Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon

LITERATURA UN MUNDO MÁGICO - Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives


The terrible genetic deterioration that humanity is suffering is worrisome, but even more worrisome is the irresponsibility of the great scientific laboratories and of the big multinationals, that knowing the harmful effects of the contraceptives and the genetically modified foods that they commercialize, for the ambition of the enormous amounts of money they receive, do not stop at their criminal activities and continue to pollute nature and human beings, with their dangerous products.
It all started when I started working in one of the most important medical institutions in Colombia and Latin America. In the cafeteria of the modern hospital institution, I met the most beautiful of women. An interesting doctor, who was born and grew up in one of the most prestigious families of my city, to which I was almost every weekend when I went out to exercise. The nice lady approached the table where I was and with a kind gesture asked me:
- You're from the municipality of La Ceja, right? ...
- Yes, of course, - I said, gently shaking his hand, in a cordial greeting that appreciated the friendship that she was giving me. - My name is Jorge León Soto Builes and I have been a friend of your uncles and cousins, all my life. I have seen you many times around since you were a young girl, but I never imagined that you were going to become the most beautiful doctor in the world.
- Thank you, I'm Elizabeth Ortiz, a microbiologist by profession and geneticist out of love, and I want to welcome you to this beautiful medical institution, of which I'm fortunately part of ... And what brought you to this hospital, because, until I Did you notice, you studied chemical engineering at the University of Antioquia? ...

- Yes - I answered smiling, because I never imagined that this beautiful woman knew something about my life. - In the midst of my evolution, I have become a writer and now I am doing research, for my next book, trying to explain the great amount of hormonal disorders that are leading us to the proliferation of an exaggerated homosexuality, of the Obesity without control and a large number of cancers, mainly in the womb and uterus of women. All of this is due to the ingestion of artificial hormones, which they receive daily, in contraceptive treatments, which leave them very serious residual effects, which almost nobody knows and which the multinationals hide at all costs.
- Ahhh, how interesting! - she exclaimed - because I can help you a lot in that investigation and, at the same time, you help me by divulging in your book, the silent and shameless crime, which are committed by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, who produce and market GM foods without warning the community the terrible genetic deterioration that they cause.
I removed a chair from the table I was in and invited her to sit down for a soda or a coffee in the elegant cafeteria of the hospital, and here is what my intelligent friend began to tell me:
- Do you already know what a transgenic food? ...
- More or less. - I answered, with the prudence and respect that is due to a professional like her.
- Well, transgenic foods are those products modified by highly careful engineering processes, in which they are inserted exogenous genes from other species to animals or plants. The use of transgenic has always raised a great dust. Last 13th of January, the European Parliament gave the green light to a regulation that allows any member state to veto or restrict the planting or cultivation of transgenic food in its territory, regardless of whether the EU approves it.

- And why is the production of transgenic foods questionable? ... What are the advantages and disadvantages of these transgenic foods? - I asked, trying to shed some light on the matter.
- The effects on human health are still unknown and potentially negative. It is also believed that its widespread consumption could trigger the number of food allergies and genetic disorders, because we are forcing the body to process food with genetic chains that are not real. The environment would be the other great harmed by the use of transgenic, according to many scientists and environmental organizations. Among its negative impact is:
- the loss of biodiversity, by allocating large areas of crops to these foods, and the alteration of ecosystems.
- Increase of toxic substances in the environment
- Soil pollution.
- Resistance of insects and unwanted herbs, before medicines developed for their containment.

- Possible intoxications due to allergies or intolerance to processed foods.
- Irreversible and unpredictable damage to plants, treated animals and human beings who are the final consumers.
- And is that by law, genetically modified producers are not obliged to inform consumers of the origin and components of the food they market? - I asked, deeply worried.
- Despite the opposition of large organizations such as Green Peace, GM foods can be marketed freely, in Colombia, however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, requires full transparency to the consumer, Forcing manufacturers to notify about the "nature" of their products, in addition to information about the process of creating such foods, must be sent to the Center for Nutrition Applied in Foods of the FDA for approval.
- Is it dangerous to consume them?

- Being honest, even though the products look very nice and very good size, the harmful symptoms that are caused, will be infinitely worse, in the long run, for oneself and for the general environment, since its production It represents a high level of pollution for the environment, as well as endangers the natural biodiversity of treated plants and animals, since the latter, with better genes, could alter the ecosystems in which the former develop, causing irreversible damage , even reaching such a degree as to cause possible extinction. In summary, consuming transgenic foods is not a good option; we must remember that the companies behind this business, only look after their financial interests at the expense of public and environmental health.
- Often, we are little aware of the effects that our existence produces in the world - I argued, beginning to touch a topic that I had already dealt with in another of my books called "Humanity on the road to death"


- We occupy a specific space, we originate waste continuously, the food we consume has been cultivated in lands that were previously in the wild and at some point were taken to plant, devastating numerous natural habitats. Cities expand rapidly, natural spaces are required to create routes that communicate us, and so, successively, we end up with what our land gives us. Human overpopulation is one of the biggest problems we face today; part of the causes that have taken science beyond its borders, in terms of the treatment of food, as having control of this valuable resource, significantly affects the survival factor of our species and the species that also serves of resources to live. It is logical to think that control, the production of food, a resource that was previously partly delegated to natural progress, would ensure its future availability of these foods in an environment that is constantly changing with our urban growth. Transgenic foods are one of the solutions proposed in the last 15 years, which entail the extension of the probability of control of the cultivation of food and organic substances in the primary sector. One of the purposes to be achieved with GM foods is the reduction of their production requirements compared to natural, which are increasingly difficult to produce by the urban factor, resulting in urban planning and adapted nature coexist. Among the tangible advantages this, in addition to the control of production and the decrease in requirements, are the possibility of producing it on a large scale, because we are a species that inhabits an entire planet, and we are affected by ecological differences that limit the production of food and make them dependent on particular conditions, which are not present in all continents in a uniform manner. In addition to serving as an easy food to produce, the transgenic product must be able to be grown anywhere. Now, in order to understand these qualities, it is convenient to study the general concept of transgenic food, what scientific factors are behind, what background they have had during this last decade and the direction that science has been taking in the matter of genetic food manipulation. , because one thing is inescapable and is that despite the controversy, everything seems to understand that this technique should be the future of food.

- Yes, but at what cost? - said the doctor, invariably in her position. - because still, the vast majority of people have not been able to understand, what are transgenic foods? ... Transgenic foods are those that have been produced through genetic modifications, through which it is intended to add new features or improve those existing in the species so that they produce a product with certain characteristics and with advantages that facilitate its production and that, in addition, do not have negative repercussions on its consumption, but that they resemble as much as possible its natural variant, but that does not it is fulfilled, because confusion and genetic disorder will be so great that in the future we will not be able to distinguish between what is mutant and what is natural.
I was thinking for a few seconds, about the medical arguments that the doctor said, and although I was convinced of the irreversible genetic damage that these foods are producing to humanity, and trying to find a solution, because humanity is going to need a lot of food in the future, I had to say the following:
- The industry behind the production of GM foods is of great importance because, if wisely used, it would contribute to ending hunger and cheapening production in areas where there is very little space to cultivate, or where populations do not possess the fertility or physical-climatic conditions that allow to produce food. However, and more widely, it is said that GM foods have only served to enhance and enrich the lucrative food industry, through the rapid and massive production of food. That is, it has only served to satisfy the populations that have already solved the problem of hunger.

- In both cases, the technology used consists of the same. - Continued explaining my friend - Basically it consists of genetically modifying a fruit or vegetable, making it stronger and resistant to the pests that attack it. But this, in turn, alters their composition to some extent by including, for example, part of nuts that are allergenic to many people, who acquire a tomato, for example, without thinking that it will produce such an allergy. That is why advocates of products produced naturally or organically, ask that all products that have been genetically modified bring a label where you can know that they have suffered this process. Being able to differentiate between natural foods and foods resulting from genetically modified specimens allows consumers to decide on what they eat, especially if they feel that their organisms are not prepared for this new type of food. This is especially important especially if it is understood that the issue of genetically modified foods has brought with it a lot of controversy, including the mentioned medical risk of the development of important allergies. In conclusion, the more natural your diet, the less likely you are to consume transgenic foods that alter the delicate genetic balance.
- Tell me, doctor, really how harmful genetically modified foods are?

We are playing at being gods, with a technology that we still do not know how to handle and the consequences that can lead us to extermination as a species are going to be so great. We cannot break the perfect balance of nature. My colleagues and I, have started a campaign against GM foods, without saying that we are the owners of the last word. It is more about preserving the notion that the natural is healthy. A food transformed into a laboratory, takes away the certainty or perception of being consuming a natural and healthy product. In the scientific field ethics in favor of capitalism was lost. That is why the production of modified foods continues to advance and the industry continues to expand its studies to different types of food. It is a personal decision to stay updated on the issue and choose the best for yourself and your family members.
- What can I do to consume only natural foods? - I asked seriously worried.
- Well, in my house, my two sisters and I, we have a crop of fruit and vegetables, hydroponic, on the terrace of the building in which we live. We produce lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, seasoning tomatoes, strawberries and many others. We recycle soda containers and at the same time we clean the planet, we produce the vegetables that are served at our table, but natural or organic foods can be found mainly in the markets or local markets, where you can be sure that they are produced by the farmers of your country. Region. In general, GM foods are sold by large supermarkets. In more developed countries, small initiatives of organic food have become increasingly strong, creating a natural tendency. Some companies have been responsible for locating suppliers that can guarantee the organic origin, that is, without processing or alteration of DNA of their products, not only fruits and vegetables, but also milk, eggs, chicken and fish such as trout, whose transformation seems, have given excellent results, and many other products.


- Tell me, my pretty Elizabeth, and what should be modified to a trout, which is delicious anyway? ...
- The female trout, have the flesh of an orange color like salmon, but males have very pale flesh and is not as commercial, then they are given a hormonal treatment, so that the males become females and all have an interesting color.
- Ahhh, forgive me for having asked you that question about the trout, because on my farm we had a program in which trout were produced with that same criminal technique, until, Julián, the son of the butler who has always been a very dear friend, who liked trout a lot, decided one day that he wanted to put on the clothes of the little sisters. The little boy started to put on makeup, he let his hair grow and now he is a pretty girl named Juliana and he was addicted to eating trout, until the father banned him sharply, because the old man in the midst of his ignorance as a farmer says that his son is transsexual because of the hormones that we threw to the trout to become females, because in his family, throughout history, there never was a transvestite like his son - I argued sadly, telling the painful and real story, of my butler and friend, but a little incredulous. - Well, I imagine that male hormones are applied to fattening cocks, so that they grow bigger and have a bigger breast like males.
- Yes, that's right.
- Well, my doctor, then I recommend that you do not eat a lot of chicken and do not let him eat a lot of transgenic chicken breast to his little sisters, so that they do not end up motiling their hair and dressing like the males. As so many girls are doing, who have become gay overnight. But, doctor, follow me explaining about organic foods, which is more interesting.


