Biografía del Escritor
     Una Modelo y un caballo hecho leyenda
     El absolutismo físico y filosófico
     A model and a horse made legend
     El código del verdadero Anticristo
     Amor, eterno amor
     Story of an eternal love
     Débora Arango Pérez "Pinturas de una verdad prohibida para las mujeres"
     La religión de los inteligentes
     Los monstruos creados por los transgénicos y por los anticonceptivos
     Nuclear holocaust and the destruction of a great nation
     The religion of the intelligent
     Monsters created by transgenders and by contraceptives
     A journey to survival
     El milagroso don de la sanación
     La magia de un gran amor
     The magic of a great love
     Fernando Gaviria Rendon





I want to apologize to all humanity for being the bearer of such bad news. He always made me laugh and took like pranksters those daredevils who dared, in the past, to predict a date for a supposed end of the world. They were usually religious fanatics besieged by the different ghosts that haunted them, but today, June 6 of the year
2016, sadly, I was chosen by life to warn all humanity that the ecological unconsciousness, the irrational devastation that we are doing the earth and the wrong choice that the American people will make in the next presidential elections, in the next fifty years will lead us to total extermination.

It is so incredible the deterioration that we are infringing on nature, in these last decades that, in the relativity of time and in comparison with the thousands and thousands of years that the eternal consciousness and life took the perfection of the human being and of its environment, it is only a moment in our evolution towards infinity. I do not understand at what moment, the men who are the children of eternal unity, we have lost the compass and in the midst of our hatreds and ambitions, we ended up in the consumerism orgy in which we have converted our lives. We all want the most beautiful car, the best conditioned mansion and the most exquisite delicacies for our tables, and that's fine, but we almost never stop to think, even for a single second, about the serious and accelerated deterioration that we are inflicting on our beloved and only planet. Unique? ... Yes, unique, because science and technology are not developed enough to travel through our galaxy or all over the world.
Universe in search of a new habitat. Find another planet where we can
live, it's not as simple as going out to look for a new apartment to change
of residence. We live on earth and we must take care of it because we do not have another alternative.

It is very sad that the human being has not been able to discover his mission in life and that he has not been able to account for what exists on earth and what is the true meaning of his life.

In all safety, we were not born to be just a memory.
We were not born to be the ghosts of our children.
Man has been born to be the main link in the path of evolution towards eternity, and that is achieved by becoming better people to be able to transmit our knowledge to children, family and friends, so that, together and in a way conscious, we appropriate our eternity.
Men are beings of light, owners of the universe and eternal.
Eternal without further doubt and we are on planet earth, trying to mature a conscious evolution, which allows us to discover that everything goes beyond the material things we perceive, that the universe is the magical scenario where time is relative, where space it is relative and where there is only the happiness of our supreme eternity. The earth is the laboratory in which we all feel like worms, but in which, slowly and nourished by the love we have for our fellow human beings and for ourselves, we realize that we can become beautiful butterflies of colors, in celestial beings without any limitation to be very happy for all eternity.


There are different degrees of evolution in humanity, and everything is due to the amount of love that each of the men carries in their hearts. The gods have left us in our free will, that is, we can all do what we want and many have taken it badly. Some are filled with ambition in their hearts, and they steal the oil and riches from other smaller towns and, those from beyond, they fill with rage and buy arms and massacre those from here and others end up losing in the midst of earthly materialism, and both are lost in the path of their evolution and have to start again, submerged in the relativity of time, until their innumerable errors allow them to discover that the way is love and the goal is the eternity.

In that same process of evolution I was myself, trying to advance in a conscious way to the fifth dimension; the dimension that clearly revealed to us the greatest scientist that humanity has given us in all its history, Albert Einstein, when I came across this terrible reality that scientists continue to hide from us. All the people who have had the fortune to pass through the classrooms of the university and to understand the fascinating world of mathematics, physics and chemistry, we understand that the relativity of time and space, brings us closer to an almost That direct to the fifth dimension, where only some children of God have been able to enter consciously and it is, in that portal of the fifth dimension, where the greatest miracles have been born. Being the unforgettable Jesus of Nazareth one of his best known exponents by changing the material reality of our third dimension, with the strength of his thoughts and desires, by multiplying the loaves and fishes to give immediate food to the hungry people, or walking on the water or resurrecting Lazarus after he died. It is that fifth dimension that we entered through the door that Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Einstein and many others who were aware of his wisdom and his immortality. Dimension in which miracles happen and was entering that portal as I discovered the sad news that has overwhelmed me, which has forced me to give up my job to dedicate myself, full time, to the awareness of humanity in order to save the planet land that is our home ...



In the next presidential elections in the United States of America, against all odds, the egotist Donal trump will win and after a few months he will bomb Syria and again Iraq, which will have enormous consequences, because he will have hidden enemies that will they will fill their country with pain and blood, making it react in a brutal way and plunging the planet into an unprecedented nuclear hecatomb. Today, I am making a desperate call to all Latinos to vote for Hilary Clinton and help me save the planet.
Sorry, it is not the planet that we have to save, because he will continue to exist after the human species disappears. The one we are going to save is the life of our children and of all humans, who still live in this beautiful process of awareness of eternity, so that it does not happen to the human species what sadly happened to dinosaurs that disappeared while the universe continued in its evolutionary process without stopping. Of course, between the dinosaurs and humanity there is a big difference, because those immense prehistoric animals were just one of the existing animal species, while men are the only conscious and thinking beings, and as we are going to explain to all, in thought the universe is generated because men have the divine spark of eternal unity in our soul.


Well, but ... What is the phenomenon, what is the enemy that is going to exterminate the human species? ...
Some Spanish scientists and some Colombian engineers were studying the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) scientifically called carbon dioxide, a colorless and apparently harmless gas, and everything related to the ecological deterioration of our planet, before I entered the fifth dimension and visualize the future nuclear catastrophe and the generalization of the third world war, in which the next president of the United States of North America will immerse us.
The ecological analysis that we were doing before my terrible discovery was the following:

The combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation have produced an increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 close to 45% since the beginning of the era of industrialization. Most of the carbon dioxide from human activities is released by the burning of firewood, coal and other fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which absorbs and emits infrared radiation at its two active vibration frequencies in infrared. This process causes the carbon dioxide to warm the surface and the inner atmosphere, and cool the upper atmosphere. The vast majority of climatologists agree that the increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2, and therefore the greenhouse effect induced by CO2, is the main reason for the increase in global average temperature since the mid-twentieth century
At that time we thought that...


The enemy was environmental deterioration, the enemy was deforestation, the enemy was the fluorocarbons that are destroying the ozone layer, the enemy was the millions and millions of tons of garbage produced by our societies, the enemy was carbon monoxide ( CO ), the enemy was the carbon dioxide (CO2) that produces the greenhouse effect. No, the enemy is the political indifference that does not anticipate the terrible deterioration that we are inflicting on nature, the enemy is the savage imperialism that bombards and displaces entire nations, in their capitalist zeal.

But how does carbon dioxide (CO2) originate, scientifically called carbon dioxide, which generates the famous greenhouse effect, and for some years is one of those responsible for the global warming that is slowly destroying our Paramus and glacial? ... Carbon dioxide existed from the beginning of time, when the planet was very hot and was beginning life, but the trees are fed with that carbon dioxide (CO2) because in photosynthesis they capture the (CO2), they take the carbon to convert it in wood and fruits and they release oxygen in its maximum purity so that all nature benefits from it. In a very slow process, and taking thousands and millions of years, the centenary trees captured most of that harmful carbon, turning it into wood and leaving the pure oxygen to originate our lives. Those ancient trees were buried in deep wells and by the enormous amount of pressure they were converted into oil, natural gas and coal, but the industrial age came and it took a lot of energy to move the factories, the cars and to heat our homes and, It was in those times that man began to release the dangerous carbon dioxide gas that is slowly heating our planet and that in the future will extinguish our species.


The CO2 called carbon dioxide, is an invisible and silent monster, which is invading us with its beautiful appearance of smoky dry ice.

But what can we do?...

How are we going to get rid of that dangerous and microscopic enemy? ...

Very easy

First, we must plant as many trees as possible.
Second, we cannot continue burning garbage, we must recycle them and
reuse those products, to avoid environmental contamination as much as possible.
Third, we must reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and start
use the huge amount of solar energy.
Fourth, we must manage a unified environmental policy for all the inhabitants of the earth and, thus, together protect our unique and beautiful blue planet.



What do scientists do and why have not they raised the alarm? ...

