by cancer. Chemotherapy given to slow the growth of cancer is sometimes called palliative chemotherapy.
Your chemotherapy plan
There are many drugs available to treat cancer. A doctor who specializes in cancer treatment with medications, called an oncologist, will prescribe chemotherapy. You may receive a combination of drugs, because this sometimes works better than a single drug.
The drugs, doses, and treatment schedule of chemotherapy depend on many factors. These include:
• The type of cancer.
• The size of the tumor, its location, and if it has spread or where it has spread. Doctors call this the stage of cancer.
• Your age and general health status.
• How well you can cope with certain side effects.
• Any other medical condition you have.
• Previous treatments against cancer.

Where is chemotherapy given?
Your health care team can give you chemotherapy in the clinic, doctor's office or hospital. You may be able to take the drugs home with some types of chemotherapy.
How long is the chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is usually given for a specific time, such as 6 months or a year. Or you may receive chemotherapy while it is working.
The side effects of many drugs are very strong to administer the treatment every day. Doctors usually administer these drugs with pauses, so you have time to rest and recover before the next treatment. This allows them to heal their healthy cells.
For example, you can receive a dose of chemotherapy on the first day and then have three weeks of recovery before repeating the treatment. Each three-week period is called a treatment cycle. Several cycles make up a course of chemotherapy. A course usually lasts three months or more.
Doctors treat some cancers with less recovery time between each cycle. This is called a dense dose schedule. It can make chemotherapy more effective against some cancers but it also increases the risk of side effects. Talk to your doctor about the best schedule for you.

How is chemotherapy administered?
Intravenous chemotherapy (i.v.). Many drugs require an injection directly into a vein. Doctors call it intravenous chemotherapy or i.v. The treatment takes from a few minutes to a few hours.
Some i.v. They work best if they are given for a few days or weeks. You receive them through a small pump that is placed or you transport it. This is called continuous infusion therapy.
Oral chemotherapy You can take some drugs orally. It can be a tablet, a capsule or liquid. This means that you can pick up your medication on the drug and take it home. Oral treatment for cancer is now more frequent, since many of the drugs used for targeted therapy work in this way. Some of these drugs are administered daily and others less frequently. For example, a drug can be administered every day for 4 weeks, followed by a 2-week rest.
Chemotherapy injected. You receive chemotherapy as an injection. The injection is usually given in a muscle, the fatty part of an arm or leg, or in the belly.
Chemotherapy in an artery. An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to another part of the body. Sometimes, chemotherapy is injected into an artery that goes directly to cancer. Doctors call it intraarterial (IA) chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy in the peritoneum or abdomen. For some cancers, the medication may be placed directly on the abdomen. Abdomen is the medical term for the belly. This type of treatment works for cancers that involve the peritoneum. The peritoneum covers the surface of the inside of the abdomen and surrounds the intestines, liver and stomach. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that often spreads to the peritoneum.
Topical chemotherapy. You may receive some types of chemotherapy such as a cream that is applied to the skin. You get the medication at the pharmacy and it is applied at home.




Other treatments for cancer drugs
Traditional drugs used for chemotherapy are an important part of the treatment for many cancers. The drugs affect cancer cells and healthy cells. However, scientists have designed newer drugs that act more specifically to treat cancer. These treatments cause different side effects.
Doctors may use these newer anti-cancer drugs as the only drug treatment, but they are usually given along with traditional chemotherapy. Read below to learn more about these types of treatment.
Hormone therapy these treatments change the amount of hormones in your body. Hormones are chemicals that your body produces naturally. They help control the activity of certain cells or organs. Doctors use hormone therapy because hormone levels control many types of cancer. This includes some cancers of the breast and prostate.
Targeted therapy these treatments target the genes or proteins found in cancer cells and deactivate them, as they need them to grow. Targeted therapy causes side effects other than traditional chemotherapy.
Immunotherapy This type of treatment helps the body's natural defenses fight cancer. Significant improvements in immunotherapy have been achieved. This type of treatment will play an increasingly important role in the treatment of cancer in the future.
What is radiotherapy.


What is radiation?