- The trend of organic food has transcended, and although it is basically to return to the way of food in the past, this line of products has become exclusive, only for people who can afford them, organic products have become a luxury, they are always more expensive than others, the added value of purity and origin, gives them a value and a higher price. Therefore in these countries, it has become more expensive to eat organic than transgenic. However, not all countries have that reality. Some are still free of transgenic food production at their borders, although nothing guarantees that when importing other products, they have not been treated under these procedures. It should also be mentioned that the presence of organic foods is also dependent on the economic and social condition of each country in particular; For example, a developing country tends to sell more natural foods, since GMOs would have to be imported and sold at prices that their population cannot afford. - The doctor explained, trying to make me understand the seriousness of the subject - Transgenic foods are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) whose existing genes have been added with new genes from other organisms, according to the University of Brown. The university says that the goal of such genetic engineering is to give the original organisms new characteristics, such as resistance to diseases. Although transgenic foods can have several benefits in flavor and form, and the general well-being of the agriculture industry, they can also present several potential drawbacks such as:



- 1. GM foods can present significant allergy risks for people, according to Brown University. The genetic modification often mixes or adds non-original proteins to the plant or animal, causing new allergic reactions in the human body. In some cases, the proteins of an organism to which you are allergic can be added to an organism to which you were not originally allergic, causing the same reaction experienced with the first organism.
- 2. Some transgenic foods have been modified to make them more resistant to insect pests. The University of California at San Diego reports that toxic bacteria can be added to crops to make them insect repellents, and still safe for human consumption. This can reduce the amount of chemical pesticides used in plants, which could reduce exposure to these toxic formulas.
- 3. Some GM foods have been introduced with antibiotic characteristics to make them immune or resistant to diseases or viruses, according to Iowa State University. When eaten, these antibiotic markers persist in your body and can make real antibiotic medications less effective. The university warns that said ingestion of transgenic foods and regular exposure to antibiotics may contribute to the decrease in the effectiveness of antibiotics that is being noticed in hospitals around the world.


- 4. Oklahoma State University reports that increased transgenic crops and animals often require less chemicals, time and tools, and this can help reduce environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and soil erosion. . This can improve the beauty and general health of the environment that surrounds the farms and contribute to the maintenance of a better quality of air and water, which indirectly can make us think of benefits that do not compensate for the genetic deterioration that can wipe out humanity.
- 5. A constant risk of transgenic foods is that the modified genes of organisms can escape to nature. Brown University warns that herbicide-resistant genes from commercial crops can cross into the wild weed population, creating "excessively bad weeds" that are impossible to kill with herbicides. A related risk is that the escape of genetically modified animals and vegetation can create new super-organisms that can leave animals and natural plant populations out of competition, causing the extinction of several species.
- 6. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports that some GM foods have been designed to be more nutritious in terms of mineral or vitamin content. Not only does this help you get the nutrients you need, it can also play a significant role in the fight against malnutrition in the developing world. The United Nations advises that rice enhanced with vitamin A helps to reduce global vitamin A deficiencies. Genetically Manipulated Foods or Genetically Modified (GMO) or Transgenic Organisms tend to be more nutritious, durable, appetizing or resistant to pests and a wide variety of climates than other foods, but what is the price of these supposed advantages.


- Ahh, well, if they are more nutritious then things do not go so badly. - I said visualizing hope, but the doctor continued.
- In terms of nutrition, they have scarcely more nutrients than those produced with conventional seeds and until now there is no official study about the possible damages that their consumption can cause to humans, although there are independent studies that have linked to GMOs with the appearance of allergic reactions, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and even fertility problems and decreased renal and hepatic functions in animals, especially in mice, which is the only one that is being experimented ... And why do not we experiment with human beings, to know, once and for all, whether they cause liver or kidney damage? ... Researchers can not reveal the real consequences, because it can create a collective panic among human beings, because it would ruin the business . However, what are the main disadvantages of this type of product?
- 1. Being the result of an artificial technique, (which means that they are new in nature), they have not gone through any evolutionary test, so it is impossible to know what their long-term consequences may be for an ecosystem or for The Biodiversity.
- 2. Due to its resistance to herbicides and pests, insect and herb species capable of resisting them are appearing, which could require the use of genes that increase the toxicity of the plants and contaminate the soil and water near the zones. Of culture.
- 3. An increase in the toxicity of transgenic crops could contribute to the disappearance of insects and birds dedicated to pollination.


- 4. The monopoly of transgenic seeds by a small number of existing companies in the world market.
- 5. In addition, in the case of Mexico, it is necessary to tell you, - my dear writer - that there is no clear law in the cultivation of transgenic, and the existing one, increases flaws in the Mexican seed market and, by supporting the large corporations, aims to control production and trade of seed of all varieties (improved and native or native) and presents serious disadvantages for farmers who refuse to plant transgenic seeds, as well as small producers of vegetables and other varieties of fruits and vegetables for self consumption. On the other hand, the national territory is the center of origin of the native corn. In Mexico there are 59 of its races, so this country is its genetic reservoir, so that when cultivating transgenic corn, the production of native grain would be reduced, which would also be at risk of becoming contaminated and becoming extinct. It would be a tragedy in terms of biodiversity.
- Good doctor, but tell me what the real disadvantages of transgenic are?
- 1. These foods can lead to secondary consequences for the health of people and also negative. Its development does not only imply this, but also a risk for the Environment.
- 2. They are not as nutritious as organic food, which when cultivated in the traditional way, has the opportunity to assimilate all the nutrients that the body needs to be healthy.


- 3. Many pro-environmental organizations have denounced the use of laboratory rats, to test the transgenic generated in laboratories, generating innumerable diseases for these defenseless animals.
- 4. There is also a likelihood of including pesticides, chemicals and other substances, which although they could not be a direct health hazard, if they have the possibility of deriving in humans.
- 5. Significantly altering the evolution of the species can have unforeseeable consequences in an ecological balance, on the other hand already very damaged and difficult to solve. The techniques of genetic engineering alter all the limitations that nature puts, for the relationship between organisms of distant or unrelated species.
- 6. The development of these competitive advantages by transgenic organisms, such as greater resistance to salinity, drought or low temperatures, can cause the invasion by these species of habitats that are not their own and whose equilibrium it would then be threatened by displacing other species or favoring its extinction.

- 7. Plants with insecticidal capacities have been developed that can threaten the existence of beneficial insect and fungal species and even essential for biological development. Insects designed specifically to control the development of other insects can mutate or combine with other species and produce unpredictable results.
- 8. The genetic modification of viruses, whose capacity for mutation and combination makes them already dangerously unpredictable, can lead to the appearance of new diseases or the transformation of other existing diseases that modify their contagion pathways or species. Those that can affect.


The doctor was silent and I was deeply worried. I called the waiter and ordered two fruit salads with ice cream, while I looked at my intelligent friend, who approved my decision with a slight bow of her head and with a very nice smile, then I began to say:
- First of all, I want to congratulate you and congratulate your colleagues, from this wonderful hospital, for the campaign they have started on social networks, against the genetically modified foods that will bring so many evils to humanity, and I also want to thank you for the great amount of knowledge that you have revealed to me about transgenic.
- Because of the knowledge, you do not have to thank me because those are the same ones that are in all the articles and in all the books and I, only, I have told you by heart, - she said, humbly - and speaking of the delicious fruits that you have ordered, in this field very great advances have been made, but very unethical if they can be called in any way, for example, in the fruit industry it has reached the point of introducing genes of animals, to strengthen the resistance and durability of products that are naturally very fragile and perishable.
- As well! - I exclaimed, surprised by that combination that seemed incredible to me.
- Yes it is very real and very famous, the experiment that was done in Chile, with the green grapes that were very sweet and very tasty, but they had a very weak and very perishable crust, because it did not resist neither the transport nor the handling and, in two or three days, the grape was completely deteriorated. One day, the genetic engineer in charge of the case, observed a green frog very similar to the one of the grapes, which jumped happily in his garden and thought about the resistance of that frog skin and, yes, he transferred the genes of the frog skin to the grapes and, miraculously, the grapes acquired a special resistance and durability, which allows them to be exported all over the world.
- How is it that, doctor, is it really possible to combine plant genes with animal genes? ...

-       Of course, my dear friend, in the universe of genetic engineering everything is possible - assured the beautiful lady, to my surprise.
- Be careful with those words, doctor, because when you say that everything is possible, a universe of probabilities opens up and then, in the future, we could have soccer players with the skill of Leonel Messi and the resistance of Franz Beckenbauer, or We could have women with the hips of Jennifer Lopez and the angelic face of Angelina Jolie.
- We do not have to wait for the future to arrive, because animals are already being cloned and scientifically assisted reproduction is being handled and so as not to go too far, I'll tell you about the case of a Colombian woman, named Sofía Vergara, who has two embryos frozen, to place them in a rented belly and have two new children whenever they want.
- Doctor - I started to say very thoughtful -, that way, in the future, genes will become a commodity, because many people will want to have children with very special characteristics, that each is not passionate about. In Argentina everyone will want to have a son just like Diego Armando Maradona, or Leonel Messi, or Román Riquelme, if they are passionate about football. And those who love field tennis, will want to have a daughter like Maria Sharapova, or like Martina Hingis, or a son like Roger Federer or like Rafael Nadal; and those who like movies will want their children to have the eyes of Brad Pitt, or the body of Vin Diesel, or the face of Tom Cruise, and those who like music will want their daughters to have the voice and the curves of Britney Espear or Mariah Carey. The list would be endless, because we all have a model to follow, but where would our own values ​​and strengths are? ...



- Yes, sadly it is going to be this way, if we do not start to establish ethical controls, that do not allow us to fall into that disorder that will bring us many problems. - She said how thoughtful - how did you notice our campaign in the networks, against GM foods? ...
- Ha, ha, ha, well, I tell you that I am a friend of your little sister, with whom I have met several times in the gym and she told me the idea that they had to start an organic crop, on the terrace of her house and one afternoon, I was the one who helped him get the plastic bottles of soda, in which the hydroponic experience began. She told me about the great knowledge you have in biology and genetics, and because you did not want to accept the friend request I sent you on Facebook, I had to get a job at this hospital, to be a little closer to you.
- I cannot believe it- she said blushing, realizing that our meeting had not been so casual. - Well, at least, if I want to have a cute, intelligent son who can write very well, I know what I have to do, without having to go buy anything, because that man has already fallen in love with me before.
I was stunned, the words of the beautiful doctor sounded like a direct compliment, I never expected, because I always saw it as an impossible.
- Thanks, - was the only thing I managed to say, before his unsuspectingly sure look. My heart stirred like crazy and I had to open my mouth a little, to breathe better. She sensed my agitation and smiling quietly, she said:
- Quiet, that I felt the same, when you stopped to look at me in the sports unit, while I kept walking next to my mother, not knowing what to do, but better keep talking about the topics that interest the entire community, because they are very important, and do you already know the history of contraceptives or do you want me to tell you, because I also know that by heart? ... So you can start drawing your own conclusions.