All men of science are aware of the enormous deterioration that we are doing to our planet, but no government is interested
seriously the future welfare of humanity and no scientist,
individually, he is willing to start a fight that would lead him to resign
to the pleasure and comfort that his social position, his car, his
comfortable housing and in general everything that the society of

The indifference of the superpowers and their scientists is so great that they continue to allow nuclear tests, detonating bombs in the oceans. Detonations that have slightly changed the axis of rotation of the earth and have caused tsunamis, and all the terrible climatic phenomena such as the phenomenon of the child, which has brought drought and hunger to our people and especially to the people of "La Guajira". In our country, which is in a very vulnerable desert area.

In this modern society, everyone is looking for money and pleasure at all costs, without thinking about the phenomenon that is consuming us slowly, a global warming that is melting the glaciers and that begins to flood the coastal cities and that, irremediably, they will go submerging in the sea. What will happen within a short time is the total imbalance of nature. The rains, the uncontrollable winter on one side and the extreme heat and drought on the other; with the terrible consequences of food shortages, for the growing universal population. The most powerful nations will panic and the economic imbalance will be total. The richest and most powerful, who are now so indifferent to ecological issues, will not be able to do anything with their large amounts of money, if there is no one who sells them or who buys their luxury products.


We are all going to go into crisis and the food and medicines are going to be very
scarce, before the terrible epidemics that are approaching us.

Food because they will be scarce in the future?


Let's analyze the situation. Is it possible to conceive agriculture and livestock that are truly sustainable worldwide and also productive enough to adequately feed the population, which is going to be a little less than twice what it, is today? ... If we plan seriously and it is only allowed to have two children for each couple, to which we are now in 2016, about 7,295 million people, the situation can be controlled. But if we do not make plans to control the population explosion we will enter overpopulation, unless catastrophes with lethal effects occur that could stop this tragic way of growth.



We are in a situation in which to adequately feed who we are and who we are going to be, seems a thorny issue, so full of problems. Here is a quote from Kissinger in 1974, when he was the Secretary of State of the United States, before a major FAO conference in Rome, he said: "In ten years, in 1984, no man, woman or child will go to bed hungry" . And we could bring up many promises of this style in the
past decades. And the reality, however, is very different. Today still
There are still some 1.2 billion people suffering from hunger, malnutrition or food shortages. Of these 1.2 billion people, the figure does not refer to famine victims alone or people with severe malnutrition, but also includes nutritional deficiencies in oligoaliments, for example, as a result of a poor diet. Every year 30 million people continue to die from this cause.

This, if contemplated with a bit of temporal perspective, results in a true hecatomb: more than 1,500 million people have died of hunger and malnutrition in the second half of the 20th century, when for the first time, in the history of humanity , the granaries were packed globally and the
food production was growing well above the increase
demographic. This has not been the case in previous times, but it was in that
second half of the 20th century. 1,500 million people in half a century, is the
equivalent to A SPECIES OF NUCLEAR HECATOMBE IN A SLOW MOTION And now we are facing the announcement of a crisis too, you have it every day in the press and in the television news. As a symbol of this may be, for example, the news of a few days ago that for the first time in the United States have introduced restrictions on the purchase of rice, which had not happened in that country in its history, not even in the worst moments of the Second World War. Or going to the other end of the world, for the first time too, for decades Pakistan has reintroduced ration cards in vulnerable areas. We have witnessed, in effect, in three years, a doubling of food prices on average and are triggering social outbreaks, "bread revolts" would say a historian with a memory of the history of the last three centuries, in many countries including the Philippines, Haiti, Egypt, Indonesia, several African countries and Venezuela in recent years.



Jean Ziegler, the Swiss sociologist and activist who was, for many years, responsible for the right to food for the United Nations, even spoke of "silent mass murder" to refer to the current situation and pointed out, as other analysts have done , to the causes of this current crisis: the incipient climate change on the one hand, to which recent phenomena such as that of the child can be linked, such as prolonged droughts in agro-exporting countries such as the eternal dependence on oil; the growing demand in emerging economies, such as China and India, that are climbing steps in the food chain (there are more people within these countries, who go from an almost exclusively vegetarian diet to a diet that includes more meat and dairy products); the projects to expand the use of agro-fuels such as biodiesel, that is, it is true - there has also been much debate about this in recent months - is true, as the defenders of agrofuels say, that at the moment, it is only a small fraction of the current world harvests which is actually being used to manufacture bioethanol or biodiesel, but the mechanism by which they have acted in the increase of prices is not that, it is not the direct use that is actually still very small, but the plans tremendous expansives of the European Union, of the United States, that amplified by the speculative movements in the markets, have pushed these prices upwards; and with all this speculation also encouraged by the transformations that have driven neoliberal policies in the last thirty years.


Indeed, a few days ago he also denounced the deputy director general of the FAO, saying: "in the face of a mortgage or financial crisis, such as those that have recently lived in U.S.A. and in SPAIN there are masses of money that are changing product and now part of these capitals have decided to take refuge in food, something that did not happen for three decades, these investments have begun to push prices up. " There are data that are often hidden from us, the excellent results of the agribusiness companies in recent years are often not linked to the rise in
prices. But obviously it has a lot to do with it. In particular, the benefits
of Cargill, which is the world's largest multinational in the cereals trade,
increased, in this period when the price of food was doubled, a
36% in 2007 and no less than 86% in the first quarter of 2008. Therefore,
big businesses at the same time that the prices of food go up.


If we look back, I think more, I think more, that we pass a
decisive threshold around 1980. There would be even more reasons to think that
the two that I'm going to enunciate now, but those two are enough to substantiate something like that
as the idea of ​​a threshold around 1980. On the one hand, and for the first time
in the history of the world, by 1980 the joint ecological footprint of the
humanity - the ecological footprint is an accounting tool that what it does is translate ecological impacts into territorial terms and then it serves as a
useful approach to the global human demand for natural resources and
ecosystem services, for the first time around 1980 that ecological footprint
joint of humanity exceeded the biocapacity of the planet. Which is tremendous? That means that since then, and more and more intensely, WE ARE LIVING ABOVE OUR MEDIA, WHEN IT REFERS TO WHAT THE PLANET CAN GIVE IN NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. That happened around 1980.


And also around 1980, that change of political sign that
we usually identify, we usually use as marks for it, the victories
elections in Britain and Reagan in the United States. Starting
From then on, that long period of predominance of neoliberal and neoconservative ideology, and the consistent policies that governments have applied, not only the right but also the left, more or less social democratic when they were in the government. If you had to encrypt in
four words we could talk about: technolatry, marketing,
possessive individualism and nihilistic consumerism. We are still, unfortunately, in that phase. It is ironic to think that precisely when we
There was a need for species awareness, to face unprecedented challenges in the
history of humanity, precisely when that surpassing the footprint
ecological balance of humanity to the biocapacity of the planet, indicates a
In a situation of serious, growing un sustainability and growing problems, we received savagely materialist and materialist policies, totally inadequate to face such challenges. AND WHAT WILL WE DO IN 2060 WHEN THE POPULATION AND ITS NEEDS WILL BE DUPLICATED? ...

Famines or chronic malnutrition are not natural catastrophes and that, from
then, at a time when even natural catastrophes are not.
Today we also have to think differently about this, when phenomena such as floods, TSUNAMIS or hurricanes begin to see them fundamentally as something linked to human action through climate warming.
Hunger and malnutrition are not fundamentally technical problems but
above all political-social problems, as a consequence of inequality and


Famines are not caused by lack of land or food, but by lack
of access to food and sources of monetary income at critical times.
For not giving more than a couple of data in that sense, almost half of children under five years malnourished in the South, mainly in Argentina and Colombia, and in the countries of South America, live in countries with surplus food. It is not that there is an absolute lack of food, but a lack of access to them and a political corruption that steals money intended for children's food.
Or, another data. Food consumption of the richest 20% of the population
worldwide was around 2000, sixteen times greater than the poorest 20%. The
Social inequality that conditions access to food is not a problem
technical, it is a moral problem and a political problem. Neither the growing desire for meat and fish, that ascent in the food chain that is associated with development as we conventionally understand it, or the desire for individual motorized mobility are technical problems, again they are political-moral problems.

And then, another provisional conclusion, I would say that we either consider
change our policies and what is sometimes called our "lifestyle",
what that points to is our way of working, of producing and consuming,
or that, or assume the malnutrition and the death by hunger of hundreds of millions of
people. In our society as soon as things like that are said, it also gets
on the table this word of "catastrophism" or "catastrophic pessimism".
We will try to see what there may be, if that type can be justified
of reproaches or reactions.