Radiation is energy that moves from one place to another. That energy can move through waves or particles. High-energy radiation, such as X-rays, can modify or destroy cells. Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays or beams of protons to destroy the cancer.
Objectives of radiotherapy
Doctors called "radiation oncologists" supervise radiation therapy. They use this treatment to destroy cancer cells and delay the growth of the tumor without damaging nearby healthy tissue.
Sometimes, doctors recommend radiation therapy as the main treatment for cancer. Other times, patients receive radiation therapy after surgery or chemotherapy treatment. We call this adjuvant therapy. Its objective is to attack the cancer cells that have remained after the main treatment.
When it is not possible to destroy the cancer completely, doctors can use palliative radiotherapy to reduce the size of the tumors and alleviate the symptoms. This can reduce pressure, pain and other symptoms. The objective of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of a person.
More than half of people with cancer receive some type of radiation therapy. For some types of cancer, radiation therapy alone is an effective treatment. Other types of cancer respond better to combination treatments. These may include radiation therapy plus surgery, chemotherapy or immunotherapy.
External beam radiotherapy
This is the most common type of radiation therapy. It administers the radiation from a machine that is located outside the body. If necessary, it can treat large areas of the body.


A machine called a linear accelerator, or "linac", creates the beam of radiation for radiotherapy by X-rays or photons. A special computer program adjusts the size and shape of the beam, allowing it to be directed so that it points at the tumor without touching the healthy tissue near the cancer cells.
Most treatments are given every day of the week for several weeks. Anatomical supports or masks made of plastic meshes (for radiation therapy in the head, neck or brain) help patients remain immobile during treatment.
The types of external beam radiotherapy are the following:
Three-dimensional conformational radiotherapy (3D-CRT). Three-dimensional detailed images of the cancer are generated, usually by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This allows the treatment team to direct the radiation more precisely. It often means that they can use stronger doses of radiation safely, and thus reduce damage to healthy tissue. This increases the risk of side effects. For example, radiation therapy for head and neck cancer often causes dry mouth. On the other hand, 3D-CRT can limit damage to the salivary glands, which causes this side effect.
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). This radiotherapy is a more complex type of 3D-CRT. The intensity of the radiation varies in each beam of IMRT, unlike the conventional 3D-CRT, which uses the same intensity in each beam. IMRT attacks the tumor and prevents healthy tissue more accurately than conventional 3D-CRT.
Proton beam therapy. Instead of X-rays, this treatment uses protons. A proton is a positively charged particle. With high potency, protons can destroy cancer cells. The protons are directed towards the tumor and deposit the specific dose of radiotherapy. Unlike X-ray beams, radiation does not expand beyond the tumor, which limits the damage to nearby healthy tissues. Currently, doctors use proton therapy to treat some types of cancer. This therapy is relatively new and requires specialized devices. Therefore, it is not available in all medical centers.



Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT). This type of therapy allows the doctor to obtain images of the patient throughout the treatment. These images can then be compared to the images that were used to plan the treatment. This allows a better orientation towards the tumor, and helps reduce the damage caused to healthy tissue.
Stereotactic radiotherapy. This treatment delivers a high and precise dose of radiation to a small tumor area. The patient must remain immobile. To limit movements, head supports or individual body molds are used. This therapy is often administered in a single or a few treatments. However, some patients may need several treatments.
Internal radiotherapy
This treatment is also called "brachytherapy." The radioactive material is introduced into the cancer itself or into the tissue that surrounds it. The implants may be temporary or permanent, and may require hospitalization.
Types of internal radiation therapy include:
Permanent implants These implants are like small steel seeds that contain radioactive material. The capsules are about the size of a grain of rice, and they release most of the radiation around the area of ​​the implant. However, a small amount of radiation can escape from the patient's body. This requires that security measures be taken to protect others from exposure to radiation. The implants lose their radioactivity over time and the inactive seeds remain in the body.
Temporary internal radiotherapy. Radiation therapy is carried out in one of the following ways:
• Injections
• Tubes (called "catheters") that carry liquids in or out of the body
• Special applicators
The radiation can remain in the body between a few minutes and a few days. Most people receive radiation therapy for a few minutes only. Sometimes, they receive internal radiotherapy for a longer period. In that case, they remain in an isolated room to limit the exposure of others to radiation.


Other radiotherapy options
Intraoperative radiotherapy (intraoperative radiation therapy, IORT). This treatment delivers radiation therapy to the tumor during surgery, using either external beam radiotherapy or internal radiation therapy. IORT allows surgeons to remove healthy tissue before performing radiation therapy. This treatment is beneficial when the tumor is near vital organs.
Systemic radiotherapy. Patients swallow or receive an injection of radioactive materials that attack cancer cells. The body removes these radioactive materials through saliva, sweat and urine. These liquids are radioactive. Therefore, people who are in contact with the patient should take safety measures.
Radioimmunotherapy This is a type of systemic therapy. Use monoclonal antibodies to transmit radiation directly to cancer cells. This therapy releases low doses of radiation directly into the tumor. It has no impact on non-cancerous cells. Examples of radioimmunotherapy include ibritumomab (Zevalin) and tositumomab (Bexxar).
Radiosensitizers and radioprotectors. Researchers are studying radiosensitizers, substances that help radiotherapy to destroy tumors more effectively. Radioprotectors are substances that protect healthy tissues near the treatment area. Examples of radiosensitizers include fluorouracil (5-FU, Adrucil) and cisplatin (Platinol).
An example of a radioprotectant is amifostine (Ethyol).