- I did a deep research, from the perspective of molecular chemistry, but I want to know the opinion of you, the experts in genetics.
Don Luis arrived, that was the name of the waiter and owner of the cafeteria, with the two fruit salads, he placed them on the table and left wishing us a good appetite, we thanked him and she could not hide the smile, as an exclusively young girl , began to say:
- I tell you that I almost do not pay much attention to social networks and much less to that facebook, which a long time ago I do not open it and in which I have two or three very old photographs ... Well, I confess that if I saw your request of friendship and although I had already seen you, exercising, on Saturdays and Sundays, when I went for a walk with my mom and my dog, it seemed to me that you were too old to be my friend and that you were trying to conquer me, because when you found me, you put a face of love that made me think that I liked you, and I tell you, in front, even if you have to forgive my conviction.
- Ha, ha, ha, the admiration is exclusively professional and, no, lies, you have always seemed to me the most spectacular woman in the world and your angelic face made me dream with you. That is the truth, but today, I am very grateful for your kindness and the attention you have paid to my research, but makes the salad that is already melting the ice cream, although I do not know if these fruits are organic or from the others
We both laugh happily and for the next fifteen minutes we enjoy ice cream, fruit and company.


- Well, my doctor, in this team you are the intelligent scientist, and I am the writer in love, so, when you want, you can start telling me about contraceptives, without hiding the benefits that are immense, but without hiding the terrible damage they are doing to humanity due to the irresponsibility of the multinationals that have not done the studies and the necessary changes.
The doctor, with all the security that comes from talking about a subject that she manages every day in her profession, took out some notes and began to say:
- The ingestion of substances from the vegetable kingdom, in order to prevent or interrupt a pregnancy, appears in the Egyptian papyri, which recommended the ingestion of castor seeds in the puerperium which avoided pregnancy, at least for a year. In the Talmud the use of a mixture of roots was described to become sterile. The women of Greece and Rome drank tisanes from roots, leaves and bark of trees, those from Japan used honey prepared with the body of dead bees and those of Africa, foam from the mouth of camels and the water with which they washed the corpses. The appearance of the true contraceptive pill had to wait until the 20th century when, in the 1920s, Ludwig Haberlandt, a physiologist at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, working with the Viennese gynecologist Otfried Otto Fellner, administered ovarian extract from laboratory animals, finding that fertility was inhibited. Russell Marker (1902-1995) In 1931, they propose the administration of hormones for birth control and give it the name of "infecundin". Haberlandt dies early at the age of 47 and Fellner disappears after Hitler annexes Austria to Germany, which, together with Hitler's policy against contraception, thwarts the first effort for the development of the contraceptive pill. The clinical observation that during pregnancy no ovum is released and that the hormone that occurs most during this period is progesterone, led Professor Russell Marker (1902-1995), to try to produce the hormone in abundant quantity and a low cost. To produce 1 mg of natural progesterone, the ovaries of 2 500 pigs were needed, making it one of the most expensive drugs of the time and selling at $ 200,000 per kilo. For that reason, Professor Marker devoted himself to the task of looking for a similar substance in the plant kingdom that was more economical and it was at that moment that the black head or the fearsome BARBASCO appeared. The history of the asteroid hormone industry is little known, even though billions of women today take hormonal pills. Possibly the cause of your PREMEDITED AND CRIMINAL OBLIGATION involves a series of social, economic and especially political factors that affected the extraction and synthesis of hormones in raw materials, especially the root called barbasco, one of the most important sources of hormones. The Barbasco or Discorea Composita Hemseley, is a root used by the indigenous peoples of Mexico to treat muscular pains and as a contraceptive, and by the Colombian indigenous peoples to fish by poisoning the waters. It possesses esterodial sapogenin hormones as well as cholesterol sterols, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol. It is currently used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of contraceptives. The history of sex hormones, it can be said that began in the 1930s, a period when pharmaceutical companies entered the international race to produce hormones of this type. However, to achieve this goal, many companies chose to sponsor studies at universities in order to obtain raw materials at lower costs. It was the case of the American pharmaceutical company Parke-Davies who sponsored the research of Russell Marker, a professor at the State University of Pennsylvania, who worked with plant molecules close to steroids: the sapogenins ...


Between 1939 and 1943, Marker and his group conducted several studies and showed that sapogenins could be used as precursors in the synthesis of steroid hormones, which stimulated this researcher to look for plants that had a high content of these steroids. It is said that Russell Marker in 1941 was traveling in New Mexico collecting new plants for his research, when he saw, in the house where he was sheltering a book of botany with the photo of a plant with a huge root of the family of yams or sweet potatoes, located in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Upon realizing that the root was a possible new source of sapogenins, he traveled to that state. The plant he had seen was called "head of black" (Soto, 2005) and actually found that it produced large quantities of a steroid compound, diosgenin, which later managed to transform it into an artificial progesterone.
Marker wanted to cultivate this root, but could not reproduce the conditions in the laboratories of Pennsylvania, for this reason he insisted to the American pharmacists that they had to install laboratories close to the raw material. However, there was no support to establish a pharmaceutical industry in Mexico which was almost non-existent at that time. Despite the refusals, Marker went to Mexico in 1943 and established a new company in partnership with Emeric Somlo and Federico Lehmann, of Laboratorios Hormona, S.A., which they called Syntex (Diechtl, 1980).

Speaking of the hormone industry in Mexico is talking about the history of Syntex, a national company, which initially had the direct support of the Mexican government and that was dedicated since 1944 to the production and industrialization of progesterone, managing to displace the main ones European pharmaceutical cartels and position themselves as the only company that possessed the technology to produce the compounds. Syntex, in addition to placing itself in international markets, created a network of collectors (indigenous peasants) who provided it directly with raw materials, at a low economic cost.
The price at which Syntex bought the material from the peasants was not fair, the simple harvest involved entering the Veracruz rainforest, inhospitable at that time, full of dangers and with extreme climatic conditions. However, the economic situation, social inequality and hunger forced people to get involved with this company and the collection of their precious raw material.
The collectors were an indispensable resource for the company, without them and their knowledge of the area, the search for new roots would have taken a long time to be realized, as the discovery of the root Dioscorea composita, a semi-invasive plant that grows abundantly and that It contains concentrations of diosgenin up to ten times higher than the "black head". In addition, its biological cycle is only three years compared to that of D. bartletii, which lasts twenty. All these characteristics make D. composita much more profitable than D. bartletii (Bernath, 2008). Although Syntex has a large market in its hands, years after its creation there is a serious conflict, Marker leaves the company due to an economic dispute, which forces Syntex to get another researcher to follow the extraction procedures of the company. Progesterone. This company finds another researcher capable of synthesizing progesterone named George Rosenkranz who not only settles in Mexico, but also contributes his knowledge in chemistry in the pharmacy departments of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Syntex in 1951 ceases to be a Mexican company and is bought by Americans and moved to California it remained the main supplier of synthetic hormones in the world. With this fact, the transnational foreign companies obtained direct access to the raw material and in the course of the following years they displaced the independent companies that had participated in the Mexican steroid hormone industry. The raw material was under the control and technology of foreign companies, evidencing that the measures of the Mexican government had been insufficient from the beginning. It is incredible how the qualitative change of a single company caused the state to lose control over the post-exploitation aspects of barbasco (Bernath, 2008).


Seeing the Mexican government that economically loses the rights to its products, in 1970 the processing of the forest permits for the extraction of the barbasco was decreed, preventing the transnationals from continuing to exploit the resource in a land that was not theirs. The export of barbasco and diosgenina was banned, so that foreign companies that wanted to produce contraceptives, cortisone or other hormonal products, had to buy progesterone directly from the Mexican producers, thus guaranteeing the profits of the national companies.
The history of the barbasco farmers at the hands of the transnational is long, painful and outrageous. In 1975 Proquivemex was created by the federal government, to defend the interests of the nation, benefiting from the purchase of this plant from the peasants at $ 1.50 per kilo. Before the transnationals paid 20 cents per kilo to the farmers telling them that the barbasco only served to produce soaps, but soon the peasants learned the true value of the plant and its use for the extraction of steroids, where a single gram of it was worth in those 20 thousand dollars (Diechtl, 1980).


Proquivemex came to produce its own medicines and also to gather the farmers to demand a fair price for the barbasco. This company demanded that the transnationals dedicate 20% of their installed capacity to elaborate the products for Proquivemex, if they did not sell them, they would not be sold barbasco. These measures were intended to regain state control over the barbasco and transfer the profits from the transnationals to the peasants (Diechtl, 1980).
- Doctor - I began to ask sincerely affected, because at that time I was thinking about the millions of women, who take the contraceptive pill without knowing the terrible damage that they are causing to their organism and, possibly, to the organism of their future children . - And scientifically there was no way to produce another substance that was less harmful? ...

- The investigations were numerous, but at that time, the scientists did not know the residual effect of these contraceptives, because the transgenders had not started to be born ... In 1956, in a joint work with Celso Ramón García and Edris Rice-Wray, in Puerto Rico, several synthetic progesterone compounds were tested in various doses, without knowing that the product was contaminated with 1% of the estrogen mestranol. When efforts were made to eliminate this contamination, they realized that bleeding appeared between one menstruation and the other and that it was necessary to associate with an estrogen to avoid it. Thus, the principle of the estrogen-progestogen combination in OA was established. In 1957, Enovid-E was approved for the treatment of abortions and menstrual disorders and, in 1960, for its use in contraception. New compounds were developed and the doses were reduced until reaching the AO that are known today. As for estrogen, the problem was also its cost, to the point that Edward Doisy needed the ovaries of 80,000 animals to obtain 12 mg of estradiol. Another problem was the low absorption of estradiol orally until, in 1938, it was discovered that by adding an ethinyl group to carbon 17, ethinylestradiol (EE) was obtained, which was responsible for the residual effect it affects, the hormonal system of some women after they have stopped planning. In this way it could be administered orally with good estrogenic activity. The other estrogen used is mestranol, which must be converted into the organism in order to be active, so it is less potent. At present, this is of little importance because all low-dose AOs contain EE.
- Tell me, doctor, how does the implant they place on the woman's arm work, because that must have a different principle?


- Really, all systems release artificial hormones and the contraceptive implant is a small, thin rod the size of a match. It is also known as Nexplanon, and there is a slightly older version called Implanon. A doctor puts the implant under the skin of the arm and it releases the hormone progestin to prevent you from getting pregnant. Implant hormones prevent pregnancy in two ways:
- Progestin thickens the mucus in the cervix, which prevents the sperm from swimming to your egg. If the sperm does not meet the ovum, pregnancy does not occur. In addition, the progestin can prevent the ovules from leaving the ovaries (what is known as ovulation); therefore, there are no ovules to fertilize. When eggs are not released, you cannot get pregnant. A progestin is a synthetic progestogen that has progestin-like effects similar to progesterone. The two most common uses of progestins are for hormonal contraception (either alone or with an estrogen), and to prevent endometrial hyperplasia of estrogen. Public Citizen, a non-profit consumer advocacy group in the US, has asked the FDA to ban third-generation contraceptives (ACOs) containing desogestrel and ethinylestradiol, because they double the risk of venous thrombosis and have a very polluting residual action for future generations [1].
The doctor made use of her notes and began to read the following information, which was probably very difficult for her memory.
"The use of third generation ACO not only carries a higher risk of venous thrombosis, but doubles that risk, and they are also no better than other pills in preventing pregnancy," Dr. Sidney Wolfe said in a prepared statement. Director of Public Citizen's Health Research Group [2].