Why should we change policies and lifestyle? ... To answer that
We have to dig a little deeper into the causes of today's imbalances. Yes
we talk about human nutrition in a sustainable way, in a world, in
societies that are sustainable, that is to say that they are capable of surviving on
this planet, without putting at risk the natural foundations on which
they settle, which today is not happening, our societies today are
unsustainable, deeply unsustainable. Sustainability has to do with
the achievement of forms of balance between different dimensions of human life,
between ecological, social, economic dimensions, and the consequences and
objectives of these dimensions of human life. However today, for
Unfortunately, agriculture, livestock and food could almost serve as a
paradigmatic example of imbalance, are far from a situation



And the imbalances in this area are multiple, ranging from the breaking of cycles
basic natural resources such as the nitrogen cycle, today as a consequence of the
industrial agriculture that has developed, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, we are contributing, via synthetic fertilizers, more nitrogen to the ecosystems that they can incorporate by natural means, which is also an enormity. I believe that a scientist of the early twentieth century, for example, to whom this had been said, would not have believed it, would not have thought that something like that was possible and yet there we are, even imbalances such as the very accelerated loss of biodiversity,
both natural and agricultural, which is sometimes not so much talked about in the
press or on television, but that also has potentially consequences
tremendous; that constantly lose varieties of plants and animals from
agricultural interest, such as bees and beetles, also weakens our agro-systems more and more; passing, to mention other imbalances, by the so disturbing devaluation of agricultural work or by the existence of terrible slave labor and child labor in the agricultural sectors of some countries. All that within that part of the primary sector that is agriculture and livestock.


I do not have time to delve into each of these imbalances, but I will mention one of them that is very illustrative. Although in the world today there are more than enough resources to adequately feed all human beings, however, almost half of the world's population is
malnourished or by default or by excess, we previously saw those 1,200 million
approximately of people malnourished by default, due to food shortages
of one kind or another, but we also have another 1.2 billion people
approximately, suffering from excess malnutrition, in the countries of North America especially and in certain social strata of the countries of South America. The ingestion of an excess of calories, proteins and animal fats causes overweight and the problems of bad health that a bad diet causes. This, in recent years, therefore, has been identified as an epidemic by the national health systems of some countries, including ours. This also appears frequently in the media, obesity is a risk factor in cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, some types of cancer.
With which we have for more than 1 billion people the diseases of hunger or malnutrition and for other more than 1,000 million the diseases of overweight. These hundreds of millions of malnourished people, by excess, show clearly that more is not always better, something that should be a truism and that is almost paradoxical in this culture of ours, in particular in which the underlying current is "more is best". Below a minimum threshold, 2,200 Kcal. That FAO established a long time ago, suffers malnutrition, but there are also maximum thresholds from which to consume more goes to the detriment of the health of each and each one.



In Colombia this looks good; it's also a very graphic way to illustrate this
type of imbalances. In the last four decades we have witnessed a deterioration in the quality of the average diet due to excessive consumption of meat,
animal fats and deficiency of vegetable fiber, carbohydrates, fruits and
vegetables in general. Colombians and Colombians ate better around 1965
that in 2015. If this issue is analyzed with a diachronic perspective, throughout
of time, if you see the evolution of the diet since 1940
until today, it is appreciated how it is going from a situation of malnutrition by default, to the exit of the political wars and the years that follow it, to a situation
towards 1965, in which the average diet practically coincides with the dietetic ideal, materialized in that millenary diet that serves as a standard diet, and from there the excess in the consumption of meat products, animal fats, etc., leads to the diet The average is increasingly separated from the dietary ideal, with which we go from an imbalance to another imbalance.

The diets typical of developed countries are too rich in meat and,
As the countries we call underdeveloped enter into stages of the
development, its inhabitants typically ascend the atrophic chain and go
consuming less plant foods and more and more meat and dairy products.
That is a problem. We do not have enough present, the big difference
in terms of the environmental impact produced by basically vegetarian diets
or diets very rich in meat, but that impact is very different. When
we eat meat from animals raised with agricultural products, meat from industrial livestock, this reasoning does not apply in this way to animals raised exclusively in pasture, outdoors, but for the bulk of the meat and animal products we consume come from stabled cattle, in those industrial conditions, then we lose between 70% and 95% of the biochemical energy of the plants.





And that has to do with a very basic biological law that biologists sometimes call "Lindeman's law", when they climb a step in an atrophic chain they get lost
approximately nine tenths of the biomass. If we go from the level of the herbivores to that of the carnivores that feed on these herbivores, then we have that the biomass of the carnivores is typically only a tenth of the biomass of the herbivores, just as the latter is only
approximately one-tenth of the plants from which the
they feed That has very profound implications when we talk about the
human nutrition To obtain a kilo of protein of animal origin, in
industrial systems we use between 3 and 20 kilos of protein of origin
vegetable, which could be consumed directly by humans. With which, that
Increased consumption of meat and dairy products has an explosive effect
on the basis of resources from which we can feed. And in fact
we are finding each other, as we move into that situation of a world with
relatively much ecological space and few people, as they have lived
previous generations of human beings, to this world that is ours now, where there are many people and a growing restriction of space
environmental or ecological space, then we started to meet with
conflicts between the basic resources and in particular we can ask ourselves if,
Do we produce food for people or for livestock? ...

The official FAO figures speak of 800 million victims of the
hunger and malnutrition and yet most of the corn and soybeans,
which are protein-rich foods, especially soybeans, that are grown in
this world, is being used to feed cattle, pigs and
to the chickens More than 40% of the world's cereals and more than a third
of the fishing catches, is used to feed the excessive cattle herd of the countries of the North.

We have rich diets in these countries that cannot be generalized, and that is reflected, the North-South American gap is faithfully reflected in the destiny we give to cereals. In the North, only 30% of cereals are consumed directly by people, while 70% is used to raise animals. In contrast, direct grain intake prevails in South America. I would say that those highly meat diets, which prevail in the countries of the North, today are not morally acceptable because of their intrinsically non- generalizable character.

In addition to that, the environmental costs of industrial livestock are very large.



FAO data indicate that to produce a fresh kilo of beef, in systems
industrial use, water consumption fifteen times higher than that of the
equivalent in vegetables and there is a significant contamination with carbon dioxide, the main GREENHOUSE GAS, or in methane also from cattle in industrial livestock.
In short, in my opinion, it is a real disaster. We have concentration camps for sentient beings, living in conditions that are not acceptable, meat factories as assembly lines that consume high amounts of energy, pollute water reserves, generate a very important proportion of greenhouse gases, almost a fifth of the world total, according to FAO data- and which require increasing amounts of corn, soybeans and other cereals, which presses on the limited base of resources on which our societies rely. It would be interesting to realize that this idea, associating these meat factories from industrial livestock to assembly lines, would be justified in a very literal way, that is, there is no free analogy, but historically it was in fact of cutting, in the slaughterhouses of Chicago, those that inspired the production of Ford in the automobiles and later in another type of consumer goods in the first decades of the 20th century. Historically, this is so; Ford was inspired by those slaughterhouses chains of Chicago slaughterhouses.


Anyway, here is some more data on the enormous environmental impact that industrial livestock has, but we will not stop there.
Also the consumption of fish is too high all over the world although, fortunately, there are other countries that have less fish consumption per capita than we do, but, of course, Spanish, North American and Japanese are at the top of the world ranking of consumption of seafood products. We are also there consuming unsustainably, abusing what the seas and oceans of the planet can give of themselves. Here we also have some data but I will not dwell on it either. Suffice it to mention only this fact, that the fishing industry, in recent decades, has eliminated 90% of the big fish of the oceans. That alone should make us reflect, because if in 2016 fishing reserves are running out, what fish were we going to eat in 2066 when it will be our sad end.


I am going to enunciate now the difficulties with which we are going to find ourselves,
and we are finding, and in fact we will find in the times to come, to materialize that adequate food for all humanity, which is
perfectly possible as we saw at the beginning, if we want to do it. But in
that "if we wanted to do it" we would have to face a series of
difficulties, some already known and others new up to a point, that there are
have to be present One of them, the tools that have allowed in the
century XX the great increase of agricultural production that occurred, have lost
much of its potential, that is, we cannot simply think of repeating
a kind of green revolution of the 21st century because the tools of the
green revolution have given almost everything they could give. For example, the
genetic improvement in cereals, which are the basis of human nutrition,
will not be able to increase the cereal harvest rate too much, it is
say, the edible biomass of the same, because for that there are limits
absolute biological, near which we are already after the processes of
genetic improvement made in the twentieth century, which brought immense consequences with those transgenic  that gave rise to the thousands and thousands of transsexuals, gays and lesbians originated by the irresponsible genetic management that I explain extensively in my book "THE MONSTERS CREATED BY THE TRANSGENDERS AND THE CONTRACEPTIVES ".