Safety for the patient and his family
Doctors have been using radiation therapy safely and effectively to treat cancer for more than 100 years.
Receiving radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing another cancer. However, for many people, radiation therapy can eliminate existing cancer. This benefit is much greater than the small risk that the treatment will generate a new cancer.
During external beam radiation therapy, the patient does not become radioactive. The radiation remains in the treatment room.
However, internal radiation therapy causes the patient to produce radiation. Therefore, the people who visit the patient must take the following security measures:
• Do not visit the patient if you are pregnant or under 18 years of age.
• Do not get closer than 6 feet (1.85 m) from the patient's bed.
• Limit your stay to 30 minutes maximum each day.
Permanent implants remain radioactive after the patient leaves the hospital. Therefore, the patient should not come into close contact or have contact for more than 5 minutes with children or pregnant women for 2 months.
Also, patients who have received systemic radiotherapy should take safety measures. During the first days after treatment, the following safety measures should be taken:
• Wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom.
• Use separate towels and utensils.
• Drink lots of fluids to remove the remaining radioactive material from the body.
• Avoid sexual contact.
• Minimize contact with babies, children and pregnant women.



The eternal unity for the wonderful gift of predestination, had given me a lot of knowledge that I compiled in my book "The religion of the intelligent", but I was also undergoing the terrible test of imminent death.
It was very ironic that it was repeated in me, the terrible test to which Jesus Christ was subjected in which he had to say:
My father! Father, why have you abandoned me?
I felt the cold proximity of the grave in front of my eyes and I had to scream in the silence of the immense hospital.
- Eternal unity! Eternal unity that you have neither beginning nor end, why have you abandoned me?
Many years of study I spent to know the truth of my existence and decided to leave that hospital, under my absolute responsibility, without saying a word about my sudden illness to my relatives, to go to my home and to apply all this knowledge of healing in my own humanity.
I started to follow a completely organic diet, from which I turned away all the industrialized products.
At breakfast I had a glass of orange juice, a peasant bread made without preservatives, two eggs boiled in water and a piece of cheese we made ourselves at the farm.
At lunch I was served homemade beans, a little bit of brown rice, a piece of roasted beef, an avocado and vegetable salad at will.
In the meal I took a plate of chopped fruits and a glass of water.
I ate fish, pork and chicken, at lunch, but always with beans or lentils. And I also ate lots of fruits at any time of the day, or when I felt like eating, I ate a lot of raw carrots, bites without being bitten but very well washed.



That has been my diet since that time.
Every day, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, I took a sunbath.
And every day I had two hours of exercise like this: I jogged for an hour or walked, and I lifted weights or did stretching exercises for another hour.
And every day to morning, afternoon and evening I did breathing and mind exercises like this:


In the morning, at noon, and also before going to bed, if the patient is not bedridden, a straight position is assumed, with the body stretched to the maximum, and with the hands resting on the hips, one begins to inhale deeply by nose; the mouth is always about keeping it closed. The sucked air is retained for a moment and sent to the organ affected mentally, so that the cancer cells detoxify and recover the natural programming. Then the exhaled air is exhaled through the nose, gently and slowly, to eliminate all the toxins that are contaminating us. This breathing exercise is repeated for one hour in the morning, one hour at noon and one hour at night.

This way of carrying out the anti-cancer respiratory exercise is very simple and practical, and, at the same time, produces wonderful results in cellular detoxification. Respiratory exercise is also an effective means of preventing the cellular disintegration of myelin in the central nervous system, which causes multiple sclerosis. All cancer patients should practice these breathing exercises, with the assurance that the result will not be long in coming.
Straight position in bed or standing. Place the watch at eye level or in a place where we can see without difficulty, to control the time that should be an hour or more.
Aspirate without forcing and should always be by the nose. Fill the lungs first. Hold the breath, and then send the oxygen, mentally, to the affected organ or part, in my case to the pancreas. Exhale completely, by throwing the air through the nose with the toxic that comes from the cells. Very weak people, those with cancer of the lungs and those who also have heart conditions, should not make very large efforts that are excessive, but should not reduce the time of concentration in the exercise, because the mental exercise is still more important than physical exercise.
Straight position With hands pressed to the body, to form a single unit. Hang the watch at eye level or in a visible place to control time. Open doors and windows so fresh air can enter. I hope we are in a small town or in the countryside, but if you are in a very polluted city, move immediately to a healthier environment. Aspirate without being forced. Always only by the nose, mentally bringing oxygen and nutrients to the affected part of the body. Hold your breath for a moment, so that the carcinogenic elements of the cells detach and then exhale completely.