"And what's worse, the FDA knows since 1995 that these oral contraceptives are more dangerous, but it has still allowed them to remain on the market for all these years," Wolfe said. [3]
In fact, third generation ACO labels contain a warning about a higher risk of venous thrombosis.
The third generation OACs were developed in the 1980s in an attempt to create an oral contraceptive that would cause fewer side effects than previous versions. In December 1995, three independent studies concluded that third-generation pills were almost twice as likely as second-generation versions to cause blood clots. Since then, more studies have confirmed that finding, Public Citizen said [2].
According to clinical trial information, there are 30 cases of clots per 100,000 users of third-generation oral contraceptives per year, compared with 15 cases per 100,000 users of second-generation contraceptives; and there is no evidence that third-generation OACs are clinically more effective than second-generation OACs [1].
Instead of desogestrel, second generation OACs contain norgestrel, levonorgestrel or norethisterone, Public Citizen explained [2].
"The FDA must guarantee the welfare and safety of women in the United States. and to prohibit oral contraceptives of third generation that contain desogestrel ", stated Public Citizen's request. "Women should discuss with their doctors alternative methods of contraception, such as second-generation oral contraceptives, and how to safely switch from one method of contraception to another."

Susan Cruzan, spokeswoman for the FDA, said the agency "will carefully review this request" [2, 3].
In addition to the petition, Public Citizen has launched an online campaign that includes a video on YouTube, to raise public awareness of the safety of birth control pills, which are causing disastrous hormonal disorders [2].
According to the data of the IMS, it is estimated that in the USA. In the last year (between November 2005 and November 2006) more than 7.5 million prescriptions of oral contraceptives have been made. Withdrawing third generation oral contraceptives, hundreds of young women could be prevented from developing venous thrombosis and disability, and even the death of some women [1].
The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products has recently published the conclusions of an evaluation carried out on combined oral contraceptives and the possible higher risk of venous thrombosis associated with the use of third generation contraceptives (those containing gestodene or desogestrel in their composition).
- The vast majority of reports and comments on contraceptives are generated through the same scientists and businessmen who produce them and of course, in the vast majority of cases are positive - said my intelligent friend, without taking his eyes worried about my face - for example:


- Combined oral contraceptives provide close protection to 100% against unwanted pregnancies if used correctly. These products have been available in Europe for more than 30 years. Its use is associated with undesirable mild effects such as nausea, edema, and weight gain and mood changes, usually transient. In contrast, adverse reactions of a serious nature are infrequent. In fact, it can be said that 99.95% of women who use a combined oral contraceptive will not experience any serious problem, according to them, because they have never talked about the residual effect, which is present in babies who were conceived when the mother was still taking the pill or shortly after suspending her ingestion.
- The results used by the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicines do not justify that a woman who is currently using combined oral contraceptives stops doing it. If a woman is using an oral contraceptive containing gestodene or desogestrel, and she tolerates it well, she can continue the treatment, without mentioning the huge percentage of homosexuals and transgenders, which are flooding the parks of the big cities and the whole society in general, for the residual effect of these synthetic contraceptives.
- If you have any doubts you should consult the doctor, especially if you have symptoms suggestive of a possible venous thrombosis, such as pain and swelling in the arms or legs, but what can patients do in the face of the silent hormonal disorder, which can only be manifests with the homosexuality of future contaminated children after prolonged contraceptive treatments.

- Women who suffer from, or have a history of, venous thromboembolism, myocardial infarction or cerebral thrombosis should not use combined oral contraceptives. The woman should inform her doctor if this is her case, but what can she do with a residual accumulation that only manifests itself over the years?
- The risk factors that should be taken into account when using a combined oral contraceptive are the significant excess of weight, the one that is in the postpartum period, the recent surgical interventions and the existence of a family history of venous thrombosis. . But nobody ever warned of the side effects that are turning humanity into a community with a high percentage of homosexuals.
- If you need to undergo surgery, have suffered a fracture, or are immobilized in bed, inform your doctor if you are taking combined oral contraceptives. Your doctor will decide if you should stop taking them or administer another treatment to prevent the onset of a venous thrombosis. These were part of the general recommendations, which were made on contraceptives, although I think that the doctors have not acted in bad faith, and there were no other recommendations, because they never did deep studies, about the residual effects that these substances were producing. in the genes of the future mother.

The doctor remained silent for a few seconds, as if trying to organize her knowledge in such a complicated subject and I, taking advantage of the interval said:
- Elizabeth, you have reached a point in history and in the research of contraceptives in which I would like to make an annotation, because it is precisely at that point, on which I have focused my research. The progestins (which are not derivatives of progesterone) called third generation, because gestagens are a large number of synthetic compounds that mimic the effect of natural progesterone, but that differ from it structurally and differ from each other, depending on the power to reproduce the effects of progesterone. Some have androgenic action, a condition that is often disadvantageous because of the detrimental effect on lipids. The progestogens used in oral contraceptives have been the 17-a-hydroxy-progesterone (group of the Pregnans) of which only Cyproterone acetate is present in modern contraceptives, noted for its antiandrogenic properties. Medroxyprogesterone is used in hormone replacement therapy schemes in the post-menopause and in the form of acetate is a depot injectable contraceptive for quarterly use. The 19-Nor-progesterone are distributed in the group of Estranos, which were the progestins of the first contraceptive pills, of which Norethindrone (Trinovun ®) (Ortho-novum 1/35 ®) is still used today, gestagen most commonly used in the world, and the group of Gonanos that includes Norgestrel in its levorotatory and active form: Levo-norgestrel (Microgynon ®, Nordette ®) and the so-called third generation gestagens: Desogestrel (Marvelon ®, Mercilon ® ), Gestodeno Minulett ®, Gynovin ®, Harmonet ®, Femiane ®) and Norgestimate (Cilest ®, Tri - Cilest ®), synthesized to reduce the adverse effects and the metabolic and genetic changes that are destroying the hormonal balance of humanity. Levonorgestrel is one of the most potent progestational agents, synthetic, because it has a high anti-ovulatory efficacy, but also a pronounced androgenic potency, which is undesirable, since the androgenic gestagens can decrease the protective HDL-C, increase the LDL -C and adversely affect glucose tolerance. The Norgestimate, Desogestrel and Gestodeno have very little to no intrinsic androgenic activity, conserving their antiovulatory power but leaving a residual wake that will affect future generations. At the same time they produce a profound decrease in total testosterone and free testosterone, without negative effects on blood pressure and body mass, being especially indicated in women with some signs of hyperandrogenism. Of the last-generation Gonans the most powerful is the Gestodeno, needing a small amount to have contraceptive effects. Modern contraceptives contain ethynyl-estradiol, the synthetic agent that will exterminate masculinity, and any one of the four gonads, substances that have excellent contraceptive efficacy and adequate control of the cycle, without noticeable changes in body weight and size ... Doctor and you and all the people will wonder why masculinity is threatened? - I had to ask, to emphasize an issue that is too important, especially for men, who have always been indifferent to the issues of planning. - According to universal statistics, it is proven that more women than men in a ratio of one point two to one, and to complicate the picture, the number of children who are being affected by residual female hormones, have led the parks of countries like France, to be full of metrosexuals, homosexuals, transgenders, lesbians and transvestites who feel very feminine inside. The number of women who are attracted to other women is also increasing and finally, based on a study that we have developed in our private laboratories, the rats that were given ethinylestradiol for more than a year, had offspring with visible genetic affectations, who began to present homosexual behaviors of which there was no antecedent in any of the species of rodents and, after the tenth generation, ended up becoming females and transsexuals, completely sterile. Masculinity is losing the battle against the 10,000 tons of ethinylestradiol that women consume per month.
After doing an analysis of doing a detailed blood analysis to several transsexuals, several transvestites and a large number of recognized homosexuals and proud to be, although they are very reluctant to these analyzes, because they feel violated in an intimacy that is very comfortable, despite the enormous difficulties they have within a society, still, very macho and homophobic, but we cannot blame them, because it is the only reality and condition that they know. They feel very feminine inside, although society and their masculine bodies say the opposite. The genetic programming, altered by the residues of ETINILESTRADIOL, tells them that they are females and nobody can change that programming against their wills, because they were born that way and it is the only reality they know, although from the scientific point of view, it is very possible a detoxification and a hormonal reprogramming, that could bring them back to our reality, and that is the problem, because our reality does not seem to them, because they were born that way, and it is a different reality ...
- Yes, that is the terrible reality - said the doctor, apparently worried -, men are like public telephones, those that are not damaged are busy.

Beautiful doctor - The struggle for the males of the human species is difficult, because in the modern world their virility and fertility are uneconomical. Who wants to have more than one or two children, with budget difficulties and costs in maintenance and education of the new millennium? ... Apart from this social phenomenon of transsexuals, there are occupational and occupational risks, to which they have to face these same men, dying in the war for subsistence, and in dangerous industrial activities and being reduced by vasectomy and by all male contraceptive practices. Beyond that, human masculinity has to face the ten thousand tons of ETINILESTRAIDOL per month that, with their residual effects, slowly turn men into transsexuals and are guilty, not only contraceptives, but also the hormonal mismanagement It is giving to transgenic foods, which are also residual, and are contributing dangerously to this hormonal cocktail, in which we no longer know which are the men and which are the females suitable for reproduction.
- If my respected writer, unfortunately, we are witnessing an incredible social phenomenon, which personally surprised me on May 13, the day of the gay pride parade in the city of Medellin, hundreds of thousands of people from the LGTBI community very proud of their condition, and then they went to the clubs to celebrate their day, where they gave complete freedom to their shows of love and love ... Is that you cannot imagine, the amount of homosexual innuendo, that I receive in this prestigious hospital, where all environments should be healthier.