Nor can we think that increasing the consumption of inorganic fertilizers will produce large increases in crops, on the contrary, in most of the world there has already reached ceiling, only some growing areas could respond to an increase in inorganic fertilization, but in general, we have already reached the ceiling. Just as we cannot think of a great further expansion of irrigation because we already have oversized systems in many countries with overexploited aquifers in large regions and water courses, rivers, which are heavily intervened. On the other hand, arable land is subject to great threats: erosion, desertification, soil contamination and loss of farmland due to expansion of urban settlements and infrastructure, and there are no large virgin reserves that can be put into operation, therefore, also that basic resource, absolutely basic, which is the land of cultivation, finds difficulties if we want to exploit it even more.
Oceanic fisheries are far beyond what they can give
sustainable and it is also unlikely that aquaculture will take over
that production, for reasons that then if you want we can address in the
colloquium. In short, there are limits close in that type of tools of
intensification of agricultural and livestock production that we have used throughout
of the twentieth century. With which the intimation to deeper changes, to changes not
technical, but, I insist, political-moral changes is very strong, and it is an issue that
we must not lose sight of it.



In what we can describe, in social ecological terms as a full world, that means a world saturated in ecological environmental terms or environmental space, a world in which the global demand of humanity exceeds the biocapacity of the planet as is the case now, there are increasingly competition phenomena for scarce resources. Krugman wrote a few days ago, in an article entitled "Food and cheap oil are already a thing of the past":
"High oil prices, because they remain high despite everything, also have a lot to do with the growth of China and other emerging economies. Directly and indirectly, these growing economic powers compete with the rest of us for scarce resources, including oil and farmland, which drives up the prices of raw materials of all kinds. " And although that is on a somewhat remote horizon ... We are only beginning to see it, it is going to be a factor that is going to have more importance in the times to come, if we move towards sustainable societies the demands that society is going to address, to the primary sector, they will grow bigger and bigger. In other words, we now identify agricultural production above all with the production of food and fibers, but in a society that is sustainable, where part of what has been provided in the past by mineral resources and fossil fuels is provided in a renewable way. land, the demands for the fields or for the extraction of biomass will be increasing. On the one hand we cannot conceive a sustainable society that is not based on solar energy, photosynthesis and the "closing of cycles" of the
materials, but on the other hand that means new productive demands
for the field. We are already seeing it with the debate on agrofuels in
in recent times, it is incipient only but you have to think that in a
world that moves towards sustainability are not going to be only
agrofuels but we will be asking for more things, for example
base materials for the green chemistry of the field.

An agricultural activity in sustainable societies would have to provide also an increasing number of industrial raw materials: biomass for uses
diverse, agrofuels, fibers, biopolymers, structural materials,
coatings, lubricants, resins, oils, plant hormones (which are contaminating the human genetic code and that will turn us into sterile and transsexual beings without remedy), detergents, raw materials for green chemistry, pharmaceuticals, paper, cardboard and others.
As you can see, this draws a horizon that is also complicated since that resource base is limited. And here are some data on the recent controversy about agrofuels - I say I'm going to go a little above this because I'm sure they have it sufficiently present from the media in these past weeks.

The idea of ​​energy crops, crops to produce not only energy, not
only in the form of liquid agrofuels for example, but also of
other ways. This can be a solution or madness and everything depends on the type
of cultivation and alternative uses of the land. For example, grow corn
to produce ethanol has a lot of nonsense, but if for example it
they cultivate extensively in poor land thistles to generate electricity in
mini thermal power stations, maybe that's a more sensible idea, although global warming would rise twice and the few remaining glaciers would end and the sea level would rise significantly. What results
unviable is to pretend to maintain the current levels of energy wastage
without changing the model, simply replacing fossil fuels with biomass and biofuels. And the underlying issue that appears again and again is the problems of scale and the need for self-limitation.



WE ARE GOING TO HAVE GROWING DIFFICULTIES FOR CLIMATE HEATING - we must stop at this, I just mention them. In countries like ours, in tropical countries, in the area where we are for a reason, and in other regions of the planet due to a different set of phenomena, we must expect growing difficulties in the agro-food field of climate warming.

We also have the difficulties that come from the end of the era of cheap oil in agriculture and livestock that have become as dependent on oil as are agriculture and industrial livestock in recent decades. In current intensive agriculture, fossil energy consumption is above 95% of external energy inputs in agroecosystems. We have a large amount of inputs, fertilizers, diesel, phytosanitary products, machinery, which are all oil transformed.

Well, that in a world in which oil and other fossil fuels are touching limits also there, with peak oil or peak oil, will also cause more and more difficulties. Eating oil, which in a way is what we are doing today, is not sustainable; eating from the sun is sustainable. In the past human societies have eaten from the sun
but the industrial society that has developed in the twentieth century is eating
especially oil.

That is not sustainable and we also have to be aware of it. And we have an important set of difficulties that come from treating food as
simple merchandise, with questions as basic as this one: if the benefits of
Investors must prevail over the most basic needs of the people,
How is the food?
Today we have dependence and hunger as a consequence of the loss of food sovereignty that has been forced or facilitated at least by the neoliberal policies of recent decades. The 70% of those countries that we continue to call in the process of development are now net importers of food. This is a situation of fragility, of vulnerability, whose magnitude we now appreciate after food prices have doubled in recent years.


Liberalization and market opening took this ahead, the kind of
policies that have favored the World Bank and related institutions
with him, and most of these producers were expelled from the
markets, the country became increasingly dependent on rice imported from the United States
United and when now in a short time they have doubled, and more than doubled, the
rice prices that has directly caused hunger. And there are similar stories
in many countries of the South and especially in Colombia. If you look for example
what has happened to corn in Mexico also since the middle of the years
ninety so far with the implementation of transgenic, because we would have a parallel history, even more ironic if you want, considering that Mexico is the cradle of corn, the center of diversity of the crop, the place where the crop was domesticated first time

It is possible to make peace with nature in agriculture, although it is not
possible to eliminate the tragedy of human existence, in the sense that
We kill to eat and, even with a strictly vegetarian diet, we go to
produce the death of some living beings, we cannot produce goods and
services without causing some damage to ecosystems and living beings, but
without incurring Angeles’s of any kind, it is possible to make peace with the
nature in the field of agricultural and livestock production. This production goes
inevitably have some impacts on the environment and on the
living beings, all human activity has them, but those impacts can be very
large or very small and in that the numbers matter, it does not matter eight
eighty. We used to see some of this before, reflecting for a moment on the
differential impacts of very vegetarian or very meat diets.


We have a magnitude of options that have different environmental and social effects.
With different production and consumption options we can cause damage of magnitude one, of magnitude five, of magnitude twenty or of magnitude one hundred and, according to those options, we will also have diverse responsibilities. If we wanted to say it with an image, the well-known environmental slogan of "walking lightly on the earth" is a legitimate aspiration, I think we have to aspire to it, even if we do not rise by levitating a few feet above the earth.

Here I put again the example of moving from a carnivorous diet to a diet
basically vegetarian, which would strongly reduce the environmental impact
related to food activities. There are also some
concrete calculations in which I will not stop now.

Those calculations in the case of comparing a very carnivorous diet with a diet
basically vegetarian they move in a range of options, in an order of
magnitude of up to 1 to 40, forty times less environmental impact a diet
vegetarian in certain conditions that a highly carnivorous diet. Clear,
damage of magnitude one or damage of magnitude forty are quite different things.


Or to put another concrete example, the same amount of land can produce up to 26 times more protein for human consumption by planting in it spinach than by dedicating it to feed for cattle. If there is no more land available for agriculture, there we find all that competition for land uses that will increasingly be a pressing problem; does it not matter to feed
a person who feed twenty-six people with the same surface area

I indicate again that here we have a range of options, playing with these different ways of cultivating, raising cattle, producing and consuming with the diet factor, we have human options whose results for the biosphere are very different, I say in a range of up to 40 to 1, and with that we return, and I'm going to do it again once again, to the point of departure: the real problems are not technical problems but mainly political-moral problems.

And now some ideas to conclude. The first and the most important, the
idea of ​​self-limitation. If we are guided by this kind of implicit maxim in
Much of the functioning of the current agro-food system in countries
rich who comes to say "of everything in any place and at any time",
this leads, through a series of mechanisms that we could detail more time, to the breaking of limits and the forcing of the own exploitations of the different territories and, with it, to serious ecological social impacts. On the contrary, the sustainable use of
biomass, and in particular biomass for human consumption, requires
self-limitation and moderation. One of the ways in which this should manifest itself is
the idea of ​​eating the proper place and time in adequate quantities. He
environmental impact of seasonal fruit in one place, compared to the
fruit brought in by plane from the other side of the world, at a time when
It is not available nearby, it is vastly different.


The idea that diet matters. Our diets can be ecologically
unsustainable, socially unjust and morally unacceptable. There the key variables are in principle: seasonality, territoriality, content in meat and fish, as we saw before, the nature of the products and processes, there we have extensive livestock farming in front of the intensive or artisanal fisheries in front of the annihilating fishing now practiced by industrial fleets, and also the dimension of the visible and the hidden that rarely appears that hidden part of unsustainable agricultural production but that we should have more present.