It favors sleep, fights fatigue, strengthens nerves and the desire to live.
Position lying with the back on the floor, bed, floor, etc. The head must be at the same level of the body. The eyes closed, trying to forget everything that is around and visualizing a healthy future. Aspirate on both sides of the nose, bringing healthy and fresh air, with all the blood nutrients to the affected part of the body. Hold the breath so that the cells release the toxins and recover their normal programming. To completely expel the air, by mouth and nose, to eliminate until the last residue of the toxins that make us sick.
In this exercise, the companion should control the time, because the patient's eyes should remain closed.
The patients of the lungs, the people with serious cardiac affections and those who are very weak, must be very careful as has been done in the other exercises of the day. For the weak patients, they are the following words: "You must have a lot of patience and not try to take the exercises beyond your own efforts"



As we all know, the sun is the father of life. So the HELIOTERAPIA is as old as life itself. Humanity is forgetting the healing power of the sun, because they think that it is the culprit of wrinkles that wither vanity. Already Heródoto and Hipócrates, left their legacy writing about the benefits that the exposition to the sun provided, in all the convalescence and illnesses, and although the modernismo opaque this important half of healing, by the proven ultraviolet rays that penetrate by the hole that the pollution opened in the ozone layer, today we have to rescue it to help in the treatment of terrible cancer. We can not doubt the beneficial effects of solar radiation as a bactericide, on the blood and the circulatory system that is stimulated, on the nervous system, the muscles, the endocrine glands, the retina, etc. For all that we see that sunlight is very important in the recovery of lost health. That is why today we want to draw the attention of our dear readers, about the multiple benefits we receive daily from the sun king. Just as a plant gets sick when it is left in a place where the sun's rays do not reach it, the same happens with people who live locked up in offices, workshops or factories, because of their daily occupation. The sun offers life, produces joy and dispels darkness. When the sun king rises over the horizon, without clouds, all nature smiles. On the other hand, on cloudy and rainy days, when the sun hides its face, everything seems sad and lacking in attraction.
The star king offers everything created "life and joy". Without it, existence is impossible: that is why we do not make any mistake, if we assure that with the sun the natural programming of all the cells is recovered, which we have confused with all the toxins and carcinogens that we have ingested. We will recover as long as we live according to the other natural laws, given by eternal unity for the benefit of man.

Sunbathing, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, revitalize the entire organism and produce a beneficial effect, especially in cancer patients and multiple sclerosis, but always have to act in a reasonable way and not abuse from an exposure to the sun, at midday when the effects of ultraviolet rays are stronger. When you start with sunbathing, you have to start gradually, increasing the time of exposure to the sun slowly, so that the body gets used to the action of the sun's rays. You cannot start by exposing the body to the action of solar rays for a long time, because serious damage can result from burns of different degrees. Patients feel relieved when the sun's rays strengthen, balance and nourish their body. Everything becomes more beautiful and more cheerful when the sun warms us. If all human beings knew the benefits of sunlight on our body, they would take a sunbath every day of their lives.
It requires an appropriate place to take sunbathing, hopefully in a bathing suit or underwear, so that the sun penetrates every inch of the skin of your body. The one that has a front yard, a patio or a terrace, that takes advantage of it. The sunbathing on the maritime shores, alternating with the benefits of contact with sea water, gives wonderful results, but not all people enjoy that opportunity. The ideal is to keep the head and neck in the shade, taking advantage of a tree, a wall or an umbrella to protect us. The body should be exposed with as little clothing as possible, so that solar radiation acts on every millimeter of your skin.
You start on your back, about five minutes, then we turn around to expose your back during the same time, then lie down on the right side and then on the left side, during the same periods of time. As we said, it gradually increases, until the sunbath is not less than two hours a day. The best hours to take advantage of the sun's rays are from eight to eleven in the morning and four to six in the afternoon. At the end of the sun bath, it would be important to take a shower or rub the skin with a wet cloth, to activate blood circulation and thus, the sun bath has a greater effect on the body.