- Is that sexual harassment not only occurs in this hospital center, for a beautiful and young doctor like you. - I said trying to explain a new phenomenon, which was becoming generalized in our society - In all environments are those direct proposals, from those beings who do not know what is happening to them, in the internal programming of their inclinations wrong. It is incredible the amount of homosexual proposals that I have received, a serious adult man, through social networks, of very young boys who until very recently, were normal neighborhood kids. Actually, it was those incidents and the wrong hormonal handling that we were giving to the animals of my farm, which led me to investigate this unpleasant phenomenon and to write this book.
- And what were those practices, abnormal that were developing on your farm? - Asked my beautiful friend with much curiosity.
- Not abnormal, according to the butler and administrator, because, supposedly, that is what is being done everywhere, but in a small farm, which does not have any high-performance programming, the bovine and pig cattle were applied, regularly, hormonal steroids to increase weight quickly, and trout were also given a hormonal regime, so that the males became females and improve the color of their flesh; the fattening cocks were also given hormones so that they would grow rapidly and reach the same yield, by weight, as the males. To the laying hens, improved transgenically, we gave them a special diet, with hormonal steroids, so that their performance was superior to three hundred eggs per year, and not only that, because we were also growing seasoning tomatoes, LONG DURATION, produced with Transgenic seeds imported from Israel, and why are they called LONG DURATION? ... Because no plague attacks them, because they have a stronger crust, because they are resistant to handling and last almost a month, in good condition, after harvesting, while the tomato criollo, all diseases attack it and for its manipulation is softer and, after the harvest, only lasts three or four days in good condition. But calm my doctor, that on the farm we change the transgenic hens for Creole chickens, and we no longer do any hormonal management with the animals and we grow tomatoes sherry, of the same ones that their little sisters grow there on the terrace of their house and that they registered in those beautiful photographs that came up on facebook.
We both smile merrily, liberated, a little bit, from the terrible phenomena that, without knowing, have us surrounded and deeply affected.
- Ready, my dear doctor, we have already analyzed two terrible phenomena or evils, which are afflicting the population of our country and of the whole earth in general, but what we can do, to avoid, in particular, that hormonal and genetic deterioration that almost nobody he perceives, until he becomes a transgenic in the family and becomes the shame of everyone.
- The first prevention begins with ourselves and in our family nuclei, trying to consume only certified organic products and, secondly, if it is a woman who has already consumed the pill regularly, visit a geneticist doctor to do it the exams of rigor and so that it advises to him practices of contraception, that do not have those residual effects so disastrous.

- But let's do it in an illustrative way so that, my readers and I, we can understand it clearly, what does a geneticist do, Doctor?
- Medical Genetics is the area that is responsible for the study of hereditary factors of diseases or disorders that depend on changes in genes. It addresses, among other issues, congenital malformations, errors of enzymes, the evaluation of chromosomes, the analysis of possible mutations in genes, the evaluation of genetic diseases in the population and the application of systems in biological processes. The professional specialized in this area is trained to treat pathologies with a genetic basis. It can also influence the important task of prevention, evaluating the individual and their family history and establishing the risks of suffering from a disease. In this case, you should indicate tests, interpret the results to make a diagnosis and explain to the patient the causes of their health disorders.

Days ago, the double mastectomy to which the actress Angelina Jolie submitted to prevent cancer was discussed around the world. The words of Brad Pitt's wife about the importance of genetic studies to determine the risk of inherited diseases put on the table the relevance of gene studies. Such analyzes are not yet included among those that should periodically be practiced by a person. However, they can be practiced with the simple blood sample and, in most countries, they are very expensive. But the importance of consulting a geneticist when, for example, there is a family inheritance of a disease, when there is already a pathology that is transmitted from generation to generation and no diagnosis or possible cause, a bad formation or an attraction or inexplicable sexual behavior. Similarly, experts increasingly recommend couples who, before procreation, undergo studies of these characteristics to rule out problems of infertility or abnormality, when they decide to bring a child to the world or if the mother is over 35 years old. or the father 45. Because of the aforementioned, if you have a vocation to help others, ability to relate to people and interest in research and biological processes, medicine is a good option for studies and, genetics, almost a augury of very good professional perspectives to find the cure to these modern diseases.

- That is the problem, my respected doctor, because transsexuals, gays and lesbians, do not believe that their lack of control is a disease, but a delicious preference or a taste and do not even know what a genetic study is.
- To understand what genetic studies are, it is necessary to define some important concepts within biology. - the beautiful doctor said calmly - Genetics is an area of ​​the biological sciences that is responsible for studying the bases of inheritance and diversity that exists between living beings. The inheritance on the other hand are the physical and biological characteristics that we share with our family and that can determine our appearance and our biological characteristics, that is, our phenotype (the color of eyes, the type of skin, etc.) as well as our internal characteristics (how substances are produced that perform a specific function of the human body). All this is derived in large part by our genetic components, that is, our genotype.
- And what is our genotype? ... I asked the pretty professional, so that everything becomes clear to us.

- Our genotype is the genetic material that has been studied for more than 50 years. This material is stored inside our cells and is described as deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, which together with carbohydrates, lipids and proteins form the four classes of organic biomolecules that characterize living beings. DNA has a twisted shape on itself and forms structures called chromosomes. The human being in his cells has 23 pairs of chromosomes adding 46 chromosomes, inherited half by the mother and half by the father. Within the chromosomes we find small fragments of DNA that are our genes that, as we explained, are those that give us the physical and biological characteristics of living beings. Some characteristics depend only on one gene, but there are others that depend on combinations. We must remember that there are around 30,000 different genes, this being what constitutes the genetic code. There are occasions when cells contain alterations or defects in the information they have in their genes. These changes are also called "mutations" and can be caused by chemicals, radiation, environmental factors or introduced with transgenic foods and their false information. Mutations lead to genetic variation and, therefore, diversity in living beings and the expression of different diseases such as transsexuals who are trapped in a body that has different genetic information.
- Doctor and genetic mutations are very common, or are they only occurring at this time, in which scientists have begun to play with the genes of frogs?

- The purpose of genetic studies is to study the genes and their differences. To perform them, it is necessary to take a sample of tissues that make up the body (which can be blood, skin, gastrointestinal tissue, breast tissue, etc.), which is examined through different instruments and various molecular techniques to obtain the DNA and thus identify some of the genes that make it up. Through this analysis, genes and their mutations are detected. It has been described that there are more than 4000 mutations in the genes of humans, but not all of them are expressed or manifested, although the individual presents them. This happens because the mutation must be "dominant", that is, they have the capacity not to respond to the measures of self-repair that DNA has.
- When knowing the genes, the mutations, as well as the self-repairing capacity of the DNA of the individuals, it is possible to identify the damages caused by the residual effect of the synthetic contraceptives in the different types of presentation of the diseases that lead them to the rare sexual inclinations? ...

- It is very difficult to make a treatment, - said the doctor very thoughtful - because we would have to go to evaluate the effects of the social environment on the individual and on the disease, and also the effect of drugs on babies, through the process of gestation of his mother, and thus be able to develop treatments directed against a specific genetic defect, which all insist on denying, because as everyone knows, the appearance of homosexuality has always been linked, in all the civilizations that have existed in the history, to a time of decay; It has always been linked to societies corrupted by the loss of values. Indeed, like the moral values ​​of a wrong church, they are the infrastructure that sustains everything else, when these begin to decay, and I know that it is not necessary to remember now that this is one of those times, then everything else also decays (culture, ethics and even something as low as the economy). It is well known that when this happens, most people begin to turn away from the Truth and lead a life away from it, because the human being reaches such a point of degradation that he no longer cares for others and has lost Will and conscience. It is in these cases, when most people, instead of bravely resisting like a rock, buries their will and closes their eyes to the truth, the damage that contraceptives and transgenic foods are causing us, that had the opportunity to see, letting himself be deceived and even falling so low that, in order not to bother himself, he even goes so far as to affirm that depraved and materialistic life is normal. If friend, people have reached the point of believing that homosexuality is normal and that it is a fashion for liberation.

- As any of the readers can verify, if he bothers to investigate and not systematically swallow everything he hears out there or sees on television, that degenerative physical illness, known as homosexuality, in its different variants, appeared, until the 1960s, on the list of WHO diseases (World Health Organization), a body integrated into the UN, and from which it was withdrawn due to pressures, not because of any scientific discovery that supports homosexuality is not a disease, but how will it not be sick, physical and mentally, a man who feels like a woman inside or a woman who sits a male and trims her hair? ... - I argued to reinforce the idea that the beautiful doctor, who for some time had been fighting with her companions against GM foods - So, if science has always agreed on this point, why deny, now, that this is intrinsically unnatural and does not appear in any other living being? Why abandon a poor sick and not help him overcome his anomaly? ... According to any dictionary describes, the disease of homosexuality is a more or less serious alteration of the organic and / or psychic balance that is characteristic of a person an in its relations with the natural and social environment in which it develops its activity. In a homosexual couples a real complementarity is not possible neither emotionally, physically, mentally or sentimentally, because it is not natural.

- The word gay in Greek is malakoswmoV, which has the same root as disease (malakia). - the doctor began, revealing the great amount of knowledge and the extraordinary memory that she possessed - According to the conclusions of the scientists and psychologists of the whole world, the homosexuality is a neurosis, except in the cases that now are incredibly frequent, that , according to recent statistics are 60% of cases; in those majority cases, which are those that are born homosexuals by the residual action of the artificial genes that are receiving, during most of their reproductive life, women (since it is necessary to emphasize that the remaining percentage is acquired), it is a genetic mutation, therefore it is an anomalous genetic mutation. If it is a neurosis, which, as has already been said, is 40% of homosexuals, the types of homosexuality, depending on their cause, we can divide them into points, which are the following:
- 1st) To have grown up in an environment marked by many contradictions that the child has not been able to overcome in a normal way, when observing environments that are very different from each other, especially between eight and twelve years old.
- 2nd) Having suffered a homoerotic sexual abuse during childhood or puberty
- 3rd) Having grown up in a deep fear of approaching the opposite sex, which has led him to develop this deviant tendency.
- 4th) Having lived with an abnormal attachment to the mother, if it is a child, or to the father if it is a girl, in such a way that in his mind a strange aversion to love relationships with the opposite sex is created, which can lead him to develop sexual attraction towards the same sex.

- 5th) This case is the only one that is not unanimously considered a disease directly linked to homosexuality, but some consider that it is only a depravity that, rather, within the psychological anomalies caused by the abuse of sex: refers to people who have grown up strongly dominated by masturbation and who, little by little, by not imposing their will on the desires of the body, have been surrendering to a total debauchery with women, until they are fed up, and as the cup of pleasure ends up emptying by not knowing how to manage it, your body, which is totally dominated by animality, leads you to take new routes, in order to satisfy your pleasure, and thus you will begin to try everything, because your nervous system is completely damaged by the recidivism in sexual vice, they will then become fond of homosexuality, which also leads them to pedophilia, and over time, to a greater number of sexual depravations. Ales, such as zoophilia, necrophilia, and so on. This is the most frequent type of homosexuality today, increasingly fostered by fashions and lack of training, as well as by the progressive materialistic debauchery and lack of values ​​of today's society.
- 6) The last case, which is the one that has raised incredibly the number of homosexuals who are born being so, because it is so the amount of opposite genes that circulate through their blood, that the boy or the girl determine what their genes are and hormones
- With these explanations, I do not mean that all those who go through one of the previous causes, have to end homosexuals, but, as with all acquired diseases, it happens as in the lottery, that the more numbers you buy, the easier it is let it touch you, but it can perfectly touch one who only buys a tenth; and in addition, a disease attacks a person to a greater or lesser degree depending on the person, just as a blow to the nape of some may cause death and others not, depending on the person and according to the circumstances in which it occurs knock.