It is important to introduce the idea of ​​descending the food chain, or
it is completely aberrant, we do not realize it but in Colombia, being an underdeveloped country, one goes almost to any restaurant, goes to see the menu of second courses in that restaurant, and what he finds is practically nothing but meat and fish, There are vegetarian restaurants of course, but in a "normal" restaurant, the second courses are always meat or fish. That is aberrant, it is like working with the schemes of that situation in which we have been, maybe decades ago, human beings but now we are no longer, we are not already in a world empty in environmental terms but in a full world. Well, in a world full of people and scarce cannot be eating meat and fish every day, make that into our dietary ideal as in a country like this we are doing. It should be more like the much more moderate intake of meat and fish that was typical in our grandparents' diet, for example. Consumer products that occupy a lower place in the food chain, free environmental space to feed more human beings, other human beings, and also for other living beings with whom we share the biosphere. Consuming crustaceans or herbivorous fish instead of carnivorous fish, such as tuna or salmon, is the same idea that
Lindeman's law that we talked about earlier, the same idea in the case of fish,
or consuming vegetables instead of meat reduces the ecological damage caused by production.


The idea of ​​food sovereignty, which is very important and which is now
Complete news with the crisis of these days. Here you have some statements
of George Bush in 2001, speaking in Washington of the future of agriculture and
of the American cattle ranch, where it said: "it is important for our
nation grow food, feed our population.
- The United States is a world agricultural power as we know Can you imagine a country that was not able to grow enough food to feed its population? ... It would be a nation exposed to international pressures. It would be a vulnerable nation. And that's why, when we talk about American agriculture, we're really talking about a question of national security. "

In short, as seen here, the president of the United States seems a decided
supporter of food sovereignty, to use the term they have used
Vía Campesina or the NGOs of solidarity with South America in these past years. Which may seem a bit surprising? Here we would have Bush coinciding with the speech of that so-called anti-globalization. How is that? What happens is that in that the United States, also the European Union in another way, practice the law of the funnel, defending its own food sovereignty and instead urging other countries to abandon it. While Via
Peasant asks for food sovereignty for all, Bush asked for
United, while encouraging food dependence on others. The
The policies of the European Union have not been very different in recent years.



Technology, politics and ethics. Insist all the time on the idea that the problems of
are political and moral and not technical, that does not mean that there
a whole land for technical agronomic improvements, that there is, there are things
we need to do better in agronomy, but apart from working in that sense, it is more important to fight poverty, improve infrastructure for the distribution of products and promote regional self-sufficiency,
food sovereignty of those regions, supporting subsistence farmers, instead of trying to expel them, eliminate them, throw them out, as
has done in recent years by Colombian armed groups, those on the right and those on the left who do not have the necessary culture to handle these phenomena.

The most effective measures to improve food security on the planet not
are technological changes but political social changes that protect the base of
natural resources, while distributing them more fairly and improving the
situation of the poor peasants.

We need an alternative intensification. We cannot do without a high-yield agriculture and for that reason, in a certain intensive sense, but not in the way that conventional industrial agriculture is, but through a
alternative intensification based on agro ecology. Not an agriculture that does not
intensive as industrial agriculture is, intensive especially in
inputs that are transformed oil, more or less, but that is intensive in
knowledge and diversity as proposed by agro ecology, where the objective is not
it must be to maximize the yields but to optimize them in a sustainable way.


An agriculture that would be truly sustainable and nonetheless of low yield,
It would be intensive in work, knowledge and diversity. His bet would be to work in depth with biological diversity and cultural diversity. Organic farming today is a substantial step in that direction but it is by no means an insurmountable goal or one that must be set dogmatically.

Some more examples, and I'm done with this idea of ​​five key points that would be:
improve the efficiency of current agro-food systems, the idea of
coefficient; stop the environmental deterioration produced by the activities
agricultural, agricultural, ecologizing agro-systems and here is the idea of
biomimicry, that is, create livestock and agricultural systems that are more
similar to natural ecosystems; distribute the media with more justice
of agrifood production, which includes an integral agrarian reform that Colombian peasants have always been waiting for, and peasants from many other countries, and that is the idea of ​​equity; implement an alternative strategy of rural development also inspired by criteria of justice, and there the idea of ​​security; and free ecological space by varying our diet
reducing the consumption of meat and fish, mainly in North America and in developed countries, and there the idea of ​​self-limitation. Eco-efficiency, biomimicry, equity, security and self-limitation, translated into all those measures of agrarian and livestock policy would lead to a world where we could effectively feed ourselves all in a sustainable way WITHOUT HURTING THE SURVIVAL OF OUR SPECIES ON THE PLANET, WHICH IS SERIOUSLY THREATENED.



I ask the scientific men of the superpowers.
What is the program or the formula that they have to solve the problems that
Are they rapidly destroying our environment and threatening in the future to destroy the human species? ... Because it is very sad to say, but the day when man disappears, will disappear with him almost all the problems of the planet earth.


Not all. We still exist environmentalists, we will fight until the last moment to make come to reason intelligent people, we are the vast majority, we must start to create serious policies of reforestation and environmental sanitation, allowing us survival and glorious fulfillment of the beautiful mission of the human being on earth. I invite all those who read this book completely free, so that they send it to their relatives and friends, so that together we strengthen the non-profit foundation, www. sowing life Com and all the foundations and institutions that want to help us in the preservation of our land.



It is my duty to inform the public and all the inhabitants
of this beautiful planet that, due to strange phenomena, in fifty years and exactly on June six of the year two thousand sixty-six (6666),
Even the last human being will be submerged in the intoxicating sweet death. A
death without pain, without convulsions, without previous warnings because THE RADIOACTIVITY and the excess of carbon monoxide (CO) in the blood, will lead us to fade forever in the car, in the house, in the office or wherever we are and without no pain At that moment we will run out of life and the terrible prophecy of the terrible 666 that I never wanted to believe will be fulfilled. That monster with many heads will destroy us only if we allow it. It is very sad for me, to have to inform people, my friends and my children that the world is running out and that we have only fifty years to live, so my grandchildren could never be older than me, because the contaminated world that we are inheriting will not allow them.

The time has come when we should stop thinking as individuals
and start thinking as a species, which can not destroy its own habitat. Do not
we can allow the earth to be covered with smoke and dust that we
it will suffocate slowly. The temperature of our planet will rise progressively and
In a short time it will become that hell that nobody wants. We are finishing
with the planet and me, a humble country man, I am launching a S.O.S. to all humanity because we are heading to a cataclysm that will only save our survival instinct.


But if the survival instinct works with a progressive phenomenon that does not show the immediate risk what will we do? ...

Of course we do perceive the danger and we are all currently perceiving it, because the instinct for survival is our greatest inspiration and we all know that the climate disorder happens because we are doing something very wrong and we have to sit down, already, to establish clear conservation policies for our planet, because it is not possible that
there are more plastic bags than fish in the sea. It is not possible that the
dictator of a small country is doing nuclear tests without any control.
Bursting an atomic bomb into the sea, it's like detonating a stick of dynamite
inside a whale. It may not jump destroyed in a thousand pieces, but with
all security will destroy tissues necessary for life, and those injuries
Sooner or later they will take her to death.

It cannot be that the generation of the 21st century, when technology
has reached its maximum development, be the last generation to survive, for
blame for self-destruction that is AVOIDABLE, with three or four programs
ecological that benefit us all. Humanity was born on earth and
We will surely live in it with happiness and forever.
This world is a treasure and it is crying out for us to save it.

If and what are the cries, what are the alarm voices? ...

The deterioration of the ozone layer, the phenomenon of the child, climate change, tsunamis, the accelerated extinction of species, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, the proliferation of cancer, transsexuals and genetic deformities and all the weird things we see in nature on a daily basis. I do not understand, what are the great scientists who have not been able to calculate the phenomenon that is coming and in less than thirteen football worlds, are going to destroy us all irretrievably and do not think that it will be a quick death. No. The coastal cities will sink slowly into the sea. Food will be scarce for a devastated population mutilated by nuclear radiation, respiratory diseases will rise to unimaginable limits and, in recent years, the survivors will be subject to an oxygen pipette, due to the large amount of monoxide carbon and the high
temperatures will be unbearable. The bad thing is that the time will come when the
trees, our saviors, will no longer be able to play their protective role because
They will be as sick and dehydrated as we are. How a tree
will capture the CO2 carbon, if the CO2 is also dry due to the lack of
rains? ...

It's not that in 2060, when we're going to be submerged in the
problem up to our necks, when we are going to be sheltered by a cloud of radioactive waste, we are going to plant billions of trees, because
the time will come when the damage will be irreversible and that is why we have
to start reforesting immediately, in order to counteract the effect
evil produced by the millions and millions of cars and motorcycles that are
producing the superpowers currently. It's not just the cars and the
engines, are all the waste generated by humanity in its different
activities. It's the disposable cup in which you drank your coffee in the morning, it's
the plastic bag in which the donuts were packed, are the old shoes that
You threw it in the trash, it's the old coat that you gave to the homeless and that the
burned in the cold night to warm up. IS the CO2 that occurs when
prepare your food It is a small molecular monster that we have to
be aware as soon as possible.