Although sun baths have almost no contraindications, it is best not to take them when you have hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, peritonitis or other internal inflammations, or when the patient has a fever.
I fed well, I did the mental exercises, the breathing exercises, I took the sunbathing, until the great miracle happened when I went to the hospital foundation "San Vicente de Paul" and I received the news that all the symptoms of cancer had disappeared and I became a reborn man. You can imagine my joy at having recovered my health, having finally found a way to cure the terrible cancer in a natural way. According to everything I have experienced personally, there is no other better healing, another way to get rid of this terrible evil of modernity. Only with the power of thought, with an organic diet, based on fruits, vegetables, meats, pulp, chicken, fish, cheese and milk; trying to avoid transgenic foods, preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers, and carcinogenic dyes, extracted from oil.
Today I am completely healthy, I repent with terrible pain, for having been so gross and so stupid, for tormenting my body for so many years, taking artificial sodas "spot guts" as the boys call it, in large quantities, eating processed cold meats and industrial foods full of toxins. But in spite of my terrible test in overcoming pancreatic cancer, which, I understand, no one had overcome it that way in the whole world, I have to thank the destiny that eternal unity has reserved for me, because I asked myself:



Who knows what all this fight that I have had to face against cancer will be good?
The success was excellent.
And after having spent five or six months of all kinds of crises and difficulties, I recovered my health and designed a miraculous method to cure those diseases that get out of the hands of doctors, as happened on any given day that was in the colonial park. from La Ceja del tambo, talking about poetry with some friends, when Dona Gabriela arrived, a lady friend of mine, with whom I spoke two or three times in the house of an aunt of mine.
- Hello, Don Jorge, how have you been?
- Very good Dona Gabriela, and where were you so lost? - I said answering the greeting of the kind and charismatic lady.
- Very sad and anguished, because my daughter contracted a terrible disease that has us all bruised.
- And what happened to your beautiful daughter? - I had to ask him very worried about the bad news that involved the young and elegant daughter of the lady.
- We were in the city of Manizales and my daughter was getting ready, to go to eat a tray paisa in the center of the city, when all desperate called me and said:
- How strange mom, imagine I'm not seeing anything in the right eye.
- How so, daughter, and why? - I asked very worried about what was happening.



- I do not know, mother, but I'm not seeing anything by the right eye and if I cover the other eye I'm completely blind.
- The alarm was general, my husband and I went on show and immediately went to the clinic in search of a medical response. She was examined by many doctors, she underwent many exams and on the third day, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which is a degenerative disease and is still incurable. - said the kind lady, visibly worried and with tears of deep pain in his eyes.
- Calm Dona Gabriela, that in this life everything has a solution - I said to comfort her and she answered me.
- All that time that she was hospitalized in Manizales, which was like ten days in which I tried not to leave a single second of her bed, because even though my daughter is already thirty-two years old, she is the only woman in my three children and is very dependent on me and my husband. All those days I was thinking about "The religion of the intelligent", the book that you recommended to us on your aunt's birthday and that, supposedly, alleviates all diseases, but I could not remember the web page that you told us, finished Say the lady a little embarrassed by his lack of interest or by his bad memory.
- Well, Dona Gabriela, if you think that I can be useful in the recovery of your daughter, I am at your entire disposal.
- My daughter is already working in the city of Medellin, because apparently she does not notice the disease, the only symptom she has is that she does not see anything in her right eye, but she is just as beautiful and, At the moment, nothing is noticeable that disease that doctors say is progressive.



- And in what and why is Gabriela working, if she was diagnosed with a terrible illness that will lead her to prostration and death? - I asked visibly worried.
- Is that the doctors told him that it is better that he works so that he is distracted, because if he stays in the house waiting for the control drug to arrive, which is very expensive, it is worse.
- No Dona Gabriela, if you want I help you doing a completely free procedure, but I need her to be here in La Ceja, breathing the pure air of these mountains and receiving her and her husband's love, but I need to work with the eight hours a day, like this: Two hours of physical exercise, two hours of deep breathing, two hours of conscious meditation and pacification of her soul and two hours of sun. They are eight hours in which, invariably, we have to work every day until we stop their illness. Because multiple sclerosis is a disease in which cells die progressively and you have to stop that death, although the damage already suffered is practically irreparable and your daughter will never be able to recover her vision from the eye she has already lost.
- It does not matter, Don Jorge, or important is that the disease stops so she can continue living for many years.
- Ready, Dona Gabriela, tell your daughter to start reading "The religion of the intelligent", who finds it on the page so that she begins to understand the true meaning of her life on earth and so that she begins to be conscious of the evolution of her conscience, and calm that she, in five or six months, will be completely healthy.
The good woman said goodbye with joy and a few days later she called me to start the treatment.