There is another important factor that we should not disregard: Homosexuality can be confused (and confusing it would be very dangerous), with two other human feelings that develop in all people, although in some people more than in others, although often very much more among women, there are two: One is the special sensitivity towards beauty that some people feel, which leads them to admire proportions, harmony, aesthetics, not only of people of the same sex, but also of the opposite, and also of the landscapes and of all the beings and objects that enjoy contemplating; the other is a special sensitivity towards all the signs of affection and appreciation, both of the same sex as of the opposite sex. Both are sensitivities, so they have nothing to do with other types of trends, but rather are aesthetic feelings or need for affection.
- And now that I have clarified what homosexuality is and what it is not, and I have described what kind of disease is homosexuality, I will go on to describe the terrible consequences, often irreparable, that homosexuality entails not only homosexuals who do not treat their anomaly, but extend to hundreds of innocent people for that selfishness and lack of consideration, apart from the perversity of the demagogues for getting votes, even at the expense of the health of the people:
- According to scholars, AIDS spread throughout Europe and America as a result of the sexual activities of gays and spread to other segments of the population because of bisexual practices. The press omits the practices so as not to scandalize people, but to show everyone that they are immutable and eternal, because they emanate from the Truth, and to see the horrible consequences that these practices bring for them, and for the whole society.ich it occurs knock.

- There is another important factor that we should not disregard: Homosexuality can be confused (and confusing it would be very dangerous), with two other human feelings that develop in all people, although in some people more than in others, although often very much more among women, there are two: One is the special sensitivity towards beauty that some people feel, which leads them to admire proportions, harmony, aesthetics, not only of people of the same sex, but also of the opposite, and also of the landscapes and of all the beings and objects that enjoy contemplating; the other is a special sensitivity towards all the signs of affection and appreciation, both of the same sex as of the opposite sex. Both are sensitivities, so they have nothing to do with other types of trends, but rather are aesthetic feelings or need for affection.
- And now that I have clarified what homosexuality is and what it is not, and I have described what kind of disease is homosexuality, I will go on to describe the terrible consequences, often irreparable, that homosexuality entails not only homosexuals who do not treat their anomaly, but extend to hundreds of innocent people for that selfishness and lack of consideration, apart from the perversity of the demagogues for getting votes, even at the expense of the health of the people:
- According to scholars, AIDS spread throughout Europe and America as a result of the sexual activities of gays and spread to other segments of the population because of bisexual practices. The press omits the practices so as not to scandalize people, but to show everyone that they are immutable and eternal, because they emanate from the Truth, and to see the horrible consequences that these practices bring for them, and for the whole society.

- a) Oral sex: Practiced in 100% of cases; In many cases, they ingest semen, which contains the same germs as blood, so it is just as dangerous as swallowing blood.
- b) Anal sex: Practiced by 90%, with an average of 68 anal relations per year. During the act, the rectum is like a container that mixes saliva, feces, semen, and all the germs that are in them. The rectal wall has the thickness of a cell; the tear is frequent, with which all types of contaminants go to the bloodstream, which facilitates the transmission of Hepatitis B, a disease that is easily transmitted to innocent people through food services; That is one of the favorite occupations of homosexuals, so hundreds of innocent people are exposed to this disease through food.
- c) Fisting: It is the gay practice of introducing various kinds of live animals and objects in the anus. Medical services are often required to remove those objects and often the damages are hardly repaired by surgery.
- d) Fecal sex: 80% of homosexuals practice it. It consists, literally, in licking the anus. It is the main cause of hepatitis and parasitic infections. For example: According to the San Francisco Department of Public Health, between 70 and 80% of hepatitis cases in that city are between homosexuals. Hepatitis is highly contagious and develops in conditions of poor hygiene. Kills most of its victims, because it destroys the liver. Innocent people are in danger from homosexuals who work in kitchens, nurses or waiters.
- e) Urinary sex: 29% of homosexuals. Commonly called "golden rain". The homosexual is sprayed and gets to drink urine, highly toxic substance whose consumption can cause, eventually, death.

- f) Sadomasochism: 37% of homosexuals. Is to inflict or receive torture to get sexual pleasure. Many deaths from this practice have been attributed to accidents in large cities.
- g) Anonymous sexual encounters: 41% of homosexuals in public urinals and 60% in public restrooms; 64% admit to using drugs during these meetings.

- According to the latest medical studies, a common homosexual sodomizes 108 men a year, swallows the semen of 48, allows him to penetrate 68 and ingests feces of 19 on average. 85% of homosexual’s contract hepatitis, 49% have been infected with intestinal parasites (worms, worms, amoebae ...). Despite the fact that intestinal infections and AIDS were not used more than in underdeveloped nations, 83% of AIDS cases in 2016 in the US occurred in homosexuals and bisexuals. Bisexuals transmit these diseases to other women and them to their children or other men, thus spreading throughout society. With the damage inflicted on the body itself, by the unnatural homosexual activity, all kinds of pathogens proliferate, constituting a serious and serious danger to public health.
- According to the studies of Dr. P. Cameron: The average for the death of a married white man is 75 years, on the other hand for a gay, the average is in 42 years, and only 9% reaches over 65 years.
- The average life of a married white woman is 79 years, while in lesbians the average is 45 years, of which over 65 years only 24%.
- Gays are 102 times more likely to be killed, usually by other gays; they commit suicide 25 times more often and have an average of 19 times more traffic accidents. All this is a reflection of his serious emotional problems.


- 21% of lesbians die from murder, suicide or accident, that is, an average 534 times higher than that of heterosexual women.
- The great majority of serial killers are gay: Garavito (The biggest murderer of children in Colombia)
- The fact is that from the hard sciences and areas such as genetics, it has been pointed out that more than one option, there is sufficient evidence to affirm that sexual orientation, homosexual, is partly a genetic issue and that it is also closely related to a biological basis.
- To test whether genes are related to people's homosexual orientation, researchers have analyzed and compared identical twins (they share exactly all the genes) and fraternal twins (those who share about 50% of the genes).
- In addition, other studies have indicated that certain biological factors, such as exposure to synthetic hormones and residual hormones in the uterus, can also affect the sexual orientation of the individual. In other words, physiological differences, such as different forms in the inner ear between homosexual and heterosexual women, make their contribution and reinforce the idea even more.
- In this sense, Sandra Witelson, the well-known neuroscientist at McMaster University, points out that "the results support the theory that differences in the central nervous system exist between homosexual and heterosexual individuals, and that the differences are possibly related with early factors in brain development ».


- Synthetic estrogen of similar action as estradiol. Used in combination with progestogens as a contraceptive they enter large quantities into the bloodstream of babies. Ethinylestradiol is excreted in breast milk.
There is evidence (although not consistent) that estrogen can decrease milk production, especially during the first weeks postpartum and at doses equal to or greater than 30 micrograms daily.
May decrease the protein content of breast milk. During lactation, progestogen-only contraceptives are preferable to those combined with estrogen and, in this case, those with the lowest dose of estrogen.

- Thank you doctor, for that great amount of knowledge - I had to say, after that brilliant exhibition and not to be left behind and justify, my interest in the subject and the desire to write this humble book, before the beautiful lady of my dreams, I started to explain something that she surely already knew.- Organic chemistry is the field that studies the structures, properties and reactivity of chemical compounds that are specially formed by hydrogens and carbons and that, of these, others can also arise Elements in small quantity, usually are oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, halogens, phosphors and silicon. Organic compounds present an abundant variety of properties and applications that form basic compounds, which we frequently use in everyday life, for example:


Plastics, detergents, paints and dyes. Organic chemistry also greatly influences the part of medicine, the preparation of compounds such as alcohols, phenols, flavorings or catalysts and especially in pharmaceuticals. Among these are ethinylestradiol and estradiol, which are drugs for oral administration. Although alkynes are not very common compounds in nature, oral contraceptives, important biological compounds of the twentieth century, have triple bonds. Progestamine and estradiol are part of a woman's natural biochemical system, which produces them when she is pregnant to prevent ovulation. The pharmaceutical industry synthesizes molecules similar to the mentioned hormones, but with triple bond, WHICH IS WHICH IS CAUSING THE RESIDUAL PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN, which gives them greater oral activity and allows their use in lower doses. An example of these hormones is ethinylestradiol and estradiol. How are these structures different? What function do the mentioned compounds fulfill in the organism? What group of compounds do these structures belong to?



Ethinylestradiol (with formula C20H24O2 and a molar mass of 296,403 g / mol) is a medication that causes the increase of the thickness of the vagina and promotes the proliferation of the endometrium, this medicine is used mostly for the treatment of hypogonadism, which is when the body's sexual glands have few or no hormones, (in men these glands are called testicles, and in women these glands are called ovaries) also ethinylestradiol helps to prevent or diminish the symptoms associated with menopause, however, this medication, like everything else can have both good and bad results, ethinylestradiol, in addition to preventing menopause can also cause bleeding, spots, eversion changes and secretion cervical and vaginal discharge, can also cause nausea and swelling belly; these side effects may occur depending on how the patient's body reacts to diseases and the medication, for example, a person diagnosed with breast cancer or thrombophlebitis diseases (which occurs when a blood clot inflames any of the veins, this usually occurs in the legs), the best thing to do is to prevent this kind of medication.
However there is another drug that is metabolized in the liver by forming conjugated glucuronides and sulfates, and aromatic hydroxyl derivatives, this is estradiol, it is the female sex hormone in the estrogen group since it helps the woman's sexual development and it is synthesized before ovulation to stimulate uterine mucus segregation. Just as estradiol is formed in women's ovaries, it can also be formed in the testes of men since both hormones are found in small amounts in the cortex of the adrenal glands.


Estradiol in women is considered the beauty hormone since this hormone causes the skin to become elastic and smooth, so the body of a woman looks very feminine, in addition to this, this hormone also causes the bell to rise the voice, that the waist becomes narrower, normalizes the period and during pregnancy, when it joins with estriña and estriol, promotes uterine blood flow, stimulates the growth of the bust, stimulates cervical softening and the expression of receptors of myometrial oxytocin. Estradiol in men can also manifest itself in the following ways: it increases the oxygen in the metabolism, regulates the function of the nervous system and also reduces the amount of bad cholesterol by decreasing the risk of producing cardiovascular diseases in the body.
However, although estradiol has good symptoms in the body, excess of this also produce diseases, estradiol in high amounts can cause risks in both men and women, for example: The effeminacy and homosexual development in men, the greater the possibility of suffering a cardiovascular accident, a high probability that it causes breast cancer in women, and cancer of the prostate in men, and especially in women, may increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer.
Both are estrogens since both are particular hormones in sexual development, usually in women (such as breast development or the menstrual cycle) but the main estrogen is estradiol since it is reproduced by the ovary in the reproductive age of the woman and ethinylestradiol is derived from estradiol and produces the contraceptive pill (these are synthetic chemical compounds that prevent unplanned pregnancy, but do not prevent diseases that occur by sexual transmission, and do not prevent their residual action on fetuses). Although both are estrogens, the difference is that estradiol is only excreted in the urine and ethinylestradiol is excreted in both the urine and faeces and in breast milk. What is the mechanism of reaction by free radicals and because the excess of these produces in the body homosexuality, aging, cancer and obesity?
Just as estrogen is formed in the body, free radicals also, opposing against viruses and bacteria in the immune system. Free radicals are an atom or a group of atoms that are formed when a food is metabolized to produce energy in the cells, these can come from the environment through environmental pollution or ultraviolet rays of the sun, these radicals damage the body causing aging in people or serious diseases.