Power plants, factories, machines, engines and cars, burn fossil fuels, therefore they produce polluting gases.
Some of these gases, especially nitrogen oxides and dioxide
sulfur, react to contact with the humidity of the air and transform into
sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. These acids are deposited
in the clouds causing the acid rain that causes so much damage to nature
and to the old constructions. Emissions must be reduced. The burning of fossil fuels continues to be one of the most economical ways to produce electricity, therefore, new developments must be generated using non-polluting alternative energies.

Governments have to spend more money on research and develop projects that aim to reduce environmental pollution. There are many things we can do, day by day, to help preserve the environment and have a harmonious coexistence with nature. All that is required is a small modification of our behavior with nature.

Well, the contamination is clear, but



Many years ago, when I was in the middle of my productive stage and, without abandoning my environmentalist spirit, I worked in a sale of recycling materials, getting food and everything necessary for my elderly parents and for, Carolina, my little daughter. The work was very interesting and in the afternoon of any given day, an old teacher and friend came into the business, which I met in a coven of witches, a story that I told in my book "The True Code of Antichrist" and that came regularly to buy second and third hand books, which discarded the population of the municipality. The old man was a native of hair completely white for years and skin and toasted by the sun. In my town I had the bad reputation of being a sorcerer, mentalist and I had already had the magnificent opportunity to prove it. For a few seconds I immersed myself in my pain, begging for eternal unity to help me and so it was. I looked at that man with the anguish reflected in my face and I said:

- Don Ignacio, can I ask a question? ...

- Sure, boy, ask what you want, I'm here to serve you - the man answered with a broad smile.

- Is that my mother gave a pre infarction and is very bad and in serious danger of death - I said with despair.

- Well, son, - replied the noble old man interrupting my speech - Life is only the preparation to evolve to a better state and to die is not a defeat but a triumph.

- No, man, - I protested with eyes covered in tears - my daughter is too young and my mother is the one who takes care of me and cannot even die, and, besides, we all love her and it would be a great loss for us. And is it to see if you can cure me with your hidden powers?


- Well, quiet, - argued the old man to see my despair - If you want, I advise him to do a non-invasive operation and correct those small heart failures and so prolong life, for another time, until you Be prepared to let it continue its evolution to infinity.

- Yes, Don Ignacio - I replied wrapped in the immense power of the old man's blue eyes, which filled me with hope - And how would that be? - I asked not understanding well what he was saying.

- Have you ever heard about the operations that Dr. José Gregorio Hernández of Venezuela did? ... Operations that are done on the spiritual level from the fifth dimension, without the invasive practices of traditional medicine.

- - Yes, sir, I heard something about that and ... then? ...

- - I master that technique and if, you, want, tonight I guide you in the fifth dimension so that you intervene to your mother and while you are sleeping, we heal those ailments so you can continue your normal life, taking care of your little daughter.

- Well, Don Ignacio, -
I exclaimed full of joy without hesitating, not even a second, of the miraculous technique
that exposed the old man.

- Tonight, put your mother in a bed with white sheets and covered with a single white sheet and at about midnight enter the fifth dimension without relative that I will explain to you how these cells are renewed -. He recommended the old man while taking the three booklets he had chosen and, of course, I did not charge him. The man left, I complied with all his recommendations and all his teachings and my elderly mother, the next day, dawned as new. We took her to the doctor, they took a new electrocardiogram and they repeated all the exams and found no trace of the supposed heart attack. The doctors came to the conclusion that it had been a misdiagnosis or that there had been a miracle of those in which they do not believe, but that she was very well and completely healthy.

It was from that glorious miracle that I understood the grandeur of human intelligence and became more friendly with Dr. Ignacio Duque Sucerquia, parapsychologist, mentalist, medical graduate, engineer and the most advanced sorcerer of Antioquia la grande. Land of beautiful women, mules, witches and good businessmen. It was with that intelligent man that I started the intensive course that took me to the
awareness of the immortality of my soul.

The noble old man came every day at four in the afternoon; he sat next to me and told me things like this:


"Instead of wasting your time on business speculations, you should look for the simple life of spiritual evolution and, in that way, saves yourself from materialistic and perpetual anxiety. The only duty of a human being is his spiritual awareness but, unfortunately, modern civilization, human society, is too busy working tirelessly to get material things that satisfy the sensuality of his senses. Human beings live so busy in their short space of time, that they are not aware that their mission is this land, it goes beyond driving a car and buying a house that they will leave anyway when they die and turn off their light and its ephemeral opportunity to transcend. All the doubts of the heart will disappear and the anguish of the material tribulation will be extinguished and the transcendental happiness will be presented when they enter, as you already well know, consciously into the fifth dimension. "

That was one of the many advices that Don Ignacio gave me, after meeting him on the mountain of "El Capiro", when I expressed my wishes
learn the witchcraft that, for hundreds and hundreds of years, have
practiced some smart Antioquian matrons. Why find a sorcerer
It is very difficult in our land, but witches always abounded to
disturb the husbands of the other women paisas. And that's how the
classes to learn to fly through space wrapped in a ball of fire.

"First of all, you must understand that there is a body and a
soul, in the same way that matter and antimatter exist, as
Doctors Emilio Seque, born in Italy and Dr. Ower, tested
Chamberlain, born in San Francisco, and winners in Stockholm of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1959, after demonstrating the existence of the astral universe or
spiritual universe, stripped of the obstacles and limitations of matter.
The traditional doctor and the traditional scientist take into account their knowledge in the fourth dimension of the materialistic world, which is measured in space and time, but they do not have any information about the power of the mind and intelligence in the fifth dimension. The sorcerers of Antioquia have some experience about the power of the mind, because at any moment we can transfer our spirits to hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Intelligence is powerful, but more powerful than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence, but is spirit or antimatter. The soul is a hundred thousand times more powerful than intelligence, because it is the summary of consciousness.
Therefore, people who are not initiated can only imagine
the speed of the soul in its journey from one place to another, because in the fifth
dimension space and time are relative.
Needless to say, the soul travels
by its own strength, and not with the help of any kind of material vehicle ... The
bestial civilization of eating, sleeping, working and pleasing the senses, has
misguided modern man, making him forget the powerful soul he has.
As I already told you, the soul is a spiritual spark that is many, many times more illuminating, effulgent and powerful than the sun, the moon or electricity, for
Put examples and try to explain something, which is inexplicable for the vast majority. Human life is lost when a man does not discover his mission on earth, when he does not understand what is the meaning of the magic of life, when he does not perceive the eternity of his soul. All men will personally experience all the different stages of spiritual enlightenment, and this will provoke in them a firm belief that they are progressing positively on the path to the spiritual heaven of their immortality. "


And he continued saying:
- "The mission and objective of the earthly life of a human being is to understand the awareness of eternity. We are aware of our existence in the universe and, slowly, we are going to be aware of the power of our divine soul, WHICH CAN MODIFY OUR MINTUAL REALITY THAT is, exactly, what we want. Unfortunately, in this modern society, we have been trained to follow ridiculous religions, which were born in the fears of other peoples with customs different from ours, and, in addition to that, the vast majority of men are occupied in getting material properties that very Soon they will have to leave, because of the terrible environmental pollution that the planet is undergoing. It is very sad that the world still ignores what the fundamental purpose of life is.
Human society is destined to reach this stage of perfection through a gradual development that it will achieve through its experiences. "
I tried to assimilate his words and he kept saying ...


"The spiritual force is what creates the physical reality that we perceive, and only through this spiritual principle, is it that things happen in a very simple way. For example, if we want to have a beautiful blonde daughter, like yours, then we must conquer the neighbor with beautiful eyes and good heart that smiles at us when it happens. Love arrives and in a few years that daughter or that desired child materializes, and in the same way a home is created or a house of two or three floors is built, or you buy a blue car and paint it red, or what you want because you are unlimited and eternal. In short, if humanity, in the course of extinguished ages, repeatedly tried to climb the steps that lead to a very high immortal civilization, and slipped, and fell, why can not we be on the way to get the scale, to build the civilization that will know immortality on earth and in the heavens? ... The evolutionary vision, which has the race of Antioqueno men, allows us to glimpse the general lines OF A NEW RELIGION PAISA that, with complete certainty, will arise to answer to the needs of the 21st century. The world waits for you. Humanity discerns, more or less clearly, that there is a phenomenon like a new religion about to manifest itself. Or, rather, if we exclude those gods invented by the immense solitude of the desert shepherds, we will have an exalted feeling of relationship with the whole. The sciences are already sufficiently developed, so that their convergence can produce a new image of the universe, therefore, the process of evolution, in the person of man, leads him to become aware of himself, to realize his eternity and discover that he is the center of the whole. We do not have to wait until the edge of the ecological cataclysm in which humanity will end, to discover that man is the center of the verb. We Antioquenos should foresee the possibility of the birth of a new religion paisa, in which the man goes from using ten percent of his brain capacity and gets to use one hundred percent of his abilities, which will allow him to break the shell of the egg of that eternal universe.