My name is Manuela, I already read the wonderful book that you or my mom recommended, and I am ready to begin my healing process. - It was the first thing Dona Gabriela's beautiful daughter told me, the day I went to her house for the first time. - He is my father, the best father in the world.
- Nice young lady. - said the elegant man who had just introduced me - my name is Ivan and thank you very much for coming in search of our daughter's health. I tell you that I have already started reading the books that you have written, and I am surprised because I never imagined that they were so many and so interesting.
I smiled humbly at the words of a prestigious home builder, according to what his wife had told me in my aunt's house.
The treatment began and as we are all part of an eternal unity, which is in perfect balance, I invited Manuela to walk through the gardens of the closed unit of the development, so that between the two of us we could discover what the terrible disease was.
- Well, Manuela, your immune system is attacking your own body and is destroying myelin, which is the sheath that protects the cells of your brain and spinal cord. It is very important that you tell me ... What is the worry or remorse so great that it is leading to this self-aggression.


- Self aggression? - she asked as surprised with my words.
- - Yes, self-aggression, because your body is eliminating some cells that are very important for the functioning of your central nervous system. Or what is the reason for that partial and slow death, that you are suffering? ... What hurts you, what worries you, what pity you or what has made you lose the desire to live? ... And it has to be something very big to hurt you in that way.
- I do have a very big pain, but I do not think it has anything to do with my illness. - argued the beautiful woman with her eyes fixed on the ground. We sat down comfortably in one of the benches of the beautiful garden and she, before my silence, began to relate:
- About three years ago, my husband left me for a nicer and younger woman than me ... Our home was going very well, until he started going out at night, supposedly with his friends ... He received unaccustomed calls on his cell phone and he left for the front yard or for the garage to answer quietly. I started to suspect and felt that something bad was happening and one day, when he went to shower and left the cell phone on the dining table. I checked all the calls and dialed Juliana who called him constantly and answered the sweet voice of a tender young girl, who was his girlfriend.
- Hi, love, - said the woman on the other side of the line.
- What love if I am the wife of this wretch who is surely cheating on you.
Wife or exxx wife? - Asked unashamedly on the other side of the line - because he told me he already separated from you.
- That said that miserable, but quiet girl, who from today I give this dishonest and unfortunate. That was all I talked to the mistress of my unfortunate husband, who was not able to argue anything. I threw all the clothes to the street and threw him out of my house, although with him my life and my heart went. I felt death and I was very bad, on the verge of suicide and I still have not recovered from that betrayal that hurt my heart.


- Well Manuela, I know that you are a good woman and I am convinced that the separation of your husband was what triggered that disease inside you. That sadness and the desire to die have penetrated so deeply into your consciousness that it has begun to be a reality in that horrible disease that you have developed. We have to start working on that sadness that has filled your soul and then we are going to work on multiple sclerosis that is slowly deteriorating.
The treatment was going to be very difficult, because first we had to return Manuela's desire to live, and then we had to help her to cure the illness, and I said we had, because the collaboration of the parents and the siblings was going to be very important. in the process.
I explained the advantages of eating well, with organic foods free of pesticides, bactericides, preservatives and transgenic molecules, and the intelligent woman adopted it without any problem.
We started the breathing exercises, the physical exercises with long walks and aerobics, and the comforting sunbathing.
Shortly after starting the treatment, and thanks to my advice, he began to dialogue with what was the first love of his life; a little friend that he had when he was sixteen and that he recovered, being conscious of giving him new alternatives of happiness to his existence.
Manuela started dating Camilo, the boyfriend of her adolescence and began to recover the desire to live. We strengthened their self confidence and began to talk about the possibility of a firm relationship with their new and deluded love. My patient patient fully recovered the desire to live and in the fourth month of treatment, in which only consumed organic foods and exercised a lot, his illness miraculously disappeared and resumed his life full of happiness. A few days later I realized that she was expecting a child and I felt I had done a great job.


It was a nice experience that helped me to draw a new path in the healing of diseases that have not been cured with traditional medicine.
I am going jogging or walking, a full hour, and then I lift weights and do sit-ups for another hour, in the sports unit of La Ceja Antioquia, every day, and I continue taking the revitalizing sunbaths when the good weather allows me to . In this last time, I consume three meals a day, emphasizing fruits, vegetables and organic foods prepared at home or bought in a small artisan bakery, which founded a very intelligent friend of mine who produces apple and nut cakes , alfajores filled with fruit and some peasant breads that have me in love.
Remember dear readers, that after going through a healing based on a strict organic diet, a routine of physical and respiratory exercises and the strengthening of mental evolution, which led us to understand the goal of our life on earth , after reading "The religion of the intelligent" that we find in It should not be continued with the irresponsible feeding of before, in which we consumed industrial foods with preservatives without any control, since with that behavior it could be caused a greater damage in the composition of the blood, and all the healing would have been useless. I took a lot of vegetable and fruit juices, especially that of guanabana, which has special anti-carcinogenic properties. In addition, you must be very careful to consume only pulp meats in small quantities, lots of fish, chicken, cheese, eggs and milk, in order to produce the best blood purification.