Free radicals are formed when an electron is left unpaired forming a free bond, this is the reason why a radical is very unstable because they are reacting easily while finding an electron in which they can join and achieve stability ; A radical is also formed when an electron is stolen from a molecule, this produces a cascade of free radicals and can interfere with a living cell, even a free radical is formed or can increase its amount when mishandling is made in the production of transgenic foods, or environmental factors such as cigarette smoking and air pollution, in addition to this, can also increase through the consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils (for example margarine) or consumption of trans fatty acids (for example fat of meat and milk), causing damage to the body, such as the increase of homosexuals born in someone else's body, such as increased cardiovascular disease, increased cholesterol, and cancer risk in the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, and therefore can initiate the alteration of the genetic code, the development of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis and diabetes.
It is surprising the effect produced by the large amounts of residual ETINILESTRADIOL in children, which are born with very feminine features and bodies, very loud voice, broad hips and very narrow waist. Large amounts of ETINILESTRADIOL have also been found in women, who have overly large clitorises, atrophied breasts, and male behaviors. It is incredible and inhumane what the big medicine multinationals do ... - I finished saying, getting up visibly affected. The doctor also got up from her chair and looking deep into my eyes, she said:

- Calm that between all we are going to initiate a campaign that brings back to consciousness to the population than it is happening.
We merged in a strong hug, which shook my heart violently, feeling the perfection and voluptuousness of her perfumed body. My face submerged in the softness of his wild black hair and bringing my mouth close to one of his delicate ears, I whispered with infinite passion:
- I love you, I love you, cute queen. - She hugged me with more strength and for a few seconds, I enjoyed the warmth of her sculptural body and the total acceptance of my daring words.
- Ah, it was a very interesting talk - the doctor began to say with a little bit of choppy voice - Here you have the card with the mobile number, the whatsapp and with my email and if you want you can go to my house, when you can, after at six o'clock in the afternoon, so you can observe the wonderful cultivation we did with the plastic bottles that you gave to my little sister. We can also correct the notes you have in your book, because that book is going to be very helpful, in the fight we have to start against GM foods and the harmful residual contraceptives, which are doing so much harm to humanity. I leave because I have a lot of work accumulated in the office, but I will be waiting for you with anxiety, because you have started a project that is too interesting for everyone. Ahh and up close you're nicer, more interesting and you look younger than I imagined. Thank you very much for the fruit salad and thank you very much for everything.
I also gave him my card and said visibly excited.
- No, thank you very much for all the knowledge that you have revealed to me and on Saturday I go to five in the afternoon, so that we go out to eat and so you know how my book is going.

The intelligent doctor left and I was very happy, contemplating the beauty of that impressive building, which let in the light by its immense crystals, to turn it into the spectacle of a very close rainbow.
I went to the office and after organizing the protocol that we were developing, for the responsible management of all the waste, garbage and wastewater of the hospital, trying to qualify for an international quality certification, I dedicated myself to research about the institutions that help in the world, in the fight against transgenic foods. I read a bit and this is what I found:

Ecologists, farmers and scientists corroborate the threats of genetically modified organisms for health and the environment
Friends of the Earth, COAG, Ecologists in Action and Greenpeace, with the collaboration of Scientists for the Environment (CIMA) and researchers, have presented the Declaration of personalities and organizations of civil society on the applications of biotechnology in genetic modification of plants, given the threat they pose to agriculture and sustainability. Democracy, precaution and environment. This document has the support of a large representation of civil society, which includes Workers Commissions, researchers, university professors, agricultural professional organizations, environmental associations, consumers, producers of organic farming, development NGOs and private entities among others. .

Faced with the promises of the transgenic industry, this Declaration denounces the dangers and impacts of its introduction on the environment and on our dishes. The broad social support shows that transgenic are an issue that affects society as a whole. The scientific class is an important part of the debate and society as a whole is also the one who must make the decisions that affect agriculture, food, the applications of transgenic and the right to produce and consume in freedom.
This is a key moment in the debate on transgenic. While France joins the EU countries that prohibit the cultivation of transgenic corn, based on a series of scientific reports that warn about the environmental impacts on flora and fauna and health uncertainties, Spain is still the main producer of corn transgenic, with more than 75,000 hectares cultivated in 2007.
The scientific elements that have originated the decision of the Gallic Government show a series of consequences of the Bt-type corn (including the one grown in Spain, MON 810) on the environment and health, such as the impossibility of avoiding contamination to other farmers, the generation of resistances in pests and the toxic effects on several types of organisms present in ecosystems, the change in molecular characterization (the gene that is commercialized is not the one that was approved in 1998, has changed, and therefore, many effects on the environment are unknown), the impacts on pollinators, the long-term toxicity on humans, the persistence of toxins produced, etc.

Recently in Brussels, the European Commissioner for the Environment Stavros Dimas has proposed the banning of two transgenic maize because of the risks they pose to the environment, based on evidence of potential environmental damage. Already during the trade dispute with the United States before the World Trade Organization (WTO) on transgenic products, the EU itself argued that Bt crops should not be cultivated today due to the lack of knowledge about their environmental impacts in the long term.
The organizations promoting this Declaration hope that it will serve to promote a fundamental debate such as the introduction of GMOs, that the Government take note of the overwhelming social opposition to its imposition on agriculture and food and that the Ministry of Agriculture reconsider your transgenic commitment and orient Spanish agriculture towards environmentally and socially sustainable solutions.
Agriculture and transgenic.
The development of diseases, the disappearance of insects, the toxicity of our waters and lands, deforestation, the contribution to climate change ... There are too many negative consequences after the use of industrial agriculture and transgenic crops. Having said that, did you know that Spain is the country in Europe where the most crops of this type are sown?

90% of wild plants and one third of our food depend on pollination, but 20% of bees have disappeared in Europe. The responsible? Industrial agriculture, whose pesticides are decimating the population of bees
But that is just one of the problems of industrial agriculture. This type of agriculture is a model:
• Destructive, which consumes many amounts of water and oil.
• Associated with the deforestation of ecosystems.
• Applies chemical products (fertilizers and pesticides) that cause emissions of greenhouse gases such as N20 (nitrous oxide), which is the largest agricultural contribution to climate change.
• It harms small farmers and producers and concentrates control of agriculture in a few hands.
The transgenic are part of this model of industrial agriculture. They are also known as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and they are new living beings, which did not exist before in nature, and which have been created in the laboratory by manipulating their genes. More and more scientific data confirms the risks they pose to health and the environment.

Spain is the only EU country that is committed to these crops and more than 67% of the experimental trials are carried out in our fields. The administration itself is opaque in the transgenic crop figures: the Government and industry say that there are 136,962 ha. of corn from genetic engineering in Spain, data from regional governments reduce that figure to 70,000 ha.
There are those who justify all this in order to "end hunger" on the planet, but the reality is that genetically modified crops do not feed the world: 99% of farmers do not grow them, and 97% of agricultural land world is still free of them.
What solutions are there?

The answer is organic farming. That is, a model based on sound management of local resources that benefits producers and consumers. Around the world there are organic farming farms that demonstrate every day that they can provide enough food, increase food security and generate better quality of life for farmers and consumers.
In addition, there are alternative biotechnologies to transgenic, cheaper and safer, such as Marker Assisted Selection (SAM). Greenpeace is not opposed to biotechnology, nor to applications of recombinant DNA technologies, if they are conducted in confined environments and for medical research purposes. Unlike genetic engineering, SAM does not imply the transfer of isolated genetic sequences, but rather gives tools to select in a targeted manner.
Who can make the change?

• Governments, establishing norms that guarantee healthy agriculture for people and the environment.
• The agricultural sector, betting on the techniques and methods of organic farming.
• And you, supporting organic farming through your purchases.
What is Greenpeace doing?
In Greenpeace we work to achieve a healthy agriculture such as organic farming. For this reason we are demanding from the Spanish Government that:
• Prevent the commercial release to the environment of OMG.
• Stop importing GMOs.
• Develop standards on the coexistence of genetically modified crops with conventional and organic crops.
• Establish a system to evaluate environmental, health, economic and social risks.
• Ensure traceability and labeling.
• Prohibit all pesticides harmful to bees and other pollinators and adopt action plans to save bees.
What can you do?
• You can contribute to promote organic farming! Now that you know the problem, act: buy local products, seasonal and organic. That way you will help the planet and protect your health.
• You can also help others know the problem. For this we encourage you to comment with your friends, share our content on your social networks and to sign the form to ask European authorities to protect bees.

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Greenpeace is a global organization that works to defend the environment, promote peace and encourage people to change attitudes and behaviors that put nature at risk.

Investigating, denouncing and confronting environmental crimes, we challenge decision makers to reconsider their positions and adopt new ideas. We also support economically viable and socially just solutions that offer hope for present and future generations.

It has offices in 43 countries on all continents and receives the support of almost 4 million members and more than 4 million cyber-activists around the world.
Our values
Our values ​​are the expression of the principles that guide us and for which we respond. These values ​​accompany us when we develop our campaigns, disseminate our actions or decide to use our resources. We believe that changing individual attitudes can make a big difference to the future of the planet. If millions of people who have the same values ​​connect, the power of change becomes global.
• Independence


We are a non-profit, independent organization that does not accept donations from governments, companies or political parties. Our work is fully funded by more than 3 million partners around the world. Our economic independence guarantees transparency and freedom of expression and allows us to take risks and face the objectives, committing ourselves exclusively to individuals and civil society.
• Nonviolence
Non-violence is an essential requirement in all activities that Greenpeace promotes. It is visible in each of our actions and testimonies, regardless of whether our interlocutors are governors, citizens, companies or institutions.
• Peaceful confrontation
Greenpeace works using nonviolent confrontation to draw public attention to environmental problems and demonstrates that this position is an effective behavioral alternative. All the actions that challenge companies and governments to change their attitude, pressuring them to find new solutions to old problems, are peaceful.
Ecologists in Action, social ecology.
About us

Ecologists en Action is a confederation of more than 300 environmental groups distributed in towns and cities. It is part of the so-called social ecology, which understands that environmental problems have their origin in an increasingly globalized model of production and consumption, from which other social problems also derive, and which must be transformed if the ecological crisis is to be avoided.
To this end, it carries out awareness campaigns, public or legal complaints against those actions that harm the environment, while at the same time developing concrete and viable alternatives in each of the areas in which it carries out its activity.
Public health
Without needing to be anthropocentric at all it should be remembered that on this planet also lives the human species: girls and boys, old and elderly, women and men of all ages and conditions ... Their health is intimately linked to the environment, understanding "environment" the physical, labor, cultural, economic, political and health environment. Too often we still suffer from "schisms", "divorces" and "dichotomies" between environmental and public health, when the interdependencies are so strong.