SPIRITUAL DEFLECTION was the most important class dictated to me by Dr. Ignacio Duque, the noble old man who was transmitting his knowledge to me and who made me feel very protected.

- As we talk about the spiritual universe - the experienced warlock told me without turning his powerful gaze from my face - I want to ask you if you have dreamed of people who have died years ago, with places or places you did not know and that in your dreams very clear and with all the details. Do I need to know if you have had those dreams, common and current, in which people tell us: Last night I dreamed about such thing or another? ... But nobody stops to think why I was dreaming of other places or places, if my
body was resting peacefully in bed.

- Yes, Don Ignacio, I had very real dreams with a brother of mine who died in a traffic accident and they have been so real and have been so moving the things that he asked me in that dream, that the next day I got up completely surprised and sorry.


- And what was your brother's request? ... Asked the old man - If you can know and do not bother the question.

- Not calm. It turns out that a cleaning lady, from the company where he worked, had lent him two million pesos and he paid interest on them without anyone else knowing. In the dream he was very worried because, suddenly, we denied the money to the lady, Isabel, because there was no kind of document about the debt, then she told me to say goodbye to my mother and all our brothers, and to tell them that he was very good and
in peace with eternal unity. It was so real that I went to the company and looked for Mrs. Isabel, the cleaning lady, and the debt was very true and I gave her back the money she had lent to my brother. It was a real dream and with all security he spoke to me from the fifth dimension

- Surely he was speaking to you from infinity, - the old man continued, who continued saying, "That is the spiritual plane where there is no time, nor distance, nor weight. Dimension in which we have an energy body, which moves at the speed of thought that is unlimited and is enabled to do what we want in the universe. In this fifth dimension we move like angels and we are beings of light, in a way that is beyond human comprehension, because everything is a thought, everything is peace, happiness and wisdom. When you want to know what the sorcerers always called occultism, there you know and stop being hidden. Well, but what interests us is to enter that dimension, but not unconsciously, asleep, but consciously leave the physical body and move with full will for that spiritual universe. But that can only be achieved by expanding our mental and thinking capacity, because normally we are only using ten percent of our brain capacity and to be able to understand and assimilate these new paths well, we must expand our use of the brain to a twenty-five percent as did Einstein, Gandhi and all those smart matrons they called witches and hopefully one hundred percent as did Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Krysna and Buddha. So, my dear friend, if you want to put into practice the conscious spiritual outlet, I will give you some simple instructions so that you can achieve it. I am going to give you a Hindu mantra that I have practiced and that I know gives a positive result. A mantra is a magic word that opens a door in the infinite and allows us to spiritually leave the physical body and return to it, with full consciousness. The mantra is LARAS and is pronounced by prolonging the sound of each syllable.


- Llllllll aaaaaaaaa

- Rrrrrrrr aaaaaaa

- Sssssssssssssss

- The midwives of Antioquia, women of superior intelligence, who developed this technique hundreds of years ago, took an eggshell and placed it about two or three meters from their bed on a small table or a chair, to be able to concentrate their mind and pay attention to her and we will do the same. You lie down, you relax your body breathing deeply and then you start to pronounce the magic syllables three or four times verbally and then you continue to pronounce them mentally, until you feel a spurt running through your body, from head to toe, and you feel like you lose strength and you get a laziness that you do not want to move, in that moment you must raise your spirit with extreme care, trying to leave your physical body behind, without shaking, to take the shell of the egg and when you have the shell in the hand, hit a jump and you will be suspended in the air. It cannot scare you, nor be surprised by the light of immaculate white that will sprout from all sides, when you see yourself floating in a spiritual body. Nor can you be scared because we have done so many human beings through history and nothing bad has happened to us. Quiet that your body will not die while you are outside, he will wait for you lying down with all his vital functions intact. From that moment everything will change for you, you will have clearer thoughts and you will remember each of the things that have happened during your life, everything will be easier to understand and you will never feel afraid of anything, because in a conscious way you have discovered eternity and your unlimited power. Your intelligence will automatically increase and your brain will begin to function with twenty-five percent of its capacity or more, because you will finally understand that time and distance are relative. All men possess an eternal, divine and immortal spirit and at that time it will be very clear to your mercy. As soon as you see yourself floating in the air, think about where you want to go and there you will be immediately, like a lightning bolt, or you can go slowly looking at the space or as you wish, from above or going through things, because you will be like a ghost. This way, he will acquire the wisdom that is not written in the books, the wisdom that they do not teach either in the universities or anywhere else. When you manage to get the spirit out of your body for the first time, keep practicing it every night, so that your ability to think more and more will develop, visiting the places and people that interest you most. Try to be good and do not hurt your enemies, do not oppress the chest of those who are sleeping, and try not to unleash your frustrations
sexual, visiting and touching people who have been completely defenseless and asleep.

- How, and can that be done?
- I asked surprised.

- Of course, in the witchcraft of the Antioquenos, the witches threw crap in the houses of their enemies and mounted on the chest of the men they loved, trying to receive the sexual satisfaction that the fourth dimension did not allow them. The witches flew and fly wrapped in fireballs, to demonstrate their power in the midst of darkness and pinch the children of their enemies so that they cry in the middle of the night and the anxiety is established so that no one can sleep.
As well
they watered the food of other very poor families or went into the barns
throw the corn and yuccas, so that ordinary humans do not
could sleep
Although they ran the risk of finding a handful of strategically placed salt, a deadly trap because the salt was the origin of the
physical existence, the witch or the sorcerer feel an uncontrollable respect for the vital compound and without being able to resist the temptation, they materialize to collect, one by one, all the grains of that salt that holds them and reveals to them the secret of their misdeeds.
And it was with that simple and inexplicable trap that the vast majority of evil witches were killed.

- But are there good sorcerers, too? - I asked a little distressed by the mismanagement that was made of the powers in antiquity.


- Of course, but let's not call these people, of great intelligence, who have consciously entered the spiritual universe. From today we are going to call them initiates in wisdom. Fortunately, the vast majority of those beings who exercise thought and develop much more the ability to think of their brains, are good people, because when you are in the fifth dimension, you can move with complete ease through the third dimension or material world and you can alter the physical reality of that fourth dimension, as did Jesus Christ who turned water into wine, who made manna rain to feed his friends who were about to starve in the desert and who opened the seas so that the Hebrew people who escapes from slavery, could cross to the other side.

I continued in the slow process of entering eternity, in the slow process of awareness and learning, when one day I received bad news that left me very sore, my mother gave her a faint and with a terrible pain in the chest was taken to the nearest clinic. They did an electrocardiogram and the other corresponding exams and they informed me that my mother had suffered a pre-infarction and that she had a necrotic point in her heart. A necrotic point? ... Yes, a small area of ​​dead tissues, which were going to unleash their inevitable death in the coming days. My despair was very great, I did not know what to do and as sent by eternal unity, Don Ignacio Duque Sucerquia arrived.



I looked at that man with the anguish reflected in my face and I said:

- Don Ignacio, can I
ask a question? ...

- Sure, boy, ask what you want, I'm here to serve you - the man answered with a broad smile.

- Is that my mother gave a pre infarction and is very bad and in serious danger of death - I said with despair.

- Well, son, - replied the noble old man interrupting my speech - Life is only the preparation to evolve to a better state and to die is not a defeat but a triumph.

- No, man, - I protested with eyes covered in tears - my daughter is too young and my mother is the one who takes care of me and can not even die, and, besides, we all love her and it would be a great loss for us.
And is it to see if you can cure me with your hidden powers?

- Well, quiet, - argued the old man to see my despair - If you want, I advise him to do a non-invasive operation and correct those small heart failures and so prolong life, for another time, until you Be prepared to let it continue its evolution to infinity.

- Yes, Don Ignacio - I replied wrapped in the immense power of the old man's blue eyes, which filled me with hope - And how would that be? - I asked not understanding well what he was saying.

- Have you ever heard about the operations that Dr. José Gregorio Hernández of Venezuela did? ... Operations that are done on the spiritual level from the fifth dimension, without the invasive practices of traditional medicine.

- - Yes, sir, I heard something about that and ... then? ...

- - I master that technique and if, you, want, tonight I guide you in the fifth dimension to intervene to your mother and while she is sleeping, we heal those ailments so that she can continue the normal life, taking care of your little daughter.