Although the causes of cancer are so diverse, such as psychic disorders, cigarette smoke that is tobacco, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals such as asbestos, herbicides such as glyphosate, contraceptives, preservatives, dyes, thickeners, accentuators of flavor and transgenic foods. We conclude again that nutritional errors are the first origin of cancer, since a determining factor in this terrible disease is an unnatural diet. How is it possible that the palettes, ice creams and sweets that the children are going to consume add an anthracenedione blue dye that has been proven carcinogenic? When has nature produced a food of an intense blue color?
Each organ of the body has its work well determined, which can only be well fulfilled if the man, who knows how many times to be foolhardy, does not impede it by consuming very toxic chemical products. Preservatives are artificial chemicals, which eliminate the life of fungi, the life of bacteria and the life of everything in general. The stomach is not provided for the transformation of toxic substances into something beneficial for the body. The stomach does not have available any kind of humors or tools, which can transform a proven carcinogen dye into nutrients for people. A toxic substance, extracted from oil, what is the use of our food?



For me, the author of the book, it is very sad to see the children who are playing football and when they are very tired, the coach, in the midst of their ignorance, invites them to take an envelope soda, which contains a yellow coloring of course orange flavor, proven carcinogenic called E102 or yellow five, or yellow five. That artificial and toxic dye, passes through the child's esophagus, of about fifteen or twenty centimeters and reaches the stomach, which houses one or two liters of the deadly liquid. The digestion begins, with the guts stain, because that is what the children call it. According to the kind of food, the organs need more or less time to do their work. Artificial foods, originated in petroleum, like or this and other dyes, are impossible to digest and assimilate, and produce many difficulties because they have to be filtered by the kidneys, by the liver and by the pancreas and then they have to be trapped in the appendix, before they begin to degenerate the cells with their carcinogenic properties. These strange substances, which are not organic, but artificial chemical compounds, remain in the stomach between two and eight hours, contaminating everything. The contaminated chemo, prepared in the stomach, goes to the duodenum through the pylorus, to reach the liver and the pancreas that try to eliminate the strange toxins, which do not allow the transformation of food into nutrients. This part of the intestine has more or less the length of twelve fingers and is therefore the name of "duodenum", which is where the dissolution of and saponification of the fatty substances takes place, and the finest separation of the albumins and they are, first, the secretions of the liver, especially the yellow-green liquid of bile, which does not break down the carcinogenic preservatives like sodium benzoate, and then the liver produces more and more bile, which It causes the discomfort we feel after visiting an industrial restaurant, where they sell a delicious but harmful food. In the small intestine, which is able to secrete, every day, more than three liters of enteric humor, it is still trying to transform toxic substances that are strange and impossible to assimilate.


The small intestine is like the liver, a detoxifying, expectorant, solvent and selective organ. With the countless amount of villi, it absorbs the nutrients that are contained in the chyme, and from here they pass to the blood vessels of the intestine, being transported by the veins to the liver. The artificial and toxic substances are absorbed by the lymphatic vessels where they are retained and isolated in a final effort against the carcinogenic elements, and that is why the incredible increase in lymphatic cancer. From the large intestine come all the fluids to the filter that is in the kidneys, which are also hurt by the toxic compounds ingested. The kidneys separate everything necessary for the body and make the vast majority of toxic substances in the form of urine, through the path of the ureters and bladder. "The chemical preservatives are foreign substances, which cannot be fermented or dissolved by the action of the bacteria of the intestine, because preservatives are designed to eliminate any kind of bacteria in food or in the body.

This book contains five very important factors in our healing process.
1. "Eat organic products to heal you"
2. "Breathe deeply and send the necessary nutrients to the diseased organ, to heal you"
3. "Exercise your body to heal yourself"
4. "Take frequent sunbaths to heal you"
"Release your remorse and your worries to heal yourself"