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Public Health is defined as "the effort organized by society to protect, promote and restore the health of people through collective or social actions." The founding Manifesto of CiMA makes numerous references to the synergies that in CiMA we are promoting between ecology and public health: we look forward to your contributions.
In the field of Public Health, all its aspects should be emphasized, both regarding the environment, as well as old age, sexuality, the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, the use of condoms, as well as various aspects included in the works of numerous NGOs, which do an impeccable work in favor of sexuality and public health.
Biological Diversity
The current loss of biodiversity and the resulting changes in the environment are occurring at a rate hitherto unknown in the history of humanity, more than a hundred times higher than the natural rate, and there is no indication that this process is slowing down. Virtually all of the Earth's ecosystems have undergone a radical transformation resulting from the hand of man, and continue to transform.
The great generators of this change are undoubtedly the transformation of land cover and overfishing, but habitat modification, the introduction and spread of invasive alien species, the overexploitation of natural resources and the exploitation of natural resources are also having a great influence. Contamination especially that caused by the abuse of fertilizers those results in an excess of nutrients in the soil and water. And all this must be added climate change, which is expected to produce an increased risk of extinction of species, floods, droughts, reduction of populations and epidemics.

And all this loss of biodiversity will have an impact on the well-being of the human being, due to the greater risk that has been generated of sudden environmental changes, such as the drastic reduction of fish populations, floods, droughts, fires forest and diseases. But it will also affect you, as it is already affecting you, in the form of conflicts and humanitarian crises motivated by the scarcity of food and water resources.
All this will lead us to make important decisions about the compromises between conflicting objectives, such as between agricultural production and water quality, or between the use of water and aquatic biodiversity. Thus, the policies that contribute most to the conservation of biodiversity will in turn promote greater human well-being by maintaining the multiple benefits derived from ecosystems.
And we must not forget society, which must be well informed about the benefits derived from the conservation of biodiversity and we must openly and jointly consider the counterparts that arise when favoring some options to the detriment of others. But although economic motives alone can justify greater protection of biodiversity, the degree of biodiversity that is conserved should not depend solely on utilitarian considerations, but also on ethical implications. When it comes to deciding between improving human well-being and curbing the loss of biodiversity, let's look for ways to create synergies between them.


The residential building was located in the central park of that beautiful city where we lived. I looked at the clock in the church and there were still twenty minutes left until five in the afternoon, which was the appointed time for the appointment. I walked about fifty meters and sat at the first table of a business, very colonial looking.
- Good afternoon, what does the gentleman want to do? ... The lady who attended the business told me.
- A milk chocolate, please, - I answered absentmindedly, as I looked towards the balcony of the fourth floor, where Elizabeth lived, the beautiful doctor who so disturbed my heart. "What will he be doing? ... Will he remember this quote that is so interesting to me?" I thought a little anguished. The waitress returned and I was pleasantly surprised, with the two cookies that accompanied the sugar envelopes, on the plate, next to the steaming cup of hot chocolate. I thanked him and uncovered the sugar sachets; I started to enjoy the hot drink. I had only taken two sips, when it seemed to me ... Beloved, on the balcony. I hesitated a lot to write that word, but what to call that woman with an angelic face, amazing intelligence and innumerable values, that makes my heart stir? ... All my life I was looking for the woman of my dreams and it turned out that precisely, at the moment I was involved in this important investigation, my heart and mind shuddered at the possibility of having found the love I had always been waiting for? It is very difficult to ignore because she has everything that I like. That angelic face, black hair, white skin, a spectacular body and a superior intelligence; it is what I always dreamed, but I cannot explain to what its loneliness is due, because I have never seen it with any other man, despite the fact that several years ago he graduated from university. I took four or five drinks of the chocolate, I bit the two cookies, I paid the bill and I went in search of my beloved illusion, because before the love, the investigation was happening to second plane. She greeted me with a kind smile and with four fingers of her right hand; she indicated to me the number of the floor she had to reach. I climbed the scales unhurriedly and she was waiting for me at the apartment door.


- Hello, welcomes, - he told me before hugging me very hard. I immersed myself in the warmth of its beauty and it was like reaching heaven with a dreamed happiness. I could not resist the temptation and I kissed that scented neck, which shuddered at the touch of my wet and hot mouth. She took me by the hand and through the room; we went in search of her mother who was in the kitchen.
- Mamí, he is Jorge León, the great writer I was talking about.
- Nice to meet you, lady. - I told the beautiful lady that it was the faithful copy of Elizabeth, with little more years, of course. The two younger sisters, too, approached her, if they can be said that way, because they were visibly taller than my dear illusion.
- Hello, hello, - they told me very kindly, looking at me from head to toe and keeping the distance that marked respect.
I answered the greeting with shyness and I could not stop observing that, although they were taller and athletic and incredible body, the prettiest of the three, was still my idolized doctor. Without letting go of my hand, in no time, the doctor dragged me to the terrace where the hydroponic culture was. The intense red of the tomatoes and strawberries, contracted with the hopeful green of the lettuce and the orange camouflaged by the huge carrots, which were visible through the scarce land that could not cover them. Everything was very neat and clean. The nursery was covered with a transparent plastic and at the end of the terrace, where the experimental cultivation was finished; there was a kind of meeting center, with dark brown leather armchairs and a small table in the center, of brilliant carved cedar. Until those chairs the beautiful doctor took me and letting go of my hand she said:

- I hope you like the site that I like most about this house.
- Thank you - I said, breathing more calmly - everything is very nice.
She smiled flattered, and without breaking down the elegant way she was sitting, she asked me:
- And how did you like my family?
- Your mom and your little sisters are divine, but the most beautiful of all is you - I clarified without being able to hide my marked interest.
- Be careful with my younger sister. - Elizabeth warned me, with distrustful attitude - I noticed her very shocked with your presence. It seems to me that the small conversations that she has had with you in the gym and the detail of helping you get the plastic containers, for the hydroponic culture, have left you a bit uneasy, or what do you think? ...
- Noo, she's too young and I do not think she's thinking about something different from her university career. I think she was taken by surprise by the sudden friendship that has arisen among us, because she never imagined that we had common interests, much less that I would come to your home one day, but let's not lose track, because it is very important the mission, to raise awareness of humanity, about the irreversible damage that is caused by the irresponsible management of transgenic foods and contraceptives.
- Yes, the most important thing is that we already have identified the hormonal and genetic disorder, which we are facing and which we will face in the future, and that is the main objective of this meeting. - Affirmed the elegant doctor, who was still brilliant - It is a problem of unimaginable scope, which does not interest either the governments or the scientists and, unfortunately, within a few years, they will only survive, in the Earth, humans who have more developed survival instinct.


- Quiet my pretty queen that human beings are going to overcome this genetic incident that the ignorance and the ambition of the pharmaceutical multinationals have aggravated. Because the phenomenon has been so surprising, that even in the families of those who produce and market these products, there have been several cases of unexplained homosexuality,
- The luck is that human beings adapt to any situation and, fortunately, I have never ingested the dangerous contraceptive pill.
- Nooo! - I exclaimed pleasantly surprised, because that beautiful woman was already an adult and I had seen some pictures of her with an elegant boy, walking in the tribes of some Indians in the Amazon. - I found out that you were going out with a classmate from the university, who was riding a motorcycle.
- Yes, that was my first and only boyfriend, and in the two or three sexual relations we had, he protected me with the condom and with some spermicidal ovules that were very effective. - The beautiful lady explained naturally.
I felt that I was short of breath and an immense pain oppressed my chest, with a feeling similar to what others call jealousy. I stared at the floor, visibly affected, but fortunately, at that moment Diana, the second sister of the three, arrived.
- Hello, little friends, I brought you a delicious and smoky pizza, so that you stop studying so much and start enjoying life, because remember that there is only one opportunity to live.
- Thank you very much - I said, forgetting the pain that produced me the knowledge of what I should already suppose.


- Diana finished the culinary career and it is our biggest temptation, because she makes delicious meals that we cannot deny - explained Elizabeth, smiling with joy, while her sister placed everything on the table. The two were very nice but a little different, Diana was a brunette with curly hair, very tall and with a spectacular body; a Latin beauty in all its splendor, but I liked more the beauty with marked Spanish influence of me ... Of his sister the eldest. The young chef left and left us enjoying those delights. A juice of passion fruit in milk, accompanied by a delicious Hawaiian pizza with a lot of cheese. We ate with appetite. We were happy in that place. I sat next to the beautiful doctor, looked at her bright eyes and let myself fall in love with the depth of her intelligence. I watched the passionate red of her full lips and, unable to restrain myself, I kissed her with passion and felt the sweet taste of the most delicious mouth in the world. We embrace each other with desire and let ourselves be seduced by an unconditional love.
- Forgive my daring - I said, because I felt that everything had been too fast.
- No, quiet, that everything has happened because I wanted it to happen, from the first moment I saw you in life. My younger sister and I, we were walking through the sports unit, and you looked at me in a way that made me shudder to the soul. My little sister warned me that you were one of those idiots who want to have them all and, to be honest, from that very moment; I wanted you to have me. Time passed, I did not want to accept either the friendship request or the message you sent me on Facebook, until the fateful day came when you eliminated me from all your contacts. I ignored you and tried to forget you, until that day when I saw you sitting in the hospital cafeteria and I could not resist the feeling that the thousands of butterflies you planted in my womb that I wanted you made me feel. I want to help you write that book that fights against transgenic foods and contraceptives and I want to be yours forever.



- Well, then when you want we get married, because I also loved you from the first moment I saw you, but with only one condition.
- Ready! ... Tell me what is the condition? ... - She exclaimed very determined.
- I want you to promise me that we will have two children who are going to be named Juan Rodrigo and  Melina, and do not ask me why I want them to wear those names, because I have some very important reasons, that I know that you will also like.
- Siiii - she shouted with joy and holding hands, we ran to tell the surprise news to the rest of the family.



The hormonal system is not something anatomical, it is something that is not seen and that is why the endocrine affections are not perceived until the disease is very advanced. There are more than eighty different hormone classes and they all have a different molecular structure. Each hormone acts on a particular cell; a cell that fits, perfectly, with its specific chemical structure and, what happens when synthetic hormones of plant origin enter the bloodstream of people? ... It's like replacing a green eye with a green grape, or a lemon little; it may fit perfectly in the empty basin and work aesthetically for a few days, while it begins to decompose and degenerate the biological system for which it was not created. With this criminal and irresponsible procedure, of the great contraceptive multinationals, the evolutionary chain that connects all living beings on the planet, from unicellular beings to the most complex and gigantic animals, is being broken, because the biological imperative of all living beings, is the transmission of genes to their descendants, but that goal is being distorted by the large amount of artificial hormones, of plant origin, which are used in contraceptive programs that are destroying the genetic chain that guarantees sexual identity . Homosexuals and transsexuals affected by the disorder in the endocrine system, originated in the cocktail of synthesized hormones of plant origin, grows at a great pace in all humanity, to break the thread that connects all the living beings of the planet, in the reproduction and transmission of genes between parents and children. The reproduction of the human species is being affected by the increasing use of hormones of plant origin that cause a strange residual effect, a large number of homosexuals, who self-eliminate from evolution with their male and female, female and female relationships .
The heterosexual customs, generate great variety in offspring and generate the constant evolution and strengthening of the genes that will allow them to face all the problems and challenges that arise in the future.
The book was written and we give it to humanity on the page    


Sugerir un cambio























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