- Well, Don Ignacio, - I exclaimed full of joy without hesitating, not even a single second, of the miraculous technique that the old man exhibited.


- Tonight, put your mother in a bed with white sheets and covered with a single white sheet and at about midnight enter the fifth dimension without relative that I will explain to you how these cells are renewed -. He recommended the old man while taking the three booklets he had chosen and, of course, I did not charge him. The man left, I complied with all his recommendations and all his teachings and my elderly mother, the next day, dawned as new. We took her to the doctor, they took a new electrocardiogram and they repeated all the exams and found no trace of the supposed heart attack. The doctors came to the conclusion that it had been a misdiagnosis or that there had been a miracle of those in which they do not believe, but that she was very well and completely healthy.

It was from that glorious miracle that I understood the grandeur of human intelligence and became more friendly with Dr. Ignacio Duque Sucerquia, parapsychologist, mentalist, medical graduate, engineer and the most advanced sorcerer of Antioquia la grande. Land of beautiful women, mules, witches and good businessmen.
It was with that intelligent man that I started the intensive course that led me to the awareness of the immortality of my soul.
I entered many times in the fifth dimension and felt the eternal peace of immense wisdom.
And as the tests and learning do not end, a few weeks later they come with the following news:

- Jorge, the girl is in the clinic with a huge pain in the abdomen and it seems that she has to operate on appendicitis - my sister informed me with tears in her eyes.



I ran to the clinic and the doctor confirmed his opinion, showing me a blood test in which he showed me the irrefutable proof that the girl had appendicitis and, the next day, at ten o'clock in the morning they were going to operate . Even though it was not a dangerous operation, nor life or death, I ran in search of Dr. Ignacio Duque Sucerquia and told him what was happening.

- Calm - he said again, with his eyes full of wisdom -, at night, with the power of your thought you intervene and take away that little infection, leaving no trace, so that the girl has no scar, no matter how small be, but it is better that you do it yourself, so that you initiate yourself in the universe of the modification of the matter.
You concentrate and mentally remove all damaged tissues and restore molecular reproduction, so that it dawns without traces of the painful disease.

- Well - I answered full of joy.
- Then, how do we do?...

- Go to the clinic and place this egg shell under the bed, where nobody sees it, goes to your home, consciously leaves your body and in the midst of the supreme intelligence corrects the small deficiencies of your daughter's organism and ready
I went to visit my daughter, again, and placed the egg shell under the bed and kissed her goodbye on the forehead and I realized that her body trembled with a terrible fever. I left for the house very worried, I consciously left my body and everything was revealed to me clearly and I healed her body, the next day I got up early for the clinic, confident of the work that was already done.


- Good morning, my princess, how
have you been up?

- Very good daddy.
I am already relieved, but I am very hungry and they have not given me anything to eat - replied the girl visibly revitalized.

- At that same moment the doctor came, took the temperature and looked at me as surprised told me:

- The pain and fever have disappeared, it seems that this beautiful girl has been miraculously relieved, but I will perform a new blood test to definitively rule out appendicitis.

My joy was infinite, I thought about Dr. Ignacio Duque and I thanked him, mentally, penetrating into that fifth dimension that he so dominated.

The doctor of the clinic repeated all the exams and surprised by the miraculous
recovery, at two o'clock in the afternoon, that same day, they gave me an outlet
daughter completely healthy.
We left for the house and I continued working and
collecting old books, for my great and amazing friend.
Time passed and I, every day, practiced the difficult process of going mentally to look for egg shell, trying to enter the fifth dimension at any time and in any place, when a third miracle was presented that left me completely convinced.
of the immense power he had inherited from the paisa sorcerer.
My old mother was already seventy-eight years old and her hereditary arthritis was complicated by osteoporosis of her advanced age, and an unbearable pain began in her neck and her head was left motionless by the
advanced bone deterioration, which had long suffered from its vertebrae.

The doctors said that it had to be operated as soon as possible, before
their vertebrae were completely dissolved and spinal injuries occurred
that they could leave it quadriplegic.
They had to put some little sticks for him
they held their necks and although they were going to completely lose the movement of their
head, I could continue to live another year, without any problem.
I was
Very sad and I ran, again, in search of my beloved sorcerer.
I told him the case
and he told me:

- Well, my friend, if you have already healed your daughter, it is time for you to heal your own mother.

- How!
- I exclaimed completely scared- Not Don Ignacio, I already did my first healing but I still do not feel with the ability to cure my holy mother.

- You have to put more discipline to your exercises, because I have seen you very calm and disinterested, as if you did not care about absolute knowledge.

- No, Don Ignacio, I am interested and I am practicing my exits to the spiritual plane, but I need you to do this last favor of operating my mother.

The dear old man handed me a carafe with crystal clear water and said:

- Operate it with tranquility, that the absolute wisdom already welcomed you in your dinner and everything is reduced to a simple procedure, for which you already have the gift, then you give a glass of this medicine every day, and in two or three weeks , will be completely healthy.


But, Don Ignacio, and what is this water? ...

- That is magnesium chloride, dissolved in water, but with your wisdom, my wisdom and the desire to continue living that your mother has, in fifteen days will be very healthy against any medical prognosis. It is time for you to come out on the spiritual plane and approach the bed of your mother and, with your superior intelligence and your magic,
repair each of your vertebrae and help him fix the calcium that his old age does not
lets assimilate and, surely, she will not have any problem in the

So it was. My mother was healed and today at 79 she is happy without any bone problem. It was in that way that I graduated in the art of healing and traveling in the fifth dimension.

I gave up my job.

Desire and materialize immense and beautiful lands. I went to the farm to reforest, to take care of the water, to raise chickens, cows and horses.


I was living happily. In my lands it was born and grew, the most crystalline and most beautiful ravine in the world. "La Santa Catalina" is a beautiful tributary of waters
natural and is my property, almost from beginning to end. I mastered the fifth dimension and I was a tree, wind and river. I looked at the earth with the eyes of the imposing eagles and I wrapped myself warmly with the tapirs and rabbits of the mountain, until the day my neighbors raised a black smoke and I realized the terrible deforestation to which they were subjecting that Terrenal.paradise. The environment of my sector was in danger and my beautiful ravine also. I decided to form a non-profit ecological foundation and was born and dedicated myself to reforestation, but one beautiful night, I went to travel by the stars and in the middle of the imposing sky, and out of curiosity I went ahead in time
and ... Oh, what a surprise, what had always happened, we had been victims of a terrible nuclear catastrophe, everything was deforestation, contamination and death.

My spiritual being shook and I went, in the fifth dimension without time, until the end in search of my daughter and I found her old and sick, stuck on a pipette of oxygen and on the verge of death, lying on the floor of our house in the city. I did not want to retreat before the imminent death of my beloved princess, I advanced a little more and on the six of June of the year two thousand sixty-six (6666) The earth was covered with a thick cloud of radioactive waste, dust and carbon monoxide and the human race disappeared forever, in the midst of cockroaches.

But what happened? ...
I went back in time and observed ...
And the bombings were so great and the destruction so immense, after a ray of light crossed the sky in the middle of the night to make one of the main cities of those who believed themselves untouchable tremble with rage and pain. so great the retaliation, that there was not a single country that was not reached by atomic radioactivity. The most important cities of the United States were destroyed by the nuclear hecatomb unleashed by the egomaniac Donald Trump, who could not stop his ambition for power and plunged everything into chaos.
There was no country, nor any city that was not reached by the consequences of a fratricidal and insane war.
After the nuclear catastrophe the rains were very reduced and the joint ecological footprint that we analyzed before, with the concern that food would be scarce in the future, was thousands of times worse and we entered an irreversible ecological collapse. The radiation emitted by nuclear waste from atomic bombs was killing all animals and all men one by one. The land became a nauseous open-air cemetery, where only cockroaches and some highly evolved animals such as salamanders and some marine species protected by the depth of the sea remained. Everything will end for man on June 6, 2066, if we do not do something urgently, to stop the four riders of the apocalypse who come riding on their war horses like this: Donald Trump freshly crowned on his white horse of false morals, Bladimir Puting on his red horse of the war, Jinping, prime minister of China, on the black horse of his enslaved people and Pyongyang, dictator of North Korea, on the gray horse of his death and that of his neighbors, because if not we deploy a huge universal campaign that makes them come to their senses, on that same date the evolution of the species will begin again, without taking into account the homo sapiens who had a lot of intelligence but very little love in their heart to tolerate the differences.

I returned to the peace of my farm and with pain I started a fight against the war.

I hope that all people who love life, help me by sending this book to their family and friends, so that among all of us, we can save humanity.

I authorize the total or partial reproduction of this document, by any means of communication

Sincerely, Jorge León Soto Builes






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