These five factors encompass practically the entire methodology for natural and miraculous healing. The one who fulfills them uninterruptedly, practicing the refreshing and stimulating sunbathing, and eating and drinking according to the natural laws of life, will be prevented and rid of the terrible cancer.
Of great importance is to follow a natural way of life, the more organic the better. "The effects of a diet with artificial drinks, with canned products, or with high percentages of preservatives or with industrialized cold meats, are not noticed, perhaps, immediately, but that does not prove that this way of feeding is safe. Few are aware that foods prepared with chemical preservatives and dyes, which have been eaten or ingested by different methods, is what poisons the blood and causes unexpected cancer. Feeding poorly pity the stomach and paralyzes the activity of the large intestine, with its fine nerves and the wonderful set of factors, which serve to continue transporting processed foods; having as a consequence the partial intoxication of our whole body and causing serious consequences in the metabolism. Poisoning of body and blood systems.
And what are the warning symptoms when our body begins to get intoxicated with preservatives and transgenics? ...
Headache, diarrhea, lack of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, restless sleep, excitement, paleness, general fatigue in all limbs, reluctance to work, itching and various skin conditions.
What are the diseases that can be produced by preservatives, industrialized foods and transgenic foods?
Gastritis, rheumatism, gout, typhus, gastric ulcer, appendicitis, swelling or infections in the stomach or intestinal canal, especially in the large intestine where toxic substances, multiple sclerosis and cancer accumulate.



For everything written so far, I hope the reader is convinced that it is very important to feed ourselves naturally, avoiding preservatives, thickeners and transgenic foods. It would be very important for the entire population to know in depth the intricate world of molecular chemistry, which reveals the mismanagement that is given to industrialized foods and it is very important to know the damage that they cause us, so that everyone begins the self control, eating organic to achieve healing, breathing pure to achieve healing, exercising daily to achieve healing and taking baths in the morning and afternoon to achieve healing. Ordinary drugs are not capable of stopping this global cultural plague and, even less, of stopping the great proliferation of cancer. The drugs and all the medicines are very important, because they summarize the great development of science, but it is more important the foresight and the good habits that remove the toxins from our organisms.
It has been emphasized, in this book, that physical exercise is very important in the healing process, because sport is part of the integral education of man through history. Therefore it should be noted that work, walking and sports practiced properly, are also a therapeutic means to eliminate these toxins that we ingest with artificial foods; a means that gives us eternal unity, for the recovery of the health of the body and prevention of many ailments, since intoxication and atrophy, however small, of some of our organs, means a slow but progressive death. However, we want to emphasize in this part of the book, that the main function of the respiratory system is to oxygenate and detoxify the blood of the whole body and, therefore, exercise it properly is a matter of life or death.


We want to guide our readers, about the healthy influence that reports, to each of the poisoned cells, the systematic execution of these exercises that provide them with oxygen and healthy nutrients. The lack of air and oxygen, or the deficient administration of natural foods to the organism, causes serious health problems and the programming of cells in general; because they begin to reproduce exaggeratedly for no reason, until they originate the dreaded cancer.
The one that provides your lungs with the necessary oxygen, through a deep and conscious breathing, or through our recommended exercises, will immediately notice the benefits of pure air; but when one is in a closed place, in which for fear of the cold the windows are closed, the opposite is experienced: agitation, dizziness, malaise, heaviness, etc. Mostly if there are smokers who intoxicate the little air with tobacco smoke. When one can escape from such a place, it seems as if the body revives just by coming into contact with the pure air and getting back into motion with our natural consciousness.
Patients with cancer and multiple sclerosis are the ones who most need to enjoy the vital flow of pure air, which detoxifies each of the cells, so I always recommend in our treatments, to keep the bedroom window open in summer, not It matters whether it's day or night. To detoxify the body, it is necessary to perform the breathing exercises that we recommend. The custom of closing doors and windows, to prevent fresh air from entering the room of a cancer patient is extremely wrong. It is necessary to try that the patient is well sheltered, that he does not feel cold, but without resorting to methods that deny him an abundant quantity of oxygen.


Fresh air and sunlight are pure energy and those sources of energy can be converted into pure thought. In this book we practice a number of exercises that lead us to conclude that everything that surrounds us can be, literally, a construction of what we want and want our thinking. We have discovered a method of self-repair, of healing, that does not contradict the development of technology and that does not clash with the advances of medicine, and that will be very important for all humanity.
How many things to learn!
How many things to say and practice!
Yes, because I really have something to say to finish:
- I have emptied my soul, brain and heart, of all worry and I have achieved a state of tranquility, a great evolution in my thought and in my conscience, that allows me to slide in time, to observe and predict the events of the future, based in a deep knowledge of molecular chemistry and quantum physics, and thus be able to heal people who are falling victim to the lack of professional ethics of food engineers and the state, which allow the commercialization of products harmful to health. I invite all skeptics to observe that, often, we see that what we imagine is exactly what happens. Do not chastise yourself with a negative thought, change your way of thinking, and heal yourself and start being happy.
Jorge León Soto Builes c.c. 15379472 from the Ceja Antioquia
Cel: 3108290545 Telephone 5532115 email







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